Friday 27 May 2016

"P" Canadian Perjury & Corrupt Paramount Fine Foods in City of Toronto

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

The Firm defended Peel Regions largest Child Pornography sting in 2014 in its R. v. E.G. [2014], where over half a million images of child sexual abuse material was recovered and hundreds of videos. The investigation involved the collaboration of three separate law enforcement agencies, including one based out of the U.S.A., where American law enforcement technology was used.


"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawyers get hurt from its negative effects!"

Actual Picture of U of T Employee Doris Olivia acted as agent of
British Governmental Criminal Organization Major Nourhaghighi

HI! We are Canadian Student Prostitutes of corrupt University of Toronto!
We are all teenagers and in 20s that according to Orders of Toronto Judges Lawyers, the Crown and Police, since 1992 had/have contact with Major Nourhaghighi in difference places and then filed Private Complaint to Police that Crown Hackers be able to intercept all Major's communications and Delete his Websites and Videos and EMAILS
he Original Website was created in JAN 1996
However Hackers of University of Toronto hired by the
 Canadian Government continuously trespassed
the Website, deleted and this Computer Crimes
Continued to Necember 2016
thus, all links and maps
related to that
original site

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!"

 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

PALKA Elizabeth = the MOST corrupt Court Monitor who has got cash from Major Nourhaghighi to provide an Original Transcript of Proceedings. However, she was so dishonest that gave the transcript to the corrupt Judge Todd Ducharme the change the material evidence. 
Major Nourhaghighi has paid Over $100,000,00 for transcripts of his proceedings; whereas in all appellate Court of Canada, it is mandatory for the appellant to to file transcripts.

Each page of ORIGINAL transcript in 1990 to 2000, was costs between $5 to $7 dollars; then a cost of copy from Original according to the number of judges and parties before the court, was $3.5 to $6.

Major Nourhaghighi, was shocked in 1994, when he saw an " expert Lawyer or Judge" have changed the material facts that he heard during trials; for example, a Toronto Police Constable Parsons who was young and experience and mot of his testimony were : I don't know, I didn't saw" have changed to sophisticated answers.

In other hand, all testimony of Witness that could help to Major, where changed according to discriminatory practices against immigrants in Canada. for example: if the name of Witness was MOHAMMAD and he was Professor at University of Toronto, had no problem whatsoever in talking in very good English pronunciation; all his testimony were changed to broken English VERY HARD TO READ AND UNDERSTAND is such making no sense at all what he said!     

When, Major Nourhaghighi reading the transcripts, he had strange feeling; from one said all his money has gone by frauds and tricks to pockets of lawyers and court reporters, his appeal could be dismissed, so se was anger and sad; and in other hand when reading the testimony of Mohamad, it was so funny in Broken English that he could not stop laughing! 


THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT PROVE THAT MAJOR NOURHAGHIGHI has correctly prosecuted several Court Reporters for FRAUD in the TRANSCRIPTS>

This proceedings has costs for the Parties over $500,000.00; now if you are lawyer or Judge would be shocked that the corrupt court reporter  Elizabeth PALKA has wrote to Motherfucker Indian (Aboriginal-Not Civilized) corrupt Judge Todd DUCHARME .....

Please MAKE ANY NECESSARY AMENDMENTS and have it return to my attention for preparation of Final Copy.   
361 University Ave, Corrupt Court House, Toronto   

PAKRO [Paakroo], Jafar Saadegh = Corrupt Canadian-Iranian dentist was accused of sexual assault and fraud, he is from Azerbaijan (Iran)
and has show in a radio-Sedai Iran Toronto. On September 11, 2005, corrupt Pakroo called and harssmed me and used abusive languages.
The following is indicating that Pakro is a real animal in which in Iran we call them as "Jackass or KHAR!"
whose license should be suspended and be charged under the Criminal Code of Canada!

PIG Scientist:
PANDEY, Rupesh = member of Ontario Criminal Organization who works at Chemisar Laboratories, 24 Corporate Court, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 5G5. Pandey in October 2004 refused to sent investigator to take sample of toxic mold in my Home, where the Government of Canada, intentionally, grown toxic mold in my home which caused serious harm to my health and my children health.
We Are Canadian Pig PoliceKilled by Pigs Montreal Police

PAQUETTE, Yves-Albert = corrupt Quebec Corrupt Lawyer involved in conspiracy with Ontario lawyers and committed frauds in the investigation in my complaints against Montreal Pig Police. This dirty pig Montreal Lawyer is defending the Constables who mostly tortured and killed innocent people like 'Barnabe' was killed by Montreal Police who was also involved in bribery and conspiracy against me, that I sent following objection to him:
August 02, 2002
Attention: Albert Paquette, Lawyer
Commissionaire a la Deontologie Policiere
1200, Route de l'Eglise, RC.20
Sainte-Foy (Quebec), G1V 4Y9
Fax: 418 528 9473, confirmed at  
Reference File Numbers: 02-0298, 02-0299, 02-0300, 02-0301, 02-0302,   02-0303, 02-0556, 02-0557, 02-0558
TAKE NOTICE THAT your corrupt reply to my complaint against corrupts constables of Montreal Police is neither lawful nor honest and in accordance to investigation process.
You have created nine files for one cause of action in conspiracy that corrupts constables of Montreal Police Defendants were involved. Every student lawyer knows that for one cause of action one file exist. You are a vexatious corrupt lawyer that with bad faith and dishonestly have created nine files to destroy and scatter material facts in nine files, to mislead and obstruct the justice for which NOW YOU ARE DEFENDANT FOR CONTEMPT IN THE FACE OF COURT AND MUST STAND FOR DEFENCE.
My researches indicate that the corrupt Montreal Police was involved in serious crimes against citizen that I never knew before filing my complaint. NOTE ALL THESE WEBSITE WERE DELETED BY GOVERNMENT OF CANADA
My document against Conseil de la magistrature du Quebec indicate that the highest judiciary office in the Province of Quebec was involved in fraud and forgery against the investigation process which was related to my complaint against corrupt defendants in aforesaid files.
When the highest level of the administration of justice is corrupt in Quebec, then there is not too much expectation from the lowest level of the administration of justice which is corrupt Montreal Police must be involved in torture, murder, smuggling and bribery from bars and prosecutes in the City of Montreal. You were a corrupt lawyer who covered the crimes of few pigs!
YOU INVALUABLE NAME has been registered in the World Wide Web on the corrupt lawyers at
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT serious actions will be commence against your personal capacity in the Law Society, Federal Court and Quebec Court (General Division). Under no condition, YOU and your clients constables defendants should approach to me during my administrative process and living in the Province of Quebec, otherwise you all will be charged under the Criminal Code of Canada and other Acts.
(Major) Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Ontario Separatist Since 1996
Tortured by Toronto Police
Down with Queen in Right of Ontario and Quebec 

This Piece of Shit is Paragon Security
PARAGON Security = Documentary as Against Fairview Mall St. Catherines: On August 16, 2017 a male Senior Tourist (John Doe) has filed a complaint with the Office of Right Honorable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi that while sitting at Fairview Mall St. Catherines, two male securities have harassed him for about One Hour, demanding money or his expensive phone accusing him " for taking picture at the Mall" Mr. John Doe, reported while he was shacking and he was close to have stroke has objected to Fat Male Security with No. 11155363; and called his Supervisor Yousuf and made complained against the professional misconduct of his staff at Mall. Yousuf taking no action and supported the wrongdoing of the staff.

Paramount Fine Food = dirty Arabic restaurant in downtown Toronto
very bad food, there was only three small pieces of meats, Over Cooked very dry; staff was cleaning floor and a very dirty rag, made a LOT of dusts whereas everyone were eating and all foods at kicken were not covered ... for sure i am going to make a complaint to authorities
Paramount is Dirty Arabic corrupt Food in Sunday I saw staff cleaning floor & Very Dirty RUGS making LOT of DUSTS whereas Everyone Were EATING & all foods at kitchen were NOT covered Photo show Foods in Styrofoam toxic

#Pardon = as set aside #Criminal #Record In #Canada is dirty #tricks to make money for #Queen #Judges & #lawyers
They commit Malicious Prosecution against innocents making fake records than would say now come pay us $$$ to set aside ur conviction


PARIS, CLAUDE, H.= Ontario Provincial Judge that adjourned the proceeding for set of a date for trial on January 1996, in Green and Scott Conspiracy. PARIS, did not ask form the Attorney General. PARIS, did not allow mys Application for Change of Venue from Old City Hall be heard by him, and alleged that the trial judge must be heard, as the result I was torture by nine members of police at the Old City Hall.

PARKINSON, ROGER P.= corrupt manager of the Globe and Mail, defendant in my action  for keeping silence against corruption of the Government and Justice System; misleading the public and managing a Counter-Media paper in Toronto. 

The University Ave, in Toronto, where Motor Vehicle Accident occurred on April 16, 1994; at 1 AM:
View Larger Map

PARSONS, STUART = on April 16, 1994, at 1AM, in the University Avenue Toronto, A drunk Toronto Police Constable Defendant, who had mission to cause permanent injuries to Major Nourhaghighi,in a planned motor vehicle accident intentionally made a sharp right turn and struck Major's vehicle and did not call ambulance to take him to the Hospital. Then, Parsons made few different stories, and committed several serious criminal offences including destroying the evidence and creating fabricated reports, and abusing Police power in laying several charges against Major, committed Perjury in the court, and conspired with corrupt Judge Bigelow during trial. Corrupt Judge Bigelow committed fraud against administration of justice that Parsons not pay any damages to Major .Parsons and Bigelow violated Major's Human Rights by obstructing the justice and Major access to the medical cares. and insurance benefits. Major Nourhaghighi legal actions against corruption of Canadian Pilot, Transport Canada, and his complaint  of Canadian Government and Police Human Rights violations to the United Nations Human Rights Commission on From February to April 5, 1994 were two main reasons of the Governmental & Judicial conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi.  
Major Nourhaghighi's Proofs Beyond a Reasonable Doubt against Toronto Police Parsons and The Toronto Region Judge Bigelow for CONSPIRACY: Thanks to today technology that made possible to disrepute the criminals:
1- The true copy of the Police report of Accident; Number 1 driver is Major Nourhaghighi; Number 2 driver is Constable Parsons
2- The Enlarged copy of the drivers' information:

3-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles speeds in which Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour' and Driver # 2 Police speed Zero:
4-The Enlarged copy of the Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour:
5-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles positions in which it is clear that Number 2 Driver, Police Vehicle, has violated and made sharp right turn to the lane where Major was driving:
PATIENT, Canadian = The most dishonest patients in the World, who knows all types of tricks to defraud the insurance companies and the Governments. They told clearly to me that as far there is not any justice against powerful organizations in Canada, they have learned all types of tricks for cheating. They have objected to me that why I am not shouting from pain, or walking without showing that I have injured back. One of the patients, demonstrated to me how I must act fraudulently and suddenly commence scramming! The other showed me how I must walk very slowly, get up very slowly from the chair, and walk across room! Canadian Patients are acting much better than Hollywood stars in defrauding the Insurance Companies! One of the patients who was a white man in his sixty, have shown over seven Governments Cheques that he just received in mail, and while with rush he was opening them told me: These are part of my fourteen Cheques that I am receiving every two weeks! I am married but we reported divorce; I am working but reported injured during work; I am…. 

PEARCE, R. W. = Respondent Executive Vice-President of Electronic Banking Services who on March 9, 2000 commenced investigation against computer hacking by the Attorney General against  my account, pursuant to my complaint to the OSFI. Pearce, soon joined to conspiracy and I brought application against him. 

PECKOO, MICHAEL = Mail Clerk for Law Firm: Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP who was involved in several counts of False Pretence and Obstruction of Justice in providing false name for admission of service. I provided Affidavit for criminal prosecutions of two lawyers of firm:Weisz and Promislow who instructed Peckoo to obstruct the justice.
On June 23 and 24, 2005, I provided the evidence of the frauds by Peckoo, Weisz and   Law Firm: Blake, Cassels& Graydon LLPOn June 2005, the SIRC informed me that the hearing against members of CSIS would be held at Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP. I Immediately objected and by providing evidence of crimes committed by Weisz et al,  I asked for Change of Venue that my application was granted and the corrupt law firm lost all benefits. 

Thief Perez Family
PEREZ, MIRTHA ( Escamilla)=  Dirty police Agent defendant in my actions and application; She is dirty wife of Pig Ruben Perez, the corrupt Superintendent of condo 935..
Since 1992 Mirtha is appointed by corrupt servants of the Crown as the member of the Board of Director  in my condominium. She is involved in many frauds in the accounts of my condominium. Whore Mirtha brought malicious prosecution against me that involved me two years from 1996 to August 1998 to defence malicious allegations against me. Since 1992, Mirtha husband is Superintendent of my condominium and does not clean dirts in hallways. They own Unit 502 and 701 in our building; and refusing the fact that there is a conflict of interest and the Wife of Superintendent could not be a member of the Board; and an Owner could not be a Superintendent of his own property and receive salary by his Wife! Mirtha Perez is accused for paying a large amount of bribes to Police and Judges. Perez, every year, is paying from our accounts to several Rat Lawyers and Pig Police Officers to attend at Owners Meetings to harass any owner who asked where millions dollars of the Corporation's money were spend; and with conspiracy and frauds is buying owners votes for next few years. THIS IS THE CANADIAN DEMOCRACY ! Wherever the Queen step IN, the corruption and dirty crimes came IN too with her a dirty British, and Democracy! The latest crime of Mirtha is disobeying PITT Order in which must be convicted to JAIL for the contempt of court on May 2016. However Perez with bribe to Judges in Toronro, was not arrested.
Thief Perez Family
PEREZ,RUBEN= Dirty police Agent defendant, the Husband of Mirtha Perez r; Superintendent and Owner of units 502 and 701 in my Condominium 935. Since 1992, with his wife involved in frauds of accounts of Condominium 935 at 456 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. Ruben receives over $50,000 salary for few hours work in the building; while his Wife, the President of the Board, since 1992, is refusing to buy a Time Clock that shows at what time Ruben starts his works and what time finished; while in many other condominium, the superintendent duty is to response to the owners during 24 hours. Rubin, since 1992, involved in all kinds of harassment and nuisances, in accordance to plan of conspiracy, against me and my family; he operated a Weight Machine over my family Bedroom for Seven Years. THIS IS CANADIAN SOCIETY, all kinds of crimes and wrongs are possible, if a man pays bribes to the Police, lawyers and Judges!
The Unite Owner Concelos on March, 7, 15, and 16, 2002 said to me that there are evidence to believe that Perez was involved in thefts from few owners unites. I also provided evidence of frauds to Concelos and suggested the owners create The "Investigation Committee" for discovery of all frauds committed by the Board and Caber to charge them under the Criminal Code of Canada. On February 2005, Perez attacked with a Knife, but pig police did not charged him.    

PERJURY = a serious criminal offence maining making false statement under the Oath in Affidavit or making making false testimony under the Oath before the Court, the Commission or the Tribunal. Since 1991 Major Nourhaghighi was able to arrest countless Canadain and memebers of the Toronto Police, Lawyers, and employees of the Government of Canada, Ontario and Toronto who have filed false Affidavits and/or committed perjury before Judges and decsions makerkers in Toronto. The Criminial Code of Canada at Section 131 stated that perjury  is the Misleading Justice and Setion132 stated "Every one who commits perjury is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years ..." yet such serious crime is an ordinary for each and every Canadian in particular Lawyers and Police in Toronto.  
PETRIDES, Panson L. = Executive Assistant to corrupt cheap Chief of the Ontario Human Rights Commissioner who, on June 15, 1999, did not investigate my complaint, properly, ended to $1,300,000.00 my lawsuit against Cheap Norton on June 13, 2016!

Canadian Perjury: Judges Lawyers
Police & Their Witnesses in Ontario & Federal Court of Canada

PERJURY = a serious criminal offence maining making false statement under the Oath in Affidavit or making making false testimony under the Oath before the Court, the Commission or the Tribunal. Since 1991 Major Nourhaghighi was able to arrest countless Canadain and memebers of the Toronto Police, Lawyers, and employees of the Government of Canada, Ontario and Toronto who have filed false Affidavits and/or committed perjury before Judges and decsions makerkers in Toronto. The Criminial Code of Canada at Section 131 stated that perjury  is the Misleading Justice and Setion132 stated "Every one who commits perjury is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years ..." yet such serious crime is an ordinary for each and every Canadian in particular Lawyers and Police in Toronto.  
PERJURY = Canadian Culture; Canadian as a nation without any value making false statements everywhere even in the Court and under the Oath; Criminal Code of Canada: Section 131:Every one commits perjury who, with intent to mislead, makes before a person is authorized by law to permit it to be made before him, a false statement under the Oath or Solemn affirmation, by Affidavit, Solemn declaration or Orally, knowing that Statement is False.". A large numbers of Canadians committed Perjury Against Major Nourhaghighi in the legal proceedings, these criminals are :

I: Canadians dirty Civilians Shit:
1-MONSALVE on April 5, 1994 in her Testimony at College Park Court, Toronto
2-McTavish; PILOT; on April 5, 1994 in his Testimony at College Park Court, Toronto
3- A Civilian; on July 12, 1996 at College Park in his Testimony for Maple Leaf Taxi
4-VERO on January 29, 1997 in his Affidavit for Osgoode Hall, Ontario General Div, Toronto
5-SINGH on or about October3, 1997 in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto
6- CO-OP on May 6, 1997 in his Testimony at College Park Court, Toronto
7- Dennis on January 16, 1997 in Testimony at College Park Court, Toronto

Raining Shit to Face of Queen and Judges
II:  Canadian Dishonest Lawyers, who are less than Shit:

8-McCann; on or about October 28, 1994, in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto.
9- Steinberg on or about April 5, 1995, in hisTestimony in College Park Court, Toronto.
10-GERTNER; on or about August 2, 1995, in his Testimony in College Park Court, Toronto.
11-Hoaken; on or about Aigust 26, 1996, in his Affidavit in file 6935/96, Toronto.
12-Snell; on or about November 4, 1996, in his Affidavit file 6935/96, Toronto.
13- Kwinter, on or about November 5, 1996, in his Affidavit, College Park Court, Toronto.
14- Mohr, on November 9th, 1998, in her Affidavit for file A-635-98, Federal Court of Appeal
15- Schwarz, on September 1 1998, T-1237-98, Federal Court of Canada
16- Neville, on or about November 15, 1998, in his Affidavit A63598, Federal Court
17- Weisz, on or about January 16, 2001, in his Affidavit, T-1535-00, Federal Court

III: Servants of the Ontario Court, Old City Hall* and Transport Canada**:
18- Schobesberger**  on April 5, 1994 in his Testimony at College Park Court, Toronto
19-Fitton*  on April 1, 1997 in her Testimony, Did not saw assault against Green!
20-SCOTT * on April 2, 3, 1997 in his Testimony saw assault against Green, by his back eye!
21-Alladina*  on April 1, 1997 in her Testimony, Did not saw assault against Green!
22-Brencis*  on April 1, 1997 in her Testimony, Did not saw assault against Green!

The race of police was created from intercourses of many dogs with a hooker

IV: Canadians Police Officers:
23- CLIFFORD YU on or about September 13, 1993 in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto
24- KNIGHT; on or about December 16, 1993 in her Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto
25- LABELLE, on or about March 17, 1994 in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto
26- MICHALEL HUBB; on or about June 16, 1994 in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto
27- WILLIAM BOAGon or about July 14, 1994 in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto
28- Sturat Parsons; on September 1, and December 15, 1994 in Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto
29- Pinchin; on September 15, 1994 in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto
30- GREEN on June 12, December 11, 1996, January 23, 1997 in Testimony at Old City Hall
31- COLES on or about October 12, 1996 in his Testimony at Ontario Insurance Commission,
32- Fletcher on or about October 13, 1996 in his Testimony at Ontario Insurance Commission,
33- RUSSELL on or about April 16,1997,in her Testimony at Old City Hall,Toronto
34- FOLLERT on November 25,1997,in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto "Cadsby Judgment-Torture"
35- MORRISON; on November 26,1997,in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto "Cadsby Judgment-Torture"
36- STEPHENS; on November 26,1997, in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto "Cadsby Judgment-Torture"
37- David Akin on November 26,1997, in his Testimony at Old City Hall, Toronto "Cadsby Judgment-Torture"

V: Canadian Law Firms:
37-Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP; RE: Weisz, on or about January 16, 2001...
38- Borden & Elliot; RE: Hoaken; on or about Aigust 26, 1996...
39- Singer, Kwinter, RE: Kwinter
40- Sean Gonell in Feb 2014 Federal Court of Canada before corrupt Judge Jame 
41- Jewish Dean of University of Toronto Ira Jacobs

Verses on Perjury

Jeremiah 7:9-10
"Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery and swear falsely, and offer sacrifices to Baal and walk after other gods that you have not known, then come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My name, and say, 'We are delivered!'--that you may do all these abominations?
Hosea 10:4
They speak mere words, With worthless oaths they make covenants; And judgment sprouts like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field.
Zechariah 5:3-4
Then he said to me, "This is the curse that is going forth over the face of the whole land; surely everyone who steals will be purged away according to the writing on one side, and everyone who swears will be purged away according to the writing on the other side. "I will make it go forth," declares the LORD of hosts, "and it will enter the house of the thief and the house of the one who swears falsely by My name; and it will spend the night within that house and consume it with its timber and stones."
Malachi 3:5
"Then I will draw near to you for judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers and against those who swear falsely, and against those who oppress the wage earner in his wages, the widow and the orphan, and those who turn aside the alien and do not fear Me," says the LORD of hosts.
1 Timothy 1:9-10
realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching,
Exodus 20:16
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Deuteronomy 5:20
'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Exodus 23:1-3
"You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. "You shall not follow the masses in doing evil, nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after a multitude in order to pervert justice; nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his dispute.
Leviticus 19:12
'You shall not swear falsely by My name, so as to profane the name of your God; I am the LORD.
Numbers 30:2
"If a man makes a vow to the LORD, or takes an oath to bind himself with a binding obligation, he shall not violate his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.
Leviticus 6:1-7
Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "When a person sins and acts unfaithfully against the LORD, and deceives his companion in regard to a deposit or a security entrusted to him, or through robbery, or if he has extorted from his companion, or has found what was lost and lied about it and sworn falsely, so that he sins in regard to any one of the things a man may do; read more.
Deuteronomy 19:16-21
"If a malicious witness rises up against a man to accuse him of wrongdoing, then both the men who have the dispute shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges who will be in office in those days. "The judges shall investigate thoroughly, and if the witness is a false witness and he has accused his brother falsely, read more.
1 Kings 21:1-19
Now it came about after these things that Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard which was in Jezreel beside the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, "Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a vegetable garden because it is close beside my house, and I will give you a better vineyard than it in its place; if you like, I will give you the price of it in money." But Naboth said to Ahab, "The LORD forbid me that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers." read more.
Matthew 26:59-61
Now the chief priests and the whole Council kept trying to obtain false testimony against Jesus, so that they might put Him to death. They did not find any, even though many false witnesses came forward. But later on two came forward, and said, "This man stated, 'I am able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days.'"
Mark 14:55-59
Now the chief priests and the whole Council kept trying to obtain testimony against Jesus to put Him to death, and they were not finding any. For many were giving false testimony against Him, but their testimony was not consistent. Some stood up and began to give false testimony against Him, saying,read more.
Acts 6:12-14
And they stirred up the people, the elders and the scribes, and they came up to him and dragged him away and brought him before the Council. They put forward false witnesses who said, "This man incessantly speaks against this holy place and the Law; for we have heard him say that this Nazarene, Jesus, will destroy this place and alter the customs which Moses handed down to us."
Personal Trainer = in Toronto and Canada is a criminal trained o committed serious crime, by the Certified Professional Trainers Network, Toronto (CPTN) who is the active member of the British Canadian Criminal Organization having several duties such as train the criminals to cause serious injuries and death to all targeted victims, forwarding secret information as against the victims of Insurance Companies in such CPTN would certify that the victim is NOT injured; but if the Criminal Organization ask to forward  a false information that an gent of the Crown or Police was injured the CPTN members would do that that the agent be able to defraud the insurance company. The University of Toronto, Athletic Centre has duty to train all these criminal who may be from different races or religions but the "personal trainer" in fact means a criminal ready to do any kind of crimes that the CPTN asked him/her to do, most of personal trainers may offer sex just to get information. 
PERLIN, DENNIS Y = corrupt Canadian Lawyer, the Head of Legal Department of the City of Toronto, involved in numerous conspiracy and frauds against the Administration of Justice and Major Nourhaghighi; when maliciously refused to prosecute the charges against Condominium 935, where the Attorney General of Ontario was involved in millions dollars frauds and disobeyed the Order of Judge Silverman, Feb 3-1994

PETERS, CHARLOTTE= the Attorney General of Ontario Court Reporter Defendant at Old City Hall, Toronto, who conspired with the Police Officer Parson and Insurance Company.
Defendant Peters,
illegally allowed the corrupt judge Bigelow and Normandeau, to change the evidences of the transcripts, and fraudulently certified that the evidence of Transcripts were truth.
Physical Eduction Athletic Centre of University of Toronto ("AC")= This centre in open to member of public too, thus since 1990 Major Nourhaghighi is member of AC and has got a lot of health benefits inspite of all criminial organization and AC staff to obstruct his access in which ended to Major's lawsuit T-1535-00 against AC and U of T. 

PETRESCU NICOLE = up to this Date June 2016 is a Member of the corrupt Board of Condo 935 at 356 College Street, where defrauded and caused damages of Over 5 Million Dollars to Major Nourhaghighi, there are pending Lawsuit against the corrupt Condo 95

Physician (Canadian) = Dishonest Slave of Criminal Organization, a criminal who is ready for all kinds of wrongs and crimes, a criminal who is abusing sexually men or women, an animal without any ethic.= Canadian Physician is less than slave who just work in accordance to objects and plans of Insurance Companies and Police; all Canadian Physicians will be paid by government when they write false reports that have instructed them to do so. In accordance to Canadian Physician's reports since 1991, Major Nourhaghighi is suffering the most dangerous illness that can kill a man in a week! Therefore, Major, Since 1998 has ceased to step in any Canadian Physician, when they are not allowed to honor their Oaths! A large numbers of Physicians Defendants in Major Nourhaghighi's actions and complaints, for name of the:
Dishonest Physician of Criminal Organization

PIERRE, Lyse St. = corrupt clerk of Ontario Human Rights Commission who on March 22 , 2001 abused office to cover up the crimes against humanity and violation of human rights against Major Nourhaghighi and his children. Pierre maliciously sent the responses Major's complaints on March and April 2001, when Major was involved in other mather. Pierre, maliciously, did not forward a copy from the original respondent's reply to Major's complaints, and covered many material

Chief of Pigs sued for $116 Millions by 8 pigs involved in smuggling!

PIG's Fights = When two or more Canadian Police fight together, physical or legal, does not matter, I called it as Pig's Fights. On January 21, 2003, the media reported that $116 Millions Dollars lawsuits filed by 8 pigs against Chief of Toronto Police! 
The University Ave, in Toronto, where Motor Vehicle Accident occurred on April 16, 1994; at 1 AM:
View Larger Map

Plaintiff in Default
Cao harassed Zheng to sell her teenage daughter to corrupt Judges Russsell
Lampkin and Duchame in this store at P1 of 384 Yonge Street Toronto
Plaintiff in Default = is a legal proceedings as against the plaintiff (s) who fails to take action in the proceeding which may end to dismissal of action by the Registrar. However, this international step in the proceeding is not complied with fully in Canada, in particular in corrupt city of Toronto whereas all Judges, lawyers and Police ( Queen) involved in serious crimes against American and Canadian. Hrein Toronto, for example in file Angilo Cao vs. Wei Bao Zheng (file no SC-16-6465-00 SCC), Cao is a pimp hired by the Queen involving in smuggling children and teenager from China and Asia, has filed a vexatious lawsuit as against single parent Chinese Zheng in June 1, 1996. Then, Cao has threaten Zheng to sell her teenage daughter to her to corrupt Judges Lampkin, Russell and Ducharme or would face prosecution and deport from Canada. Zheng, immediately, sent her teenage daughter out of Toronto and did not reply to Cao. On March 16, 2017, the said corrupt Judges have issued an Order as against Zheng' whereas the Plaintiff was in Default, which means took no step in proceeding for over 270 days.          

PINCHIN, Pig BRAIN = On April 16, 1994, the corrupt Metro Police Accident Investigator Pinchin conspired with Constable Parson, and changed the scene of the accident. Pinchin, fraudulently,  has created several contradictory documents for one single accident and did not called ambulance to take Major Nourhaghighi to the Hospital. Pinchin than has charged the Major for Dangerous Driving and Fail to Stop for Police, to read with his conspiracy. Pinchin, has committed several serious criminal offence including Perjury by direct help of corrupt Judge, Bigelow! This crime was violations of Human Rights that ended to several harmful effects.
Major Nourhaghighi's Proofs Beyond a Reasonable Doubt against Toronto Police Parsons ,Pinchin, and The Toronto Region Judge Bigelow for CONSPIRACY: Thanks to today technology that made possible to disrepute the criminals:
1- The true copy of the Police report of Accident; Number 1 driver is Major Nourhaghighi; Number 2 driver is Constable Parsons
2- The Enlarged copy of the drivers' information:

3-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles speeds in which Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour' and Driver # 2 Police speed Zero:
4-The Enlarged copy of the Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour:
5-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles positions in which it is clear that Number 2 Driver, Police Vehicle, has violated and made sharp right turn to the lane where Major was driving:

PINILLA, JOSE VICENTE = Dishonest Physician Respondent at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Respondent at the Heath Professions Appeal and Review Board. Dr. Pinilla, abused his profession in creation of the fabricating record against Major Nourhaghighi in accordance to plans of conspiracy with the Crown, and verbally insult him in his office when he was representing himself in the court, to effect is mood and defence.

PITT, Romaine = Black Judge of Ontario Superior Court heard my application on February 23, 2005, at Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Judge Pitt made Order against the corrupt mananger of my Condo. Indian Judge Ducharme sat a full day for hearing of my application; but Judge Pitt heard my application after seven other files! Judge Pitt obstructed my presentation alleging my affidavit was written in fine font "I can not read it." Judge Pitt wasted a lot of time and was reading a document several times, alleging having difficulties to understand what was the issue.Judge Pitt may didconstructive waste of time such as 30 minutes to verify if the Attorney General was served. SEE "Constructive Waste of Time" and " Constructive Attack to Self-Esteem of Victims. [It is important to note that this material was on the Internet before Judge Pitt render his Order on April 26, 2005] I complained agaisnt Judge Pitt.

PLOUSFE, Lise = corrupt CRTC manager, Lise involved in conspiracy, fraud, and the Constructive Insults against Major from April to August 21/2002. Lise covered the Bell's theft from Major's account, and was very rude with Major's inquiries.

POISON = to serve a poison to victims is the Canadian culture. The Governments of Canada, Ontario, and Toronto are adding a poison into drinks, meals, or gas and fume against a victim in his/her home, Toxic molds etc; office or/and car. This crime is not hard to prove if the Government did not had full control over the medical systems. Canada added poison to Major Nourhaghighi's drinks, meals, home, and cars, that caused serious illness for Major and his children in last ten years. The type of poison depend in object of conspiracy, some poison will cause long sleep that a man may miss his trial, some poison will kill sleep, that a man may not be able to control his manner in the court, and other effects.

POLAND =Thousands Polish refugees families and children were deported by oppressive Government of Canada after painful trials and tortures in the jails. Canada has brought the human rights into disrepute. Iran, the fatherland of Major Nourhaghighi, at all times during history was the safe lands for all refugees around the World, including hundred thousands refugees from Poland after World Wars. Since 1970, over six Millions, Arabs, Afghan, Kurds and other Nations have landed in Iran as Refugees, while Canada is not able to respect its international obligations for granting landed status to refugees. On May 18, 2001, Pawel Sklarzyk, his wife Beata and four children were deported to Poland, while they were fighting in the corrupt Canadian Federal Court for landed status since 1994, and Sklarzyk, had his own window-washing company, and two of his children Jeremy 3, and Matylda were born in Canada- they were Canadian citizen
POLICE, Toronto Police = committed several Murders by direct shooting to citizens, some of them are the most brutal. There are FIVE lawsuits by me against Chiefs and large numbers of Constables. There are large numbers of the other victims who were killed bypolice constables. However, the Ontario Court never punished them acordingly, in most cases they were released.

Fantino, Wroked Hard!

POLICE, Toronto Police = Ex-Chief Fantino did not have any libility in front of all kinds of crimes by members of Toronto Police. Since 1994 I sued Willian J McCormak, and David Bootby for crimes that Toronto Police did against me and other citizens from 1990 to 1998. Then Julian Fantino took power to April 26, 2005 that William Blair was appointed as New Chief of Police. IN general Fantino was much better than others, he was the first Chief that made Order for arrest of several corrupt Police Constables involved in theft and smuggling. Fantion raised the Police dis
cipline to a good level.
POLICE COMPLAINTS COMMISSIONER = the most dishonest office whose duty was to cover-up the crimes of the Metro Police; finally the Government was forced to closed it after several scandals and lawsuits = Pond Pine is a fabricate domain for sell " Do NOT buy IT as there is a Lawsuit against this domain"  and fabricate Title of "Ottawa Housing Market" is made by white Canadian Criminal Organization to attack to innocent people by slander & label such as as publishing in the internet a label reports made against Major Nourhaghighi on March 4, 2006 at the Globe & Mail; see full report; this is a proof that Major Nourhaghighi in reply made this Website against these dirty white Canadians, as in Canada it is impossible judges charges the strong criminals like Globe and Mail.
PORTER, Tim = Canadian Assistant Lawyer, By-law Prosecutor of the City of Toronto, who was involved in over $60,000 bribery from Condominium 935. Perlin was supporting Porter who conspired against several judges till was successful to dismiss all charges against Condominium; caused millions dollars of damages to Major Nourhaghighi and Taxpayers.
POVERTY IN CANADA = Canadians are very poor people and Canada falls near the bottom of the poorest Nations in the World as the Defendant the Globe and Mail reported on page A8 of edition Tuesday March 1, 2005, in Toronto; Globe and Mail added: " In today's Unicef's report, Canada is 19th among the 26 countries ranked according to their record of Child Poverty" places Canada behind the Czech Republic and Hungary."  
President Choice Financial Auto Insurance (PCFAI)= On September 7, 2005, I got a mail from PCFAI that said: "Get a quote today to see how much you can save …get on board with low rates and 2500 Bonus PC Points! 24/7 hassle-free claims service…" At 12:30 PM I called 1-866-365-9615, and after long waiting and many hassle to press this number then press that number a dirty agent female whore employed by PCFAI replied and I said that I want Quote for my car. She asked my name, address, and DATE of BIRTH and said: "We would send you Application that you must complete it then it would take Three to Four WEEKS to give you a Quote!" I said in your ads mail to me you are saying to get "A quote today!!" "Now you are saying to three to four weeks to give a quote!" This is a sample of millions frauds that we are facing with it in Canada, everyday! Shit to the Face of Ontario Government and all Insurance Companies that have destroyed the reputation of Canadian in the World!

PRESTON, Bruce = Manager respondent of the Federal court, in Toronto, accused of conspiracy against Major's proceedings, since 1996.

PRICHARD, Robert = corrupt President of the University of Toronto that allowed all kinds of frauds and dishonestly against Major Nourhaghighi by his staffs at AC who have created fabricate evidence that police be allowed to intercept Major's private communications. Since 1997, tens of agents, were send by PRICHARD's agents for furnishing false information against Major. Dishonestly in reports is Canadian Culture.

 Major Nourhaghighi sued the Corrupt Canadian Billionaire Thief Galen Weston for theft of personal information
President Choice Financial Group ("PC") =  PC is a corrupt telephone and internet banking owned by corrupt Canadian billionaire Thief Galen Weston and family in which using part of services by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ("CIBC") to defraud people in such that CIBC not be found liable. The PC has many groceries products and even President Choice Financial Auto Insurance (PCFAI) and credit card. Since 2003 PC numerously defraud Major Nourhaghighi in his banking by corrupt PC Master Card in such by conspiracy with the Crown violated all banking rules, and privacy issues. Major will file a potential lawsuit against PC Master Card ("PCFMC")soon after his investigation be completed.
The following is a current complaint pending before Ombudsman against Thief Galen Weston and Family and PCFMC
Major Nourhaghighi sued Corrupt Canadian Billionaire Thief Galen Weston for theft of personal information
October 8, 2010
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)
401 Bay Street, Suite 1505, P.O. Box 5; Toronto, Ontario M5H 2Y4
Fax: 416-225-4722 Toronto, ON, M6G 4A3
Dear Ombudsman:
1. This is a complaint against the CIBC, the Amicus Bank, Galen Weston and family, John Skeoch, the President's Choice Financial Master Card credit card, and the President's Choice Financial ("PCFMC") for breaches of my privacy and the Cardholder Agreement ("CA"), nuisances and frauds in my account.
A- Breach of Renewal Card
2. Since 2003, I am the "primary cardholder" with PCFMC in account number 5181 2710 2380 9392, expired on August 2010. My account was in "good standing". However, PCFMC, maliciously, did not issue a renewal card, contrary to terms 1.4 and 2.4 CA, rejected to pay $10.88 to Shoppers' Drug Mart 1026, at 463 College Street, in Toronto, on September 9, 2010 at 3:25pm. On September 30, 2010, at 9:30pm I called PCFMC, Alexandria and Roxanne #V42 clearly told me that they were surprised why new card was not send and said: "Card mailed now! You will get it in 2-3 business day". Until October 5, 2010, I did not receive it; so at 1:47pm I called. I said to the bankers that I want to file a complaint; after several "hold", I talked with a manager MANON #D323MD; she refused to give last name; but said she would send it today with a priority post and add 10,000 points to my account for mistakes! At 3:57pm, after a long hold I talked with Senior Banker John Skeoch; he said would investigate my complaint within two days, would call me on October 7th in which he did NOT call. Skeoch promised to add points for my damages! However, none of them were staff of Ombudsman so at 4:10pm, I complained to Curt Muraska; he was surprised that Manon said, "today I will send card with priority post". I found the said bankers intentionally lied to me; misconduct themselves by making false promises and trying to make a story for their own professional negligence.
B- Breach of Internet Banking
3. PCFMC is the Internet banking, abusing my account, such as changing my passwords without any notice and denying my access to my account causing nuisances, frustrations and liability against I as the cardholders are liable to pay bills even if they fail to access the Internet. All citizens and I hating to call PCFMC because its telephone not allowing to contact with Customer Care Specialist and does not contain all topics such as an option talking with the Ombudsman. It is important to notice that even in PCFMC Website there is NO information to file a complaint pursuant to the Bank Act. I found PCFMC, and Galen Weston & PC, intentionally, holding information to mislead the public as PCFMC ranked by J.D.Power and Associates having highest customer satisfaction in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Canadian Retail Banking Customer Satisfaction Study;
In particular, on September 30, 2010, at 9:20pm I attempt to have access to my account via Internet; as usual it was denied asking me to call bank. I called PCFMC Alexandria & Roxanne V42 asked all Security Questions, which is very frustrating [they repeated 13 times in the said two days]. They put me on a long hold then a rude female said: "You don't need to know my name I am the last person you are talking with. Your account is in Security Watch [repeated three times], your new card is mailed. We don't have a new number, call us Monday to set your Internet password." This is breaches of Internet terms 3.5, 4.3, 13.4 of CA that is making Cardholder liable, whereas PCFMC maliciously changing passwords to defraud us.
C- "Security Watch" and Abuse of Banking Power
4. Since September 2010 I have NO valid card that anyone can abuse it. Why my account was in the Security Watch? I honestly believe that the CIBC, Weston& PCFMC trying to attack to my credibility and my credits because in one of my lawsuit against CIBC, the Ontario Court made a judgment against CIBC. It is important to note on September 28, 2010, I served a Notice of Claim as against the Crown for torts and damages caused by the Computer Hackers hired by the Crown; also Skeoch and Muraska were both were shocked that why my account was on Security Watch. I have no doubt that the Crown's agents talked with Skeoch and Muraska, in particular, Muraska was interested to learn more about my lawsuits and damages than to facts related abuse of my account. I honestly believe that my complaint with Skeoch and Muraska was intercepted and the informer of my Cell phone was the rude female that I refereed in paragraph 3.
D- Breach of my Privacy
5. Since 2003, PCFMC, Galen Weston and family stealing my private information and selling to the marketing & the Criminal Organization causing huge damages and torts to me such as providing my home phone numbers to them. The fraud and theft of my personal information by of PCFMC and Weston and family forced me to continuously change my home numbers. On June 2009 I received a letter from PCFMC that my account was suspended for 12 months because the marketing staffs were unable to contact me and sell products. For about one year, PCFMC maliciously held $11,000 against my credit obstructing my access to get loans from banks by showing Suspension of my Credit Card ended other banks to refuse my application. Whereas the term 7 of CA stated if you have abused the program's privileges, failed to follow the terms and conditions. There is no evidence whatsoever that the said statement can be applied to my account. On April 16, 2010, the PCFMC asked for home phone number 416 895 1200 and immediately has sold my personal information to the Crown & Criminal Organization; so I changed my number again.
On September 10, 2010, I noticed that Roxanne#V42, in particular the said rude female was surprise of my "new home phone number". It is reasonable for me to conclude that PCFMC had no intention to set Internet Password but PCFMC intention was to obtain my current phone number. It is important to note that I am Plaintiff in few pending lawsuits. I have no doubt PCFMC providing my personal information to the Crown's agencies for unlawful interception of my communication to mislead and obstruct justice. My telephone records indicate that I had NO disturbing call in my "new home phone number" before September 30, 2010. However, since early morning on October 1st 2010 I am getting disturbing calls from PCFMC marketing. My phone every few minutes showing "missed calls", but most numbers blocked. On October 2nd 2010 at 7pm my phone call with my family was intercepted at "Royal Conservatory Hall", my location was reported to the Security who commenced harassments against me [usual Crown's tactics against Witnesses before the Court that is Contempt of Court. I can assure you that I have not given my new phone cell phone number to anyone up to October 6, 2010. Thus I have no doubt that PCFMC has sold my personal information contrary to the Privacy Policy in promising to handle personal information with "respect" and contrary to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act because Galen Weston and family have no hesitation in causing harms to the public and I for their own unlawful businesses and gluttonous activities.
E- Arbitrary Decision in reduction of the Credit & Breaching "Points" Agreement
6. In 2003 PCFMC put $2000 credit in my account; every year increased it to $11,000 because my account was always in good standing. Thus I planned for $11,000. In 2010 without any reason PCFMC decreased my credit limit to $2,900. At the same period my daily withdraw from CIBC machine has been decreased to $500. My research is showing that other customers had similar complaints showing that Galen Weston and PCFMC are overspending having NO sufficient found to support their customers' credits. PCFMC arbitrary decreases of the credit limits are contrary to the CA. This fact is important for the Bank Insurance in accordance to the Bank Act to consider whether Galen Weston& PCFMC are in the bankruptcy stage [No bank ever deceased my credit limit]. Finally, since June 2009 I have renovation in my condo and I spend over $50,000 in my other credit cards that if PCFMC was no suspending my account I could get " PC points" to purchase groceries from Loblaws and nofrills which is additional damages and unlawful suspension of my card, and refusal to mail the renewal card are contrary to the main part of CA . Please investigate this complaint with honestly and impartiality.
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
608-456 College Street
M6G 4A3
CC CIBC Ombudsman Fax 416 980 3754                                                                                                            2/2

Prima Facie Evidence = an evidence good and sufficient on its face, and which if not rebutted or contradicted, will remain sufficient; that suffices for proof of a particular fact until the fault is contradicted by other evidence; once a trier of fact is faced with conflicting evidence, it must weight the prima facie evidence with all of other probative evidence predate. Evidence which stand alone and unexplained. However this rule of law is not applicable in the Canadian Courts, in particular in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa.
Prime Minister of Canada = Very cheap servant of the British's colony; chief thief; less than a monkey! The most criminal who is ready to do all types of felonies against all nations! A man without any dignity and honour.
Prime Minister of England = Canadian Master! On September 1st, 1995 Major was successful to send a letter to England via his brother that he left Toronto. Soon an official from England replied to his letter. This fact indicate that all mails that Major send via Canada Post to International Organization were stolen by the Government of Canada; theft of mail is very common in Canada. On June 13, 1996, Judge McKay had reference in his judgment to this letter which means his fraudulent judgment was made to mislead the Queen Elizabeth Government.
PRIMERICA Financial Services ("PFS") Ltd = A new financial services in Ontario that commenced its business with a group of experience governmental cheaters like Bashari, who cheated Major Nourhaghighi between February to May 2003. None of the PFS staffs and managers has take time to reply to Major's complaint. The only telephone that the PFS has given to the public for contact is "905 812 2900" in which the rude staffs are not replying to inquirers. Who is the President of PFS?

PRIVACY= An unknown  Value for Canadian, the British Colonial System has , maliciously, destroyed the total Dignity and Ethical values of the Canadians that they do NOT have any idea what is a standard of the Values for a normal human being. In each Canadian Law, there is a malicious intend that allows the Privacy and Private of the citizen be breached simply.  For Example, according to the Building Code every Home MUST have Fire Detection; since 1991, the staff of Condominium, continuously, attending Major Nourhaghighi, which is breach of Human Rights, for unreasonable search.
OR, for opening a simple account in a bank, they would ask all kinds of questions. Even Privacy Act does not have any enforcement in Canada! On October 10, 2010, The President's Choice Master Card violated Major Nourhaghighi's privacy ending to numerous complaints and lawsuits.
Private and Confidential = In Canada "Toronto & Ottawa"  means nothing and you can attack to anyone reputation and accuse him/her for anything you want and post it in the Internet, give it to the media and even make a flyers of very details of the most private matter, as the Globe & Mail did against Major Nourhaghighi in March 2006 under " Major Keyvan's War" ; and they published countless webs and documents named Major Nourhaghighi as Vexatious" to destroy his reputation i n the World so in reality it is not known for Canadian what is the Privacy; thus Major in revenge posted all materials against Canadian in his website. Canadian in fact action  taken in contrary which means everyone would know what is the confidential allegations; this is a class for a document in the communication that only the person who is addressed is allowed to have access to the document; in Canada this class of document has fully adverse meaning and means: Everyone is allowed to have access to the document marked Private and Confidential except the person who was addressed and has interest on the document. NON of Major's documents sent to the Canadian Official and United Nations were delivered to them. On July 4, 2000, A.W. J. NOBLE has opened Major's document and complaints addressed to the Chief of Ontario Human Rights Commission

January10, 2003 URGENT
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Tower 'B', Place de Ville,
112 Kent Street, K1A 1H3
VIA Facsimile: (613) 947 6850 confirmed at January 10/03 at 3:45PM
Dear Sir or Madam:
On November 17, 2002, I sent FIVE requests to have my personal information that hold by the following offices. I did NOT received the information that I asked:
1- APPEAL AS AGAINST: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
On November 17, 2002, at 10:24 PM I sent a request form to attention of Christian PICARD via fax number (613) 993 50 80; I did not received any reply.
2- APPEAL AS AGAINST: Transport Canada, File No: P-2002-00039/ml
On November 18, 2002, ATPI Advisor Michel Le Voguer sent confirmation letter of my request, since then I did not hear from Ms. Voguer.
4- APPEAL AS AGAINST: Department of Justice Canada; File P-2002-0321/mfg
On November 19, 2002, ATIP Advisor Marie-France Gasse sent a letter to me and asked me some information.
On November 21, 2002 at 11:16 AM, I forwarded information asked from me via fax number:
(613) 957 2303, and I have seen that the transmission of fax was successful, however, I did not get any reply seen November 21. Schedule "A", is copy of my letter to Ms. Gasse.
5- APPEAL AS AGAINST: Industry Canada; File P-2002-00017
On November 19, 2002, Analyst Diane Regnier sent a letter to me and asked me some information.
On November 25, 2002 at 11:50 PM, I forwarded information asked from me via fax number:
(613) 842 1271, and I have seen that the transmission of fax was successful, however, I did not get any reply seen November 25. Schedule "B", is copy of my letter to Ms. Regnier.
6- APPEAL AS AGAINST: Citizenship and Immigration Canada; File P-2002-00294/ab
On November 20, 2002, Manager of Operation, Alain Belleville, sent a letter to me and asked me some information.
On November 26, 2002 at 06:00 PM, I forwarded my date of birth asked from me via fax number:
(613) 957 6517, and I have seen that the transmission of fax was successful, however, I did not get any reply seen November 26. Schedule "C".
7- APPEAL AS AGAINST: Solicitor General Canada; File No: 1337-P-2002-0023
On January 5th , 2003, I received a letter sent by regular mail signed by Coordinator Duncan Roberts who clearly said: "No personal information concerning Mr. Fuda exists…"
My name was correctly addressed on title of letter.
I am appealing to this office by EMPHASIZING that access to my information is the URGENT issue and delay will cause harmful results.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

January 22, 2003 URGENT
Michel K. VITOU, Manager, Inquiries
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Tower 'B', Place de Ville,
112 Kent Street, K1A 1H3
VIA Facsimile: (613) 947 6850

Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing in regard of my appeal dated January 10, 2003.
Schedule "I" is copy on my appeal sent to your office via facsimile at 3:45PM, on Jan 10/03.
Item number Six is my appeal and complaint against the Citizenship and Immigration Canada;
(the "Citizenship") File No. P-2002-00294/dg.
Today, January 22, 2003I, after 55 days, have received a letter from Heather DUBE, Senior Public Rights Administrator, dated January 13, 2003 who sent partial documents of my file; and unlawfully relied upon sections 21, and 22 of the Privacy Act for the exempted pages.
Page 19, of file sent to me, is my letter to the Citizenship, that had Five schedules; none of schedule was in the file, or letter that the Citizenship sent to me on August 5, 2002 for interview, was a simple letter, which was not in the file. Also my interview with two officers of CSIS, was not in the file.
1- Why it should take 55 days for total of 49 pages file that the Citizenship sent to me? While Canadian Human Rights Commission has forward 1000s pages of my file within time.
2- On January 10, 2003, while I was trying to transit my appeal to your office, several times, the Attorney General of Ontario interfered with YOUR office facsimile, to obstruct my access to your office. I called your office; again the Attorney General of Ontario interfered with my communication with your office.
I made compliant to your staffs Susan LAFLFUR and others that: "Why a provincial government should break the law and interfere with "Telephone Communication" with your office which is "LEGALLY FEDERAL PROPERTY" and has serious punishment.
Your staffs have promised to me that my verbal complaint would bring to your attention, and attention of other managers.
3- The fact that the letter of the Citizenship dated three days after my letter, indicate that the Citizenship after my complaint to your office with rush has sent a defective file.
4- Please take notice that the judges, lawyers, police officers of the Attorney General of Ontario are defendants in my actions for Fraud, Bribery, Conspiracy, Smuggling, and other serious crimes, and with all these interferences, they are trying to delay the trials be set for them.
5- In case I do not get full satisfactions from my appeal, I will move before Federal Court of Canada

PROFESSIONAL Court Reporters Inc = a dirty and corrupt company that its dishonest court reporters have been trained to changed the material facts of the proceedings. Several dirty whores hired by this pimp company that by having sex with government servants bring more mony for company. From 1995 to 1999 this pimp made many fabricating transcripts that caused serious damages to Major, most of transcripts were used by corrupt lawyers of Borden and Elliot, Sean Gosenll and eric Hoaken.

We are Canadian Prostitutes. We are all teenagers and in 20s that according to Orders of Toronto Judges, Lawyers, the Crown and Police that Since 1992 had/have contact with Major Nourhaghighi in difference places and then filed Private Complaint to Police that hackers be able to intercept all Major's communication and Delet his Websites and Videos and EMAILS
PROSTITUTE CANADIAN WOMAN = Less than a Slave in the home of a Canadian man, the most easiest woman in the world; the victim of the British Colonial System in Canada; weak and sick; corrupt and lair; dishonest and thief; unfaithful and whore; chatty and wild; mentally ill and disturbed; dead fish smelling and shity look; ugly and very superstitious; the victim of sexual abuse, everywhere by everyone even in her home by her her father, fathers in law, brothers, husbands and sons, in school by teachers, in office by the employers, in the court by judges and police officers, in street by criminals on and on...]Abuse of natural need, such as sex, is a Canadian culture. Now look to some type of complaint from corrupt Canadian Women: Look to corrupt Court Clerk of Old City Hall, Toronto testimony: - "Judge finger slightly penetrated My vagina!" So what Motherfucker! The Judge must be charged for putting his finger to such , ugly, Public Toilet! Welcome to Canada, the Land of Prostitutes! We are the Prostitutes! Yes We are, Yes We are We born all innocent and holy; We were all nice and beautiful girls, like angels; We were sexually abused and assaulted by our fathers, and brothers when we were kids; We were sexually abused and assaulted by our teachers and classmates in the schools; We were sexually abused and assaulted by police, and priests in the communities; The were sexual abuse and contempt caused our holy spirit to surround to the Satan L' Heureux-Dube,Now we are the Prostitutes! Yes We Are, Yes We Are Welcome to Canada, the land of Prostitutes! This is what we are now, the Prostitutes! We may be your wives or your girl friends; We may be your neighbors, or your classmates; We may be your government's servants and servants; We may be your lawyers or judges on your cases; It does not makes any difference to our nature; Now we are the Prostitutes! Yes We Are, Yes We Are Welcome to Canada, the land of Prostitutes! You have to suffer from our mind and the Satan soul; You have to suffer from our acts and the Satanism malice; You have to suffer from our thefts and dishonestly in home and offices; You have to suffer from our cheating against you as husband or boyfriend; You may be innocent and have never abused any women, You may suffering and crying too much; We don't care, you have to suffer: As you kept slice when we were abused in your society; Because, now we are the Prostitutes! Yes We Are, Yes We Are Welcome to Canada, the land of Prostitutes! This is what we are now, the Prostitutes! You may hate the Prostitutes, or love us; You may pay to the Prostitutes, or beat us; You may spit to the Prostitutes, or kiss us; It don't makes any difference to our Destiny! We are the Prostitutes! Yes We are, Yes We are Poet Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi June 2016 Goodlife Canada

PUBLIC COMPLAINTS INVESTIGATION BUREAU = the most dishonest office that its mandate is to cover-up  the police criminal misconduct in the public complaints after frustrating process.
Public Health Inspectors of the City of Toronto at South Region = The most corrupt and criminal agents of the Government who involved in several conspiracies from December 2000 to January 2005 against Major and his children and acted as member of the criminal organization within the Government of Canada in covering up the crime of building toxic mould in Major's home. Since 1996 Major complaining of toxic air in his unit but no one was able to discover the source. On June 2004, the kitchen ceiling collapsed as Major discovered over one meter toxic mould. The Attorneys General of Canada and Ontario did not allow the ceiling be repaired and did not allow any specialist exam the mould until on October 19, 2004 that Major was successful to get an Order from the Ontario Court that T. Harris Environmental Examine the mould, who found the mould was danger to the health. However the City of Toronto, Venger, Moses and Stewart have covered the crimes and allowed Major and his children and over two hundreds residents be exposed to toxic mould to cover the crimes of the Government's agents in the Condo 935.
Punitive Damage = An award that may be given to a plaintiff who suffered damages due to an unlawful acts of a defendant. Canadian Judiciary never awarded such damages in numerous judgments against wrongdoers to Major when they knew that the defendants malicious acts were intentional to cause harmes to Major and his children.
PYSHNOV, Michael = a scientist from Russia that made complaint with Major Nourhaghighi in respect to theft of hundreds of his experiments by the university of Toronto who is accused of all types of felonies in Major's application before the Court. On March 28, 2001, Pyshnov was standing in University Street and College as the protest against the Canadian Dishonest Systems.
Pyruvate:(CH3COCOO−) = is the ionized form of pyruvic acid. It is an important chemical compound in biochemistry. It is the output of the breakdown of glucose known as glycolysis, and (in aerobic respiration) the main input for the citric acid cycle via acetyl CoA. It can be converted to oxaloacetate, an intermediate of the TCA cycle by an anaplerotic reaction. In anaerobic respiration, pyruvate from glycolysis can be converted to lactate using the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase and the coenzyme NADH (in lactate fermentation), or to acetaldehyde and then to ethanol (in alcoholic fermentation).
Pyruvate serves as a biological fuel by being converted to acetyl coenzyme A, which enters the tricarboxylic acid or Krebs cycle where it is metabolized to produce ATP aerobically. Energy can also be obtained anaerobically from pyruvate via its conversion to lactate. Thus one reason for athletes and bodybuilders often use of Pyruvate.
ruvate. Pyruvate is a carbohydrate naturally found in red apples, cheeses, and red wine. According to Dr. Stanko, pyruvate exists in virtually all cells, easily and automatically entering them.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the valuable content to all of us. Really appreciated!
