Monday 30 May 2016

"X Y Z" YOUNG, BRUCE J. = Corrupt Judge that entered into the conspiracy with Judge, KELLY

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter Dictionary and British Human Rights Violations in Canada
Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N   P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Yankees Association of Lunatic Errotic
Yale teaches Fraud & Cheating to Judges and Lawyer
Corrupt Aboriginal Judge Todd Ducharme, right,
committed serious crime of fraud in transcript to get
into Supreme Court of Canada  

July 1990 to July 2016
 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

X = countless agents of police, mostly, students of University of Toronto,  that could be found in any court to bribe a corrupt judge or clerk to get an Order!


Yahoo Canada = is the most unreliable Email in Canada; the following is Major Proffs of May 28, 2017

1- Major Laptop was connected through Cable to Router, then Major types "" at address Bar
The hackers immediately, have changed it to: 

Major deleted the red part of address and again types:
This is a corrected Address; you should Never Trust to Automatic Address

2- Major then types his Fake ID "KevMcKay" and he saw that the corrupt British Royal Family's Police in Toronto "Interested his Fake Name!" 

Then Major saw the following intercepted address by Hackers With Object to "Find ID?"

A: ID Theft

Important Note: You Should Never See You Login ID at Address Bar; and You Should Never Read "the new email you are typing at Address Bar"
These facts are proving that your Email are Intercepted. 

3- Major, knew that corrupt Queen British Police in Toronto has stolen his his Login ID and he should, immediately, delete the history, close the page, and shout the Internet & Router Power OFF    
However, Major continued and type his password as a proof for this Blog and he saw the following intercepted address.

YANOFSKY, SARAH =  Corrupt Court Reporter who conspired with the
Police Parsons and committed forgery in the transcripts by Order of corrupt Judge Defendant Robert G. Bigelow in September 1994.

YALE UNIVERSITY = the most corrupt school of cheating in the World that TRAINS WORST Criminals to lead the World or their Country, like training this bastard Judge Todd Duchareme that Major Nourhaghighi found this motherfucker Ducharme did not had a basic legal knowledge, except he was/is expert in all kind of crimes against the administration of justice and public. Now, Canadian gangs planning to get him into Supreme Court of Canada  

Major Nourhaghighi has paid Over $100,000,00 for transcripts of his proceedings; whereas in all appellate Court of Canada, it is mandatory for the appellant to to file transcripts.

Each page of ORIGINAL transcript in 1990 to 2000, was costs between $5 to $7 dollars; then a cost of copy from Original according to the number of judges and parties before the court, was $3.5 to $6.

Major Nourhaghighi, was shocked in 1994, when he saw an " expert Lawyer or Judge" have changed the material facts that he heard during trials; for example, a Toronto Police Constable Parsons who was young and experience and mot of his testimony were : I don't know, I didn't saw" have changed to sophisticated answers.

In other hand, all testimony of Witness that could help to Major, where changed according to discriminatory practices against immigrants in Canada. for example: if the name of Witness was MOHAMMAD and he was Professor at University of Toronto, had no problem whatsoever in talking in very good English pronunciation; all his testimony were changed to broken English VERY HARD TO READ AND UNDERSTAND is such making no sense at all what he said!     

When, Major Nourhaghighi reading the transcripts, he had strange feeling; from one said all his money has gone by frauds and tricks to pockets of lawyers and court reporters, his appeal could be dismissed, so se was anger and sad; and in other hand when reading the testimony of Mohamad, it was so funny in Broken English that he could not stop laughing! 


THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT PROVE THAT MAJOR NOURHAGHIGHI has correctly prosecuted several Court Reporters for FRAUD in the TRANSCRIPTS>

This proceedings has costs for the Parties over $500,000.00; now if you are lawyer or Judge would be shocked that the corrupt court reporter  Elizabeth PALKA has wrote to Motherfucker Indian (Aboriginal-Not Civilized) corrupt Judge Todd DUCHARME .....

Please MAKE ANY NECESSARY AMENDMENTS and have it return to my attention for preparation of Final Copy.   
361 University Ave, Corrupt Court House, Toronto   

The other logical candidate for Supreme Court of Canada is, Mr. Justice Todd Ducharme of Ontario Superior Court, is a sharp, savvy former defence lawyer with a masters in law from Yale University.
Among the other contenders:
  • Bay Street litigator Sheila Block.
  • Madam Justice Eleanore Cronk of the Ontario Court of Appeal, an outstanding but unilingual jurist.
  • Madame Justice Gloria Epstein of the Ontario Court of Appeal, who may otherwise become Chief Justice of Ontario when the position becomes vacant.
  • Guy Pratte, an Ottawa corporate and commercial lawyer who acted as lead counsel for Brian Mulroney at the Oliphant Commission.
  • Mr. Justice David Brown of Ontario Superior Court, a fundamentalist Christian who won respect as a judge after coming from a successful Bay Street practice.
  • Mr. Justice Marc Rosenberg of the Ontario Court of Appeal, arguably the leading criminal law mind in the country, but also a critic of Conservative crime policies.
  • Ontario Court of Appeal judges Robert Blair, David Doherty and Michael Moldaver are viewed as viable candidates. However, age may not be on their side.

YALE  =  Yankee Association of Lunatic Errotic
University of Yale; Yale Law School is the most corrupt American Criminal Organization that has been instituted by the worst criminal in USA with a goal to have control of people in accordance to abuse and violations of ALL Ethical Codes
YALE = Yankee Association of Lunatic Errotic University of Yale; Yale Law School is the most corrupt American Criminal Organization that has been instituted by the worst criminal in USA with a goal to have control of people in accordance to abuse and violations of ALL Ethical Codes Shame to Yale University for training the most lawless Lawyers for the World in which they are member of Gangs like this Bastard Aboriginal Yale Graduated Judge Todd DUCHARME that was candidate for Supreme Court of Canada from Ontario. Whereas Major Nourhaghighi had a complaint against him in 2004 before Canadian Judicial Counsel (CJC) for conspiracy with Brain Fedson, lawyer of Condo 935 that the legal proceedings of that was related to Water Damages. The CJC after investigation stated had found no evidence of Conspiracy in the Transcript> Recently, Major Nourhaghighi has found a document indicating that the Court Reporters were giving the transcripts to Todd Duchaarme to Change the evidence and after that they were submitting it to the parties and the courts. To see the actual letter of the Court Monitor Ellizabeth Palka visits Major Nourhaghighi Weblog at

Urinate, Urine  = Canadian Drink! Canadian Freedoms of Expr

Shame to Yale University for training the most lawless Lawyers for the World in which they are member of Gangs like this Bastard Aboriginal Yale Graduated Judge Todd DUCHARME that was candidate for Supreme Court of Canada from Ontario. Whereas Major Nourhaghighi had a complaint against him in 2004 before Canadian Judicial Counsel (CJC) for conspiracy with Brain Fedson, lawyer of Condo 935 that the legal proceedings of that was related to Water Damages. The CJC after investigation stated had found no evidence of Conspiracy in the Transcript> Recently, Major Nourhaghighi has found a document indicating that the Court Reporters were giving the transcripts to Todd Duchaarme to Change the evidence and after that they were submitting it to the parties and the courts. To see the actual letter of the Court Monitor Ellizabeth Palka visits Major Nourhaghighi Weblog at

Yonge Street Toronto - is the longest street in Ontario starts form Lake Ontario. straight north, to lake Simco

384 Yonge street = is the tallest building in Canada which is center of organized crime in North America by Toronto Police, lawyers and judges whose all headquarters are located around this building as Meeting Center. The American partners also have several businesses in this corrupt Building, such as Bed & Bath and Marshalls. According to Federal Court Files, drugs and heroin are shipped to USA in packages of cloths and furniture to Bed & Bath and Marshalls in USA, such as Marsalls in Miami and Orlando, whereas most Canadian have properties on those states that be able to get drugs that are same quality  in Toronto

Corrupt Judge that entered into the conspiracy with Judge, KELLY 

YOUNG, DOUGLAS = Corrupt Minister of Transport-Canada-1994-98, defendant in his personal and office 
capacity in Major's action for misleading justice in Pilots' Scandal.

Canadian Judges are the MOST corrupt Judges in the World.
Owing to extreme dishonestly of all Judges and lawyers, in fact there is no Actual Appeal Court in whole Canada.


Zafirf Mohammad Javad = 
s an Iranian career diplomat,academic and current Minister of Foreign Affairs. He has held various significant diplomatic and cabinet posts since the 1990s. Zarif is also a visiting professor at the School of International Relations and University of Tehran, teaching diplomacy and international organizations. He was the Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations from 2002 to 2007.
During his tenure as foreign minister, he led the Iranian negotiation with P5+1 countries which produced the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on 14 July 2015,lifting the economic sanctions against Iran on 16 January 2016.[8]
Zarif has held other domestic and international positions as well: adviser and senior adviser to the Foreign Minister, Deputy Foreign Minister in Legal and International affairs, member of the UN Eminent Persons Group on Dialogue Among Civilizations, Head of the UN Disarmament Commission in New York, member of the Eminent Persons Group on global governance, and Vice President for International Affairs of the Islamic Azad University.
عالیجناب #جواد ظریف! سپاس بیکران از شماوتمام حقوقدانان خردمندی که منافع #ایران را شرافتمندانه حفظ میکنید
Thank You Right Honorable Mr. 
#Javad #Zarfi for protecting our#Iranian Interests امروز در نهایت خوش شانسی سیاست خارجی ایران را یک گروه از حقوقدان خبره و بسیار آگاه ، با قدرت منطق و استدلالهای قانونی، به نفع ملت ایران با درایت و تبحّر ، و با خونسردی ومقاونت شدید، در برابر ابرجنایتکار تمام تاریخ بشر، آمریکایئ جهانخوار کثیف بپیش میبرند. وظیفه من و تمام عاشقان ایران پشتبانی ازاین قبیل سیاستمداران است و بس!

Zegman, ... =  Corrupt Judge of Quebec Court, General Division, conspired with Crown Morin, Nov 29/02, Montreal 

384 Yonge street Toronto Center of Judges Human Smuggling 
ZHENG, Wei Bao = is a Chinese single parent mother on three teenagers daughter who filed a complaint with Major Nourhaghighi on May 13, 2017 alleging that a Chinese woman Angelo CAO the pimp of Canadian Judges James Russell of Federal Court age 55, black creepy Judge Lampkin age 76, and Indian Native corrupt Judge Todd Ducharme age 52,  have force her to sell her daughters or would face prosecution and deport Order from Canada. Zheng refused and send out her daughter to unknown area, as the result now the corrupt Canadian Judges are files several lawsuits as against Zheng 
Plaintiff in Default
Cao harassed Zheng to sell her teenage daughter to corrupt Judges Russsell
Lampkin and Duchame in this store at P1 of 384 Yonge Street Toronto
Plaintiff in Default = is a legal proceedings as against the plaintiff (s) who fails to take action in the proceeding which may end to dismissal of action by the Registrar. However, this international step in the proceeding is not complied with fully in Canada, in particular in corrupt city of Toronto whereas all Judges, lawyers and Police ( Queen) involved in serious crimes against American and Canadian. Hrein Toronto, for example in file Angilo Cao vs. Wei Bao Zheng (file no SC-16-6465-00 SCC), Cao is a pimp hired by the Queen involving in smuggling children and teenager from China and Asia, has filed a vexatious lawsuit as against single parent Chinese Zheng in June 1, 1996. Then, Cao has threaten Zheng to sell her teenage daughter to her to corrupt Judges Lampkin, Russell and Ducharme or would face prosecution and deport from Canada. Zheng, immediately, sent her teenage daughter out of Toronto and did not reply to Cao. On March 16, 2017, the said corrupt Judges have issued an Order as against Zheng' whereas the Plaintiff was in Default, which means took no step in proceeding for over 270 days.               

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