Friday 27 May 2016

"O" O'Canada Sucks

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Major  Nourhaghighi
Iranian  Senior Fighter Pilot
Toronto Police Tortured Major
Major's Poetry Criticism Art Gallery
Major YouTube DailyMotion MetaCafe
Corrupt Lawyer O'Donnell to
Corrupt Lawyer Ofiara
Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia 2019
Queen and Corruption in Toronto&Canada
Ontario Crown's Perjury  & Fraud in Transcripts
Toronto Corrupt  Architects, Bankers, Physicians
 JUDGES, Lawyers, Police, Owners &Businesses
Corrupt Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Commission
Corrupt Canadian Human Rights Commission
Thief Galen Weston & Family made PCFMC
University of Toronto AC is a Dirty Thief

Corrupt Toronto Transit Commission TTC
Corrupt Globe & Mail Slander & Libel
Conseil de la magistrature du Quebec
Americans' Conspiracy vs. IIAF
Canadian Counter Dictionary

Who Is Who in Toronto
Corrupt  Condo  935
Toxic Air and Mold
Corrupt Jew Lawyers
Corrupt Jewish Judges
Compliant against Rogers
Corrupt Bank of Nova Scotia

Corrupt Lawyer O'Donnell, OaOf;  Old; Corrupt Judge OlsbergOntario;
Samples of Hundreds Endorsements&  Judgments, & Disobeying Orders in Major Nourhaghighi' Countless Files
Oppressive & Vexatious Proceedings;  Corrupt Judge Osborne;  Ottawa
O'Canada = the word that expresses how much Canadians hate Canada, according to Major Nourhaghighi search on Google Trends Canadian more than any other Nations in the World hate Canada by typing "Canada Sucks" you can test it yourself by typing "Canada Sucks" at Google Trends.
O'DONNELL, SEAN= corrupt Crown's Canada Lawyer who is suspect of three counts of conspiracies with RCMP. On August, October 1999, and March 28, 2001 in the courtrooms of Federal Court, in the City of Toronto, in files T-942-99 and A-635-98. In last conspiracy several felonies committed against Major and his family before hearing of March 28 by Sean's parties in Condo 935, University of Toronto, City of Toronto and Registry of Court in Toronto; where Major was forced for body search by RCMP before he enter in the courtroom, that caused Major get upset before he commence his legal argument before panel and as the result he missed several points of law and facts, which was one of objects of conspiracy. 

O’DRISCOLL, Defendant John J. =  the Canadian judge defendant that dismissed Major Nourhaghighi's Mandamus Application, and made order that the Administrative Defendants of the Cold City Hall, could proceed on the trial, and the Change of Venue and Complete Disclosure\re were not require as the main principle of Fair Trial. Major brought a lawsuit against O'Driscoll and file a Charter Application. O'Driscoll, who was defendant in Major's action and was in the conflict of interest with Major again dismissed his dismissed the Charter application , but made an oppressive decision to help to the conspiracy of judge Lampkin. Since 1997, the Court of Appeal refusing to hear this application.
O'KEEFE, ... = corrupt judge of Federal Court of Canada, who without any ground, upon object of conspiracy, on October 1, 2002 did not cite five lawyers for contempt and did not sent them to jail. O'Keefe adjourned the hearing to another day where the corrupt, monkey judge Gibson brought the administration of justice. "Adjournment" is a common trick in all Canadian Courts. See also the "Constructive ADJOURNMENT"

Thank You Brave Judge O'Reilly for
Declaring the Attorney General of Canada as Vexatious Litigant!

O' REILLY, James W. = Judge of Federal Court of Canada and Ex- Executive Legal Officer of Supreme Court of Canada. On March 8, 1999, O'Reilly did not investigate my complaint against Ontario Court of Appeal who did fraud in official Order against me in SCC file # 26982; where Judge Goudge DISSENT as member of a panel of judges in file C26325. Corrupt Justice Osborne maliciously did not write Judge Goudge's dissent in his endorsment. According to the law 'Oral' dissent is as good as the 'Written' dissent. However, O'Reilly obstructed my right of appeal as 'Right' to the Supreme Court of Canada. Soon, I asked from the SCC that O'Reilly and Roland 'show cause for contempt', but the SCC never replied to my motion.. On December 12, 2002, O'Reilly was appointed as a 'judge' in the Federal Court.. On November 19, 2003, Judge O'Reilly made an Order in file T-768-03 that all parties must obtain leave for their motions. This order bstructed my appeals against two Costs Orders in file T-768-03. I appeal Justice Order in file A-151-03; but judges of the Federal Court dimissed my motions for leave. But the Crown, by conspiracy with judges, Lafreniere and Milczynski, disobeyed O'Reilly Order and Sinder Order and filed two motions without leave. On February 17, 2004, Judge Finckenstein also disobeyed O'Reilly Order and allowed the Crown's motion against T-768-03. However, the fact that upon my motion heard on November 17, 2003, Justice O'Reilly applied Section 40 of the Federal Court Act against the Crown was a Brilliant Order that ever I got from the Courts; encouraging all parties to attack to the Crown as the "Vexation Litigant" under s.40 of the Federal Court Act against the Crown upon Major's Motion in file T-768-03

TES, J. = corrupt Justice of Peace defendant for refusal to exercise his power against the criminal who did felonies against Major Nourhaghighi. Oates was sitting in Old City Hall in Toronto when the cause of action raised. Most of Canadian Police and Judges are refusing to charge the members of strong criminal organization.
"I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen" This HUGE Major Nourhaghighi's Documentary Website indicates that even Canadian Lawyers, Judges and Police do not have any interest to observe faithfully the laws of Canada and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen. The most important fact is that the Minister of Citizenship who is defendant in Major's action for 'Theft" as a Thief Administrating the Oath!
OFFICE = Washroom; Canadian Office is made to have a shit for Queen Elizabeth II and all British Generations and History. This is the only place that everyone has freedoms to have a shit for souls of all judges and lawyers who served themselves and Queen. 
OFFICE of the Associate Chief Justice of Ontario Court of Justice = defendant for frauds against the administration of justice by several Deputy Judges at College Park Court in Toronto and Richmond hill.
OFFICE of the Chief Justice of Canada = defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Actions for frauds in the process of the Applications for Leave to Appeal; Frauds in the Registry is a Canadians Culture, it is impossible a simple file be process without tricks and corruption in the Supreme Court of Canada.
OFFICE of the Chief Justice of Ontario = defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Actions for frauds in the process of the Applications for Appeals; Frauds in the Registry is a Canadians Culture, it is impossible a simple file be process without tricks and corruption in any courts in Ontario.
OFFICE of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario = defendant for appointments of the most dishonest lawyers as the provincial judges defendants in Major Nourhaghighi's Actions. The best thief will be appointed by dirty Queen Elizabeth II to this Office of Robbery.
OFFICE of the Police Complaints Commissioner = Cover up, misleading public defendant for fraudulent misconduct with Major Nourhaghighi's complaints against 42 members of the Toronto police officers defendants in five lawsuits, for conspiracy, bribery, forgery, assault, battery, attempt to murder, excessive use of force, perjury, misleading justice, obstructing the justice, misconduct, wire taping, interception,  abuse of authority and other serious criminal offences.
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada = Investigating complaints against a federal institution who refuse to forward personal information within 30 days pursuant to Privacy Act. CHENIER, Melanie, Inquiries Officer took four weeks to reply to Major Nourhaghighi's request for forms that finally delivered on April 25, 2002. There are evidence that Major's conversation of April 2, 2002 was intercepted and obstructed by police. Chenier can be reached at: '112 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1H3, Tel: 1-800-282-1376, Fax: 613 947 6850.
OFFICE of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions = defendant in Major action for failing to investigate properly his complaints against the Banks. Major has moved before feral court to get a Writ of Mandamus that this office enforce the law.
OFFICE of the Regional Senior Justice of Ontario Court of Justice = defendant for frauds in the administration of Justice by several Federally appointed Judges.
OFFICIAL = Does not exist in Canada! Canada is the British Colony and all Canadian citizens are considered as a slave of colony. The only difference is that as rank goes higher means more corrupt slave; for example, a judge is more slave than a lawyer; or a minister is more slave than a judge!
OFIARA, Lisa = Corrupt Ontario Lawyer who misrepresent facts to the Ontario Human Rights Commission on March 6, 2001. Ofiara, fraudulently, denied all discriminatory misconduct of Toronto Jail who was involved in torture against Major Nourhaghighi, and refusal to document the evidence of torture and provide a proper treatment.It has been said the Lias was working in the Queen Street of the City of Toronto as a prostitute to cover up her law school expenses, and allowing anal intercourse which both are crimes in Canada. Ofiara provided one reply to two different files NRIX-4TKKMK, and 4TKKDB and allege that " a vexatious complaint is a groundless complaint....that a reasonable person would conclude that the complaint is based on an apparent absurdity or manifestly has no basis in fact" Section 11 in this Website indicate ample facts for which Major's complaint was made.

OLD CITY HALL, Toronto, Ontario = an old Building used for torture, malicious prosecutions, abuse, sexual assault, anal sex and drug by lawyers, clerks and Judges of the Attorney General of Ontario, the lawyers of the Law Society, the cops of Toronto Police, Court securities and powerful citizens against immigrants, refugees and poor located at 60 Queen Street West, Toronto. From 1991 to 1997 hundreds malicious prosecutions and trials held against Major Nourhaghighi, in which are the main motive and grounds for of all these sites and videos against Canadian. The Old City Hall, is used for malicious prosecutions under the By-laws, provincial offenses and their appeals, and/or minor criminal offenses. Major Nourhaghighi has collected hundreds evidences of forgery in TRANSCRIPTS of trials in which the punishment against such crime is 14 Years in Jail, yet Toronto Judges, Lawyers and Clerks are committing these crimes as a normal procedure the bribery, conspiracy, all kinds of frauds, torture, assaults, batteries, and other felonies by servants of the Ontario Government during hundreds malicious prosecutions brought againstMajor by constructive charges at Old City Hall, MUST be used as the Public Washroom after the crush of British Colonial Government in Canada, where each bench of judges shall be used for shit and public washroom for all abuses of the administration of justice against public;
, View Larger Map
On December 11, 1996, at 9AM Major Nourhaghighi entered into the Old City Hall; he saw corrupt Black Judge Lampkin and corrupt Police investigator Follert were talking with each other just at the hall under the stairs. From 10AM to 4PM corrupt Judge Lampkin and corrupt Court Security Marcy Green have attacked to Major that he has assaulted Green, where all evidence and Russell notes showing that Green assaulted Major on November 16, 1995. About 4PM, in sudden corrupt Black Judge Lampkin asked the corrupt Toronto Police Follert to arrest Major for "contempt of court" and take him to the jail. Follert in sudden jump out of his seat and handcuffed Major with nine other police and securities, who assaulted Major in the courtroom, at hall, and in the elevator.
; View Larger Map, Then Follert pulled Major Nourhaghighi with his tie to a cell on the ground floor show above as assaulted and torture him by nine dirty Canadian police and security, in which he force to the floor abd a criminal court securrity Morrison with 250 lb sat on him and forced his knees until broken Major's ribs then he was beaten by nine members of police and they left when they thought Major was dead.

Iranian Air Force
Persian Counter Dictionary
Queen & Corruption in Canada
Attorney General of Ontario is a Thief
Down with the Ontario Crown  and Judges
Queen Thief Judges and Lawyers in Toronto Courts
Minister of Justice & Attorney General of Canada is Bicycle Thief
Spit at the Face of Toronto Thief Judges and Lawyers and Police Brutality
Shit to the Face of Toronto Thief Doctors, Police, Crown, Judges and Lawyers

Since 1990 Toronto Police numerously tortured Major Nourhaghighi
Thus since 1994 he is potential Political Asylum Seeker as Canadian
Since 1990 his right to leave Canada is unlawfully denied
and obstructed by Police, Crown & CSIS
The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"

House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills
Sample of crimes by the Crown, Police & Toronto Criminal Organizations
against Major Nourhaghighi contains in X-Dictionary

The White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization are behind the Toronto newspaper the Globe & Mail
Major Nourhaghighi's pending Lawsuit against the Globe & Mail and the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Major Nourhaghighi's FACTUM as against the Globe and Mail and members of White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Corrupt Reporter Peter Cheney's Malicious Report against Major Nourhaghighi on the Globe & Mail, intentionally omitted all
productive facts about Major Nourhaghighi and added not founded materials showing Canadian Media is a voice of
the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization, Force, Injustice, Abuse, and Fraud in which the
Outrageous actions of the Defendants Cheney & the Globe & Mail constitute Obstruction of Justice,
Contempt of Court, Misleading Justice, Assault and Slander & Libel at " Major Keyvan's War "

To Serve Lawsuit to the Globe & Mail You need to do it as Personal Service at
444 Front St. W., Toronto, ON Canada M5V 2S9

On May 7, 1993 the Attorney General of Ontario & Transport Canada
hired a Portuguese criminal Rue Gregorio hired to kill Major Nourhaghighi.
Rue & his friend attacked to Major and caused him serious injuries
in which people taken him to Toronto Western Hospital by ambulance.
However, Major, while he was seriously injured smashed Rue's car
that he failed to run away and police arrested Rue and charge him
for aggravated assault & attempt to murder. But the Crown
and Corrupt Judge Hyrn clearly conspired and
dismissed charges against their agent Rue
$100,000,000 Damages
to Canadian Taxpayers

The said Crown Organized Crime on May 7, 1993involved a large numbers of corrupt Pilots, Judges, Lawyer, Police,
Flying Schools, ,Businesses, Doctors, Hospitals, Dentists, Banks, Insurance Companies,

Iranian-Canadian Criminal Organization in Toronto is known as "Iranian Plaza"
is a center of criminal organization having full control of all businesses from Yonge & Finch to Richmond Hill
they operate as cover up verity stores food/restaurants, doctors' offices or Exchange
However their real business is prostitution, drug and smuggling in
such many of them were charged by Police

New Issues & Lawsuits
Corrupt Athletic Centre of University of Toronto
involved in countless crime and wrong against Major Nourhaghighi
and numerously misled and obstructed justice system in Ontario & Canada's Courts

University of Toronto AC is a dirty Thief
Major Nourhaghighi sued the Corrupt Canadian Billionaire
Thief Galen Weston for theft of personal information

Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2011

March 21, 2011

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