Thursday 26 May 2016

" K " KALIMOOTOO, Roxanne = the corrupt Registrar for the Ontario Human Rights Commission "OHRC"

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

You Canadian Chickenshit Cowards
who didn't have the Balls
 کانادائیهای بی ارزش ترسوی بی خایه

Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N   P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
is is part of my autobiography that indicates Hundred thousands of Canadians were involved in the
most serious felonies against my children and I. If you honestly believe that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $500 administration fees for
its removal from all my sites

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawyers get hurt from its negative effects!"

KALIMOOTOO, Roxanne = the corrupt  Registrar for the Ontario Human Rights Commission "OHRC"; who in accordance to object of conspiracy on May 16, 2002 sent seven judgments by regular mail to Major Nourhaghighi, where the judgments were delivered in May 31, 2002. The corrupt Kalimootoo, as object of conspiracy wrote that Major has: "15 Calendar days from the date posted above for filing an appeal" to prejudice the right of Major's appeal. The Major's records indicate ample evidence of this this of frauds in mailing the judgments by the Registrars in Ontario and Federal Court.
KARJALAINEN, TODD = corrupt Toronto police constable defendant for misconduct and abuse of authority who, maliciously, did not enforced the law against Condominium. Karjalainnen, twice ignored subpoena, in accordance to conspiracy with the Condominium.This is violation of Human rights for Fair Trial.

KASHANI, Bahram = Persian-Farsi Interpreter who works in the City of Toronto, Telephone and Fax 416 447 2642. On November 25-28, 1997 Kashani, attended in the Courtroom at Old City Hall, and assisted major Nourhaghighi in Defence against two criminal charges brought by two members of Toronto Police alleging that Major assaulted them and spat in their face where they alleged spitting in the Face of Toronto Police means spitting to the Face of Queen Elizabeth and whole Canadian Judges and History of Canada. Kashani was calm during four days intense trials and his proper behaviour was one of good reason that Major was successful to satisfy Judge Cadsby that the allegations of Police were malicious abuse of process. Judge Cadsby accepted Major's evidence and condemn Toronto Police for torturing Major and bring charges against him. Major believe that Judge Cadsby had intend to say to Police offenders: "Major's spit did not fall in the Face of Queen Elizabeth and Canadian Judges as you alleged. It has fall in the dirty face Toronto Chief of Police that hired you pigs to abuse your power and disrepute the Canadian Administration of Justice"

KELLY, BRENARD M. = Ex-Regional Chief Judge of Torontodefendant who was removed due to conspiracy against Right Honour Major Nourhaghighi. As soon as, Kelly was sued by Major, for involvement of the Metro Toronto Police in importing HEROIN from Iran, in action T-1900-96 at the Federal Court of Canada. Kelly and Other judges[Lampkin, McNish, Bigelow] have entered into a conspiracy, and illegally arrested Major by NINE members of Metro Police and Torture him at the Old City Hall. Than Police charge Major alleging that Major assaulted the constables alleging that Major SPIT to the face corrupt member of Toronto and Montreal police has gone as far as to the History of Canada- See transcripts of November 24-27; Judge Cadsby, tried, the allegation of Police against Major, and dismissed the charges and clearly stated that "POLICE WAS STUPID", and sincerely express his sympathy for Major.This is violation of Human rights for Fair and Public Trials.

KEIR = in Farsi [Persian] means Dick [ male genital], it is not polite to use it. Th academic term is "Aalat Tanasoli Mard" [men's genital]
Penis gazers were killed by Donkey's Penis!
KEIR and KADO = KEIR in Persian means Penis and KADO means Pumpkin; Rumi, great Iranian Poet refers that to the people who are interested to see whatever they love to see; not the true facts. Their excitement are so high that cannot see any other objects around the loved one object. The story came from a village when a young girl stepping in the stable, and suddenly she was witness of that a senior woman having sex with a donkey. In the other day,the young girl tried to have the similar experience. But, as soon as, she had intercourse with donkey, started scramming for as the result of the serious injuries. The senior woman rush to the stable and blamed her for what she did. The young girl said that seen her doing the same. The senior woman, said: " Shut up, you have saw the KEIR but you did not see the KADO which was between our genitals!".  

KENNEDY, Margaret = The corrupt servant of the Government of Canada at the CRTC, in Toronto, who abused her office by interfering in Major Nourhaghighi's communications with the CRTC. Kennedy has stolen several Major's complaints that she was responsible to send to Ottawa for filing; one of main document was stolen by Kennedy, was a complaint that Major made against theft of his cash by Bell Canada. Owing to theft of Kennedy, and dishonestly of the CRTC, Major telephone services was terminated, which was solo source of his communications

Kennedy-Loewen, Susan = Dirty Vice-President of Scotiabank, 44 King Street, Toronto, who was involved in a conspiracy  with object of the Constructive Insults as the main tactic of dirty Member of Criminal Terrorists Organization. On or about June 2002 Scotiabank wrote to Major that he was pre-approved credit of $15,000 and asked to sign a document and get ScotiaLine VISA. On August 9, 2002, dirty shit face Susan wrote a letter that its content was the Constructive insult; starting her letter with the word of "Congratulations!" and providing all fees of using the credit, and given interest rate of $4.5% and other particulars. Spit at face of Susan in accordance to object of Constructive Credit Account has opened an account on ScotiaLine VISA, 453......, however bank does not give any credit;  "Your Credit limit of $0 which can be accessed via cheque or VISA card" all these shits for nuisance and waste of time.

KERR, Robert =A Canadian Police Officer Investigator Supervisor defendant. who conspired with Pinchin and Parson, to cover-up his criminal acts. Kerr, misconduct himself with Major Nourhaghighi' Complaints and did not examine the evidence with good faith and honestly.
KETTLE, Charles A.= Dishonest Physician defendant in Ontario Court and Respondent at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Respondent at the Heath Professions Appeal and Review Board.Dr. Kettle, abused his membership in the Board of Director, and involved in frauds against the Major Nourhaghighi's Condominium. Kettle, who was obligated to give answer to the police, purchased a Weight Machine and installed over Major bedroom. Kettle, abused his professional relationship with doctors and hospital and caused tens of physicians get involved in his conspiracy. This is violation of Human rights for Public Medical Accessibility.
KHAWLY, Ramez = a Toronto Region corrupt Judge, defendant for following the objects of the conspiracy at Old City Hall by arbitrary decision in adjourning a case. On July 3, 1994, Khawly was appointed to hear a police charge against Major Nourhaghighi after police hit Major's vehicle and caused him permanent injuries, police claimed that Major's speed was 10Km/H. Khawly have seen Major had WItness in the Court and it was impossible Police win thecase. Canadians Judges are not ready to accept the rule of law that subject the judges like an ordinary person in tort, pursuant to Proceeding Against Crown Act.This is violation of Human rights for Fair Trial.
1- The true copy of the Police report of Accident; Number 1 driver is Major Nourhaghighi; Number 2 driver is Constable Parsons
2- The Enlarged copy of the drivers' information:

3-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles speeds in which Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour' and Driver # 2 Police speed Zero:
4-The Enlarged copy of the Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour:
5-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles positions in which it is clear that Number 2 Driver, Police Vehicle, has violated and made sharp right turn to the lane where Major was driving:

KHOORSHED, MINOO F. = The judge who dismissed the malicious charge of police against Major on August 1993. The ground for dismissal was that the witness was not show at trial!
KIDD, Bruce Ph.D.= the Dean of Faculty of Physical Education and Heath of the University of Toronto, accused that his staff were involved in the constructive corruptions against Major Nourhaghighi from February 1998 to June 12, 2001, where almost every week several crimes committed against Major at the Athletic Centre.  On July 14, 2001, Kidd replied to Major, however is reply was vexatious and abuse of communication! On June 2010, finally, Kidd was kicked out of U of T after he destroyed AC!
KIM,Constable JIT, 43310  = A dirty Korean Pig hired by the RCMP who assaulted Major on January 19, 2001 at 3PM on the Federal Court, in Toronto, when Major was trying to file affidavit prosecute five dishonest lawyers for contempt. Kim was trying to put on Major accusation in accordance to plan of conspiracy that he failed. On March 12, 2001, the RCMP informed that the investigation was commenced against KIM misconduct and his violations of Human Rights.
King, Queen, Her Majesty, His Majesty or the Crown means  Sovereign of the United Kingdom and Her other Realms and Territories, and Head of the Commonwealth.
King and Queen X-Ray and Ultrasound = Agent of Toronto Criminal Organization who on May and June 1994, maliciously, did not delivered the X-rays of Major Nourhaghighi, where on April 16, 1994 Metro Police Parsons, intentionally, rammed to Major's Car and broken his back and neck bones, after scandalous trial against corrupt pilots on April 5, 1994.   
Kinkartz, Jason = The 26 years Medical School Applicant within Canada, that after FOUR times failing in the entry examination of Medical Schools in Canada, who forced to immigrate to the U.S.A. at the Michigan Satte University [Toronto Star, H7, October 19, 2002-. Major Nourhaghighi's son, with best marks from six years study in the University of Toronto, with malicious actions of the staff of the University of Toronto, was not allowed to medical schools, after three times examinations!

KINNEAR, Kathryn = Toronto Police Pig defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's action at Federal Court for being involved in illegal arrest of Major Nourhaghighi on December 16, 1994, in accordance to conspiracy if Shit Generation Allan Scott, Ontario Provincial Prosecutor.
KIRSCH, FERN =  Dishonest Arbitrator Defendant of the Defendant, the Ontario Insurance Commission, who conspired with the Attorney General of Ontario and the Defendant, the Law Society of Upper Canada for Province of Ontario. Kirsch, did all kinds of frauds and crimes in the hearing such as serving a poison to Major Nourhaghighi on November 14, 1996, that send Major to the Hospital with an ambulance. Serving poison is Canadian Culture; and they did similar crimes in several other cases.
KLAR, MICHAEL, M.D. =corrupt physician respondent at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and at the Heath Professions Appeal and Review Board in file No. 5123 for professional misconduct and cover up the crimes of Toronto Police. Klar,abused his profession in creation of fabricating record against Major Nourhaghighi in accordance to objects of conspiracy with the Ontario and Canada Crowns. Klar, declared that there was not a broken rib of Major due to torture by police, while Dr. Thomson of St. Micheal Hospital find  Major's right rib number 8 was broken. This is violation of human rights for Public Medical Accessibility. There is no credibility medical record in Canada as the Government control all reports made by hospitals and physicians.
KNAZAN, BRENT = Brave Ontario provincial judge that given two judgments against the Crown and Police for ME on November 23, and 24,1995, on the core of the biggest conspiracy against me. Judge Knazan declared miscarriage of justice against the Attorney General of Ontario for illegal arrest and imprisonment against me December 16, 1994. Judge Knazan, made an Order for New Trial, while MY application indicate that the appeal be heard by the way of the New Trial, when MY Witnesses were ready in the courtroom.  Soon after the Crown and Police commenced a new malicious prosecutions against me in which Corrupt Black Judge LAMPKIN acted against Judge Knazan ruling. I submitted the evidence of Knazan Judgment to the corrupt Supreme Court of Canada, yet was not accepted against Lampkin Orders.
Judge Knazan on October 6, 1993, bravely testified against the corrupt Judge Hryciuk, where the Attorney General of Ontario and the Law Society have put a pressure on him to not testify in the court. 
KNIGHT, JULIE = A hooker hired by Toronto Police as Constable that in accordance to plan of conspiracy, in December 1992 charged Major for highway traffic violation and verbally insulted him by calling him: "Ass-hole!". Major told Knight that : "I am working at 1AM, and you are calling me name!Ass-hole is the Queen Elizabeth that allow you to be a Police Officer!". Canadians are the most rude people in the World and a man must be rude with them too that they may get lesson! Although ,they do not have any value and personality to feel insults.  Most of visitors from Canada had made complaints with Major from rude manners of the Canadians. Knight, has committed perjury in her testimony in 1994.
KOFMAN, Allyson = The corrupt daughter of Dr. Oscar Kofman. Dr. Allyson Kofman-34 TURNED his patient-27 ON with cocaine; as Diana Zlomislic reported on Toronto Star by titled: "Therapist turned patient on to SEX COCAINE, disciplinary panel is told!" Zlomislic added: " A Toronto man who sought psychotherapy says his female doctor turned him on to cocaine and encouraged a sexual relationship that included candlelit baths. The patient, who cannot identified under a publication ban, told an Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons disciplinary hearing [Heard at St George Medical Center on February 2000] that Dr. Allyson Kofman who operated therapy practice from her downtown condominium, accompanied him to parties, bars, his parents' home for Christmas and introduced him to her mother..and patient said:" A week after the party, e were kissing and it was awkward. She said: Why don't we take bath. After the bath we went into bedroom/therapy room and had sex on the couch."

KOFMAN, Oscar Sam = Corrupt Canadian Physician that conspired with the Attorney General of Ontario and Police after they tortured ME several times, and attacked to me by their civilian agent Rui. Accusation against Dr. Kofman  was not investigated by impartial tribunal as there is possibility that the Government of Ontario, maliciously, has changed Dr. Kofman's reports. Motherfucker  Dr. Kofman; Did you reported  as Diagnostic Code: 'EPILEPSY' against 'Senior Pilot Major Nourhaghighi on June 6, 1993; Or it is OHIP fraud by the Government of ontario?On March 30, 2001, the College of Physicians has investigated Major's Complaint on file 44866, where College is accused of several felonies in Major's action. This is violation of Human rights  in the Public Medical Accessibility issues.

KORAN = the Holy Books of over One Billion Moslems around the World. On December 11, 1996, during torture of Major by nine members of Toronto Police, the Offender Morrison, commence search upon Major and find the Glorious Koran in his pocket. Morrison than insult to the Holy Book by throwing to the corner of room, that broken Major's heart. Major's Mothers who was the Holy Woman and she believed that carrying the Holy Book, will protect Major's Life, she also believed deeply that whoever insults to Holy Koran, would be punish hardly by Allah and the place in which the Holy Koran was insulted would be destroyed!
KRAFT, JASON = Corrupt Clerk of Ontario Court defendant for conspiracy at College Park, in action against Senior Lawyer Alfred Kwinter in October 1996. 

KREVER. Defendant Horace = Corrupt Judge of Court of Appeal for Ontario, who in accordance to plan of conspiracy dismissed Major 's appeal in file C26841 without giving any reason. Krever, ignored all grounds of conflict of interest between Major and the defendants Attorney General of Ontario and Law Society that do not allow the said defendants ask that trials against them and their parties be stayed.
KRIVY, BORIS = Staff of the defendant Ontario Judicial Council, who did not act properly in complaints against provincial judges in 1994 and 1995.
KROMER = Entertainment store in 420 Bathurst street, Toronto, involved in a conspiracy against Major

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KROMKAMPT, Defendant John = Corrupt Removed-Registrar of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, involved in several thefts of documents and files, conspiracies and abuse of power in Major 's Actions. Kromkampt, maliciously, has dismissed all Major's files of appeals, and refused to any motion. The Removal of Kromkampt did not help at all to the damages that Major suffered. During Kromkampt, several important documents and files of Major were stolen from the Registry that caused serious confusion for judges and Major; such as "Original file for file C26841: Toronto Hospital et al v. Nourhaghighi; that finally the appeal was heard without originating file by corrupt judge Krever. Dismissing ALL Major Nourhaghighi's Appeals, even those appeals which were perfected, causing several complex proceedings to return few files and hundred millions dollars damages to Major Nourhaghighi. Kromkampt was involved in prostitution and drug where Major Nourhaghighi discovered his crimes and sued Kromkampt at Federal Court and Ontario Court. Kromkampt asked Toronto police to torture Nourhaghighi on December 11, 1996 then dismissed a lawsuit against himself! This is the main reason that Major Nourhaghighi has no trust and respect whatsoever for the Canadian Law, as Chaos is governing in Canada. 

KYLE, Susan = the dishonest lawyer hired by the Attorney General of Ontario as the Respondent in Major 's appeals Files C27652 and C30823. Kyle was involved in a conspired with the of the Court of Appeal, Defendant Registrar corrupt Gauntlett that on October 22, 2001, dismiss both Major's appeal in his absent, therefore the parties agreed to not notify Major about the proceeding. On October 22, Defendant Judge Finlayson JA was member of the panel and as far as he was aware of the conflict of interests has adjourned to the malicious date suggested by Kyle, December 17, 2001. On November 19, Major made inquires to bring a motion. Police intercepted his telephone communication. Kyle, immediately, sent her letter September 27, to Major where the letter said: "If you dot appear the Crown may ask that these appeals be dismissed as abandoned." Major sued Defendant Kyle in the Notice of Claim for fraud and conspiracy.
Kuretzky Vassos Henderson LLP = Corrupt Canadian Barristers & Solicitors and corupt lawyer Marnie Baizley, in Suite 1404, 151 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone 416 865 0504; fax 416 865 9567; involved in serious crimes and conspiracy with the Registrar and a decision maker of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario in file no. 2008-00934-I "Major Nourhaghighi v. COSTI Corvette Centre et al"  In this file, this corrupt law firm failed to file a response "ON TIME" to Major Nourhaghighi's complaint; thus has lost the chance of reply. However, by bribery to the corrupt Registrar got unlawful chance to file ample vexatious material and defraud COSTI hundred thousand dollars for legal reply! The corrupt lawyers of this law firm are: Barry Kuretzky, George J. A. Vassos, James D. Henderson, Chirstopher Chenoweth, Jennifer MacKenzie, Monty M. Verlint, Monica Jeffrey, corrupt Marmie P. Baizely, Gail M. Yefet, Daniel R. Chodos and M. Catherine Osborne.

 Kwa, Chia-Rhun = member of Chinise-Canadian Criminal Organazation and corrupt Student of the University of toronto who on Sepetmebr 1, 2005 enter into a contract for rent of a room in Major Nourhaghighi's property at 456 College Street. It is important to note that on 2005 Major Nourhaghighi was succssful to get several Orders from the Federal Court and onatrio Courts against the Crown and its against such as order of Judge Pitt against condo 935, and several Orders against CSIS, in which November and December 2005 were sat that Major prosecute two members of CSIS for conspiracy. And it was in this period that Kwa enter to Major's home to commit crimes, such as several thefts, sabotages in washroom and others crimes and wrongs.  

KWINTER, Alfred = corrupt Canadian Senior Lawyer who was representing Major Nourhaghighi in action against Metro Toronto Police. Kwinter, is a jewish, who conspired with Police and did not served the Statement of Claim to the Police. Motherfucker Jewish Kwinter, with all kinds of frauds delayed my civil trial against him on September 30, 1996, and has made false statement in the court before another Jewish Deputy Judge and by adjournment of hearing up to this date has caused delays in the trial and judgment.  This is violation of Human Rights that recognized the Legal Accessibility Services for all victims. Toronto Jew Lawyers and Judges have caused the highest possible harms to Major Nourhaghgighi since 1990

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