Sunday 29 May 2016

"S" Canadian Sabotages & Terrorist Acts

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Corrupt Federal Court of Canada, Corrupt Judge Robin Camp sat on Alberta provincial court when he asked, 'Couldn't you just keep your knees together?'
Canadian Government & Bastard Queen Elizabeth II 
 Celebrating 150 of  Sabotages, Felonies, MAFIA and Terrorists Supports

The Lord of Law Major Nourhaghighi has declaring :
"Strip Searches are inherently humiliating and degrading and
must be stopped in

 Canada & USA"  

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawyers get hurt from its negative effects!"

In the Holy Name of Iran
 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

Sabotages and Terrorists actions by Canada as against 
Major Nourhaghighi's Airplanes 
This Flag is a Real Shame for the World! 

WE CONDEMN #Canadian 🇨🇦#Conspiracy to commit SABOTAGES & #terrorists acts by #corrupt @TorontoPolice &Mayor against #people WE challenging #Canada 🇨🇦with #evidence of #HumanRigts Violation & Misleading YN & World in any Court broadcast by #CNN and terrorists actions of the Canadian against the people of the Wold and the political opposition in Canada is condemned. Major Nourhaghighi is challenging whoever have a doubt for ample evidence in this issue. As soon as the time permits, Major Nourhaghighi will provide all scientific evidence against Canadian Government to the International Criminal Court for all crimes committed against Humanity by Canadian Officials in Toronto. We shall remember that the prove of Sabotages and Terrorists actions are very similar to the prove of the Bribery. Major Nourhaghighi, as the Prosecutor against three corrupt Government of Ontario, Quebec and Canada-Federal, is obligate to prove that logically and scientifically the circumstance of the Sabotages and Terrorists actions exist in all his cases as a crime against people of the World, many innocent Canadians and him! The following evidence is a sample of ample record in which over 300,000 pages of documents duly filed with the Police, the City of Toronto, the Courts, the Commissions, the Boards, the Councils, the Human Rights tribunal in Canada, US and the United Nations and other complaints investigations Offices who have jurisdiction over the subject matter in the following complaints:
A- Sabotages and Terrorists actions by the agents of Government of Canada, the RCMP, the Toronto Police and the Attorney General of Ontario in the Major's AIRPLANES;


B- Sabotages and Terrorists actions by the agents of Government of Canada, the RCMP, the Toronto Police and the Attorney General of Ontario in the Major's  MOTOR VEHICLES;

C- Sabotages and Terrorists actions by the agents of Government of Canada, the RCMP, the Toronto Police, the Attorney General of Ontario and corrupt owners in the MAJOR's HOME;

D- Sabotages and Terrorists actions by the agents of Government of Canada, the RCMP, the Toronto Police and the Attorney General of Ontario in the PUBLIC PLACES against Major;

E-  Sabotages and Terrorists actions by the agents of Government of Canada, the RCMP, the Toronto Police and the Attorney General of Ontario in the Major's Personal Computer

A- SABOTAGES IN THE AIRPLANES = The corrupt British Government has create the Canadian Government to perform all types of sabotages and terrorists acts against the people of the World such as crimes against the national and Internationals airplanes and airlines in accordance to objects of conspiracy.
The pleading in the Major Nourhaghighi's million dollars lawsuits in the Federal Court of Canada and the Ontario Courts indicating that the Transport Canada has committed sabotages as against the airplanes of Major Nourhaghighi in several flying schools in Toronto area at the Province of Ontario, such as the Toronto Airways Limited at Toronto Island, involved in several sabotages and terrorists actions as against several Major's airplanes with attempt to kill him; only Major Nourhaghighi's skill was the main reason of avoiding harm to the public, other pilot and himself by making a safe landing. The Toronto Airways Limited, at Markham Ontario, intentionally, has changed the Weight and Balance of the Major's airplanes by several different crimes, such as locating sands in the baggage department and or intentionally making unequal fuels in the wings; in the following dated and Aircrafts' numbers: Aug 19, 1992 "GOSM"; Sept 19, 1992 at "GZJS"; October 7, 1992 at "GYCX"; March 9, 1993 at "GYEV"; March 11, 1993 at "GRFB"; March 26, 1993 at " GPHJ". On April 6, 1993, corrupt Canadian-Russian Pilot, Gochwiski, who was Specialist in Airplane Sabotages and Terrorist acts, maliciously, locating hidden bags of sands weights in one side of the cargo compartment of twin engines PA-44 GGSY; that caused serious danger during take off and landings at Buttonvill Airport, Toronto [ there is a great possibility that Canadian Government was involved in the similar Sabotages and Terrorists acts against in John F. Kennedy Junior Airplane, and Pan Am over the Nayrobey, in England] that suddenly entered into a sharp dive and spin, as soon as, Major Nourhaghighi disengaged from the Auto Pilot; then Major was able to recover, by pulling shut down one engine and increasing trust in opposite of turn. On September 7, 1993, corrupt Canadian-British Pilot, Bond, who was Specialist in Airplane Sabotages and Terrorist acts, maliciously, did sabotages in in the Electrical System and Landing Gear of PA-44 GBNU at the City of Gulf, in Ontario; that caused complete Electrical Failures during night landing where Major was successful to land safely the airplane in the dark runway of Gulf at Golf International Flying Club. For more info in sabotages see videos at Youtube& Google under the keywords of "Major Nourhaghighi" and/or "Canada Sucks".
SABOURIN, Norman = The Executive Director and General Counsel Canadian Judicial Council ("CJC") at: Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W8.  Major addressed to complaint against corrupt Black Judge Pitt and Indian Judge Ducharme to Sabourrin.

SADEGURSKI, Barbara = Asshole Clerk of Ontario Court, 393 University, Toronto; who made Major's jobs difficult on October 14, 2004, by refusing to commission the copies of Application Record. Sadegurski was rude and had attitude and forced Major to find each Exhibit that she could sign them. As the result, Major lost time in going back to very busy photocopy shop and make over fifty copies of all exhibits and insert it to over five hundred pages that took eight hours was very frustrating and wasting the critical times for service of documents. While, Brenton had skill for this administrative problem.
SAR = Canadian SAR is a virus gift for people of the World. Toronto is a whore that unlawfully slept with dirty Chinese dirty dealer and spread SAR in North America. Soon Canadian The Government of Canada is responsible for all death of people in Canada and North America. SAR is going from TORONTO to all countries and cities around the World! It may take over five years until anti SAR be made! SAR can be controlled by following tips: 1- Have Vitamin C twice a day, 2-Have a more Vegetables (Wash very well)
3- Avoid Public Area, as mush as you can, such as Public Washrooms, Restaurants, Libraries etc. 4- WASH YOUR HAND MORE THAN BEFORE, 5- Use Canadian Flags in your washrooms as the toilet papers, it will help to avoid Canada!

SAUNA= Canadian do not have any culture to use the public or private bath and sauna. Canadian just purchased the sauna equipment's from other nations, and installed them across Canada. But they do not no the difference between a dry sauna and wet sauna, why other nations are using them in combination, and what benefit and hazard they have.
In the University of Toronto, the department of Physical Education; there were two dry saunas for men before year 2000 that were removed. Now there is only one wet sauna.
In both saunas men were shaving, eating in saunas where all men's ugly nude genitals and butts are facing them. Canadian read newspapers in saunas! This does not mean that they are intelligent, on! They are very stupid! The newspapers have all types of germs and the hot temperature of sauna achieving them, and the papers are making very bad smell, and it is very funny to see a full wet newspaper in hand of one of crazy professor of the University of Toronto on wet sauna. Canadian talk loudly in saunas and they talk about everything, many private issues of the other people; Canadian always speak behind the people. Canadian spit in sauna, pea in the sauna, whistle is sauna, seat with dirty ass on the sauna. Canadians do not take shaver before sauna, and come with all dirty body and feet in sauna, that smells extremely awful. Canadians are exercise in sauna with nude body bending themselves, seating nude on dirties floor, and starching. After several time that Major Nourhaghighi complaint, finally the put this not outside sauna, but no one read that! Do not spit in Sauna, Do not seat nude on floor, Do not pea in sauna and other very simple reminder that a child knows in many countries, but Canadians Professors, Students of top university the............
October 13, 2002, at about 4 PM, Major saw a white professor of UofT was performing a blowjob for a black man in the Sauna, without any shame. Most of male professor and securities of UofT are hemosex. All newspapers of UofT are full of adds, articles that students join and enjoy hemo- sexuality. However, a healthy and good relations between girls and boys have been seen that condemn and harassed by the corrupt staff of UofT. Many females partners of UofT staffs, have been forced to look for sex among males students as their males partners, husbands, or boy-friends have become hemosex. Several of the said females have approached Major since 1995; however the Major's ethical code does not allow sexual relationship with a person who has a partner.

SCANDALE = Night Club in the City of Montreal, Ste-Catherine Est, that on February 18, 2002 was involved in conspiracy with Montreal Criminal and Terrorist Organizations. Few dancers of the Scandale have committed boring and insulting misconducts against Major, in accordance to objects of conspiracy. Abuse of natural need, such as sex, is a Canadian culture.

SCHETAKIS, ANGELO = the most dirty Police agent-1992 to May 1994 involved in several sabotages and terrorists' acts against public and Major Nourhaghighi. SCHETAKIS, is member of reek-Canadian Criminal Terrorists Organization in Toronto, he is specialist in Sabotages in the Motor Vehicles, and did several kinds of sabotages against Major's rental Diamond Taxi, by direct Order of the Attorney General of Canada, where the Attorney General of  Ontario was obligated to enforce the Order. Canadian Government is responsible in law of all crimes against Major and the Public. The Defendant SCHETAKIS owns Taxi company and repair Shop in Toronto[St Clair], he caused serious harms and injuries to Major, where out of tens sabotages two of them ended to serious accidents on May 7, 1993, and April 16, 1994. Schetakis, had Order from Government to insult Major with worst words; therefore all animals shit and dirty spit to face of Queen Elizabeth II, all British History, all Canadian Judges and Lawyers, police officers and bankers.

SCHIEMANN, Peter = RCMP Constable killed by ROSZKO, Canadian farmer of Province of Alberta who brutally murdered four young RCMP Constables on March 3, 2005. Four RCMP Constables were died in the line of duty with honor, they are: Leo JOHNSTON, Brock MYROL, and Anthony GORDEN, in which two of them trusted to our good Canadian farmers, and did not take any gun and not wearing any body armour when they were killed. The team of RCMP and Edmonton city police constables had come and gone from a marijuana bust a farm near Rochfort Bridge, 120 km northwest of Edmonton, before four RCMP Constables were gunned down there the next day. They found 300 marijuana plants; the amount of pot could be worth as much as $400,000, and evidence of a vehicle chop shop. Corrupt Killer Roszko snuck up on the four RCMP Constables as part some kind of set-up, waiting for them to go to the marijuana, and then shot them. Slain RCMP Constables were dedicated their lives to the community in fighting with corruption in Canada. It is extremely sad that group of corrupt Ontario and Quebec Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, and Toronto and Montreal Police are supporting marijuana plants and made it legal. However, the absolute majority of Canadian and Major Nourhaghighi, severely, is condemning the growth and import of marijuana in Canada. It is great shame that Canada is calling itself as a 'democratic society' the majority of Canadian do not have any voice in Parliament and Justice System. We shall never forget that corrupt Judges of Ontario Court of Appeal made same sex marriage legal in Canada, raising the anger of Canadians. Shit to face of all these judges and lawyers who support corruption in our society in Canada. However many honorable Citizens like Major Nourhaghighi, Judges, Lawyers, and Constables are keeping their own fight with criminals like Corrupt Killer Roszko, who living was based on selling marijuana to our children in Canada. All good citizens of Canada and World are showing sympathy with all members of Police Forces around the World who died in fight with Smugglers; we all share very deep sympathies to all members of families, relatives, friends, colleagues, and good citizens who suffered nervous shock, depression, anguish, and anger for murders of four RCMP Constables. They are our Heroes because they fight with Marijuana.

SCHOBESBERGER [Shobesberger], RICHARD = corrupt Canadian Pilot, hired by the corupt Transport Canada who was orking at the Ontario Aviation Licensing as a Manager; he was named defendants in Major Nourhaghighi's Actions and Application before the Federal Court and Ontario Court for several felonies and wrongdoing such as the theft of confidential documents of Transport Canada in 1992; conspiracy with corrupt lawyers of the Attorney sGeneral of Ontario ad Canada "Stephone McCann, Roger Flaim & Allan Scott", conspiracy to torture Major Nourhaghighi with RCMP and Toronto Police, malicious and fabricating information to CSIS and USA, several attempt after 911 against Major Nourhaghighi's WebSite at GeoCities & Yahoo in which all those sites were trespassed and others. On April 5, 1994 Schobesberger was appeared as the Witness for corrupt Flying Club ATR and by making false testimony has committed perjury and obstructed the justice system that all those stolen exams were NOT currect exams of the Transport Canada. Howeve, in January 13, 2010 Major Nouraghighi was succesuf to found several mater documents indicating that an Investigator has reported to Schobesberger on May 7, 1993 that Major Nourhaghighi's report was correct; yet Schoesberger made a false report to the Minister of Transport that those exams were not current and the Minister reported the same to Major Nourhaghighi and assured him that staff of Transport Canada were not thief; aslo on September 25, 2003, Major brought to attention of American Government and the Federal Court in files T-768-03, and T-76204. It is Major's story that the pilots who attacked on September 11 to the World Trade Center, were airline pilots hired by Americans' airlines.

SCHOLICH, Gudrun = the court reporter of several Major Nourhaghighi's actions in Toronto Small Claim Court. Scholish, has removed part of Judge Donnelly reasoning in action against Co-Op Taxi, when counsel for Co-OP criticized from the Canadian Systems, and Mr. Donnelly responded: "This is a system that we have, and you and me making living out of it!"
SCHWARZ, Madeleine = Canadian RAT Lawyer defendant hired by the Department of Justice Canada, who provide a false affidavit to support an illegal and irregular application which brought by conspiracy.

SCOTT, Allan = The Most Corrupt Ontario Asshole British White Provincial Prosecutor defendant for bribery and conspiracy in several actions. Scott was party of several conspiracies with the corrupt Administration of the Old City Hall, in Toronto. Scott main conspiracy was with Officer Green that raised tens of legal proceedings. Scott is accused of being accessory in two counts of aggravate assaults and tortures against Major Nourhaghighi on December 20, 1994 and December 11, 1996.  Scott, acted as the Party with the Law Society in conspiracy to create fabricate evidence against Insurance Claims; he was party of conspiracy with the Condominium and received bribe from Condominium that be able to sell Major's property, by the Court Order. On February 15, 1996 the Toronto Police-Marcy Green and Attorney General of Ontario-Allan Scott, with a forged transcript of November 16, 1995, and commencement of a Malicious Prosecution have tried to get an Order by Madam Justice Boland to force Major Nourhaghighi to put his property on sale and its value be decreased 10% each month until be sold. They planned to not allow a real buyer to buy it until Scott be able to buy a $350,000.00 value property for less than $50,000.00 as they did with other Immigrants; but Major Nourhaghighi won the case, ended to anger of Scott and Toronto Police who torture Major on December 11, 1996.

Scrivo, Tony = Scrivo, is one of random real estate agent in North America that he had professional conduct with Major and honestly is the main part of his operation. Since 1992 Major has conduct with Scrivo and never any misconduct, or late reply to inquiries were noted. Scrivo, always return the calls, almost immediately, and spend as much as time require to make sure that the complete answers are provided. Scrivo says: "Getting Results is my Business" and he could be reached at telephone 905 275 9400. With no hesitation: "Thank You Tony Scrivo for being a great real estate agent"
View Larger Map

Sears -Canada = The corrupt Sears-Canada at 290 Yonge Street at the Defendant , the"Eaton Centre's Toronto, is the main importer & exporter of Heroin & Drugs to the World, in particular importing Heroin from Iran & Afghanistan and exporting to US, Japan & Chain in the Canadian Diplomatic packages delivered b the Toronto Police to the pilots and crews of the Air Canada. Major Nourhaghighi numerously was witness that White Canadians Staff of Sears have delivered packages of Heroin to drug sellers in Toronto who are mostly from poor black community and white Canadian taxi drivers. Major Nourhaghighi, after investigation, has found that the secret between the drug sellers and staff is the word of "Security" in which in sudden the public announcement will as k for"Security" of a small department in a corner in huge department store of ten floors. Sears -Eaton Center is fully controlled by corrupt Judges, Staff & the Crown Lawyers of Old City Hall,at Osgoode Hall, Court House, and the Federal Court that all located in same block of Sears. They afraid from good staff of the RCMP who monitors all telephone communications of the drug sellers. Therefore, the corrupt Judges and Lawyers asked from the manager of Sears to use the internal public announcement that RCMP not be able to intercept them [only few staff of RCMP are corrupt, like corrupt Constable KIM and ignoring the crimes of judges , clerks and lawyers of the Government, these RCMP usually sitting at US Embassy which located very close to the said Courts.] On April 23, 2010, at 8:45PM, major Nourhaghighi was at ground floor, in Sport Department, that in sudden heard a corrupt female staff announced: "Security to the Golf Department", Major Nourhaghighi who was close to the golf equipment has seen that two black males in their 20s and and one white male same age where waiting there. Major has seen no Security, but a female staff from a cashier asked them to follow her. The the white man has given many $100 & $20 bills to her and she has put a small bag to several jeans and gave the white man who noted Major Nourhaghighi was watching them, so he became nervous and soon they left. All Canadians saying that Major Nourhaghighi has no good skill in English, but they never consider that he is trying to make his points and many people can get it; yet if there is a question always you may ask for better particular or explanation. All Canadian Judges & Lawyers have admited that Major Nourhaghighi's report is made with honestly and good faith.

Second Cup = A police agent Coffee Shop in the City of Toronto-Bloor and Spdina, and Spadina Harward, acted as the party of conspiracy with Attorney General, in harasing Major Nourhaghighi and his children and guests in the said Coffee Shops.
Secretary General Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunication Commission {CRTC} = Canadian Criminal Organization that allows all kinds of frauds and electronic interference in the Internet and telephone; this office is defendant for supporting  the theft of communication by Bell Canada. The CRTC do not has any accountability. Down with Queen in Right of Canada

SEDUN, LEN = Corrupt Russian-Canadian Architect in his 75th that acted as agent of  Toroto Police & Attorney General of Ontario in collecting information against Major's property and refused to lead justice in regard of developing toxic mould on his property. Sedun acted as agent of police in collecting information against Major. Complaints against Sedun is reviewed by the  Ontario Architects' Committee for considering suspension of his licenses; Sedun has corrupt business titled SEDUN+KANERA ARCHITECTS Inc located at 22 McGee Street; Toronto, ON; M4M 2K9; VIA FAX 416 642 0678
SECURITY = Does not exit in Canada for poor people, immigrants, and refugees; and well can be found for dirty Queen's servants and her agents, banks, rich, strong corporation, and people who act as informers for Police and CSIS!
SECURITY GUARDS and OFFICERS = Another Colonial Hmmer to keep close Canadian mouths!
Security Guards of Condo 935 = Rasingam Kuharathasan- was accountant in his country; many security guards have trespass Major's property for investigation of a non-stop water penetration.
Security Intelligence Review Committee ("SIRC") = Members of Committee are appointed by Queen who have jurisdiction to review the Complaints against members of CSIS pursuant to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act. On March 13, 2004, the Committee, pursuant to object of conspiracy with the Attorney General of Ontario, Roger Flaim, closed Major's complaint two members of CSIS, Stewart and Mardalliran. On January 2005, Major got an Order from the Federal Court that obligated the Committee review Major's complaints "Lawfully"! The Committee again committed all kinds of frauds to disobey the said Order. Major has given a Warning to the Committee that would cite them for Contempt of Court; only after Major's Warning, the Committee sat June 23 & 24, 2005 for review of his Complaints before Gary Filmon. P.C., O.M.

SEIFE, ASFAW= the RAT Arbitrator defendant of the Ontario Insurance Commission, involved in one conspiracy in the insurance claim of Major Nourhaghighi in 1995.

Segal, Murray = Assistant Deputy Minister-Criminal Law Attorney General of Ontario Toronto who did not investigate Major's complain against corrupt Lawyer Alex Alvaro
and on her letter dated January 12, 2000, covered fraudulent misrepresentations of Alvaro.
SEGOR, MARIA = The investigator of the Defendant City of Toronto- Environment Department. Segor, in May 20, 1992, commence her investigation against the complaints for excessive noises from Whirlpool Pump, which is located over Nourhaghighi's Property. The Attorney General, interfere with Segor's Investigations, therefore, the problem never was solved , up to this date.

SEHMI, BHAJAN SINGH =Dishonest Physician Respondent at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Respondent at the Heath Professions Appeal and Review Board, Dr. Sehmi, abused his profession in creation of the fabricating record against Major Nourhaghighi in accordance to plans of conspiracy with the Crown. Sehmi, declared there was NOT a broken ribs due to torture, while other doctors admitted there was broken rib.

Security = Oh! Sorry this is not exit in Canada if you are NOT member of Queen's family, Queen's servants and MAFIA.

Security, Personal Information  = Canadian Judges, lawyers, Police, Doctors, Banks, Insurance Companies and their AGENTS are the main Thief of Peronal Information. 
 OUR Proofs
All Businesses in Toronto Eaton Centre Are
Too Dangerous for Shopping As
the Eaton Centre Security Is
 Involved in Thefts of Your Personal Information
this is My Proof!
Toronto Eaton Centre is the Most dangerous Place for All Americans
SEPE, MARIO = corrupt Federal Court Clerk, in Toronto, defendant for Bribery on January 19, 2001, in Major Nourhaghighi's complaint before the RCMP. Sepe was involved in two counts of conspiracies[ September 14, 2000 and January 19, 2001]. Owing to malicious acts of Sepe, Major was assaulted at the Registry in Toronto by RCMP KIM, therefore, he could not prosecute Five lawyers for contempt; as the object of conspiracy.

SERVICE= does not have any meaning in Canada, but all kinds of frauds in the name of services are very common, Everywhere, that a man must pay in advance for certain services, but he/she will never receive such services: such as frauds in services of the Courts, Bell Canada, Canada Post, Lawyers, Doctors, Flying Clubs, Condominium, Banks, University of Toronto and all other dishonest Canadians' institutions; if Canadians were honest nation, such corrupt government was not ruling over them and this Counter-Dictionary would not exist.

SEX = Does not exists in Canada for poor people, refugees, immigrants and people who have been targeted by the Government. Sex is a fraudulent misrepresentation of an act in Canada; a word for talk show. Sex is a 'good' for business; a day dream for everyone in Canada. Sex can be seen in many films but just for show. Sex is the big hammer in the hand of dishonest women; from July 1990 to July 2016, Major Nourhaghighi, as a single man, was targeted by the Government of Canada and Ontario that he could not have any kind of relationship with women; which has ended to serious harm for Major. Abuse of natural need is a Canadian culture, large numbers of night clubs in the cities of Montreal and Toronto have committed boring and insulting misconducts against Major, in accordance to objects of conspiracy.
Since July 1990, Major Nourhaghighi did not had sex with ANY women in Canada and whoever be able to prove it will get $10,000.00 Award!

SILVER. DEBBER = Corrupt Attorney General of Ontario Prosecutor defendant who conspired with the Police Officer Parson and Insurance Company. Whore Sliver, maliciously, adjourned the hearing by asking from the defendant interpreter Aziz SHAMS to leave the courtroom; when Silver has noticed that Major's witnesses were ready to testify against the Police.  In the corrupt Canadian Justice System, when the Prosecutor finds that there is a chance of losing the case they will adjourn the hearing that will harass the witness to not show for testimony again; Corrupt Judge Khawly, with bad faith adjourned the hearing; when NON of the Defence Witnesses have shown before the corrupt Bigelow

Silverman & Freed = The law firm-Toronto, who is representing the ANS Taxi, who is accused of Sabotages in public transport; acting as the agent of the Governments of Canada and Ontario.

SILVERMAN, HUGE W.= An ill Judge defendant who was mislead by the parties of the conspiracy [the Regional Chief Judge, KELLY who was removed for the said conspiracy was accused that his judge and the Metro Toronto Police, were involved in importing HEROIN from Iran, in action T-1900-96 at the Federal Court of Canada. Kelly and Other judges[Lampkin, McNish, Bigelow] have entered into a conspiracy, and illegally arrested Major by NINE members of Metro Police and Torture him at the Old City Hall. Than Police charge Major alleging that Major assaulted the its officers alleging that Major's spit to the FACE OF CANADIAN POLICE and stated that SPIT shall go as far as to the History of Canada. Mr. Cadsby, tried the allegation of Assaults against Peace Officers and dismissed the charges and clearly stated that "POLICE WAS STUPID", and sincerely express his sympathy for Major injuries.] SILVERMAN, maliciously, dismissed Major’s appeal for dismissal of the Charges against Condominium, and stated that McNISH was not involved in theft and conspiracy, without allowing a proper argument be made, and did NOT allowed the adverse witness defendant TIM PORTER who was involved in $60,000 Bribery from the Condo to testify[ From June 1993, to June 1996, tens of judges were involved in trial against Condominium for a simple charge of NOISE By-law, and finally declared that installation of a Weight Machine[by Board] over his bedroom was not violation, to NOT give a chance that civil lawsuit of Major succeed against Condominium.

SILVERMAN, SIDNEY J. = the counsel who acted for defendant ANS Taxi on 1997. Silverman, with full support of the Attorney General, set aside the THIRD default judgments against ANS. Silverman, did not kept his promise to the court for getting a new trial date. In the circumstance, Silverman's actions to the fraudulent misrepresentation, in attentive conspiracy. 

SIMARD, Anne = the dishonest court reporter of Ontario Court-Old City Hall, in Toronto, who is defendant for forgery of Cadsby's judgment of November 27, 1997. On March 9, 2000, Simard, maliciously, removed the part of judgment that Judge Cadsby found on his reasoning against the Black Thief Judge Defendant Lampkin who was involved in conspiracy with police officer Follert. In Alternative; Simard allowed the Attorney General of Ontario commits perjury on the Cadsby Judgment and she simply signed the forged transcript of judgment; this has more possibility, as most of transcripts made by other court reporter have similar omitting of material facts, and adding false evidence to the transcripts to cover up the crime of the Crown's parties.

SIMPSON, DOUGLAS H.= Senior Counsel of CIBC Legal Division was served by Major Nourhaghighi with the Statement of Claim in action 96-CU-113026. The CIBC, since August 1993 is involved in all kinds of frauds, thefts, and conspiracy against Major's accounts with all CIBC corporations such as CIBC Insurance, CIBC VISA, and CIBC Accounts. Major has closed most of his businesses with CIBC.

SINGER, KWINTER = the corrupt law firm in Toronto, runs by Jews; involved in several conspiracies with police and insurance company against Major Nourhaghighi. Several Jew lawyers [Kwinter,  Weinberger,  Amendola], were involved in the misleading the justice, abuse of court process, contempt of court, misrepresentation, and professional misconduct.

SINGH, RAI BALHAR = A False Name used by a Criminal Police Agent "Gurbax Singh Dhanoya " form 1992 to 1997, The Criminal Agent, from India, is specialist in Sabotages in the Motor Vehicles, and did several kinds of sabotages against Major's Vehicles which were used in the Public Transportation, by Order of the thief Attorney General of Ontario. Canadian Government is responsible in law of all crimes against Major and the Public. Singh ! made business with Major, and was subpoenaed under the same name, in his Testimony of October 1997, confess that SINGH, RAI BALHAR was a name of other person, when he was sued under the false name by Major. This police Agent, was active from 1992 to October 1997- when he made false statement under oath in his testimony. Singh was a thief in profession hired by the Government of Canada and Ontario for constructive thefts in accordance to objects of conspiracy. From 1992 to 1994, Singh has committed several thefts of Major's Auto's Ownership and Insurance Card, where Toronto Police Pig HUBBS, Immediately , stopped Major had charged him for not having the said documents! Over Ten Charges were issued against Major just by the said constructive theft! For further info see "Ontario Governmental Organized Sabotages" 

SINGH SEHMI, BHAJAN, M.D. =corrupt physician respondent at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and at the Heath Professions Appeal and Review Board in file No. 5122 for professional misconduct and cover up the crimes of Toronto Police. Sehmi ,abused his profession in creation of fabricating record against Major Nourhaghighi in accordance to objects of conspiracy with the Ontario and Canada Crowns. Sehmi declared that there was not a broken rib of Major due to torture by police, while Dr. Thomson of St. Micheal Hospital find  Major's right rib number 8 was broken. This is violation of human rights for Public Medical Accessibility. There is no credibility medical record in Canada as the Government control all reports made by hospitals and physicians.
SITEMAN, Mary = Corrupt teller of Canada Trust who acted in accordance to object of a conspiracy by Toronto Police in 1997 to cause mental anguish for Major, when the Government of Canada prosecuting him for the complaint that he made with the UN Human Rights Commission.
SLANDER & LIBEL = Canadian Culture, Canadian Ethical Codes allowed slander, particularly against immigrants, refugees, and people coming from other provinces to Toronto. Since 1994, Canadian media in Toronto attacking to Major Nourhaghighi's reputaion by defamation, Libel and Slander in newspaper [see Globe & Mail reports against Major Nourhaghighi] and Internet see Defamation, Libel and Slander Law 
SMITH, GARY = Toronto police officer defendant as supervisor for the fraud squad, 14 Division, who did not investigate properly the evidence of frauds against Condominium.
This is violation of Human Rights for the Police Services Accessibility.
SMITH LIBRARY = in the City of Toronto, as the party of conspiracy with the thief Attorney General of Ontario, has harassed Major in the Library.  

SMITH LYONS = A corrupt law firm defendant-Toronto, whose several staff and lawyers were involved in a conspiracy that ended to torture of Major in December 11, 1996.

SMITH, Kelly = corrupt duty counsel called to the bar in 1989, who was on duty at the Old City Hall, Toronto. Smith, alleged that the Provincial Judge, Walter P. HRYCIUK, sexually assaulted her by inserting his tongue in her mouth "had his hands of her face, on her cheeks, and then kissed her hard on the mouth and stuck his tongue in her mouth..."Reference: Report of a the Ontario Judicial Inquiry, Queen's Printer for Ontario-1993, ISBN 0-7778-2119-2.
SMITH, NANCY P. = The corrupt Deputy Registrar who is Architect in profession, hired by the corrupt Ontario Association of Architects involved in a conspiracy with the Attorney Generalof Ontario against a complaint that I filed against corrupt Architect Sedun; for more information see: the Ontario Corrupt Architects.

Picture of a corrupt Toronto Judge Walter P. HRYCIUK, who penetrate his fingers

to Ass & Vagina of several Canadian female Lawyers, Prosecutors, Judges, 

clerks, Police Constable, Securities, female defendants, witnesses, and Wives of Judges, Lawyers, Students of University of Toroonto and High Schools

Picture shows testimony of Judge Bovard's Wife

testifying that he push hard his fingers to her Vagina.

 Kelly Smith, is lawyer too, said " then he kissed my lips for long time,

pushed me to the wall and insert his finger to my ass until he came"

Judge asked from Kelly "He did while you wearing underwear"

Kelly replied " I wasn't wearing underwear"

Judge: "Why?"

Kelly: " I had yest so I didn't wear!"

Judge: " How Walter knew you are not wearing underwear?"

Kelly: "He asked me"

Judge: "What exactly he asked, what was your answer?"

Kelly: "Walter asked Kelly no penty today? I said yes. He said

so come to me babe!"

Judge: " So you are doing it on regular basis!"

Kelly: "Yes your honor, he was doing with all women even

school girls who works during summer and some of them were 13"

 Judge: Did you tell to your husband, Judge Bovard?

Kelly: Yes, he knew it.

Judge: What Bovard said?

Kelly: He said that Walter is member of Toronto Judges' Gang  

and if I complain they would not invite us to the Parties!

Judge "What?!"

Kelly: My Husband said they would isolate us and no one would talk with us.
Judge: In your complaint you said during three years you has all kinds of oral sex, anal sex and vaginal intercourse; where it happend

Kelly: mostly in Walter's Office at third floor of Old City Hall, few times in   my car or his, few times in his house and our home, and few times in the hotels rooms in downtown Toronto.
Judge: And you never complain to Police, Judges or any one.
Kelly: Yes Your Honor
Judge: You connected to this relationship, you were always happy, and your husband knew, so where is a complain.

Kelly: Because other women asked me to file complain!     

While Judge dismissed Kelly complaint, but Walter was convicted for other charges.

However, the Ontario Court of Appeal set aside the conviction, on the grounds of the First Day that Kelly's relationship started and she alleged that Walter insert his fingers to hier Vagina. . Walter brought a Doctor to the Court that he explained THE FINGER MUST PAST A particular BONE between women legs until be considered as penetration. And while they were standing, it is impossible the finger pass that bone. So, the panel of the corrupt judges granted the appeal. set aside the conviction 

and Awarded One Dollars Costs to Corrupt Judge Hryciuk


However, the same Judges would five FIVE YEARS

JAIL to Black people if they TOUCH a white woman!

Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto = The member of Iranian Canadian Criminal Organization involved in serious insults and propaganda against Iranian Muslims in Toronto in which Major Nourhaghighi filed an official complaint against it; and continued harassments by its agents and staff against Major Nourhaghighi in all Iranian community & businesses since December 2005. Shahriyar Ahmadi in reply to Major's complaint clearly made false statement to avoid the serious charges and fine; this matter will be before the Federal Court of Canada in 2010.
SMITH, TODD D. R. = The Property Manager of Condominium, who act as the party of conspiracy in 1993, with object to sell Major's property, in power sell.
SNELL, MATTHEW = the counsel defendant ,acting for Dr. Gonzalez, Snell, was involved in several conspiracies, fraudulent misrepresentation, misleading and obstruction of justice.
SNIDER, Judith A. = Ugly Judge of Federal Court; made harmful Decision in file T-768-03 on November 24, 2003 pursuant to object of a conspiracy in which Major filed a complaint against Corrupt Judge Snider with Corrupt Canadian Judicial Council. The following is an 'exact copy' of Major's complaint against Corrupt Judge Snider:

Corrupt Supreme Court Judges Involved in Major Nourhaghighi'
June 10, 2005 CONFIDENTIAL
The Executive Director and General Counsel
Canadian Judicial Council; Ottawa, On; K1A 0W8
VIA FACSIMILE 613 998 8889 [613 288 1575] sent at 11:50AM

This is a complaint against the Federal Court Judge, SNIDER for conspiracy with Federal Court.
HISTORY: In February 2001, pursuant to Gibson Order, T-1535-00, five contemnors lawyers were forced to stand defending their contempt charges brought by me before Lutfy CJ. The Federal Court's clerk Mario SEPE conspired with five contemnors lawyer and asked from RCMP to arrest me at the registry; ended that said charges was dismissed in my absentia. The Crown, the RCMP, the CSIS and Federal Court, then mislead the Minister of Citizenship who unlawfully objected me under s. 19 of the Citizenship Act as a threat to security of Canada. I charged the Minister of Citizenship for "Contempt" in file T-768-03; the Federal Court's judges, its clerks and the Crown did all kinds of crimes against the administration of justice, that I couldn't get my citizenship. The Federal Court, obstructed me everywhere in the registry and courtrooms; and by its corrupt Prothonotaries Lafreniere, and Milczynski obstructed me. I brought motions to be heard in Montreal, and Ottawa; Crown interfere; finally my motion sat to be heard in Toronto.
On November 24, 2003, Snider J insulted me in accordance to plan of a conspiracy with the Crown. I had a motion to set aside two Orders against me made by said corrupt prothonotaries. While my motion was scheduled to be heard from early November, yet; Snider let me sat in the courtroom from 9:30 AM to 1PM. During this period a lot of securities were trying to upset me by their aggressive movements inside and outside the courtroom. About 1PM, the arguments of lawyers on a case that was pushed to be heard first, was over; while, Snider J has given two hours extra times to the parties to conclude their arguments. Then, Snider J by funny way pronounced my last name and start shouting by opening her big mouth, which was disgusting to look at it and stated that would not her my motion, and in sudden left the courtroom. Snider J tried her best to make me to reply to her arrogant and aggravated manner that I ignored her in her totality and I did not reply a 'single' word, and by 'silence' have caused her to feel failure in her malicious acts to make me upset, that be able to call securities to arrest me; as the same tricks have several times used against me in the courtroom. I made this complaint; as on January 31, 2005, Lemieux J on his Order erred in fact that I do not have complaint against Federal Court judges. I brought all my complaints to attention of cheap judges; as YOU and CJC have shown dishonestly and bad faith in investigating my complaints against judges that I sent to you.
608-456 College St. Toronto, ON, M6G 4A3; Tel: 416 513 0672

SOARES, Tina = the Transport Canada investigator that find Major Nourhaghighi's report was correct but did not take proper administrative action to lead the justice system and other officials; as the result series of the false judgments were made.  Soares, is defendant in Major action for failing to disclose material facts to the justice system.

SOLTANPOUR, Nader = Active member of the Iranian-Canadian Terrorists, and Criminal Organization in Toronto having fraudulent misrepresentation as "Producer" of the "Persian Voice Radio" at Fair Child Radio in 1430 AM. Since 1993, Major Nourhaghighi is following malicious acts of Soltanpour against Iranian Community in Toronto. Major is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that Soltanpour, as agent ICTCO who is defendant before the Canadian Broadcast Standard Council ("CBSC") in file C01/02-711. The particular against Soltanpour's wrongdoings against Islam, Iran and Iranian Community in Toronto and breach of Iranian and Islamic Ethical Codes and Values are so extensive in which it require time to explain each part in detail

SOMERS, WILLIAM = The Stupid Canadian Judge Defendant who on December 5th, 1994, heard FOUR Motions listed against two lawsuits brought by Me against the Governments of Canada and Ontario [Ministers, Chief Judge, Chief of Police and Mayor of Toronto]. The Judge Defendant, Somers, asked me: "Where Are You From?" I replied: "IRAN!". Corrupt Judge Somers said: "In this Country WE have RULE!", and arbitrary dismissed both actions without giving any reasons by awarding $2500 to FIVE Motions! I was very offended by racist statement of the corrupt Judge Somers and Imade Oath to revenge. Somers insulted to my Nationality, when IRAN, 3500 Years ago had the published LAW and RULES of Trial, where the British and their Queen were living LIKE Animals in Jungles. Imade THIS Canadian Counter Dictionary to prove that still in Canada LAW does NOT exist that a man can trust on it, or an office to listen to my complaints. I made oath to revenge against Somers' contemptuous statement. In less than five months, I brought the Earth Shacking Lawsuit that forced several law firms and the thief Attorney General of Ontario to disobey the Court Order by clear conspiracy against Coo Order. Somers' abuse of judiciary power was the turning point in whole my sprite, when for next 11 Years, all judges, lawyers, police and the Attorneys General of Canada, Ontario and Qubec did all kinds of crimes against Administartion of Justice, just to WIN a case out of HUNDREDS of the proceedings that I WON!
I made the biggest Traps for the Canadian Judges and Lawyers JUST to prove Judge Somers was Stupid in his comments against my Dear IRAN, and there is NO Law and Rule in Canada!"

SOMERS, ROBERT =  the employee of CHUM RADIO involved in cover-up of theft of confidential documents of Transport Canada. SOMERS breached the Ethical Code of Media and impartiality of the investigation of News and forwarded the Major's letters to the hands of thief.

SOLO Mobile = a thief comany made a cotract with corrupt Bell Canada to commit robbery in the name of Mobile phone; is expert in overcharging and harassments to get illegal money from citizens and Major Nourhaghighi.
SOUCY, Chantal, L. = corrupt clerk of the Supreme Court of Canada involved in conspiracy
against Major's Notice of Appeal, send on December 1998; where the Ontario Court of Appeal dissented to Major's convection for contempt by corrupt Judge Lampkin who was very upset from Major Lawsuit against him and abused his power by conspiracy with Toronto Police Pigs, Edward Follert, who tortured Major and broken his ribs! Soucy dishonestly with Registrar Anne Roland and the thief Attorney General of Ontario; was serious violations of Human Rights.

SOUTH America Canadian Criminal Terrorists Organization in Toronto (SAC TOT) = The largest Criminal Organization in North America that fully supported by three Governments of Toronto, Ontario and Canada in actions against Major Nourhaghighi and his family and other citizens. The corrupt members of SACCTOT were involved in numerous contents of conspiracy to mislead and obstruct the justice systems by creating all types of fabricating documents against Major that allowed his communications be illegally intercepted to obstruct Major's businesses. Its numbers have trespassed Major's property for planting objects, by fraudulent misrepresentations of being Applications for Tents of Major's Property; mostly claimed to be the Students of the University of Toronto. The SACCTOT main offices are located in Nights Clubs at the College Street where Major reside since 1991 and has full knowledge of their illegal operations which mainly is import of all types of drugs from all around the World; particularly South America, specifically Colombia. Toronto's Judges, Lawyers, and Police are directly involved in the said conspiracy [Reference Action T-1900-96, in Federal Court of Canada against Judges and Police for importing Heroin from Iran]. Three main offices of SACCTOT are El Rancho Club 430 College Street (416) 921 2752, Plaza Flamingo Restaurant and Club 423 College Street, and Convento Rico Club 750 College Street. January 1, 2002, at 2 AM was the latest crime committed against Major and his family at the Flamingo Club where Iranian and South American Terrorists have committed all types of harassments and physical assaults against Major and served him with a poison on his drink that caused severe injuries and illness for few days.
SOUTHEY, James Bonham Strange = a judge of Superior Court of Justice defendant for moving along with the objects of conspiracy. Southey is accused of misconduct at the Canadian Judicial Council. Southey, maliciously, refused to extend the time to file appeal against the Toronto Airways Limited.  

Sparkes, Nick = corrupt Special Constable of Campus Community Police of the University of Toronto involved in a conspiracy of September 15, 2010, between 11am to 2pm.
SPECIAL DAMAGE = an actual amounts of money that a person lost for torts of a defendant(s); this is the only damages that a man may get from the courts after long and expensive proceeding. In Major Nourhaghighi lawsuit against Bank of Nova Scotia, the corrupt judge Thomson after three hours trial and 16 Exhibits have awarded $250 Special Damages to Major, without considering General Damages, and Punitive damages for conspiracy of the bank in manipulation of his accounts! As the result of weak judgment the bank continued its nuisances and abuses that Major brought application under Human Rights Violations!
Speyer, Christopher = Corrpt Judge of Ontario Superior Court that on May 2008 refused to make decision in Major Nourhaghighi's application according to Object of Crown Conspiracy; see T-1020-07 at Federal Court whereas Speyer tried to mislead the Federal Court.
Spit, spitting, spatter = the Canadian Culture and tradition; Canadian spits to face, cars, windows and houses of each other as soon as they became upset from a minor discrepancy or violation. In the downtown of Toronto there are a group of carrier companies who ride bicycle for delivery of the parcels, these dirty Canadian continuously spitting to the cars and people who may negligently cross their ways.
Spit to the Face of Canadian Police, Lawyer, Judges, Canadian and Queen Elizabeth II = the police offender Edward Follert alleged that Major Nourhaghighi has spit to his face while he was grabbing Major's throat to kill him under the torture with eight other Toronto police offenders. Major was charged for assaults against two peace officers, but non of the offenders were charged for torture, excessive use of force and attempt to the murder. Mr. Judge Cadsby tried the allegation against Major and dismissed the charges and declared that Police was stupid! Follert testified that Major's spit has fall into the Face of Queen Elisabeth for represent the Canadian Forces the n and History of Canada [transcripts of trials November 24 to 27, 1997, at Old City Hall, Toronto].
Spit to the Face of the Queen Elizabeth = Detective Edward Follert , 52 Police Division Toronto, the dismissed allegation against Major[transcripts of trials November 24 to 27, 1997].
Spit to the Face Canadian History and all Canadians generations = said by Detective Edward Follert , 52 Police Division Toronto, the dismissed allegation against Major [transcripts of trials November 24 to 27, 1997, at Old City Hall, Toronto].
SPOTLIGHT SERVICE CENTER= A Criminal Police Agent Auto Service-1992 to 1994 specialist in Sabotages in the Motor Vehicles, did several kinds of sabotages against Major Nourhaghighi's Vehicles which were used in the Public Transportation, by Order of the Attorney General of Ontario. Canadian Government is responsible in law of all crimes against Major and the Public. SPOTLIGHT Service closed its business, as soon as, it was prosecuted by Major
Sprint Canada = the corrupt telephone company defendant for series of nuisances in accordance to plan of conspiracy with the Attorney General on Canada and Ontario. On September 13, 2000, Sprint maliciously create a debt against Major's account and disconnect all its services due to Major's prosecution against its conspiracy.

, ,
Spurr, Levine & Associates = The most corrupt JEWISH law firm in Toronto involved in several wrongdoings and felonies against Major Nourhaghighi in which corrupt jew lawyer Lorne Levine is defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's action for conspiracy and misrepresentation in Condo 935.
SPY = Canadian! Whoever comes from Canada, disregard of his main Nationality or Race or Religion or Sex!!
SPYING Equipments = Telephone, Letters, Computers, Recorders. And also Houses, Cars, Television and Radio et al by installing a mic, as they have installed in Major Nourhaghighi's properties.
Stachybotrys = Toxic Mould found by T. Harris Environmental at Major's Home, at kitchen ceiling where the toxic mould intentionally build by the Governments of Canada and Ontario to cause serious harms to Major and his children. Toxic Moulds pose a multitude of heath risks and are potentially deadly to the frail and vulnerable, experts say. Airborne spores can cause allergic reactions, such as headaches, nosebleeds, coughs, sore throats, shortness of breath and skin rashes and can bring on asthma attacks. Reactions vary from person to person. Heath risks are also posed by mycotoxins and neurotoxins released as the mould eats its way through porous building materials such as drywall, wood, paper, and insulation. Mycotoxins can cause chronic fatigue, short-term memory loss, sleep disturbance and disorientation. They could also be deadly to people with undeveloped or weakened immune system; for example newborns, organ transplant, cancer and AIDS patents. Tricothecene mycotoxins are so poisonous that concentrated forms are used in biological weapons. Such mycotoxins were present in the so-called "yellow-rain" which American forces used to kill 10,000 in Vietnam. Saddam loaded tricothecene against Kurds and Iranian during the 1980s. Stachybotrys airborne spores could enter into Air Condition System & may cause of infants lung bleeding.  Since June 2004 the Governments of Canada and Ontario are not allowing the toxic mould be removed by Condo 935 from Major's Unit, and obstructed examinations and by its corrupt judges did not let Major get proper order to remove the hazards, urgently. The corrupt staffs of the City of Toronto and Mayer have covered the crimes of the said Governments against Major and his children.
Standard of Conduct = Until March 21, 2002 does not exist in Ontario, Quebec and Canada Criminal and Civil Justice Systems, as it is against the nature of its dishonestly; while Iranian Air Force in 1970 had Standard of Conduct!

Niagara Falls Fascist Police at St Catharines
Harassment & Unlawful Arrest of Our Children

St Catharines Corrupt Police = Unlawfully asking the civilian police to Intercept everywhere in the City and make fabricating documents AND Harassment  against Major Nourhaghighi everywhere like Target Store, PC Bank, Mall and Library. 

STANSELL E. Elizabeth = Scotiabank's Assistant Manager, at 44 King Street, Toronto, who has approved Major's application for mortgage in 1992, where Major's property was in danger, due to conspiracy of corrupt board of Condo 935. Stansell, at the critical point of Major's life, assisted Major, where Major was new immigrant in Canada and did not had credit record for approval of Mortgage. Major presented beautiful red persian roses to Stansell as Thanks for her help. 
STARR, Abby Katz = The Chief Operating Officer of Health Professions appeal and Review Board- for Ontario, whose Registrar is accused pursuant to objects of conspiracy. No misconduct is noted by Starr.

STATE FARM Insurance = the most corrupt insurance company in North America, paid no benefit, whatsoever, to Major Nourhaghighi, after corrupt Toronto Police Pig Parsons had accident with Major and caused him serious injuries. Angela LAM the dirty agent in Toronto was main party of conspiracy. State Farm from December 1993 to September 1994, that Major was involved in prosecution against corrupt Canadian Pilots, overcharged Major, and never return his money.
STEINBERG,GARY= was Major Nourhaghighi's Lawyer that conspired with Condominium 935 and the Attorney General of Ontario to sell his property without his consent. Steinberg, was named defendant in two Major's actions in the Ontario Court.

STEPHENS, SCOTT = The Criminal Police Officer defendant,[52 Division- Toronto], committed aggravated assault against Major Nourhaghighi.Stephens, has twenty years experience with Metro Police. Stephens, involved in several conspiracies and felonies that minimum punishment for him will be life imprisonment; when Canada Falls- with help of God! The following are some of long listed charges against Stephens: Conspiracy with Police Officer Marcy Green to prosecute Major Nourhaghighi, when he was innocent- Nov 23, 1995; assault, battery and Torture with eight other members of police in December 11, 1996; perjury, on October 1997; abuse of the public authorities, obstruction and misleading the justice, frauds in documents of disclosure and other criminal and civil wrongs. The corrupt Judge Day dismissed my prosecution against the pig officers Follert, Aiken, Stephenson, Morrison  et al. However, in a similar case Judge Gregory REGIS found BYRNE guilty assault  where an inmate spat at dirty face of Byrne, as Major spat at dirty face of Follert. Byrne chocked the inmate and Follert chocked Major too! However, the dirty United Nations Human Rights Torture Committee and all other fucking Human Rights organizations do not object to Tortures in Canada and USA!

STEPHENSON, Micheal R. = the Stupid-Son, or the Son of Stupid, is the dishonest lawyer who was involved in conspiracy of May 7, 1999, and allowed frauds against Major Nourhaghighi's Home Insurance Policy with CIBC be continued; and alleged that Major could NOT have legal action against CIBC, as the dishonest Attorney General will support the strong corporation.

On September 1, 2000, corrupt lawyers, Steven Weisz tried to revenge against Major that was face with Charge of Contempt! On January 19, 2001, Weisz and Stephenson have paid bribe to the Federal Court Clerk Mario Sepe, who caused delay in the said charges!

STEBELSKY, Stephan = Corrupt employee of the Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship that conspired against Major's Website in November 29, 2001, in accordance to the objects of a conspiracy to obstruct Major's application for Citizenship. Major Nourhaghighi discovered the e-mails of the corrupt Stebelsky that said: "Hello from IRAN (I'm here on an area trip for a month). As I was checking some of the backgrounds of clients and associates on the Internet. I came across the Website of this permanent resident who was an Iranian military pilot and seems to have become a landed immigrant since 1990. No evidence that he's applied for citizenship, but through that you might want to see what he's been up to. It would appear that he's quite opinionated against Canadians and would certainly not be interested in taking an oath of allegiance. Given his outspokenness, perhaps he'd be of interest to the Service or the RCMP. For your appropriate action. regard, Stephan." Soon after aforesaid e-mail, all Major Nourhaghighi's Website were deleted by Service-CSIS and RCMP by trespassing his passwords and attacking to his home and destroying all documents in his personal computers. Further, the corrupt Stebelsky's E-mail was the Exhibit "Q" to Major Nourhaghighi Affidavit of May 13, 2004, and as the result Major was successful in his legal proceeding against the CSIS.
Corrupt Stebelsky sent his e-mail to Rosemarie Redden; Carlolyn Wallace and Dave Declerg.  Major was successful in a legal proceeding condemn the CSIS, RCMP and Minister of Citizenship who was forced to resign, due to the scandal.

STEWART, Anne = Corrupt Public Health Inspector of the City of Toronto at South Region, who on November 23, 2004 acted as member of the criminal organization within the Government of Canada in covering up the crime of building toxic mould in Major's home. Since 1996 Major complaining of toxic air in his unit but no one was able to discover the source. On June 2004, the kitchen ceiling collapsed as Major discovered over one meter toxic mould. The Attorneys General of Canada and Ontario did not allow the ceiling be repaired and did not allow any specialist exam the mould until on October 19, 2004 that Major was successful to get an Order from the Ontario Court that T. Harris Environmental Examine the mould, who found the mould was danger to the health. However the City of Toronto, Stewart, Venger and Moses have covered the crimes and allowed Major and his children and over two hundreds residents be exposed to toxic mould to cover the crimes of the Government's agents in the Condo 935.
STONE, Defendant, Arthur J. = Judge of Federal Court of Canada, who did not give any reason for dismissal of Major's Appeal in file A-410-95. Judge Stone did not brought in reasoning that major was prejudiced by delay for hearing. Judge Stone, made remake against Iranian Justice System, when Iran at always has respected its own rule of law and never was as corrupt as Canadian Justice System, while Canada does not respect its own law.  Major made complain against Judge Stone.

Strip Search =  is common in Canada and US by the Police, Guards, Judges, or even by security staff ("They")  in Canada, in which they force the victims to be naked, in the streets, during day time in front of all other people, or at private, jails and cells in which They inseret finger to vagina and anus to make sure victims are not carrying drugs. The study shows that most of victims later have been sexually assault by them.
The Lord of Law Major Nourhaghighi has declaring : "Strip Searches are inherently humiliating and degrading and must be stopped in Canada & USA"  

STUPID = Canadian Nation, Canadian Judges, Canadian Students, Canadian Police, Canadian Arts, Canadian Lawyers, Canadian Culture, Canadian Building Code, Canadian Health, Justice and Education Systems, Chiefs Judges of Canada and Ontario, Metro Toronto Chief of Police and Mayor,

StyleXchange = Retail Store in Montreal, On November 29, 2002, at 5:49PM Major was in the City of Montreal, in front of StyleXchange at mall in St Catherine Street west, that he saw the building security [a white man, young, tall, about 170 pounds] had sexual conduct with a Jewish young man, having his small hat, wearing black shirt and trouser in the back of store. Homosexuality is the biggest problem of Canadian, where due to all harassments and dishonestly by the Canadian women, men, everyday move more, and more toward each other. Toronto, is the Capital of Homosexuality, however, Major have never seen a Jew [with clear dress identification among them]. Most members of Montreal and Toronto selected from Homosexual groups, that allows more money moves from Homosexual, all over the world to Canada; while the families in Canada do NOT have any voice!
SUDDES, Kevin = Staff-Sgt of Toronto Police; Suddes is not a pig! Because he did not made a false statement in accordance to an object of conspiracy, or politic! Usually Canadian Judges and Police are follower of American's malicious politic against Iranian, and do their best to accused Iranian for wrongdoing to make Dirty Bush happy! 
SUE, Bryan = Customer Service Manager of the defendant Eaton's department store, who was served with the lawsuit on October 28, 1996. The Eaton's was involved in several conspiracies and finally on October 1999, was bankrupt due to all frauds and dishonestly against public.
Sully Film = is a fraudulent misrepresentations of the facts involved in Flight 1549, to cover of Engine failure due to Fuel System problem. Sully is a 2016 American biographical drama film directed and co-produced by Clint Eastwood and written by Todd Komarnicki, about US Airways Flight 1549 and its pilot, Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, based on the autobiography Highest Duty by Sullenberger and Jeffrey Zaslow. The film stars Tom Hanks as Sullenberger, with Aaron Eckhart, Laura Linney, Anna Gunn, Autumn Reeser, Holt McCallany, Jamey Sheridan and Jerry Ferrara in supporting roles.Sully premiered at the 43rd Annual Telluride Film Festival on September 2, 2016, and was released in the United States by Warner Bros. in conventional and IMAX theaters on September 9, 2016.[2] The film received positive reviews and has grossed $45 million worldwide. 
On September 10, 2016, Major saw this good movie at IMAX dirty and Unsafe Cinema in Toronto and paid $42 for tow tickets!

Major Nourhaghighi Investigation v. FAA & NTSB & Pilot Negligence Flight خبط خلبان 1459
Sullenberger Chesley Burnett "Sully" = Major Nourhaghighi, on same day of January 15, 2009 that Sully crashed the plane into river with 155 passengers; he declared Pilot Negligence and NTSB cover up as it has show in the above video 

SUPERINTENDENT of Financial Institutions Canada = the corrupt Office that allows banks to freedom of robbery, while its mandate is to watch for proper administration of the Bank Act by the Banks

SUPREME COURT OF CANADA and corrupt Judges and Registrar Anne Roland
SZUL, M =Dishonest defendant decision maker of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario who abused its power and dismissed Major’s Nourhaghighi’s legitimate complaints against corrupt physicians who were involved in covering-up of the criminal act of the Canadian Police in torture against Major. Dr. Szul, abused the jurisdiction of the College against Major, and with serious Slander against Major caused him permanent injuries to his reputation.

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