Thursday 26 May 2016

"L...Little Italy Neighborhood Watch is Canadian Criminal Organization Do not Trust to their Information

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada
Canadian Lazy Corrupt Motherfucker Judges and  Lawyers Celebrating 150 of
"Always taking 60 Days 
Vacations July and August Every Year "
on this Evil Canada day **July 1, 2017** 
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!

Little Italy at College Street in Toronto, is  
Neighborhood Watch Responsible for countless all kinds of Torture, Assaults,
 thefts, misleading and obstruction of Justice and Police,,,

This photo was taken After 20 days when Major finally released from Toronto Jail.
However it still shows some evidence of injuries on his throat after Choking by Police.
Its important to note that the corrupt Black Slave Judge Vilbert Lampkin Made
Order"  Major be kept in Jail, no Doctor should see him, and be given particular Drug for
to clean all bruises. Police must intercept him after release that he can't get medical service
in any hospital in Canada. 

December 11, 1996; Nine Members of Toronto Police Tortured Major Nourhaghighi;
Offender Detective Edward Follert tried to kill Major by choking. Major
Suffered 25 injuries including broken ribs that document will be posted

اسناد و مدارک شکنجه و اقدام بقتل سرگرد نورحقیقی توسط وکلا و قضات و پلیس قاچاقچی تورنتو پس از ۲۰ سال از امروز بتدریج منتشر خواهد شد 

LABELLE, JOSEPH = the Dishonest Toronto pig of police defendant for perjury and conspiracy with the Transport Canada. On April 5, 1994, Major Nourhaghighi prosecuted the dishonest Canadians pilots who were involved in Theft of ATPL exams. Labelle, before, the trial charge Major for passing the red light in the interception of College and Spadina. While, Major had computer record that at that particular time he was not on that intersection. Major won the appeal of the case in very the interesting proceeding. Labeling by Labelle is not to strange as his whole generations were so dishonest that have selected LABEL as their family that by time has become Labelle! Therefore, Labelle is listed in Thieve Dictionary!
LABEL and Labeling = is Canadian culture and tradition; all different Nations living in Canada having a LABEL on their forehead: Germans are Dogs; Blacks and British are Thieves [as against British, Major Nourhaghighi do not have any objection]; Italians are Fascists; French are Pigs; Jewish are Blood Sucker; Irish are foolish; Scottish are mean; Americans are Animals; Russians are Ass-silly. It is very interesting that they say even against Canadian: "Canadians are Stupid!" and a loot of movies have been made by Canadian to indicate that: "Canadians are Very Stupid"; in one of movies the director has shown a Canadian who was eating Shit, instead of Hamburger; or another Canadian was drinking urine instead of alcoholic drink; or another Canadian was drinking too much that his stomach was bigger than a pool; or another Canadian has made such large urine that few Constables of Police were drawn in the urine [Look to national respect toward the police].
LABROSSE, JEAN-MARC = Defendant for misconduct, Judge of Court of Appeal for Ontario who dismissed the Major Nourhaghighi's motion to extend the time to file an appeal. Although, Labrosse JA was right in his VERBAL decision, BUT he failed to have his reasons in writing that the Motion should be forwarded to Judge COO who heard the motion in the first stage. The absent of the reasoning has caused that defendants to mislead the justice by their own stories. The Defendant Labrosse misconduct has caused that on the same day action T-2611-95 was filed and served upon him, that he learns to practice proper conduct with process.
LADOUCEUR, Marie-Claude = Delegate of Quebec Ombudsman, Solicitor in Professional, who met with Major Nourhaghighi on February 21, 2002 at Montreal, Palais de Justice and received his complaints against Ministry of Justice and Police. Ladouceur, clearly told to Major that as far as Robert GUAY [Staff of Complaint department] was not talking English, she was there to translate for Guay. Ladouceur, told to Major that she was specialist in women abuse and could not made decision of major Complaints. On February 25, major filed additional facts, and saw malicious movements in Ombudsman's Office in Montreal.
On February 27, 2002, wrote a letter that: "You wished to file complaint against certain "individuals" but didn't know how or to whom you should do so" and attached few address. The Ombudsman is responsible to investigate complaint against government, and Ladouceur had changed the subject matter from "government" to "individual" and with this trick did not allow Quebec Ombudsman to investigate Major's Complaints against the Ministry of Justice and Police.
LAFRENIERE, Roger = corrupt Prothonotary-judge of the Federal Court-Toronto; involved in several counts of conspiracies against Major's files T-942-99, T-1535-00, T-768-03, and T-872-02. On September 18, 2000, Lafreniere maliciously has abused his power and did not record his name on the documents that Major be able to find his cheating against the administration of justice in Human Right Issues. On November 3, 2003, the Crown insulted the corrupt Lafreniere that Major brought a motion for contempt in face of court against the Crown; however, the corrupt Lafreniere did not supported the motion. The last fraud and conspiracy made by corrupt judge Lafreniere was July 5, 2004 in which he obstructed Major's right of access to his file. Corrupt Lafreniere is accused of several counts of violations of conflict of interests law.

LAINO, Lisa = Personal Banker of the Thief Bank CIBC, at 334 Bloor Street West, Toronto. On June 26, 2001. Laino met Major Nourhaghighi in regard of theft of $179.13 from account of his daughter, in accordance to object of conspiracy. Major told to Lino that CIBC was once charged by Judge Donnelly for theft; where Laino promised to investigate! 

Laliberte, Jean-Georges = Corrupt Quebec Justice of Peace involved in conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi who on March 27, 2002 by writing to Major stated: "the persons that you wish to take criminal proceedings against are not sufficiently identified to issue a summon" The dirty Judge Laliberte has forgotten that this is "Internet Century" and lies are not simply acceptable. Cere's full information is available on the Internet and was given by Major to dishonest Laliberte. However the Quebec judges are so dirty that clearly ignoring all material facts to cover up the crimes of their own parties. Dirty Laliberte added that :"Your document do not reveal any offence created by the criminal code." Corrupt Laliberte believe that Robbery, Assault, Conspiracy, and Bribery are not crimes, because his parties were involved.

LAM, Angela = State Farm corrupt dirty whore agent, member of Chines-Canadian Terrorist, and Criminal Organization in Toronto involved in several conspiracy with Toronto Police Pigs against Major Nourhaghighi, after Constable Parsons had accident with Major and caused him serious injuries. No Insurance benefits paid to Major whatsoever!

LAMBERT, Stephen = a dirty constable pig 34-year-old smuggler, hired by Toronto Police was killed in on July 9, 1993, when his powered water craft hit another in the Big Chute area of the Severn River, near Orilia. At the time, Lambert, a 16-years-police of Toronto Dirty Pigs 52 Division, was on trial on charges of smuggling liquor into Canada from the USA. Thanks god that dirty Lambert did not crashed into a vehicle that dirty Toronto Police would charge that poor driver for dangerous driving as dirty constable Parsons had same condition with Barbetta and crashed into Major's vehicle on April 16, 1994, and charged Major for dirty Police convicted Major!
LAMBROS, M.D. = Corrupt doctor in North York that on November 14, 1996 covered the crime of Attorney General of Ontario in poisoning Major during Insurance Hearing.

Corrupt Cheap Chief Judge Antonio Lamer****

White Eyes Homicide*, Man-eater Criminal
The dirty Americans' Agent
Sadam** of Americans' Oil Companies
O' Son of bitch! Your fucking mother did not had any race
You have burned the Muslims Nations
  You have served well the thieves Americans' Banks
Now you are out of game, like other dirty Agents!
White Eyes Homicide*, No name animal!
Thousands Years will pass and all people of World
will send shits to your Hanging Shity Lip***!
* Persian Expression: Shameless, Impudent
** Sad in Persian means hundred, Dam means Conspiracy
*** Persian Expression is equal to "downward moustache"
**** The photo is forged, in Canada Forgery is not Crime as from the SCC's Decision Major understood.
Poet Major Nourhaghighi; October 24, 2002****
LAMER, ACCUSED ANTONIO = Corrupt  dead Ext Chief Justice of Canada is dead now and spending LifeTime sentense in the Hell for all crimes that he did as against the Canadians, the Public, the Administration of Justice and Major Nourhaghighi who was a plaintiff in a "pending" lawsuit against him., during Chief Judge Lamer CJC, the Canadian Administration of Justice has lost its total reputations in the World. Lamer CJC, is defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Actions: 96-CU-113026[Ontario Court], A-410-96[Federal Court of Appeal], T-942-99 [Federal Court-Trial Division]  for breaches of the Ethical Code of the Conflict of Interest Law; when Lamer CJC was defendant, he vindictively dismissed ALL Major Nourhaghighi's Applications, and maliciously asked from the Registrar Defendant, Anne Roland, to refuse major's Application 26982,
which was related to Torture, immediately, after lawsuit against Mr. Lamer CJC. Although, a claim against a Chief Judge is a complicated process, as the judges have independence; but NO ONE is allowed to violate the Criminal Code, and if several judges perform such offences, then it seems logic that the Chief Judge should have an answer by filing a defence.

Shakespeare: Persian Organ better than the Crown of the Queen!
I Love Persian Royal Organ more than all golds
Persian have very hard and bigger than British Flag
Which rubs whole British souls and aspirations
Much more better than the Crown of the Queen!
Poem by Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi, May 5, 2001, Toronto, Canada
Shit and Spit have more Honour than the Crown in Right of Ontario
View Larger Map
" L ....Lampkin, a black Judge, committed theft & torture..." 
LAMPKIN, ACCUSED Vibert A. = A  Thief Blackman whose whole British agents generations Sir Shridath Ramphal, Guyana were were thieves and salves at Guyana, Africa , now immigrate to Canada and has got a British name of 'Lampkin' to hide his dirty face behind it. Thief Black  Ex-Judge Lampkin is the most dirtiest blackman ever hired by the government as the Ontario Provincial Judge that has destroyed the reputation of the Canadian Administration of Justice in the face of history. Thief Black Ex-Judge Lampkin, destroyed the reputation of the Canadian Human Rights under sections 7, 8, and in particular 11D where clearly instructed a judge must be impartial, whereas he was defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's lawsuit and admitted in his Judgment "Black race has no feeling of Shame to admit such unlawful fact. Lampkin, whose father was slave, if be able to prove that ever had Father, has Black Face and much darker Black Heart and Faith. The Trials of Lampkin do not have any similarity with any court process that a man be able to have a ground of legal objection. Dirty Black Judge Lampkin misconduct himself from June 12, 1996 to November 19, 1997 with judiciary process and abused the judiciary power to satisfy the object of a group of the corrupt servants of the Ontario Court, at Old City Hall, in Toronto. Lampkin proved that Canada is a Jungle, with no law whatsoever!  The dead stupid Chief Judge of Canada, Lamer, was sitting in Ottawa and talking about the judicial independence and impartiality: Is Defendant Chief Judge of Canada, Antonio Lamer able to show a single evidence of impartiality in the Lampkin's Trials against Major Nourhaghighi?  On February 6, and April 16, 2002 Major in his applications to the Supreme Court of Canada has proven by the way of evidence under the Oath that the Attorney General of Ontario by forgery in Russell's Handwriting Report and conspiracy with Black Judge Lampkin was successful to get two convictions against Major, and stay millions dollars of his lawsuits in the Ontario Court by the Wilkins Order. Shit to soul of Corrupt Crazy Judge Graham and all his fathers and mothers whose illness and stress have caused the corrupt prosecutor SCOTT be able to make a conspiracy with police officer GREEN that ended to assault charge against Major. that by his misconduct caused two years prosecutions, tortures, fines, and two convictions against Major.
On November 19, 1997, the corrupt Black Judge Lampkin brought in his Judgment that Major Nourhaghighi has prosecuted Scott for receiving $60,000.00 bribe from Condo 935 to create a forged transcript of November 16, 1995.  However, corrupt Black Judge Lampkin did not put on his misleading Judgment that during cross-examination and impeachment of Scott; the prosecutor Major Nourhaghighi in sudden showed a copy of a cheque issued by Condo 935 for Scott in amount of $60,000.00 whereas Scott had no businesses whatsoever in Condo 935. On December 11, 1996, tens members o Toronto Police including Edward Follert were witness that Major Nourhaghighi has called the Black Judge Lampkin as a "Thief" because he has stolen several master evidence that Major Nourhaghighi put on the record such as the said copy of the Cheque and three pages of typed notes of Marcy Green.
other information about Black Ex-Judge Lampkin: at; In a letter of condolence to the Carter family, Sir Shridath Ramphal, Guyana's first Minister of Foreign Affairs, and a former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, noted that Sir John had brought extraordinary diplomatic skills to his many postings and appointments, and was very influential in shaping Guyana's image and advancing its interests. His gifts of diplomacy were admired by his peers and his contributions to diplomacy were imperishable, Ramphal noted.
Mrs. Robin Marston, Sir John's stepdaughter, in her tribute, noted that he was loved, admired and revered by the family, and that he provided a sanctuary, "a safe place to fall." She said that when her husband died suddenly, leaving her to parent three young children, "Papa" was always there to provide whatever support was needed.
Sir John's sons, John Jr. and Brian and his grandsons Stuart Clarke and Jordache Marston, also paid him tribute. Other relatives, including his niece, Mrs. Doreen Moore, and his first nephew Justice Vibert Lampkin did likewise stolen the people of Guyana's wealth and invested in Newmarket, Ontario. Tributes from Dr. Rudy Insanally, Sir Shridath Ramphal and Dr. Cheryl Miles were read by Granddaughter, Melanie Marston, and daughters Jennifer Carter-Clarke and Dr. Joan Carter, respectively.
On November 27, 1997 Justice Cadsby found that Ex-Judge Lampkin was a theif and must be removed from office. In particular the Newmarket, Ontaio Ex-Judge Vibert LAMPKIN has stolen three pages of the Green's report during trial of December 11, 1996. Justice Cadsby found Ex-Judge Lampking intentionally committed theft to support his object of conspiract with Toronto Police Edward Follert to torture Major Nourhaghighi 

LANGELY, Edna = the corrupt clerk of the Attorney General of Ontario involved in conspiracy of setting trial date for corrupt court reporters of Old City Hall, in the City of Toronto, on April 18, 1997;   

LANZA, Sergeant Leonard = The corrupt Investigator of the RCMP -Central Region, who is  investigating Major's Complaints against two members of the RCMP who were involved in assault, illegal arrest and other misconduct against Major at the Registry of the Federal Court of Canada. Lanza address is: 255 Attwell Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W 7G2, Tel: (905) 676-2826.
LAPKIN, GERALD S. = the corrupt Senior Judge defendant, responsible for fraudulent investigations of the Toronto police Officers defendants misconducts. Lapkin, maliciously, dismissed all Major Nourhaghighi's complaints and caused he be tortured by the same police officers defendants. This is a violation of Human Right for the Police Services Accessibility.
LARMOUR, Mick. K. = Head of Registry of Supreme Court of Canada who on June 12, 2002 at 11:45 AM had a telephone conversation with Major Nourhaghighi and was satisfied to submit Major's application 26892 for hearing, by cancelling his letter dated June 6, 2002 for which demand the Trial Order for corupt Judge Lampkin's istant conviction against Major.  
LASKIN, JOHN I. = Judge of Court of Appeal for Ontario, who was member of several panels in Major Nourhaghighi's proceedings. On March 31, 2000, Laskin was president of a panel on hearing of motion M25485 where Major was asking the Attorney General's solicitors, Alvaro and McNeely be cited for contempt of court for disobeying several orders, and court reporters provide affidavits for their forged transcripts! Laskin JA, maliciously, interrupted Major after ten minutes and created a misleading argument for time; when he stated that Major had twenty minutes for his argument where Major asking sixty minutes for his argument! As the result, Major did not get chance to have proper presentation, and motion was dismissed; although Major was successful to get order that Cadsby Reasons be used in hearing of appeals C27652 and C30823.

LAUBER, Michael = Member of  Criminal Organization at Banking Ombudsman who on September 20, 2002 cover-up banks' crimes against Internet Banking by writing a letter to Major Nourhaghighi that his complaint against the Scotia Bank must be addressed to the government! Refusing to perform duty of Office is common fraud in Canada, that complicate the case; usually it is require to have mandamus application to force the office to perform its duty which is very costly and useless!
LAVENTURE, DEREK = Varsity: The victim of Toronto Police brutality who was beaten and illegally arrested and maliciously charged that with six charges of assaults against two constables and other accusations; where all charges dropped by the prosecutors after a videotape evidence and medical reports indicates that Laventure was victim.The similar story that police made against Major Nourhaghighi after tortured him; however the same court, maliciously, Old City Hall, refused to deliver the videotape ending to TWO years trials against Major. Here the difference was that the government opposition was supporting Laventure and accusing the police for take side of corrupt M. Hariss Government!

LAVIGNE, Louise = corrupt superviosor of the Palais de justice de Montreal, room 1-140, who abused her office by calling several securities to harass Major Nourhaghighi on February 22, 25 2002. Lavigne provided false form to Major to cover up the crime of robbery and assault by the securities of Montreal Eaton of February 18, 2002!   

LaVIGNE, SUZANNE = defendant in action 96-CU-113026-this action caused Major Nourhaghighi, immediately, be arrested and be torture by nine members of police on December 11, 1996 

The Corrupt Leader of Toronto Gangs Michael Le Page, RCM
Le Page Michael - corrupt CEO of Maple Ridge Community Management LTD (Hereinafter Corrupt Maple Ridge or "MRCM") = Since 2014 MRCM is a Property Management for Major Nourhaghighi's Condominium at 456 College Street, Toronto. In this short period Three Property Managers are appointed by MRCM that may indicate serious corruption and/or disagreements whereas Madam Justice Boland in 1996 has condemned the Condo Board for continuous change of Managements and Managers.  Corrupt  Michael Le Page, seems to be the CEO of MRCM, whereas, the Property Managements and their Managers have proven in all Major Nourhaghighi's files before the Ontario Court and Federal Court to be the worst criminals  having skill to make all kinds of fabricating evidence against Condos' residents. For example; corupt Lisa Blair of Caber Management has created ample fabricating records for Major Nourhaghighi, to mislead the Canadian Police ending to over 10 years malicious prosecution against Major by CSIS. 

or Adrian Luca is a third Property Managers that appointed by corrupt MRCM in less than two years. On October 7, 2016, Luca, fraudulently, back dated an important  "Notice to All Residents" to September 27 (a fraudulent claim that has given sufficient Notice ) that all vehicles from Parking Spots at Condo 935  must be removed, because on November the construction of parking would start. 
And yet, did not comply with his own Notice and on October 12, in sudden issued another Notice that the Construction would be commence of Monday  October 19, 2016, and all must be removed. Major Nourhaghighi, has an antique car, Chevy Nova 1986, that he was forced to sell it with rush is such that he suffered huge lost for which MRCM and Luca are labile for punitive damage general damage and special damages.
In addition, MRCM and Luca are in violation of City of Toronto Bylaw, by selecting very low temperature for Heat System at the Condo 935, in such that as major Nourhaghighi took evidence, the maximum heat inside f his suite was 19 C; while the City required Minimum of 21 C. Luca, is not enforcing Dogs' Lashes in the Condo 935 and also there are several huge dogs contrary to Bylaw that weight of all dogs should be less than 20 lbs. The building is dirty, Men's Change room Vent is not working the awful smell is everywhere in the building.       

Last Alternative Way for YOU!
LAW = L.A.W. stands for the Last Alternative Way for YOU: Victims, Poor, Immigrants, Refugees, none members of political parties, Abuse of Logic; hammers in the hands of criminals;
Canadians Abusive Nature, the only Authority for all kind s of wrongs and crimes in Canada, It real meaning is unknown for Canadian as British wants them to be the most stupid Nation in the world, the only word which was abused seriously in Canada; The Authority for Robbery by the Banks and the Crown's Corporation; All kinds of Obstructions, the Chains of Slavery.
Law Society Act= The most corrupt law that allows all kinds of frauds and robbery against the public, the rule of the Ontario Criminal Organization managed by Lawyers and judges. The Law Society Act is allowing the Crowns have benches in the Law Society, and the lawyers are considered as the officers of the court, the judges will be selected among Lawyers; these are all conflict of interest and violation of Ethical Code: But, Does Canada respect the Ethical Code? ALl evidence in this Counter-Dictionary confirm the Negative Answer. Location of the Law Society at Osgoode Hall constitute the institutional conflict of interest.

LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA FOR PROVINCE OF ONTARIO = The main party of criminal conspiracy in Major Nourhaghighi's Action, the strongest Counter-Government association in Canada, the head of Criminal Organization in Canada, One of the most effective criminal organization of the World, Was force to file Defence by Borden& Elliot for being a Criminal Organization, the share holders of the most Canadians large Corporations, has got 27,000 members in Ontario in 1999, the main party of conspiracy  with judges in ANY Insurance Claims against the Plaintiff.
LAWFORD, Bea = the dirty staff of University of Toronto ("UofT"), St. Micheal Library, who on October 2002, in accoradnce to obeject of a conspiracy committed Constrcutive Insults against major Nourhaghighi. The YofT is defendant is Major actions for crimes against Computer Law.

LAWSUIT , ACTION = a legal proceeding in which a plaintiff(s) claims damages against a defendant(s) in which entitled the plaintiff for a trial. However, in corrupt Canadian Justice System, in which the racism in governing, it is IMPOSSIBLE any court allow trials where a plaintiff is black or immigrant, in particular if the claim be against British White Canadian. Thus all these types of claims, in particular at high courts where a plaintiff can claim more than $10,000.00; all immigrant citizens' claim will be dismissed by a simple motion by the defendant's lawyer in which the courts would award COSTS against the plaintiff too that he/she never think about claiming damages against White British Canadian. From 1993 to 1997 Major Nourhaghighi filed numerous claims while ALL small claims courts have given judgments to him against banks and strong corporations, but none of his claims at the Superior Court where sat for a trial and mostly where dismissed by a simple motion under Rule 21. On February 6, 1997, Judge John Wilkins made and order in which all Major Nourhaghighi's actions were stayed. Wilkins J also allowed Major Nourhaghighi to continue his actions at ANY TIME in future the following are the pending lawsuits of Major Nourhaghighi at the Ontario Superior Court in which most of claims are above One Million Dollars:
1- Major Nourhaghighi v. Bell et al. 2- Major Nourhaghighi v. Lorne Levine. 3-  Major Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital et al. 4- Majr Nourhaghighi v. [Toronto Police ]Parsons et al. 5- 

LAWYERS, corrupt = means Pigs; Rats; Thieves; Robbers; all other similar words have much more respect and honour to "Canadian corrupt Lawyer" listed in Major Nourhaghighi website. Certainly, Canadians' Lawyers are less than any dirty Pig and Mouse; the following Lawyers are accused of one or all these offences: thefts, frauds, conspiracy, forgery, malicious prosecution, misrepresentation, negligence, perjury misleading and obstructing justice, breach of confidentiality, frauds in the accounts with them: NOTT, HARLEY R.; O'DONNELL, Sean; Douglas Neville, Robert Jaworski Department of Justice Canada, and other shitty lawyers
Spit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth and all corrupt lawyers who cheated K. Nourhaghighi: HENRY G. GERTNER-Thief; STEINBERG, GARY; ROSANNE M. GIULETTI; JACQUELINE WIGLE; H.W.O.DOYLE; Eric Hoaken; SEAN L. GOSNELL; TRAVES, R. W and Borden and Elliot; Mew, G., SMITH LYNOS; Alfred M. KWINTER; Audery LOEB; Kate Broer; Steven Weisz; Debra Armstrong;Autur, Hamilton; Guilo D'Alekssander; Maiel Queennevile; Colon Taylor; Anderw Czernick; Ernist Toomath, Gary Will; Tim Porter; Shits at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt lawyers hired by the Attorney General: Paul Normandeau, Stephen B. McCANN-Thief, Alex Alvaro, Catrina Dennis, Charles Harnick, ALLAN SCOTT, CATHY FINLEY, GOLDENBERG, ROBERT LEWIN, James Flaherty, Marion Boyd and several other lawyers hired by the Attorney General of Ontario; and other shitty lawyers
LIBEL, Slander and Defamation= Canadian Culture, Canadian Ethical Codes allowed slander, particularly against immigrants, refugees, and people coming from other provinces to Toronto. Since 1994, Canadian media in Toronto attacking to Major Nourhaghighi's reputaion by defamation, Libel and Slander in newspaper [see Globe & Mail reports against Major Nourhaghighi] and Internet see Defamation, Libel and Slander Law 

LIBERTY CAR & TRUCK RENTAL IN RICHMOND HILL; ONTARIO = The most dishonest Car Rental in North America. All kinds of frauds in contract, worst cars, too dangerous in highway, poor service and all kinds of cheating against customers. On May 6, 2005, Major rent Toyota Matrix from Black Dishonest Manager Marie ADZUA [From Nigeria] at 9011 Leslie # 108, phone 905 771 8779. Major asked for cars that Dishonest Black advertised in Radio Iran Toronto for $79 for weekends. The Dishonest Black said: "Oh! We do not have those cars! I can give you Matrix for $108!" I was hard for Major to return to other rental car, and accepted. Major gave his  Master Card, the Dishonest Black  Adzua took $250! and asked Major to sign it! "Why? You said $108?" Adzua said: "This is for security, when you return the car we will Credit you! Then Adzua gave the Contract to Major and said: "You did not took extra Insurance!" Major objected and said: "I told you that my Platinum Plus Master Card is covering it! Adzua said: "Oh! Sorry gave your card!" And again took $250 and asked Major to sign it! Major sid why did you take $500! Adzua said: Don't worry when you return the Car I will return you! How ever, when Major returned the car, Adzua had Excuse  that must rush to her home, and did not return the credit and said within five days automatically would be waved. However, Major discovered that Adzua, fraudulently , in the Contract has written that the extra Insurance was "Declined"; Adzua did the same crime on the Contract of May 13. too. The other trick of Dishonest Black Adzua was in marking the 'full' in the Contract, in both Contracts the marked shown much higher than the mark in car. Major objected. Adzua fraudulently said: "Oh! Let me fill it up, Let me fill it up!" However did not take ant action to fill the tank, and Major paid $12.49 to fill the tank. The other Adzua fraud was the kilometer out that she enter in Contract as '776' that Major objected that it was '882' km. The weekend May 13, 2005 that Major rent the car, it was cold and rainy, non of Adzua cars were rented. Adzua was very happy from Major's business. However, in next long weekend May 19, 2005, Adzua asked for 'four days' rent, while in last rainy weekend said [verbal contract] that next week would charge the same amount '$108'. In fact, Major's contract was with Adzua for 250 km/Day, and $108 for all weekends, disregard if it was long weekends or not. In fact in Toronto, the 'Disconnect Car Rental' always gave the third week free "One, Two, Three Free"; on same day Major called another company for the first time the Manager of  "A Dollar Rental" in tel 905 764 030 himself said: "You will pay only for three days, Monday is free" Now, Dishonest Black Adzua, was demanding about $40 extra, for Monday! Major, remind her verbal contract, she said: "No! I did not said it would be free; you must pay!" Major discontinued conversation with that Black Dishonest Woman.Adzua, abusing her office for getting information from Major; and knew that Major was renting the car for his daughter for Driving Test, therefore, abused him and even did not issue a correct and professional receipts.
Adzua was alleging that the Toyota Matrix was 'Full Size Car' and demanding 'Full Size Car' rental price.

LINDEN, Sidney B. =  Corrupt Ex-Chief Judge of Ontario Courts,1991 to 1996, Provincial Division defendant in Federal and Ontario Courts in Major Nourhaghighi's actions and complaints. Linden, had more than Six Hundreds judges under his command. Defendant Linden, on November 1994, was sued in Major Nourhaghighi action, as the President of Judges, for conspiracy of the corrupt Judges Bigelow, Hyrn, Khawly. Although, a claim against the Chief Judge, is very complicated, as the judges have independence; but NO ONE is allowed to violate the Criminal Code, and if several judges perform such offences, than it seems logic that the Chief Judge should have an answer by filing a defence.

LIGHTFOOT, William K. = Corrupt Lawyer of the Attorney General of Ontario, Cirminal involved in conspiracy with the Crown's lawyer McKay against Major's Application SM31/06, pursuant to Conspiracy with Judges. Major charged Lightfoot& McKay for contempt of court heard by corrupt judge Epstein on December 18, 2006, Judgment released of January 12, 2007.
Link Up Employment Services = A Federal Office in Toronto defendant for conspiracy with RCMP, to mislead the justice on January 1999. 

Little Italy Neighborhood Watch Canadian Criminal Organization 
Do not Trust to their information

Little Italy Neighborhood Watch  = is Canadian Criminal Organization
 Do not Trust to their information. Since 1990, these Italian bastard MAFIA has created ample fabricating records as againnst Major Nourhaghighi,

Little Italy, CORRUPT NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH = is a branch of corrupt Queen Elizabeth II, Crown and Police Criminal Organization in Downtown west  the City of Toronto that since July 1990, continuously, involved in 24/7 days intersection against Major Nourhaghighi; such as: 

(a) "Physical Interception" in all Stores, Schools (including the University of Toronto and Costi) Gyms, Libraries, Lawyers' Offices, Drugstores, Grocery stores, Coffee Shop, Restaurants, Discos, Bars, Supermarkets, Medical Building and Doctors.  Major Nourhaghighi was able to arrest the bastard agents while he was " Walking, Cycling, Driving and even in the Airplanes" 
(b) "Communication Interception"
all local, international and federal posts such as all mails from "Canada Post", the Service of all legal documents to Major 
b) "Communication Interception" all local, international and federal posts such as all mails from "Canada Post", the Service of all legal documents to Major that he gets default charges for not responding; 25 years continuous telephone interception
" see lawsuit Major Nourhaghighi vs. Bell Canada et al, 1996"; (c) Interception of all Major's legal documents and complaints to the United Nations, and stealing those documents and faxes; and trespassing all Major's network inn the Internet, deleting his websites and making false, fabricating and threatening
 comments in the name of "Major Nourhaghighi" as against individuals, University of Toronto Officials, Judges and Lawyers. See Major Nourhagghighi 's Documentary Videos 

(1) Who are these Motherfuckers corrupt Criminals Bastard Agents? 
Mostly Italian , Portuguese and Chines;(few Indian, Pakistani and other nations.Major has many evidence to prove. 
(2) How Old are these Motherfuckers corrupt Criminals Bastard Agents?   

Girls and Boys from age 10 to men and women to over 80
Major has many evidence to prove.

(3) What these Motherfuckers corrupt Criminals Bastard Agents for communications with businesses?
According to Major Nourhaghighi's Evidence, mostly they have iPhone or a cell phone that contains:
(a) All phone number of a businesses with business owners' names and employees
(b) All phone numbers of the key agents in other 
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH in such that in every part of City of Toronto, has responsibility to intercept Major Nourhaghighi in their area. When, Major is travelling, NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH in the City like, Kingston, Niagara Falls etc will take over. In the August 2016, Major was successful to arrest three male agents at store  and reported to the Kingston Police.    
(4) What these Motherfuckers corrupt Criminals Bastard Agents tell to other cities and baseness to make them to comply with them?
This part is complicated and it has direct relation to the nature of the issues before the Court, Who is the JUDGE? (If Judge is their Agent, they will commit crimes; if Judge is famous to act against Police Brutalities,  
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH, they do their best that Major (who is single) to be in a good mood, such as sending their very young teenagers to his home to make sure Major has no time to review the files and win the lawsuit against them
And if the Judge is their own agent and they have confidence that he would dismiss the lawsuit, they will ask the business owners, students, neighbors and others to be rude, aggressive and commit acts that makes Major upset, and even anger and fight as they did in June 2003 at Walmart Auto Repair in Dufferin Mall to force Major to engage in fight, that Police Charge Him, and according to law his "Citizenship Ceremony" be cancelled until the trial is over. They had plan to drag the trails for three to five years in such in this between, cancel his Immigration in which corrupt Federal Court Judge Gibson and Jame Russell were involved.  However, for the first time, Major took different action against offenders that they all suffered serious physical injuries and police did not get involved.  

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH main responsibility is to make positive or negative gossips. When Micheal Moldaver or corrupt aboriginal Todd Ducharme was candidate for Supreme Court of Canada, their main responsibilities were to tell people and write that "They are very good Judges. Best in the World" where as Major Nourhaghighi has evidence to prove in any court that Todd Ducharme committed conspiracy and serious crimes against him and administration of justice by committing Forgery in the transcripts.  
Or, if they have mission to destroy a person or a corporation reputation with gossips they would say to the public " His/her insurance claim is fake, he suffered no injuries, he/she is crook" Then in sudden, everyone look and even stare at the "Victim" with ad look, discontinue friendship, relationship and business with them. Gossip and hearsay are very powerful in Canada that even Judges are scared of that; such as Judge Bovard, that his wife was sexuality assaulted by other Judges and Lawyers. When he was interviewed by Toronto Star that " Why you did not make acomplain?" Judge Bovard answered that he was scare of  gossip making by NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH that would isolate him from his social groups. (Please see Judge Bovard).
Since 1993 Major Nourhaghighi was able to arrest a large number of corrupt agents of 
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH when they were making gossip against him. How? In conference call, the agent and party were not aware Major was on line. In fact, when Major get into the line they were in the end of conversation. The agent was tell " he is very dangerous be careful.  And the Judge D. Coo was telling him "Major several times was before me, he is very nice guy that represent himself in professional manner. What are you talking?"      

LLOYDS OF LONDON, ENGLAND[NON-MARIN UNDERWRITERS, MBRS]= Insurance company defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's action who did not paid any benefits for Motor Vehicle Accident with the police vehicle. All dirty thieves have honour to the Canadian Insurance Company, that most of their shares are belong to the British and lawyers.
LOEB, Audrey= Ontario Lawyer accused of accessory in the conspiracy with the corrupt groups of Attorney General of Ontario in Major Nourhaghighi's Condominium. Loeb, has violated the Condominium Act, and with malicious intend have caused the Condominium trespass Major's property in October 22, 1995. Major denied access, and the Condo on December 1996 claims $313 as damages for denial of access. Since 1996, the Condo issued 120 Notice of Arrears against Major claiming $313 plus $813 for Interest of last ten years! Loeb has few publications related to Condominium Act, however, she is dishonest in her publication too; for example in regard of 'right of entry' that the Ontario Court of Appeal in Major Nourhaghighi case as Respondent, made Order that 'right of entry' must be exercise reasonably. 
LOGIC= the formal study of reasoning; Logic is a science because it aims to offer a systematic account of reasoning-Chiefly what is known as deductive reasoning. It is formal because, unlike an empirical science such as psychology, logic does not study the beings who do the reasoning or their thought processes but structure of reasoning itself. The main attention is drawn to the structure of statements comprising the argument and to the question of whether its premises entail the conclusion.  It is impossible that a man be able to find a LOGIC in most of reasoning of the Canadian and Ontario Judges, and this is the main reason that a large numbers of judges were named defendants in Major's Actions.
LOGICAL ABUSES and FRAUDS in Canada, Ontario and Toronto= a science that is used by the corrupt British Colonial governments of Canada, Ontario and Toronto for robbery against the people by passing malicious laws form the corrupt parliaments that they sounds logic, but in fact they are all logical abuses and frauds
Shits at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt Clerks and Long:
LONG, Gary= The employee of the Immigration Canada, who has stolen Major Nourhaghighi's document in Feb 1993, in accordance to plan of conspiracy. Long is defendant in action T-571- at Federal Court of Canada.

LONGOS = is a fruit market chain stores owned by Tommy Longo and his brothers. On January 19, 2011, Major Nourhaghighi purchased fruit and chickens in amount of $40 from Longos at 100 Bloor East in Toronto. Soon he discovered that chicken were bad and made him sick.
View Larger Map
On January 21, 2011, Major reported to the assistant manager who took full information of the bad chicken and took personal information of Major such as address and phone number. Since January 22, 2011, Longos staff continuously calling him and leaving messages which is abuse of his personal information.. On February 7, 2011, at 11:40 a woman called and started to argue with Major that Longos following the safety standards; Major said had no intention to file a complaint but as long as she was disturbing him he would file a complain and disconnected phone on her.
COMPLAINT against Longs with BBB & Reply
Thank you for submitting the form; Please keep the following incident tracking number for any future inquires. The complaint process begins the next business day following receipt of the complaint. Incident Number: 05010400103715 Please do not reply to this message using the email address indicated above as we cannot receive e-mail at this address. If you wish to contact us on the same subject, please visit -- CCTS-CPRST
Your complaint has been received and routed to the following BBB: BBB of Mid-Western & Central Ontario (Kitchener, ON)
354 Charles Street, East
Kitchener, ON N2G 4L5
Phone: (519)579-3080
Fax: (519)570-0072
Web:  Please contact the BBB directly if you have questions about your complaint.
1- On January 19, 2011, I purchased fruit and chickens in amount of $40 from Longos at 100 Bloor East in Toronto. Soon I discovered that chickens were bad and made him sick. The Chickens over cooked, very small and corrupt. I never get sick in winter. However since January 19, I am always sick and I saw doctors. Also once I purchased food from "Open Bar Salad" and I became sick.
2- On January 21, 2011, at 8:45pm I reported to the assistant manager who took full information of the bad chickens and took my personal information such as address and phone number. At 9pm the store was closed and I saw that staff took all left over food from "Open Bar Salad". Usually all stores they destroy them, but they put it aside to sell them next day.
3- Since January 22, 2011, Longos staff from phone number 905 264 4100 continuously calling my number and leaving messages. I did not get her name but there is only one female always calling asking me to call her. AND when I call, no one answering and I should leave messages, which is very frustrating.
4- Today, February 7, 2011, at 11:40 she called and started to argue with me that Longos following the safety standards. I became upset and my heart rat increased and i said that my intention was to just inform you, and you should NOT defend wrongdoing of the Store Manager. I told her that I had no intention to file a complaint but as long as she was disturbed m he would file a complain and disconnected phone on her.
The aforesaid Complaint filed via Interent with BBB and Got this message in the end showing that the Coomplaint was "Redirected"
If you have just configured HTTP Redirection then your DNS is already changed but it may take up to 60 seconds for your redirection to go live.
If you have just recently removed your HTTP Redirection then your DNS is already changed on the name server but your system (computer) still has this IP (the redirection IP) cached. Please give this up to one hour before it is completely removed from your local cache.
If you have not just recently configured or changed your HTTP Redirection then you may be seeing this page for one of the following reasons:
the page has been improperly configured (you may have a loop in your configuration)
or the account has expired.
LOST and FIND = Since 1990, Major Nourhaghighi has found a large number of wallets in the City of Toronto, and returned all to their Canadians' owners.
LORD, KATHLEEN J. = corrupt Lord was Executive Assistant to the Policing Administrative Support Command who was served on October 29, 1996, by Major Nourhaghighi with the Notice of Action 96-CU-113026, where tens members of Metro Toronto Police were named defendants. The Metro Police Defendants, revenge against Major by several serious criminal acts, including serving poison to Major on November 14, and torture and assault on December 11, and obstructing Medical Cares and changing the evidence of the said crimes on December 21, 1996.
Spit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt Clerks and Lortie:
LORTIE, MICHEL = Senior Registry Officer of the Federal Court of Canada defendant for abuse of process and accessory to the conspiracy since 1995. Lortie, with abuse of office case caused delayed in the hearing of Major Nourhaghighi's appeals, till all other objects of the conspiracy were archived by the Ontario and Federal Governments. Lortie, by improper influence got an Order that the document against himself be removed from action T-942-99.
LOWCZYK, MALGORZATA K. =the Clerk of Singer Kwinter Law Firm Defendant, in Toronto, who was involved in conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi's Motor Vehicle Insurance Claim, in August and September 1994; as the result of mental anguished caused by Lowczyk, Major was wrongfully convicted for an accident with Police Vehicle on September 20, 1994, by Judge Bigelow, when police has reported Major speed was 10/km and indicated that police vehicle drove carelessly to the line that Major was driving..
LUKE, Benjamin = On Friday, July 24, 2009, at 4PM Luke, and his mother conspired with the members of Criminial Organization in Condo 935 to commit crimes against me by tresspassing my property as a "potential tenets" who agreed in several communications for $1370/\\\160 for Deposit. Benjamin is a student of at the corrupt University of Waterloo whose main mission is to train criminals like him.
Shits at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt Canadian Judges:

LUTFY, Allan = corrupt Associate Chief Judge of Federal Court of Canada, Defendant in Major's action. Lutfy on October 27, 1997, dismissed Major 's action T-571-95, when the Defendant Marc NOEL J. found Major has the cause of action, and allowed the statement of claim be amended. Lutfy J, maliciously, asked from the Solicitor Defendant, Douglas NEVILLE, to bring an Application under Section 40 of the Federal Court Act against Major. Lutfy's judgment and comment were vexatious and made, maliciously with bad faith, in accordance to plan of conspiracy with Ontario corrupt Lawyers [Borden and Elliot] to increase the number of his proceedings. Therefore, Major claimed the costs of the actions. Lutfy then became Associate Chief Justice and on February 5, 2001 disregarded Major's appeal against Gibson Order, and conflict of interests with Major, and with bad faith and again in accordance to object of conspiracy did not adjourned Major's motion for contempt against five contemnors.
Lutfy = Synonym to corrupt Ex Federal gay Judge Allan Lutfy is Lyssa! 
Shits at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Canadian corrupt Judges and Lawyers:
Luxate and Luxation = in the word means luxation of a joint, however in relation to this Counter-Dictionary against Canadian corrupt British System, LUXATE, is the main technical tactic that Government and all its supported Criminal Terrorists Organizations are using against the opposition; and Luxation, means that a Target [Victim] must lose ALL his joints to the society, community, businesses, and even his members of family, relative and friends. Thousands of evidence in this Canadian Counter Dictionary and all documents attached thereto indicate Governments of Canada and Ontario have targeted Major Nourhaghighi's Businesses; Banks' Accounts; Telephone, Hydro, Condo's Accounts, Educational and Occupational interests and licensees; his relation with members of family, relatives and friends; all his court process and orders were attacked by Luxation; which means Major numerously his jobs, accounts, licensees were LUXATED and he rejoined it by hard try; again the said Governments, maliciously, LUXATED. This is the main reason that principle of allegations against all defendants and criminals are same: conspiracy, theft, harassments, assaults, and batteries, however only the names are different. The theft of Judge Lampkin is same with Judge McNish in both cases judges had order to steal master documents. Major with careful study have discovered the said malicious tactics and used it wisely against Dirty Queen Elizabeth and British Systems in Canada.

LUCA, Adrian = Corrupt Property Manager of MTCC 935 located at 456 College Street Toronto. Luca is hired by corrupt Maple Ridge Community Management LTD ("MRCM). Luca is a third Property Managers that appointed by corrupt MRCM in less than two years. On October 7, 2016, Luca, fraudulently, back dated an important  "Notice to All Residents" to September 27 (a fraudulent claim that has given sufficient Notice ) that all vehicles from Parking Spots at Condo 935  must be removed, because on November the construction of parking would start. 
And yet, did not comply with his own Notice and on October 12, in sudden issued another Notice that the Construction would be commence of Monday  October 19, 2016, and all must be removed. Major Nourhaghighi, has an antique car, Chevy Nova 1986, that he was forced to sell it with rush is such that he suffered huge lost for which MRCM and Luca are labile for punitive damage general damage and special damages.
In addition, MRCM and Luca are in violation of City of Toronto Bylaw, by selecting very low temperature for Heat System at the Condo 935, in such that as major Nourhaghighi took evidence, the maximum heat inside f his suite was 19 C; while the City required Minimum of 21 C. Luca, is not enforcing Dogs' Lashes in the Condo 935 and also there are several huge dogs contrary to Bylaw that weight of all dogs should be less than 20 lbs. The building is dirty, Men's Change room Vent is not working the awful smell is everywhere in the building.       

Shit to Face eof Queen and corrupt Lawyers in Toronto:
LUXENBERG, IAN = The Dishonest Canadian Lawyer defendant for conspiracy and forgery in the government documents. Luxenberg, was the counsel for the defendant Coachman Insurance Company, who from 1995 to May 1999, did all kind of wrongs and crimes against Major Nourhaghighi, during the hearing of a Motor Vehicle Insurance Claim, for May 7, 1993.
Luxenberg, caused highest possible damages to Major Nourhaghighi, particularly in October and November 14, 1996, by dropping poison in Major's glass of water that ended to heart attack for Major, where Ambulance attended and took Major to Hospital; for more information see Dr. Abramson.

Lyceum = Does not exits in Canada!

= Canadian Judges and lawyers!

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