Sunday 24 July 2016

"M" U.S. Lawsuit against Bank of Montreal et al for Conspiracy whereas they were sued by Major Nourhaghighi in 2000

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter Dictionary and British Human Rights Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied. Better than be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool or the pig are of a different opinion, because they only know their side of question.      
MacAdam = Constable of RCMP who on January 19, 2001 misconduct himself with Major Nourhaghighi and illegally arrested Major in the Registry of Federal Court of Canada in Toronto. Five Lawyers Respondents in Major's Motion for Contempt are accused of pay bribes to the Registry and RCMP to obstruct his access to the Justice Systems.

MACANDREW, CAROL = The Attorney General's servant defendant for conspiracy; from 1994 to 1997, she was Supervisor of corrupt Court Reporters at Old City Hall, Toronto. MacAndrew did not investigate honestly Major Nourhaghighi's complaints for all types of frauds and forgery in the evidences of the Transcripts of the several trials.

MACDONALD, ROSS = The dishonest Insurance adjuster of the defendant Adjusters Canada who entered into the conspiracy with the Metro Police and tried, maliciously, to put on Major Nourhaghighi that he hits the Metro Police Vehicle. It is important to remember that Canadian Judges ALWAYS relying in the transcript of Verbal Conversations OUT of the courtrooms, and they NEVER consider all kind of possible.

THANK YOU Mr. MacDonnell for being a brave Judge!
Judge MacDonnell first was mislead by clerk Crawford, but soon correct himself!

MACDONNELL IAN A.  = The sharp Provincial Judge, who heard Major Nourhaghighi's appeal, against Judge ROSS decision, in February 23, 1995, at the Old City Hall, who did NOT let the Crown's Conspiracy to win against him. [It is a normal practice at the Ontario Courts, that the parties of the conspiracy, with all kinds of tricks will try to mislead the judges attentions  to other subjects; to use Sex as a trick, is one of those tricks that mostly could end to a judgment. Canadian Judges have weakness about the sex, and some are sensitive about the sexual assault against women ]. The corrupt clerk defendant, Judy CRAWFORD was responsible to mislead MacDonnell; she asked from a female prosecutor who was wearing a red skirt without under wear to show her genital to Major[divorced in last 20 years] that he could not concentrate on his argument. [This is a common trick in the Ontario Courts, see the FOOL Judge Edward F. WREN].At the same time, Crawford, outside the courtroom has told to the Mr. MacDonnell, that Major was harassing that female[Clerks, have a great influences on the judges]. The young, white and blond female provincial , prosecutor was sitting in an angle that judge could not see her. But, Mr. MacDonnell, was watching the Major with anger, and did not had full attention to the tape of the recording before Ross. Soon, Crawford stand-up and asked that a Court Security be called and start talking loudly in phone[ to obstruct the judge hearing of the tape], and at this time Ross said: " I am going out to find out where is the Hotel" [related to the issue before Ross]. Mr. Judge MacDonnell, who was confuse of all disturbances by the Crawford and Security Officers who run to the courtroom, MIRACLE, was able to get the point said by Ross that: "I am going out to find out where is the Hotel", and suddenly with the a lot of excitement, start shouting:  " Appeal Dismissed!, No! No! Appeal is Allowed!" and repeated this sentence several times. Crawford, who was loser in the conspiracy of the Crown, asked why appeal was allowed? [a clerk is not allowed to ask] and Mr. Judge MacDonnell, who was still under tension, stated. " Because, Judge Ross, was NOT allowed to leave the Courtroom to find out were is the Hotel, this is against the principle of the IMPARTIALITY.  

MACFARLAND, JEAN L = Judge of Ontario Court, defendant in Major's action  for refusing power against lawyers and law firms who have breached certain Rules of Civil Procedure in the simple motions before the court.[The Canadian Lawyers and Pilots, mostly, by frauds in examination taking their licenses]. Major has withdraw all his charges against Judge MacFarland who bravely convict the Metro Toronto Police in lawsuit brought by a victim that Police negligence caused a woman be sexculy assaulted by a known criminal. 

MacKay, Heather = Corrupt Lawyer of the Attorney General of Ontario acted as party of conspiracy with Department of Justice corrupt Lawyer Flaim from March 2006 to June 2007 in dragging a simple application under the Charter that Flaim get chance to file application T-1020-07 against Major Nourhaghighi at Federal Court.

MACKAY, ROBIN = Solicitor for the Metro Toronto who was served with action 96-CU-113026 on December 10, 1996.

MACKINTOSH, JANICE = the corrupt Manager of Ontario Insurance Commission, who conspired with the Attorney General of Ontario and Law Society of Upper Canada; was responsible for serving a poison to ME on November 14, 1996, that send me to the Hospital with an ambulance. Serving poison is Canadian Culture; and they did similar crimes in several other cases against me. See also the Crown of Ontario's plan to create Toxic Mold, Mould!

MACMILLAN, S. G. R. = Corrupt Canadian Lawyer that consulted with ME, after I was torture by police, on December 16, 1996, at Toronto Jail, during defence of two Charges of Assault against Peace Officers against me. The Rat Lawyer MacMillan, asked me $10,000, cash in advance for the defence of two charges, and $25,000 for an application under the Charter to band the Dirty Thief Attorney General of Ontario and Pig Police to bring more malicious charges and prosecutions against me. When the Government of Canada, had full knowledge that since 1990 that I entered into Canada, I was unemployed. The Constructive Conversations was the main intention of MacMillan who just came to get more details of the case, when MacMillan knew that the room in the Toronto Jail had recording system. The Canadian Lawyers and Physicians are the main sources of furnishing confidential information of the citizens to the Attorney General. I did not make a contract with MacMillan; however, I commence study in 'Extra Ordinary Remedy' Charter and Mandamus and I became so expert that I was able to win against the Attorney General of Canada on January 31, 2005, by getting an Order against the Security Intelligence Review Committee. [On June 23& 24/05 the SIRC heard my complaint against CSIS and schedule a trial against CSIS member on August 2005].

MACTAVISH, Anne = Corrupt Judge of Federal Court who oppressively supported the conspiracy of Judge Kelen against Major; re T-1020-07; Mactavish J dismissed Major's motion on the ground that the Crown obtained the Order by Fraud under Rule 399 of the Federal Court Rules. The following notes taken from Federal Court WebSite: Born in Montreal, Quebec. Education at Bishop's University, University of New Brunswick and University of Ottawa. Called to the Bar of Ontario, 1982. Associate and Partner, Perley-Robertson, Panet, Hill & McDougall, 1982-1996. Appointed President of the Human Rights Tribunal Panel in 1995, and Chairperson of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal in 1998. Past President of the County of Carleton Law Association; President, Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice. Appointed Judge of the Federal Court and Member ex officio of the Federal Court of Appeal on November 19, 2003. Appointed as a Judge of the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada on March 23, 2004. Not wondering why we have too much problems with Human Rights in Canada!

MACRI, Vidalia = Corrupt Financial Advisor of TD Canada Trust who was involved in a conspiracy against ME. On July 26, 2002, Marci has given a written interest rate to me, however few hours later breached her promise and registered my investments with lower rate. This is evidence showing Canadian's Banks never respect their contracts. On August 2, 2002, I closed all his business with Dirty Thief TD Canada Trust.

MADIGAN, KAIM = The Justice of Peace defendant in my actions for refusing to exercise his duty. However, after I served action 96-CU-113023 to Madigan, he, suddenly, changed his position and issued several subpoenas against all criminal involved in conspiracy against me; that includes two subpoenas against dirty judges Graham and Lampkin and ugly prosecutor Delgado and dishonest court reporter Morris. As the result, of good actions of Madigan, I withdraw my claim against Kaim by filing a Notice with the Crown Civil Law.

MAFIA = The Criminal Organization who has more reasonableness and honour than the criminal organizations of the British Colonial system in Canada and the Government of ontario and Quebec, who have misrepresentation as the 'Good' Government noted in the Constitution Law.

MAHAL, JAS = corrupt clerk of the Ontario Insurance Commission who in accordance to object of conspiracy did not sent, on proper time, the Dispute Resolution Practice Code that I NOT be able to file his notice of appeal on time. Therefore, I lost all my insurance claims against Coachman Insurance Company. The claim was related to the accident of May 7,1993 where a police agent RUI assaulted me and tried to runaway that I pushed 'Very Hardly Several Times ' Rui's car to a big Truck caused Rui be arrested. However, corrupt Judge Hryn let Rui go free of any conviction!

MALCOLM, JIM= the Registrar defendant of the Ontario Insurance Commission, involved in several conspiracies in my insurance claim from 1995 to 1997.

MALICIOUS PROSECUTION = A legal term for unsuccessful prosecution that victim has right of recovery of his damages from the prosecutor(s). In Canada, more that 98% of the prosecutions brought by the Crown against the Citizens  are malicious; however, the corrupt Canadian judges never making Judgments against the Crowns. The Law Society and Crown are doing all kinds of frauds that the victim get convection, even if the charges be dismissed, it is impossible that the Government pays any damages.

MALL = Bazaar, the only place, made maliciously be corrupt imperialist that people be force to go to it and SHOP, SHOP and SHOP. Canadians' Homes are packet of hundreds things that they do not really need them. Since 1990, that I came Canada, I am shocked of the WASTE making by Canadians; most of the stuff that they through away to the garbage are either new, or in good condition that could be used for many years by others. So, it is the practice of poor Canadian that regularly they check the streets to find their needs in the garbage! Malls are also the best place for the Crown to frame the targeted citizens " Like ME" with all kinds of malicious acts. Since 1994 I have ample claims against Malls like 'Eaton Center in Toronto and Montreal' 'Dufferin Mall' 'Fairview Mall' etc for ample harassments by securities in the Malls and Stores [ See stories about Wal-Mart, No Frills, Zellers, et al by research in this X-Dictionary] in which in several cases I arrested the securities, like Montreal Eaton Center, that after discovery on the securities I shockingly find out that they had my full and address!
I prosecutes several Malls, but the corrupt Crowns' lawyers and judges never investigated my complaints and render a decision on merits. Yet, a potential lawsuit is existing against Toronto Eaton Center for which I have plan to win the case.

MALYON, HUGETTE = The Corrupt Registrar of the Ontario Court of Appeal Defendant for conspiracy of her staff in the Registry who did several frauds in Constructive Scheduling Dates of motions for Me's appeals C30823, C27652, M26236. Malyon without any notice to Me has forwarded his appeals to panel on October 22, 2001, where Defendant Judge Finlayson did not heard the appeal in absent of Me and adjourned it to December 17, 2001! Malyon, in accordance to objects of a conspiracy has set a motion for the said appeals on December 16, 1999! Since 1994, the corrupt parties of conspiracy, maliciously setting all Me's hearing for December 15, 16, 17,  where they have information that these dates are used for Me's Family Party.

MANDEL = A corrupt clerk defendant  of the Old City Hall, in Toronto that finally was fired in 1997; he was always refusing to give his name. Canadians' Government servants are living like criminals, their names, address. and telephone numbers are not viable for the public. They are very afraid from people and could be seen very hardly in the public places. Is this a good reason for their illegality and corruption; otherwise why an Honourable Man, who believe serving the public WHY should fried from the revenge of the PUBLIC !?  [Canadian clerks do not carry name tag, that be able to do all kinds of wrong].

MANDAMUS = Is the potential Order against the Government that Canadian Judges are so corrupt that have no ability to issue Mandamus against the Crowns' wrongdoings. Mandamous is able to stop abuse of judiciary power against victims, and now I am expert on it. Mandamus is a common law in many justice systems in the World. However Canadian Judges are very corrupt, How a corrupt man could male a Mandamus Order.

MANSER, RAY = Corrupt Detective of Court Services, who did not disclose the names of seven court offenders who assaulted and tortured Me Nourhaghighi On December 11, 1996. Corrupt Manser disobeyed Davis' instruction for investigation.

MANTLE, DONALD = the investigator of a police complaint, accused of fraudulent conduct with my complaint process

MAPLE LEAF TAXI = Canadian Greek Criminal Organization, Taxi Broker who lost a lawsuit to me, for torts rose in 1992-93. Criminal Maple Leaf Taxi is specialist in Sabotages in dispatch and Motor Vehicles, did several felonies and prostitutes planting against Me in accordance to plan of conspiracy with the Attorney General of Canada and Ontario where the Canadian Government is responsible in law for all crimes against the Public, and me. Maple Leaf Taxi was found guilty for damages to me in July 1996, by Judge Donnelly.

The Corrupt Leader of Toronto Gangs #Michael #Le Page, RCM #Maple Ridge Community Management LTD (Hereinafter Corrupt Maple Ridge or "MRCM") = Since 2014 MRCM is a Property Management for Major Nourhaghighi's Condominium at 456 College Street, Toronto. In this short period Three Property Managers are appointed by MRCM that may indicate serious corruption and/or disagreements whereas Madam Justice Boland in 1996 has condemned the Condo Board for continuous change of Managements and Managers.  Corrupt  Michael Le Page, seems to be the CEO of MRCM, whereas, the Property Managements and their Managers have proven in all Major Nourhaghighi's files before the Ontario Court and Federal Court to be the worst criminals  having skill to make all kinds of fabricating evidence against Condos' residents. For example; corupt Lisa Blair of Caber Management has created ample fabricating records for Major Nourhaghighi, to mislead the Canadian Police ending to over 10 years malicious prosecution against Major by CSIS. 
or Adrian Luca is a third Property Managers that appointed by corrupt MRCM in less than two years. On October 7, 2016, Luca, fraudulently, back dated an important  "Notice to All Residents" to September 27 (a fraudulent claim that has given sufficient Notice ) that all vehicles from Parking Spots at Condo 935  must be removed, because on November the construction of parking would start. 
And yet, did not comply with his own Notice and on October 12, in sudden issued another Notice that the Construction would be commence of Monday  October 19, 2016, and all must be removed. Major Nourhaghighi, has an antique car, Chevy Nova 1986, that he was forced to sell it with rush is such that he suffered huge lost for which #MRCM and Luca are labile for punitive damage general damage and special damages.
In addition, MRCM and Luca are in violation of City of Toronto Bylaw, by selecting very low temperature for Heat System at the Condo 935, in such that as major Nourhaghighi took evidence, the maximum heat inside f his suite was 19 C; while the City required Minimum of 21 C. Luca, is not enforcing Dogs' Lashes in the Condo 935 and also there are several huge dogs contrary to Bylaw that weight of all dogs should be less than 20 lbs. The building is dirty, Men's Change room Vent is not working the awful smell is everywhere in the building. On October 13, 2017, this #Motherfucker and his company were kick out of Condo 935 at #456 College Street Toronto HAHA ....      

MARQUIS, Serge = Corrupt Director of Quebec Human Rights Commission that on April 17, 2002, I made a complaint against Corrupt Investigator Mutombo to him at following address; however dirty Marquis has appointed another police agent; however Marquis never replied to my complaint against Mutombo: His address is:
Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse
360, rue Saint-Jacques, 2 etage
Montreal, (Ouebec); H2Y 1P5
Fax: (514) 873 6032 Confirmed at 12: 33 PM on April 17, 2002

MARRONE, ...= Clerk of Ontario Court, Old City Hall, who was assigned on May 6, 1996, as clerk of court for Judge Khawly, in trial of Green. The Crown entered into conspiracy with my witnesses. However, Marrone did not had any role.
Marshalls = are the clothing stores that its several locations in Toronto (such as at 382 Yonge Street and at Dufferin Mall) involved in smuggling of drugs and youth prostitution.
The 14 and 52 Toronto Police and its members of the Community Watch are engaged in daily felonies with managers of Dufferrin Mall and College Park.
  The above picture is taken by or secret investigator from a teenager prostitute at Marshalls standing close to cashier on March 14, 2017at 14:45pm asking $60 ($40 blowjob) to be paid in advance to cashier then take her  fitting room.
Marshalls at 384 Yonge street = is the tallest building in Canada which is center of organized crime in North America by Toronto Police, lawyers and judges whose all headquarters are located around this building as Meeting Center. The American partners also have several businesses in this corrupt Building, such as Bed & Bath and Marshalls. According to Federal Court Files, drugs and heroin are shipped to USA in packages of cloths and furniture to Bed & Bath and Marshalls in USA, such as Marsalls in Miami and Orlando, whereas most Canadian have properties on those states that be able to get drugs that are same quality  in Toronto

MARTIN, SHIRLEY= the Provincial Minister of Transport defendant in my action for fraudulent misrepresentation of the facts to ME, where Martin with dishonestly tried to cover-up the crimes of the Canadian's Pilots in thefts of the confidential documents related to Senior Pilots Licenses.

MASLOW ABRAHAM = Canadian, in particular Toronto Judges & Lawyers hate "Abraham Harold 
Maslow", where Major Nourhaghighi is his true fan because of his great principles Metaneeds and metapathologies
Another way in which Maslow approach the problem of what is self-actualization is to talk about the special, driving needs (B-needs, of course) of the self-actualizers. They need the following in their lives in order to be happy:
Truth, rather than dishonesty.
Goodness, rather than evil.
Beauty, not ugliness or vulgarity.
Unity, wholeness, and transcendence of opposites, not arbitrariness or forced choices.
Aliveness, not deadness or the mechanization of life.
Uniqueness, not bland uniformity.
Perfection and necessity, not sloppiness, inconsistency, or accident.
Completion, rather than incompleteness.
Justice and order, not injustice and lawlessness.
Simplicity, not unnecessary complexity.
Richness, not environmental impoverishment.
Effortlessness, not strain.
Playfulness, not grim, humorless, drudgery.
Self-sufficiency, not dependency.
Meaningfulness, rather than senselessness.

Master Card [Mater CARD] = a trade name sold to many banks in the World; however the Canadian Banks in Toronto have destroyed Master Card reputations. In particular the Bank of Montreal, CIBC "President Choice Financial Group",  and MBNA, made many frauds in my accounts with MasterCard as it became the worthless card for many people in Canada. The Canadian MasterCard it become the most un reliable credit card in the World; on November and December 1999, the Bank of Montreal Master card did not honoured Two cheques for $700 where there was a large credit of 11000 was available in MY accounts; due to a conspiracy with the Attorney General of Ontario who was defendant before the Ontario Court of Appeal for 'Contempt' in my motion and by creating false NSF cheques and caling my Home by Fraud Department of MasterCard, interfere with my contempt hearing in the Court of Appeal. Soon after, the MBNA, maliciously, suspended my $11000 credit for my Mandamus application against the MBNA; and illegally overcharged the interests.  
Metro Toronto Police in lawsuit brought by a victim that Police negligence caused a woman be sexculy assaulted by a known criminal.  

MAY = is the fifth month of year, which is the commencement of a beautiful spring in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Spring is late in Canada due to long, sad, and cold winter. Springs are very short, and it is not as gradual in warmer area, like Teheran, Iran that Spring last for even six weeks, in Ontario, Spring life is very short, in sudden all leafs, blooms and flowers coming up and end the enjoyment of the depressed people who suffered hardly in sad, cold, and cloudy winter, that all days and weeks, just snow showers are everywhere. However, MAY in Canada is special month for Major Nourhaghighi that the following incidents all happened in MAY for him:

May 6, 1993 = The Commission to the Board of Referees dismissed Major's appeal under Unemployment Insurance Act
May 7, 1993 = A police agent, assaulted Major Nourhaghighi by intentional motor vehicle accident.
May 19, 1994 = The Chief of Umpire James A. JEROME , granted Major's appeal under Unemployment Insurance Act file CUB 24572; Jerome retried on or about 1997 that corrupt LUTFY took his position and destroyed reputation of Federal Court by all types of corruption Major file: Nourhaghighi v. Canadian Human Rights Commission et al.
May 6, 1996 = Major got Donnelly Judgment with strong reasoning against Co-Op Taxi, for conspiracy and sabotages
May 3, 1999 = After seven years conspiracy and frauds insurance claim of Major denied.
May 4, 1999 = the poison Sabotages in the property of Major that took him to the Hospital.
May 7, 1999 = Krever ignored the conflict of interest law and dismissed Major Appeal. Irrationality and ignorance of the law is Canadian Culture.
May 5, 2001 = The Dirty Thief Attorney General of Ontario's conspiracy against Major's Son Marriage; for more info see EZ , UofT
May 5, 2003 = Major clearly said the judges of the Quebec Court of Appeal, that you are like slave of Ontario judges, following all their corrupt orders.
May 9, 2005 = Major's colleague "Major Hoda" called him from USA and had very long talk, in which Major noted his communications with Hoda was intercepted by RCMP. On same day of May 9th, several Government's offices issued letters for Major Nourhaghighi; one of them was letter of Holland that changed her word and said: "Unfortunately, the Commission has an extensive backlog of cases...your file is one of the older systematic manner.
On May 9th, 2005, the Toronto Police closed Major file against constables Carson and Klingbeil.
Dirty Supreme Court of Canada Judges have covered the theft and bribery of of Judge McNish, from Condo 935, where corrupt Crown Lawyer McCann, and Maysfield involved in frauds in the accounts, and McCarthy changed the evidence of transcript that corrupt Judge be able to dismiss Major's Charges against condo! More details in this page:

Mayer = in Canada, Mayors are the Head of the Mobs hired by local Police called "Neighborhood Watch "; please see  Mobs, and "Neighborhood Watch 14 & 52 Police Decisions". Since 1990 a large numbers of Canadian Mayer are named as defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuits and Complaints before the United Nations  

Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt Managers in Toronto; Banner for:

MAYSFIELD Property Management INC = Thief and very dishonest company who was involved in frauds and conspiracy with the Condominium 935. In or about June 3, 1992, Maysfield, bribed police officer Field, who has attended pursuant to complaint of Major to charge them for fraud. Theis, Perez, Kettle and McCann were the dishonest owners who interfere with Major and Police investigation. Property Manage Kay Alexander, did not had any prove for $300,000 expenses that even her fabricating bills could not match one tenth of the frauds.
The Condo 935 Contract with Maysfield terminated on or about October 1994. Thief Maysfield paid about $3000 BRIBE to Toronto Police 14 Division, Detective Field and closed the file that Major has opened against it on the Fraud Squad.

#Coach #Canada and #Megabus Canada have the most
unreliable #Website to purchase Tickets
See Proofs by Major Nourhaghi at Coach Canada & Megabus 

Megbus Canada and Coach Canada  = Are one compant under two titles and they are  most corrupt public transit in Canada & US involved in smuggling of drugs, women and immigrants across the border of #Buffalo and #Port Erie. They are the sole public transit to many cities in Canada thus people and Major Nourhaghighi have no other choose except purchase tickets via their corrupt Website:; 
However the Canadian Motherfucker #Hackers have created the following Fake Link:      

And Since April 13, 2017 have sold many fake tickets to people and Major Nourhaghighi.
For More Information see #Canadian Motherfucker Hackers at #Facebook

#Megabus #Canada #Site is unsafe as #Canadian #Motherfucker #Hackers Since April 13, 2017, continuously changing my reservations dates for Example on #November 29, and 30  2017, I booked two tickets to #Kingston and #St. St. Catharines; but #CSIS #Motherfucker #Hackers have removed the #outbound tickets and Now I left with Two inbound tickets one city in East of #Toronto and one in West Both of #November 29, 2019 #Shit to #Face of #British #Royal #Family and #Bitch #Queen #Elizabeth II and All #Canadian #Corrupt #JUdges #Lawyers #Police and their motherfucker # Hackers

Reservation Number
Date: November 29, 2017 .............................
Journey 2
Reservation Number
Date: November 29, 2017 

Date: November 29, 2017 

The above tickets are two valid tickets both dated #November 29
2017 "Outbound from Two Different City issued for Major Nourhaghighi" on October 11, 2017; Adding another disgrace  for the corrupt #Canadian #Police and #Justice System 

MBNA Canada Bank= the most corrupt bank in the World, haviing contract with Master Card, that really destroyed the reputation of Master Card. MBNA is respondent in Major's application for conspiracy in accordance to objects of Police to cause mental anguish during trials. On January 2008 the latest conspiracy of MBNA was formed with the Crown, EBAY Canada & Scotia Bank, where on January 10, 2008 MBNA clerk " Ernest" has given the confirmation of transfer of $ 6400 found to Major's account and charged him $64, with transaction number 17660159; yet never found was deposited. This is new cause of action for FRAUD against MBNA.

McCACMONT, CHERUL =Supervisor of Ontario Court, defendant for conspiracy of her staff as the manager.

Dirty Supreme Court of Canada Judges have covered the fraud of corrupt Crown Lawyer, McCann, where evidence was supporting the fraud!
Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt lawyers in Toronto; Banner for McCann
McCANN, defendant Stephen B. = corrupt lawyer hired by the Attorney General of Ontario, defendant in several actions for frauds and conspiracy in Condominium 935 as the President of the Board of Directors. McCann, was responsible for purchase of Weight Machine and installing it over bedroom of Major's family; this wrong has caused over numerous Legal proceedings.
McCann, has failed in most of his conspiracies, and in 1994 was forced to sell his property and runway from prosecutions.
Dirty Supreme Court of Canada Judges covered the fraud in transcript of McCARTHY, while still the evidence indicating theft of Judge McNish!
Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt Court Reporters; Banner for:

McCARTHY,  Defendant JUNE = the Attorney General of Ontario Court Reporter defendant at Old City Hall, Toronto who conspired with the Police Officer Parson and Insurance Company.McCARTHY, illegally allowed the corrupt judge McNish to change the evidences of the transcripts against Condominium, and fraudulently certified that the evidence of Transcripts were truth. McCARTHY,overcharged the price of the transcript.

McCOMBS, David = On March 6, 2006, Charlatan McCombs, unlawfully, adjourned Major's Application SM31/06, pursuant to object of the Crown's Conspiracy

McCORMACK, William J. = the dirty Chief of Metro Toronto Police (1991-1995) whose corrupt officers were involved in several murders against citizen. Major Nourhaghighi, in 1994 has filed several complaints against McCORMACK with the United Nations for all felonies of the Police against him. McCormack, is defendant in action 94-CU-81002 and respondent in his personal capacity in the Ontario Court of Appeal in file C20585, which is yet pending in the court, and only BRIBE to the Registrar of the Ontario Court of Appeal can set a date for hearing.

McDONALD, Defendant F. Joseph =  the Federal court Judge defendant who was the party of several conspiracies to Obstruct Justice in the Court of Appeal for Ontario from July 1998 to May 1999. Judge McDonald, who was defendant in Major action, breached the ethical code and on October 22, 1999, was a member of the Panel who heard appeal-A-563-96 and made decision.

McGuinty, Dalton = Corrupt Ontario Premier that did not ask the Attorney General of Ontario and corrupt Judges [Nordhiemer J] to be serious in prosecution of nine members of the Toronto Police who were involved in smuggling of heroin
McGRATH, M.= Dishonest defendant decision maker of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario who abused its power and dismissed Major’s Nourhaghighi’s legitimate complaints against corrupt physicians who were involved in covering-up of the criminal act of the Canadian Police in torture against Major. Drs. Gerace,  and McGRATH,abused the jurisdiction of the College against Major, and with serious Slander against Major caused him permanent injuries to his reputation.

McGRATH, Marian = The dishonest Senior Counsel of Security Intelligence Review Committee who on March 15, 2004  closed Major's complaint in file number 1500-230 against two dishonest member of the CSIS, where the CSIS from September 11, 2002 to April 1, 2004 was intercepting Major's telephone and his car in the cities.

McGrath, Valerie = Dirty y party of conspiracy at Canada Trust, 438 University Ave, Toronto who on October 1997 entered into a conspiracy against Major, where he was defending himself in the court with object to cause mental anguish for Major. For more detail see Major's Notice against corrupt Valerie McGrath.

McClenaghan, Contemnor Lorne = Mentally ill lawyer hired by the Toronto Department of Justice, Solicitor for Contemnor Counsel Sally Thomas. On October 20, 2003, in defence of contempt of court for Thomas, Major Nourhaghighi charged McClenaghan for the Contempt of Court and asked from the Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division the following Orders:
a. the Contemnor Lorne McClenaghan, be required to show cause for contempt.
b. the Contemnor Lorne McClenaghan be required to obtain a psychic assessment by the psychologist, before he be allowed to enter to any court.
c. the Contemnor McClenaghan' Motion Record filed on October 10th, 2003 be struck out for the irregularities, and abuse of process.
d. His Costs.
1. The Contemnor McClenaghan is hired by the Ontario Regional Office of Department of Justice, having office in 130 King Street, suite 3400, Toronto, Ontario; since September 25- 2003 McClenaghan is representing the Respondent, and the Contemnor Counsel Sally Thomas in the contempt proceedings.
2. On October 20th, 2003, the Contemnor McClenaghan appeared before Lutfy ACJ to defend the Contemnor Thomas, in the courtroom #1, in the Toronto local office. Lutfy ACJ puts on the record that the proceedings were the criminal proceedings in nature.
3. The Applicant saw and heard the Contemnor McClenaghan twice in different times, has shown disrespectful attitudes toward the Court, by laughs, as soon as, the Applicant tried to reply to the questions that Lutfy ACJ puts on him, and when he tried to have submissions. The Applicant looked carefully around himself, the clerk, the court reporter, and ushers, who all had respectful attitudes. There was no reason whatsoever for the Contemnor McClenaghan' laughs.
4. On same day, Lutfy ACJ forwarded the hearing before Prothonotary Lafreniere. The Applicant saw and heard during two hours that the Contemnor McClenaghan several times, has shown disrespectful attitudes toward the Court, by slamming documents on his hands to the desk, and expressing "AAHHH…POOFF..."as the objections to the judge ruling and his submissions.
5. The court reporter, Ala Kleinberg, had the microphone before the Contemnor McClenaghan, whose disrespects toward the Court, were recorded as a prima facie evidence. There were few counsels, the court clerk and reporter, the securities, and the ushers, present in the courtroom who may be subpoenaed as the witnesses. Further, the materials filed by the Contemnor McClenaghan indicate he has failed on his duties as the officer of the Court.
6. On October 10th, 2003 the Contemnor McClenaghan filed Motion Record that violated the standard of practice and the Federal Court Rules, 1998 which constitute the irregularities for which the particulars are given in the Applicant's Affidavit dated October 14, 2003.
Further, the Contemnor McClenaghan' argument is misleading from the facts pleaded against the Respondent in the Applicant's Record that indicates the Contemnor McClenaghan' short attention and understanding spans in reading the Applicant's Record, then finding that the main issue before the Court is Sections 19, and 20 of the Citizenship Act that the Court does not have any reply to the said issues as the ground for the contempt proceedings against the Respondent.
Therefore, the allegations of the Contemnor McClenaghan' mootness, does not have lawful support and after considering the irregularities, the Contemnor McClenaghan' Motion Record is abuse of process, and vexatious in nature and shall be struck out with costs.
7. On October 20th, 2003 the Prothonotary Lafreniere has given seven days time to the Contemnor McClenaghan to file a proper reply to the Applicant's allegations. On October 24th, the Contemnor McClenaghan rushed in send out written submission as reply to the contempt proceedings against the Respondent and its parties, agents, and counsel. His submissions are scattering destructive facts and law without respecting Rule 70, which is another ground as against the Contemnor McClenaghan' short attention and understanding spans in reading the Applicant's Materials filed since May 13th, 2003 and his depression disorder did not let him to use the benefit of all seven days to have a proper presentations before the Court.
8. On October 20th, 2003 the Contemnor McClenaghan used the public washroom, and the Applicant saw that he did not respected the public health and personal wellbeing by practicing the basic washroom rules such as failing use siphon and to watch his hands. The Contemnor McClenaghan failed to follow the media that SARS caused serious harms to lives of many victims and billions dollars damages to the businesses in Toronto, solely due to carelessness of people like McClenaghan who did not respect the public health and their own personal wellbeing.
In addition, the Contemnor McClenaghan, was confused where he should stand in the courtroom. He failed to introduce himself to the Applicant, and intentionally ignored when the Applicant addressed him, several times-after proceedings before Prothonotary Lafreniere was concluded. McClenaghan has shown evidence of the personalities and mood disorders and depression by failing to watch his dress-back of jacket in the courtroom, the groundless laughs in the serious criminal proceedings for contempt, and short temper by slamming few times his papers on the desk, and disapproving the judge ruling- Lafreniere P. by "AAHHH…POOOFF..." and lack attention and patient spans in reading the Applicant's Materials and his reply for which he is required to obtain a psychic assessment by the psychologist, before he be allowed to enter to any court.
1. Affidavits of Keyvan Nourhaghighi affirmed on October 14 and October 27, 2003, and the voice tape record of the court reporter Ala Kleinberg on October 20, 2003.
2. The Contemnor McClenaghan' Motion Record and two written submissions.
3. Rules 3, 4, 5, 57, 58, 59(b)(c), 70, 466(a)(c)(d), 467, 468.
DATED IN TORONTO, October 27th, 2003
608-456 College Street
Toronto, ON, M6G 4A3

McKAY, Andrew = A Federal Court Judge defendant for fraudulent misrepresentation of the facts.McKay, maliciously, brought in his reasoning the Major Nourhaghighi's complain was for Condominium fee and Aviation Licensing Rules; when Major pleading indicate corruption if the condominium and Transport Canada.
McKay,Heather= Corrupt Lawyer of the Attorney General of Ontario, Civil, involved in conspiracy with the Crown's lawyer Lightfoot against Major's Application SM31/06, pursuant to Conspiracy with Judges. Major charged Lightfoot & McKay for contempt of court heard by corrupt judge Epstein on December 18, 2006, Judgment released of January 12, 2007. On January 28, 2008, Major wrote the following letter to McKay:
Ms. McKay: RE: Transcripts, file SM31-06
I am writing in regard of transcripts of the said proceeding in which you were one of the counsel.
As you may recall this file now in before the Court of Appeal, and I need to review the transcripts to file my factum.
Unfortunately at the present time I am unable to have access to all transcripts that you served me during different dates from August 2006 to August 2007, in the courtrooms and by mails.
Thus, I am requesting from you to provide me with a copy of ALL transcripts from March 6, 2006 to June 18, 2007 that I be able to perfect my appeal ASAP.
One of the main reasons that all transcripts & records of file SM31-06 misplaced, was due to the fact that on same day of June 18, 2007 and days after, Three Lawyers of the Attorney of Canada have served me Application T-1020-07, under s.40 of the Federal Court Act. SO, I well understood why Nordhaimer J was so in rush to release that shameful judgement after sixteen months "Conspiracy of Toronto Region Judges". YES, in appeal files related to file SM31/06 the main defendants for conspiracy & crimes are the Ten Judges of Toronto Region involved from March 6, 2006, including McCombs J that NOW I HAVE evidence that according to private talk with the Crown did not hear my application in the morning of March 6/06.
The following are sample of my documents that I will file before the Ontario Court of Appeal against YOU, Lightfoot, three lawyers of AGC, and ten Judges of the Toronto Region:
1- My Application Record SM31-06 in last pages had documents related to file #04-CV- 273627CM my application v. Caber & Condominium; The Crown Civil Law Office conspired with the Caber, and did not allow the Orders of Ducharm & Pitt JJ be enforced; so I had motion for Contempt Proceeding against Caber scheduled for June 14, 2006.
2- On January 16, 2006, the Court of Appeal awarded $1500 Costs to m against Caber & Condominium; that the Endorsement located in last page of Application Record and I showed to you on August 2, 2006.
3- the Court of Appeal awarded $1500 Costs was the big lost for lawyers of the Crown Civil Law, who did all kinds of crimes to make sure Caber & Condominium win the case. NOW, in January 16, 2006, the Crown Law Office contacted with the Registrar of the Court of Appeal, and asked her to not serve me with the Order of Panel.
4- On January 16, 2006 the Crown Civil Law & lawyers of the Attorney General of Canada met, planned and conspired against the Orders of the Court of Appeal, and Pitt J by creating a fabricating document in the name of "CONSENT" of the Attorney General of Canada, to file application against me.
5- This fabricating CONSENT was shown "Privately" to the Registrar of the Court of Appeal on January & February 2006 to hold the Order of Panel; to McCombs, Trafford, Ducharme, Wilkins, Hamilton, Epstein, Campbell, Spense,& Nordhaimer JJ.
6- Thus, the ground for all long adjournments from March 2006 to June 2007 was simple due to conspiracy with AGC to compelte thier biggest Application Record that they ever filed in excess of 2000 pages that finally was shown in private to Nordhamier J on June 18, 2007.
7- From June 2007 to December 2007, the Federal Court held the Crown Application T-1020-07 against me. I filed a successful Motion to strike the Notice of Application, and I won the Case with COSTS against the Crown, which is now my BIll of Costs is before the assessment officer for amount of $60,600.00;
8- The Crown's corrupt lawyers, police & Judges of the Toronto Region, with leadership of Defendant Robert G. Bigelow have destroyed my life in last Seventeen Years. I have given the biggest lessons to these criminals until this date by disclosing all their crimes in the Internet, and before International Human Rights. However these criminals have shown no evidence of shame. NOW, I Make Oath to Holy Koren that until I do not get a trial date against the said criminals, I will not rest. SO My Legal War will be much more interesting in this year and following years.
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Iranian Senior Fighter Pilot
This communication is on principle of solicitor/client privileged and contains confidential information intended only for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, other distribution of this communication or taking any action on its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately and delete this message without reading, copying or forwarding it to anyone.

Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt decision makers; Banner for McKNTY:

McKNTY, Bruce = Corrupt decision maker defendant of the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, who entered into the hearing of eight complaints against Ontario corrupt Physicians. McKnty, used the standard tricks in of the Ontario Judges to mislead the hearing and several times had improper comments against Major Nourhaghighi on July 13, and November 9, 1999. Shit at McKnty face and his family that commit crime against public.
Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Judges; Banner for Minister McLellan:

McLellan, Defendant, Anne = the Minister Justice and Attorney General of Canada, whose servants conspiratorial actions caused serious damages to the Major Nourhaghighi

McLEAN, Joyce = Senior Privacy Officer of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada who on March 29, 2004 wrote to Major: "Your complaint is well-founded" for extreme delay of 'Attorney General of Canada, the Department of Justice  DOJ' in forwarding Major's files to him. [On November 22, 2002, Major asked for copies of his files, in which DOJ was obligated to reply within 30 days, but the DOJ sent three box of files on March 2004, after file T-768-03 was closed at the Federal Court of Canada; which means the DOJ has taken Major's files as hostage!]  McLEAN fax number is 613 947 6850, or free telephone: 1 800 282 1376.

McNEELY, BRIAN = Corrupt lawyer hired by Attorney General, who was representing the Crown on Court of Appeal before Judge Feldman. McNeely, negligently, did NOT file Factum to reply to Major Nourhaghighi's issues; due to his lack of professional conduct, the issue of "Fine" was not argued. The Crown, illegally, was enforcing a Fine that has passed limitation. Contemnor McNeely is respondent in Major Motion for contempt of the order. McNeely did not obey Feldman Order therefore, Major charged him for contempt of court on December 16, 1999. On January 20, 1999, Contemnor McNeely wrote a letter to Collectcorp Inc. at 900-80 Bloor Street West, Toronto that: "...Mr. Nourhaghighi correctly points out that, on January 12, 1999, Madame Justice Feldman made an Order suspending the payment of a fine ....I am directing you , on behalf of the Ministry of the Attorney General, to CEASE such efforts until such time as Mr. Nourhaghighi's appeal can be heard by the Court of Appeal. Madame Justice Feldman's Order has the effect of suspending any rights of collection we have and it must be complied with." Corrupt motherfucker McNeely disclosed many other facts in unclassified letter by breaching Major's privacy and attacking to his reputation.  
The Queen of Thieves
Beverley McLachlin
Canadian Justice is clearly out of Equilibrium!
"Judge left hand fingers slightly penetrated my vagina!"

The Owners of Condo 935 are the Thieves,  and the Canadian Pilots are the Thieves
The Businessmen are the Thieves, the Merchants are the Thieves, and the Constables of Police are the Thieves
The Bankers are the Thieves, the Insurance Companies are the Thieves, and the Employers are the Thieves
The Judges are the Thieves, the Lawyers are the Thieves, and the Clerks of the Governments are the Thieves
The Mayors of Toronto, and Montreal are the Thieves
The Ministers of Heath, Transport, and the Attorney General of Ontario are the Thieves
The Governments of Ontario, Quebec, and Canada , so far, are the  Thieves
Poet, Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi; Tortured by Toronto Police
Political Asylum Seeker, as the Canadians Resident, since 1994
Dirty Supreme Court of Canada Judges have covered the theft of Judge McNish, were transcript was supporting the theft!

Major Nourhaghighi  arrested corrupt Judge McNish during Conspiracy
McNISH, Defendant Ian = the most corrupt Canadian Judge defendants in Three actions for Theft of evidence Prosecutor, Major Nourhaghighi during trial October 28, 1994 at Old City Hall, $60,000 bribery from Condominium 935, violations of conflict of interest law and the Provincial Offences Act,  conspiracy with defendants against the prosecution, who maliciously dismissed charges against Condominium 935, McNish, has proved there is NOT any principle in the Canadian Judiciary Systems. Judge McNish, after the first lawsuit entered into another conspiracy with the provincial prosecutor Allan Scott and accused Major for assault against a police officer; therefore, McNish against was sued in second action by Major. Canadian Judge McNish's Theft was not investigated by the Council and McNish did not filed defence for it. McNish brought shits to face of Queen and Canadian History by theft in bench of justice.
Metro Toronto Police in lawsuit brought by a victim that Police negligence caused a woman be sexculy assaulted by a known criminal.  

McMillan, Craig  = The corrupt General Manager Operations MRCM, who maliciously appointed corrupt property Manager Adrian Luca to Major Nourhaghighi's condo 935. Please see MRCM in this page

Ex-Cheap Chief Judge corrupt R. Roy McMurtry, head of British MAFIA in Canada
McMURTRY Accused R. ROY = The most corrupt judge in the World! Sitty Ex-Chief Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal; he was Ex-Attorney General of Ontario, the corrupt member of Conservative Party of Ontario, McMurtry is made a lot of money from bribery and he is the defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's action who was involved in corruption with Ex-prime Minister Mulroney, where he appointed him to Ontario Judiciary System. McMurtry has caused highest possible damages to the good reputation of the Ontario Judiciary Systems; during McMurtry, the corruption, and abuse of office increased rapidly in the Court of Appeal. On March 9, 1999, McMurtry had poor manner toward the Chief Justice of Canada and made fun of him in the court, after Borden and Elliot's lawyer, Sean Gosnell disqualified McMurtry as being defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's action. On December 17, 2001, Defendant McMurtry , abused his power and refused to disqualified himself and vindictively dismissed two Major's appeals in files C27652 and C30823, where appeals were against decisions of Judges Lampkin PJ, McRae and O'Driscoll JJ who all three were named defendants in Major's actions, before making any decision! McMurtry and Rosenberg's decision in December 17 completed the circle of corrupt judges who are breaking the Law of their own country and court! Shity McMurtry is responsible for two counts of Constructive Refusal of an Adjournment and conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi
Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Judges Corruption in Toronto; Banner for McRae:
McRAE, the Defendant Nicholson D. = Corrupt Judge of Ontario defendant for two conspiracies and abuse of judicial power. McRae. like other Canadians, does not believe to Ethical Code, and while he was defendant in Major action, maliciously, dismissed his appeal, in his absent.

Spit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt Pilots; Banner for McTavish:
McTAVISH, ANGUS = Thief Canadian Senior Pilot and Instructor Defendant for corruption in Airline Transport Pilot Licence(ATPL) written examinations and theft of confidential document. Defendant, McTavish, without any shame said to Major and all pilots who were applicants for ATPL licence:" This is Original Exams of Transport Canada!" Major was shocked! And to make sure whatever he heard was true, several times asked:" Are these current Exams of Transport Canada!"; and McTavish said: "Yes they are! I have design these questions Myself!". The dishonesty and crimes in Canada are so ORDINARY that no one could feel of his/her Shame of his/her corrupt acts; particularly, when everyone knows the police and judicially are all corrupt too! This was a great crime against International Fights Safety, in the other word, Major, as senior safety officer, can NOT trust to the Airline Pilot, as he do not know that the pilot has true knowledge, or purchased his licence with $350!? McTavish was the Flight Operation Manager of ATR, when the cause of action arose.

MEDEIROS,...= corrupt clerk of Ontario Court which was discharged in or about April 1997 after Major Nourhaghighi's lawsuit against him. Mederios, provided false name to Major as "Mandel" for which he was sued in false name. However, Major soon discovered that Mederios has defrauded many other people with false names too. Medeiros had harmful role in conspiracy of December 11, 1996 and January 23, 1997 where Major Nourhaghighi was tortured by nine members of police.
Spit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt Police; Banner for Megahy:

MEGAHY, IAN = Corrupt Toronto police officer defendant for trespass of Major Nourhaghighi’s property. Megahy, was mislead and agitated by the corrupt Manager of the Condo 935 Joseph Vero. Megahy, abused his authority when the Police Force DOES NOT have jurisdiction to enforce the Condominium Act. Major has won the legal proceeding against Condo in this issue. However Megahy encouraged Condo to make false claim against Major for attendance at his door.
Memory = To recall dead pig police, lawyers, bankers and judges in Canada after they have admitted to the Hell!

Memory = Optimum memory require that a computer runs in a good condition, on December 27, 2002 is 125 Mb; however in Canada with all shits in the Internet 300Mb is not good yet!

Judge Mercer is in the Hell!
Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt Judges in Toronto; Banner for Mercer:
MERCER, Thomas = the corrupt  Provincial Judge defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's action who was died on 1996, shortly after was served with Major's Lawsuit at College Park Court in Toronto! Mercer, in February 13, 1992 conspired with the Crown and dismissed Major Nourhaghighi's assault charges against Ex-Constable of police, David Travis. Mercer was a corrupt judge that during a trial of a sexual assault on November 1991 at College Park has committed masturbation when the young Crown Attorney was explaining in soft language that Mercer could get horny.

Metabolic = Relating to metabolism, the whole range of biochemical processes that occur within us (or any living organism). Metabolism consists of anabolism (the buildup of substances) and catabolism (the breakdown of substances).
The term "metabolic" is often used to refer specifically to the breakdown of food and its transformation into energy.

Metro = the Toronto free daily newspaper contains false and misleading ads, where according o the law fraud in ads in crime
Metro Corrupt Extra Ground Beef Toronto سرگرد نور حقیقی : چربی زیاد کشنده در گوشت بی چربی سوپر مترMajor Nourhaghighi's Review of Canadian Supermarket No. 3 
سرگرد نور حقیقی : چربی زیاد کشنده در گوشت بی چربی سوپر مترو
Metro Supermarket is selling the worst corrupt foods ... Such as this Worst Ground Beef...even Extra Lean has more than %35 FAT
Watch this Documentary Video

that means the ground beef has 20 percent fat and 80 percent lean beef. To be called “lean,” ground beef must have a lean point of 92% lean/8% fat or higher. “Extra lean” ground beef must have a lean point of 96% lean/4% fat or higher.

And the corrupt Crown and Police in reply allowing all kinds of wrongs, cheating and frauds to Metro Inc the Bastard CEO Eric Richer La Flèche including selling drugs and offering prostitutes in most 24 Hrs Metro and Food Basic.

Metro Supermarket = Is corrupt Supermarket in Ontario that sells worst unhealthy food;  in particular at College Park and 735 Colleges Street is center of drug and prostitution and its to dangerous to by foods from them as most of foods are corrupt 

Metro CEO: Eric Richer La Flèche
Stealing Customer Info, making false Story against Customers, such as
The Lord of Law, the Honourable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi, to allow the telephone and internet Interception in a dirty deal with corrupt the Government of Canada & Police
in Exchange of Drug & Prostitution Business in backdoor of Metro Supermarkets in the
Province of Ontario and Quebec

METRO SuperMarket Corrupt CEOLa Flèche
Conspiracy & Manager Tony Fraud at 735 College St Toronto 

METRO PASS = the corrupt Toronto Transit pass TTC  is another crime and fraud organized by the corrupt Government of Ontario, it cost $121 per month, but like all other services in Canada you must PAY IN ADVANCE and receive NO SERVICE...Major Nourhaghighi, always walks or take TAXI when his Metro Pass is in his pocket and due to power failure or other reasons Subway, Buses, Street cars are not showing...

Metro Toronto Reference Library = as the party of conspiracy with Attorney General of Ontario, has harassed Major Nourhaghighi in the Library.

Metro Taxi = involved in sabotages and breach of contract and other felonies against Major Nourhaghighi who was forced to drive taxi in Toronto to support his single family. Metro Taxi was found liable by Ontario Courts. Since 1991, Condo 935 Interfering with all Major's contracts to not let he be able to live in the lowest possible standards that caused serious injuries to him and his children. Canadians are the most MEAN Nation in the World!

METROPOLITAN Toronto Licensing Commission = The party of several criminal conspiracies and sabotages, against public and Mr.Nourhaghighi's vehicles, where most of its parties[Metro, Co-Op, Maple Leaf Taxies] were convicted by the Ontario Courts between November 1995 to July 1996.
View Larger Map

METROPOLITAN Toronto Condominium Corporation No.935("MTCC 935") =The residential building located in the Downtown of Toronto, at 456 College Street; built in 1991, when Major Nourhaghighi purchased Unit 608.  MTCC 935 Managements and Boards of Directors were involved in millions dollars frauds from the accounts. MTCC 935 paid hundreds thousands dollars bribes to the corrupt Canadian Police, Clerks , Judges,  and to several corrupt lawyers, to avoid the prosecutions. MTCC 935 performed series of  criminal offences against Major. The largest possible chains of actions raised by Major against the said parties of the corruption, and Police and judges have brought Hundreds of charges against Major. MTCC 935 were sued by Major in Two actions in the Ontario Courts.

Major Nourhaghighi and RCMP  arrested Nine members of Toronto
Police for Summgling and Conspiracy

METROPOLITAN TORONTO POLICE = the most DISHONEST and brutal police in the World, whose members have been selected, intentionally, among the most coward and corrupt citizens. Major Nourhaghighi has pendin lawsuit against the Toronto Police who are members of  Centeral, 14 and 52 Divisions of the City of Toronto:
Canada, Land of corrupt ass-hole Police
34- WILLIAM McCORMACK(Chief 1991-1995), 35- DAVID BOOTHBY(Chief 1995-1999). There are a large number of the other corrupt police officers defendants in major Nourhaghighi's actions that their names were not provided by the Police, by ignorance of the law
MEW, GRAEME = corrupt Canadian Lawyer representing Insurance Company in Major Nourhaghighi's Action. Mew is partner of the SMITH LYNOS law firm in down town of Toronto. Mew is defendant is action 96-CU-113026 in the Ontario Court(General Division); Mew was acting as an accessory to a conspiracy, which ended to torture of Major on December 11, 1996.
Meyer, Jacqueline = corrupt clerk of the Ontario Human Rights Commission who wasted Major's time in accoradace to object of conspiracy with the corrupt Attorney General of Ontario.

It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied.Better than be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool or the pig are of  a different opinion,because they only know their side of question.      

MILL, John Stuart =  
20 May 1806 – 8 May 1873 was an English philosopher, political economist, feminist, and civil servant. One of the most influential thinkers in the history of liberalism, he contributed widely to social theory, political theory and political economy. He has been called "the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century. Mill's conception of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control.Mill was a proponent of a refined version of utilitarianism, the ethical theory first developed by his predecessor Jeremy Bentham. He also contributed significantly to the theory of the scientific method.A member of the Liberal Party, he was the first Member of Parliament to call for women's suffrage.

MILLER, Crystal = DOSE, a shity paper on Wednesday August 3, 2005, at page 21 reported in a Questions that put in many young girls: "WHO is your DREAM DATE?" Few beautiful girls replied in which Sexy Blonde Crystal MILLER, 27, from Calgary wearing Cowboy's Hat said: " My dream date ...Hmm, probably Vin DIESEL! Oh yeah I am a big fan of Vin! I've seen most of his movies. The things about Vin that turn my crank are everything. Bad boy, nice Body, BALD HEAD!"  Hey I am Lucky Triple Bs, too; would you love me please?HAHA

MILLER THOMSON law firm in Toronto that represent the client honestly to the best ability that a law firm may be able to operate in the corrupt Canadian Justice Systems!
MILKOVICH, BOB= A Criminal Police Agent Middle Man-1991 to May 1994, Manager of Diamond Taxi,defendant specialist in Sabotages in computer dispatch, and Motor Vehicles, did several kinds of sabotages against Nourhaghighi's Vehicles and Computers which were used in the Public Transportation, the Attorney General of Ontario. Canadian Government is responsible in law of all crimes against Major and the Public. Diamond Taxi is defendant for conspiracy.

Shakespeare: Persian Organ better than the Crown of the Queen!
I Love Persian Royal Organ more than all golds
Persian have very hard and bigger than British Flag

Which rubs whole British souls and aspirations
Much more better than the Crown of the Queen!
Poem by Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi, April 16, 2001, Toronto, Canada
and Spit have more honour than the Crown in Right of Ontario

MINISTRY of Attorney General of Ontario = the most corrupt governmental office in the World; is involved in ALL KINDS OF felonies against Major Nourhaghighi since 1991. Forgery, Bribery, Thefts, Frauds, Conspiracy, ALL kinds of constructive corruptions and tricks against the Administration of Justice are VERY normal process in the ALL Ontario Courts. Whoever prove by an Affidavit that there is another Ministry, anywhere in the World more corrupt than Ministry of Attorney General of Ontario Major will present him/her a Persian Rug. Over Five Hundreds Judges, Prosecutors, Clerks, Court-Reporters, Lawyers, Police and other servants of the corrupt Ontario Crown are defendants in Major's Actions.

Shit and Spit have more honour than the Crown in Right of Canada
Ministry of Justice and Attorney General of Canada = the most corrupt Ministry in Canada; here for each small Ministry there is an independent Minister, but for TWO most important ministries there is ONLY one Minister; This fact reads with dishonestly and corruption in the administration of justice, where both ministries are in conflict of interest. The Ministry of Justice is independence, while the Attorney General, is a Party in the courtroom.  
Ministry of Transportation Licensing Control Branch = the Ministry of the Ontario Government who is defendants for all kins of frauds in Major Nourhaghighi's Driving Licence. This office has used its authorities to put pressure on Major, when he had actions against corrupt Canadian Pilots. In Canada, whatever a man own, is subject to abuse such as tens different accounts in banks, hydro, telephone and insurance companies etc, all kinds of occupational and other licenses, all kind of the properties such as car, home, airplane, computer; therefore the most reasonable statement is to say: " Canada is Land of Abuse "

We are the Groupon members for a long time. However, everyday the Customer Service get worse and now is worst!MIRIAN, Shideh = Auto Insurance Brooker, who was involved with Major's car insurance who did not sent the copy of all transactions from July 6, 2002 to January 16, 2003; as asked by Major in a letter sent to her fax no.(905) 508 4368.Since 1992, the Government of Ontario, police and Attorney General interfering with Major's insurance accounts; causing very high rate insurance and change of many companies, and several lawsuits against Insurance companies. 
Grounon is Center of Toronto Businesses' Misrepresentation  Misrepresentation = it means fraud and Fraud and Theft is Canadian Culture. Misrepresentation is common everywhere in particular in Canadian corrupt Justice System by Lawyers . Crown, Police and Judges; in real estate by agents, builder and in business by Groupon and all businesses giving ads to it.  According to the Rt Hon Major Nourhaghighi's record the Toronto Groupon is  Center of Crime & Conspiracy of members of  Toronto Neighborhood Watch. In addition to Major's bad experience with Groupon; Today, April 18, 2017, the foloing Complaint was filed by "John/Jane  Doe (their information is saved to protect them from Toronto Police Crime! "

For Example, the Institute of Traditional Medicine, at 533 Queen Street W. Toronto, was locating a CAMERA in the Massage Room Ceiling! 
The businesses are not providing full information and breaching the Customers Privacy

Or Sully's Boxing Gym had worst Air Quality and the directest Gym in the World that Whole Gym was a 

Or Wynn Fitness Clubs, were demanding Credit Card whereas I paid for Voucher! 

Or King Massage & Wellness  made appointment with me, however she did not show up for Massage, even after 30 minutes, so I left!  Or Gordy's BootCamp Toronto had small room for BootCamp with "a small Mix Men&Women Change room!!" 

Or Fit Factory Fitness - Toronto, the Instructor were Abusive toward participants, so while I paid for service, I could not take those rude and unprofessional conduct and misconduct, whereas, Instructor clearly was using drug!    

3- Business Complaints against Groupon Toronto  

MOFFAT Camero = to this Date June 2016 is Member of the corrupt Board of Condo 935 at 456 College Street, where defrauded and caused damages of Over 5 Million Dollars to Major Nourhaghighi, there are pending Lawsuit against the corrupt Condo 95

Mobs = in Canada, all agents of corrupt Queen and British are Mobs. They disobey all rules and laws solely to protect a particular groups interests. All those in uniform or official jobs are Police, Securities, and Lawyers, Judges, Physicians and Dentists. However, all those Very Dangerous Mobs are civilians hired by spying agencies and their crimes are nothing in front of still dirty members of "Neighborhood Watch".


MOLD, MOLDS, mould = Mold, fungi or mildews grow in soil, vegetation and damp places. They are found in the outdoor air most of the years. Patients allergic to mold get worse in musty places, in basements and apartments that are damp, and visiting the cottage. When the snow covers the ground, the molds practically disappear from the outdoor air. If a house is moldy, measures should be taken to improve ventilation and eliminate moisture from basement and apartments walls, ceiling, carpets, closets and even furnitures. A de-humidifier should be installed if the place is still damp. All of the above measures are helpful but usually must be supplemented by injection treatment in order that the individual's resistance may be increased to these substances. On November 28, 2004, the Toronto Sun had six pages of articles and news about toxic moldS. On November 29, Sun reported that the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada said more judicial education is required that judge [like Indian Judge Ducharme] become aware of serious public health hazard of molds and: "we need to help judges understand how absolutely serious this is-the social costs, the economic costs and greater truthfully the danger to the lives and safety." For more particulars, please see "Major Nourhaghighi Affidavit"
ON September 23, 2004, all these molds shown in photos were discovered above Major' s Kitchen , where the Government of Canada intentionally grown all these molds to torture Major and his children that the ground for their death could not be discovered. molds pose a multitude of heath risks and are potentially deadly to the frail and vulnerable, experts say. Airborne spores can cause allergic reactions, such as headaches, nosebleeds, coughs, sore throats, shortness of breath and skin rashes and can bring on asthma attacks. Reactions vary from person to person. Heath risks are also posed by mycotoxins and neurotoxins released as the mold eats its way through porous building materials such as drywall, wood, paper, and insulation. Mycotoxins can cause chronic fatigue, short-term memory loss, sleep disturbance and disorientation. They could also be deadly to people with undeveloped or weakened immune system; for example newborns, organ transplant, cancer and AIDS patents. Tricothecene mycotoxins are so poisonous that concentrated forms are used in biological weapons. Such mycotoxins were present in the so-called "yellow-rain" which American forces used to kill 10,000 in Vietnam. Saddam loaded tricothecene against Kurds and Iranian during the 1980s.
When it comes to Governments of Canada and Ontario; molds as political hams are used against oppositions where they intentionally by continuous water leakage from above his Unit grown molds even in
the drywalls as photos shows. On November 24, 2004 Dr. Nguyen totality changed his position and said Stachybotrys were not toxic and repeated that Stachybotrys and the T. Harris Environmental has made mistake, and he will not refer Major to the specialists. On same day I saw another family doctor immediately sent Major to allergy specialist, Dr. Constantin who did a complete check up and found Major had allergy to molds, made appointment for him to Dr. R. M. NIZAMI on January 11, 2005. Dr. Nizami is one of the best in the World!

Water Damage due to continuous leakage from a drain in 7th floor above Major's Unit was the main cause of growth of toxic molds in Major's Unit. There are evidence that molds were intentionally grown by installing a fiber in the dump area. On October 5, 2005, Major filed a complaint with Dr. Naylor the President of U of T against Toxic mold at the Faculty of Physical Education and Heath.
Molecular Nanotechnology = Please see Nanotechnology

MOYNEY, Atta-ol-Allah = The corrupt resident of Toronto, the manager of Goldline long distance telephone company, who fraudulently, has created long distance telephone "Dcall", where Major Nourhaghighi was defrauded in his account by "plan and object of conspiracy of the Canadian-Iranian Criminal Terrorists" Organization ("CICT") by Constructive Manipulation of the Account by the way of Computer Hacking. On November 17, 2002 at 5:10 PM Major called 416 642 8010 the Customer of Dcall, and made complaint to a staff "Dawood", who said David! Major objected to 97 minutes call in his account. Dawood several time puts the phone on the hold, and when it was clear that phone was intercepting by an "Agent" Dawood said: "You called Saudi Arabia!" which is accusation and Major never called and when Major asked to speak with supervisor he said that: "Our supervisor is an Arab! Do you like to speak with him?" which was very strange comment however Major replied affirmative. Dawood put the phone on the hold and never supervisor replied in 15 minutes that Major hold the phone, as he was knew the plan and object. Major called again and this time talked with Sharwin and asked why the supervisor did not reply, he said that on Sundays we do not have supervisor. Major asked him to close his account. Again, Sharwin puts Major on hold, and the CICT, maliciously, was sending Constructive Signals that be able to cause the Constructive Mental Anguish for Major by the Constructive Interception. Sharwin got Major's GM Visa account to Credit his account, however the corrupt Dcall's manager Moyni never Major's credit back and caused new cause of action against Government of Canada and Ontario for frauds I his accounts.The following Banks are defendants in Major's Actions and Applications and Major has got several Judgments against them: ScotiaBank, TD Canada Trust, GM VISA, Bank of Montreal Master Card, the CIBC and CIBC Visa. After September11,2 001, ScotiaBank, and TD Canada Trust have committed several illegal transfers in Major accounts with Arabic Countries, and Moyni's conspiracy in making 97 minutes charge against Major's Dcall telephone line was in the course of same object of conspiracy to mislead the Canadian Security Intelligence Services that Major was involved in September 11 terrorists actions against the American. On November 24, 2002, at 9PM the Radio Parsi in it news said that the American's are accusing the Saudi Arabia for supporting Osam ben-Laden, as the American STUPID FBI has found that some money were transferred from the Saudi's Accounts to ben-Laden's accounts. From November 1992 to November 2002, the Criminal Organizations supported by the Governments of Canada and Ontario, maliciously and fraudulently, committed numerous withdrawals, SNF, stop transfer, and all types of frauds in Major's accounts that are the main subject before many courts. Therefore, Constructive Frauds in the accounts, that is the simple hacking in the banks computers must be charged by the Governments of Canada and the USA.
Opportunistic Behavior  of Judge M.  Moldaver  to get a Judge position in n  Supreme Court of Canada caused damages to Major Nourhaghighi, the Public Interests and Judiciary Interests because he was involved in making several Judgments in Major Nourhaghighi's files when he was Judge of Ontario Court of Appeal, whereas in an Appeal of Order of Justice Boland by Condominium Corrupt Lawyer Arnold, he helped a lot to Major Nourhaghighi by NOT allowing as Muslim to be forced to sell his property, as asked oppressively by corrupt Arnold; yet in many other files against the Crown, he acted with caution to protect his own benefits. Yest he is not as corrupt as most of Canadian Judges!   

MOLDAVER, MICHAEL J. = Conservative Judge of the Court of Appeal for Ontario involved in three counts of conspiracies against Major from July 15, 1998 to June 2008; it is important to note that among all judges of the Court of Appeal during 10 years, Moldaver, Doherty and McMurtry were always members of panels in which obstructed Major's nourhaghighi's right of presentations. The particular in this part is extensive but there is no doubt whatsoever that Moldaver is a member of the criminals organization and Lawyers Gang. Moldaver did not support the Judiciary interest and Public Interest by supporting Major Nourhaghighi; thus gt a job in the Supreme Court of canada

MOHR, Christine = corrupt lawyer of Department of Justice in Toronto, who made a false statement in her Affidavit of November 9, 1998, which caused obstruction of justice against Major's Motion before the Federal Court of Appeal. One of the most serious question of law was that Who was the "respondent" that Mohr representing it? Answer was, Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada; but in which capacity; Can HMQ bering Application under Section 40 of Federal Court Act against an individual? MOHR may knew answer in her heart, however, she did not refer to it in her false Affidavit.

MOLLOY, Defendant Anne M. = a corrupt judge of Ontario Court that in accordance to plan of conspiracy dismissed Major Nourhaghighi application. Molloy. is one of those majority judges that were selected as the agent of the criminal organization; therefore, these kinds of judges-Lampkin, Whealy -have very poor knowledge and skill as require for a judge.

MOMENI Constable Orank = Member of Iranian-Canadian Criminal Organization, North York, Toronto, hired by Toronto Police. On October 31, 2000, Major Nourhaghighi filed a complaint in this issue with Police against Monenir fraudulent representation.on Friday 26, October 2001 "Paseban" Momeni attended in the corrupt Fair Child Radio Station at 9PM and did not lead the callers that he was not holding rank of Captain, and entered into false complex legal speech, when he was not lawyer. "Constable" Momeni, again made fraudulent representation that he is the "Commissioned Officer" holding rank of "Captain" in the Toronto Police Forces; where none of members of Toronto Police have seen four years Police University and none was Commissioned by the Shity Queen Elizabeth II, even the dirty Chiefs of Police.

MONSALVE, ADRIANA = the corrupt manager of ATR who obstructed the justice by perjury in her affidavit sworn on December 7, 1993, for file T26844/93 at Ontario Court.
Adriana, as main party of conspiracy, was involved in several plans; she was a dirty woman!

MONSALVE,  CARLOS M. = Canadian Airline Senior Transport Pilot, defendant for corruption in the Airline Transport Pilot License in the capacity of the Manager of the Airline Transport Resources Corporation; he was not involved directly in the corruption, while his employee did wrong.
Index Down with Queen and Her Judges Attorney General of Ontario is a Dirty Thief Queen Thief Judges and Lawyers in Canada Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada is Dirty Bicycle Thief Spit at the Face of Queen's Thief Judges and Lawyers and all Police Brutality Shit at the Face of Queen's Thief Judges and Lawyers and all Judges Corruption in Toronto Since 1990 Toronto Police numerously torture Major Nourhaghighi; torture Thus since 1994 he is potential Political Asylum Seeker as Canadian Since 1990 his right to leave Canada is denied by Police Since January 1996 this Site numerously Trespassed and Deleted by corrupt Canadian Police CSIS, RCMP, Toronto Police and Corrupt Attorneys General of Canada, Quebec and Ontario whereas Canada proved has no respect, whatsoever, for Human Rights and Freedoms View Larger Map, Then Toronto corrupt cop Follert pulled Major Nourhaghighi with his tie to a cell on the ground floor shown above; assaulted and torture him by nine dirty Toronto Police and court securities, in which he was forced to the floor and a criminal court security Morrison with 250 lb sat on him and forced his knees until broken Major's ribs then he was beaten by nine members of police and they left when they thought Major was dead On February 6, 1997, Major by Mandamus Application asked from corrupt Judge John Wilkins to ask the Toronto Police corrupt Chief Boothby to release the name of Nine Toronto Police Offenders; Wilkins J who was drunk on the bench dismissed his application. Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia 2010 On February 15, 1996 the Toronto Police-Marcy Green and Attorney General of Ontario-Allan Scott, with a forged transcript of November 16, 1995, and commencement of a Malicious Prosecution have tried to get an Order by Madam Justice Boland to force Major Nourhaghighi to put his property on sale and its value be decreased 10% each month until be sold. They planned to not allow a real buyer to buy it until Scott be able to buy a $350,000.00 value property for less than $50,000.00 as they did with other Immigrants; but Major Nourhaghighi won the case, ended to anger of Scott and Toronto Police who torture Major on December 11, 1996 February 15th , 2010

MONTIZAMBERT ELLEN = corrupt Toronto Lawyer and partner in Deacon, Spears, Fedson, & Montizambert in is a graduate of the University of British Columbia Law School and was called to the Bar in 1987. She is a frequent speaker on condominium law matters at conferences and courses in south western Ontario. She practices both condominium corporate law and condominium litigation, including first year deficit claims, construction deficiency actions, rules enforcement matters, Tarion Warranty claims and Human Rights Code complaints. This corrupt lawyer on March 2006, in clear conspiracy with Toronto criminal organization has put unlawful lien on Major Property contrary to the Order of Justice Pitt. So she is accused of conspiracy and contempt of the court Order; Ellen has caused $1000.00 special damages to Major Nourhaghighi plus $50,000.00 General Damages in which Major would ask &100,000.00 punitive damages against her conspiracy and abuse of office as lawyer in attempting to put Major's property in power sale.

MONTREAL = is the largest French spoken City in America located in the Province of Quebec, Canada. Montreal, as the City of the Governmental Supported Organized Crimes, involved in two counts of conspiracies on December 1997, and February 2002 against Major Nourhaghighi. In the first count of conspiracy, Iranian Canadian Criminal Organization, and private clubs had major roles. In the second count of conspiracy, the Ministry of Justice, Eaton Centre, the City of Montreal, and its Police, and had major roles. On February 25, 2002, Major filed the Notice of Claim against the Ministry of Justice and their parties with the Crown Law Office in 10th floor of the "Palase du Justice".
Montreal = Life is shit and then nothing else, I Hate Montreal!
Poem by Major Nourhaghighi
View Larger MapEvery time I look down to this Devils Town whether raining or snowing sky
Whether freezing-rain or large stony hails More and more I realized that I hate Montreal from bottom of my heart
Particularly, I hate its dog Judges, rat Lawyers, pigs Cops, ass Doctors, monkey Pilots and Bankers.
I hate Montreal in the fall and I hate Montreal in the winter when it is flood and storm snow;
I hate Montreal in the summer when it is hot and humid I hate Montreal in every moment of my life.
Why I hate Montreal, because its dirty people robbed me, assaulted me, and caused me damages
And when I called police, or I went before judges to charge Montreal Eaton Securities, they did not care!
Every time I look down to this Devils Town whether I was charged by criminal;
organization or I charged corrupt lawyers, judges and cops for being so animal in creating fabricating
documents against me;
whether I be tortured by the pigs Canadian Police or assaulted and slander by their dirty agents more and more
I realized that I hate Montreal from bottom of my heart,
particularly I hate it dog Judges, rat Lawyers, pigs Cop, ass Doctors
I hate Montreal in the fall and I pray hates falls over this corrupt city;
I hate Montreal in the winter and I pray the flood and storm snow destroy this evils people;
I hate Montreal in the summer and I pray that sun dried all farms and wells I hate Montreal in spring and
I pray that all blooms be dead and swampy be everywhere in this dirty City of Montreal which is British's Zoo
American's Toilets, and French Washrooms!
Poem by Major Nourhaghighi January 15, 2003

Montreal Airway = defendant for conspiracy to obstruct educational rights of Major Nourhaghighi which is violation of Human Rights, in December 1997.
MORDEN, JOHN WILSON = Associate Chief Justice of Ontario- Court of Appeal.
MORIELLI, JOHN = Property Manager of the defendant Condominium who employed the defendant CABER Management. Morielli made contradictory statements which indicate the cell of conspiracy was active. He was removed on 1999.
MORIN, ISABELLE = the Attorney General of Ontario Court Reporter defendant at Old City Hall, Toronto, who conspired with the Police Officer Parson and Insurance Company. Morin ,illegally allowed Scott change the evidences of the transcripts, and fraudulently certified that the evidence of Transcripts were truth.
MORRIS,Virginia = a dirty whore constable pig hired by Toronto Police  Pigs 52 Division was drowned the bathtub of her apartment in on June 8, 1993. Virginia crashed into a vehicle that dirty Toronto Police would charged that poor driver for dangerous driving as dirty constable Parsons had same condition with Barbetta and crashed into Major's vehicle on April 16, 1994, and charged Major for dirty Police convicted Major!

Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Judges Corruption in Toronto
Nourhaghighi v. Follert, MORRISON [Toronto Police] 97-CV-125773

Corrupt Morrison Family
Canadian couple charged in U.S. for allegedly
 importing, exporting Fentanyl
Karl and Sorina Morrison, both 59, were arrested at
a border crossing near Niagara Falls, N.Y.

MORRISON FAMILY = is a Canadian corrupt family involved in all kinds of smuggling since 1995 that Major Nourhaghighi has found evidence and reported to Federal Court Judge Richard in August 1996.  Morrison Family and their relatives are mostly hired by the Justice System as a Judge, Lawyer, and Court Officer with ability to illegal influence on their cases. However, on November 3, 2016, the Toronto Start has reported at page A14 under Heading of " Canadians face Fentanyl smuggling Charges" in USA, has reported that the Karl and Sorina Morrison ( who were involved in torturing Major Nourhaghighi, after he has reported to Federal Court of Canada in August 1996) are facing numerous criminial charges in which " 20 Years in Jail and One Million Dollars Fine" is the punishment for EACH CHARGE.
پلیس آمریکا وکیل وقاضی وپاسبانهای کانادائی را بجرم واردات و صادرات « فنتانیل » دستگیر کرد با دهها اتهام شدید جنائی که در صورت محکومیت « یک میلیون دلار جریمه و ۲۰ سال زندان » برای هر « یک جرم » است. در احکام دادگاههای آمریکا ۲۰۰ سال زندان و حتی ۳۵۰ سال زندان برای جناتیکاران دولیت کانادا گزارش شده است

MORRISON, Defendant Darryl = is Son of Bitch  Karl and Sorina Morrison who were arrested in USA facing many serious charges for smuggling Felanyl. Bastard Darryl was one of nine members of Metro Police engaged in summling who was involved in Torture and assault against Major Nourhaghighi and insult to the Holy Islamic Book which was with Major. On December 11, 1996, Morrison, intentionally sat over Major's back and pressed his knees to his back till broken several his ribs of Major. Morrison, was over 250 pounds, that caused permanent injuries to Major. This was breach of Human Rights that guaranteed the NO ONE should be subject to CRUEL and unusual punishment and TORTURE, where Torture is now called as the crimes against Humanity, that must be prosecuted by International Court of Justice. The corrupt Judge Day dismissed my prosecution against the pig officers Follert, Aiken, Stephenson, Morrison  et al. However, in a similar case Judge Gregory REGIS found BYRNE guilty assault  where an inmate spat at dirty face of Byrne, as Major spat at dirty face of Follert. Byrne chocked the inmate and Follert chocked Major too! However, the dirty United Nations Human Rights Torture Committee and all other fucking Human Rights organizations do not object to Tortures in Canada and USA!

MORRIS, THERESA = Corrupt Court Reporter, Old City Hall, Toronto,  defendant for frauds in the evidence of transcript. Morris, was witness of Major Nourhaghighi's Torture by police officers on December 11, 1996. Morris, did NOT lead the justice with her Testimony.This was breach of Major's rights under the Human Rights that guaranteed the Fair Trial. Morris corrupt lawyer, Atkinson, brought an irregular Certiorari application to quash subpoena against Morris; but Judge Ewaschuk dismissed Atkinson's application. Corrupt whore Atkinson illegally took the application before corrupt judge Whealy who quashed the subpoena.    
Moss v. Canada [2000] FC: " An abridgment of time should not be granted where matter is complicated, or the responding party requiring time to prepare materials and comply with step by the rules.   

MOSELEY, TIM = corrupt Canadian Lawyer  representing ATR. Moseley, breached Public Safety Rights and  conspired with Transport Canada to mislead and obstruct justice by asking from witnesses to make false Testimony. This was breach of Major Nourhaghighi's Rights guaranteed for Fair Trial.

MOSES, Dale.= Corrupt Black Public Health Inspector of the City of Toronto at South Region, who on December 2000 and January 2001 acted as member of the criminal organization within the Government of Canada in covering up the crime of building toxic mold in Major's home. Since 1996 Major complaining of toxic air in his unit but no one was able to discover the source. On June 2004, the kitchen ceiling collapsed as Major discovered over one meter toxic mold. The Attorneys General of Canada and Ontario did not allow the ceiling be repaired and did not allow any specialist exam the mold until on October 19, 2004 that Major was successful to get an Order from the Ontario Court that T. Harris Environmental Examine the mold, who found the mold was danger to the health. However the City of Toronto, Venger, Moses and Stewart have covered the crimes and allowed Major and his children and over two hundreds residents be exposed to toxic mold to cover the crimes of the Government's agents in the Condo 935.
Motherfucker = The accusation that the corrupt Provincial Prosecutor Allan Scott used against Major on his testimony of January 23, 1997, to cover up his crimes of conspiracy and bribery from Major's Condo. In 1997, Motherfucker Charles Harnick, was the Attorney General of Ontario. Major testified under the Oath that he never said such dirty word to Scott.
However, the Motherfucker Corrupt Judge Lampkin, who was party of conspiracy, supported Scott's evidence and brought the same words in his judgments on November 19, 1997.
As the revenge against Canadian Motherfucker Justice Systems, Major on 1997, has created the most abusive website against Motherfucker Canadian Judges, Motherfucker Lawyers, and Motherfucker Police, to prove that he had all rights to express himself with any type of languages against the criminal, if he wants to do so!
However, Major never said those words to Scott as he made false accusations against Major.
On September 1996, the Canadian-Iranian Terrorists Criminal Organization
, by intercepting Major's telephone conversations discovered that Major was using the Persian Abusive Word of "Mother Jendeh" [Motherfucker] in his conversations, and translated the same word to English and alleged that Major said the same word to Scott, and as the prove have provided the transcript of Major's telephone conversations.
Since November 19, 1997, Major has created hundreds website, and addressed the most dirtiest words to Queen Elizabeth II, and Canadian Judges, Lawyers, and Police who are defendants in his actions, as revenge against Motherfucker Scott and Motherfucker Lampkin, such as: Spit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Police Brutality, or Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Judges Corruption in Toronto; or many fictions such as His Honour Ass-hole is Canadian

MOTION("M") = a shortcut for abuse of court process by Canadian Lawyers, most of Major's contractual claims have been dismissed by a simple motion before a corrupt judge.
M25485 = Motion for Review of Finlayson Order
M25429 = Motion for contempt Order against the Crown's Solicitors, Dismissed
M23715 =Motion for Review of Feldman Order, partially granted.
M23512 = Motion for appeal book and transcripts, granted, error of law.
Mount Sinai Hospital= A corrupt Hospital in the City of Toronto whose tens of physicians and technicians were involved in numerous conspiracies against Major Nourhaghighi since 1995. This was breach of Major Nourhaghighi's Rights guaranteed by Human Rights. On November 2002, the hospital, again entered into conspiracy with Government of Ontario and denied medical care to Major!

Immanuel Kant
German philosopher
Motive of  Duty as defined by Kant is " doing a right thing for a right reason. However the
Major Nourhaghighi's Counter Dictionary has potential to prove beyond a reasonable
doubt that in British and Canadian culture and Justice System 
not only the Supreme Principle of Morality does not exist, even the very basic principle of morality does not exist according to my 27 years "Daily Experience" with British and Canadian.

Spit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Police Agents; Banner for Mubarek:MUBAREK,

HAROUN = The police agent from Tunisia, who was studying law [PhD-Having Master in Law] in the defendant, the University of Toronto. On November, and December 1998, Mubarek, has rented a room from Nourhaghighi, with intention to cause disturbances during the appeal hearing against the Law Society and its other parties respondents. Mubarek, during 60 days, plants all kinds of fabricating and destructive evidences in the Major's Home, for several objects of the conspiracies which were used against Major in the Federal [Neville's Conspiracy] and the Ontario Courts. Since 1990, the Canadians Governments, do not allow Major have any kind of income, he forced to rent his ONLY bedroom, which was obstructed by all kinds of tricks that no one can rent it, till Mubarek gets in which was the only rental income for Major. Canadians shall be considered as the most curl people in the World, without any sense of Humanity. Major, is single parent since 1980, and his children have suffered at the most due to financial crises against Major.
Mubarek, is ARAB in race, and used Major Nourhaghighi's telephone for communication with ARABS countries, to create documents to justify interception of Major private communications, and other criminals acts against him. For more info: Multi-Culture Criminal Organizations"MCO".

MULLER, PAUL J.= A Canadian Surgeon, involved in conspiracy to cover-up the police motor vehicle accident[Driver: Officer Parson] that caused permanent injuries to Major Nourhaghighi.

MUFFLER SHOP = The Canadian Muffler Shop is a center for Terrorist Biochemical Attacks against the opposition of the Government. Since 1990, several mufflers shops have committed sabotages in Major Nourhaghighi's cars by creating leakage of Carbon Monoxides to the cars, which have caused sever illness and harms to Major's and his passengers. No charges ever have been laid against criminals, as Governments of Canada and Ontario have made such Orders. The material facts have been pleaded in several lawsuits and complaints against Physicians who have refused to make a complete and honest report. The latest member Terrorist and Criminal Organization who have committed crimes against Major and his children is: Muffler Shop at 2300 Finch West, unite 18; the criminal man involved in said sabotage was a mechanic from Northern Iran, Mahmood as the agent of the Government has committed the similar crimes, since 1991, for which there are several other Defendants for same cause before the Courts.

MURPHY, Ted J. = Solicitor for the Respondents, D. Osborne the President of Bank of Nova Scotia in Major Nourhaghighi's Application 1535. Murphy very soon has discovered the conflictof interests and removed himself and his law firms "BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP, Barristers and Solicitors", from the file

MUSSOLINI = One of numerous Canadian's Fathers for 'Democracy' who defined the Fascism as " Organized, concentrated, totalitarian democracy." [Opera Omnia di Benito Mussolini, Florence, 1951, XXVI,45]. Canadian in their total history never had even one day Democracy. In last ten years, Major Nourhaghighi, is not allowed to vote, as owner, to select a board for his Condominium; or to select a member for City of Toronto, or select a member for Ontario and Canada Parliaments ! In March 21, 2001, all Members of Condo Board, Ministers, and members of Parliaments mostly are same people who were in March 21, 1991! And they know all types of tricks to NOT listen, and punish whoever make a comment or complaint! 

Multi-Culture Terrorists Organizations"MCTO". = the most active criminal organizations in the World, supported by the Colonial British Governments of Canada and Ontario. MCTO, involved in several Sabotages and attempt to murder against Major Nourhaghighi, since November 1990. MCTO, is a major suspect for many terrorists crimes around the World, particularly against American Interests, as Canadian they HATE Americans from the bottoms of their hearts. This is the main reasons that a large numbers of MCTO have been hired by the Governments of Toronto, Ontario and Canada from the most corrupt Arabs, Iranians, Indians-(from India), Greek and south America. Major Nourhaghighi, evidence, indicates, that Iranian-Canadian Terrorists Organizations ("ICTO") in Toronto, had all ability to import a huge amount of Heroin from Iran for distributions in the United States by its pilots, taxi and trucks drivers and by its few members in Iranian-Canadian Businesses in Toronto. ICTO, had judges, prosecutors, court clerks, police officers, custom officers, as share holders, who main duty is to make sure that all charges against the ICTO be dismissed.

MUTOMBO, Pascal K. = Corrupt Investigator of Quebec Human Rights Commission involved in Conspiracy with Toronto and Montreal Criminal Organizations against Major Nourhaghighi. On April 17, 2002, Mutombo, intentionally, called Major to put malicious objects on the records, when Major instructed him do not discuss confidential matter of my complaints on telephone and just write all your questions. Mutombo made Constructive Telephone Conversations with Major and stated "You complaint that Eaton's Security told you 'Where did you put the Bomb!
Major filed a complaint against him with Serge Marquis, Director in the following address:
Commission des droits de la personne;
et des droits de la jeunesse
360, rue Saint-Jacques, 2 etage
Montreal, (Ouebec)
H2Y 1P5
Fax: (514) 873 6032 Major Complaint against Mutombo Confirmed at 12: 33 PM on April 17, 2002

MYROL, Brock = RCMP Hero Constable killed by ROSZKO, Canadian farmer of Province of Alberta who brutally murdered four young RCMP Constables on March 3, 2005. Four RCMP Constables were died in the line of duty with honor, they are: Leo JOHNSTON, Anthony GORDEN, and Peter SCHIEMANN, Peter , in which two of them trusted to our good Canadian farmers, and did not take any gun and not wearing any body armour when they were killed. The team of RCMP and Edmonton city police constables had come and gone from a marijuana bust a farm near Rochfort Bridge, 120 km northwest of Edmonton, before four RCMP Constables were gunned down there the next day. They found 300 marijuana plants; the amount of pot could be worth as much as $400,000, and evidence of a vehicle chop shop. Corrupt Killer Roszko snuck up on the four RCMP Constables as part some kind of set-up, waiting for them to go to the marijuana, and then shot them. Slain RCMP Constables were dedicated their lives to the community in fighting with corruption in Canada. It is extremely sad that group of corrupt Ontario and Quebec Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, and Toronto and Montreal Police are supporting marijuana plants and made it legal. However, the absolute majority of Canadian and Major Nourhaghighi, severely, is condemning the growth and import of marijuana in Canada. It is great shame that Canada is calling itself as a 'democratic society' the majority of Canadian do not have any voice in Parliament and Justice System. We shall never forget that corrupt Judges of Ontario Court of Appeal made same sex marriage legal in Canada, raising the anger of Canadians. Shit to face of all these judges and lawyers who support corruption in our society in Canada. However many honorable Citizens like Major Nourhaghighi, Judges, Lawyers, and Constables are keeping their own fight with criminals like Corrupt Killer Roszko, who living was based on selling marijuana to our children in Canada. All good citizens of Canada and World are showing sympathy with all members of Police Forces around the World who died in fight with Smugglers; we all share very deep sympathies to all members of families, relatives, friends, colleagues, and good citizens who suffered nervous shock, depression, anguish, and anger for murders of four RCMP Constables. They are our Heroes because they fight with Marijuana.

The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"

House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills

 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Iranian Fighter Pilot