Tuesday 31 May 2016

Human Rights Violations in Canada ;Author, the Lord of Law Right Honourable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter Dictionary and British Human Rights Violations in Canada
Canadian Whore Women Celebrating 150 Years Prostitution and Corruption
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Yankees Association of Lunatic Errotic
Yale teaches Fraud & Cheating to Judges and Lawyer
Sixty + Years OLD Creepy Yale Corrupt Professor Raped a
Teenage Student 'Paris' then became her Boyfriend!!

If you never learned that Yale is a corrupt University
Just Watch Gilmore Girls

Then it is reasonable to believe that Todd Ducharme was
fucked in his ass by Yale corrupt Guy Professors then Todd got

his degree, otherwise this Motherfucker has no knowledge of law
whatsoever, hold a trial in USA like OJ Trial be broadcast
then Major Nourhaghighi we prove it to the World   

Corrupt Aboriginal Judge Todd Ducharme, right,
committed serious crime of fraud in transcript to get
into Supreme Court of Canada  
This Asshole Judge Ducharme has degree from Yale Law School
and was unable to deal with a Simple " Application for Leave" that Major Nourhaghighi, Iranian Fighter Pilot filed at Ontario Court and he has never been in any
Law School; this is difference between Iran and USA. We in Iran
giving a quality education for FREE.  You guys in Canada and
USA having ALL kinds of frauds and discrimination in
allowing PUBLIC have access to good school,
receiving $100,000.00 Tuition and
are Your Shit products

Yale Law School,s Shame

To be Continued

We are going to disclose Ample  

Documents of Frauds as against
Corrupt  Judge Ducharme

Our Lord of Law Major Nourhaghighi
has ability to prove in ANY COURT in the World
that Yale Law School's tuition received from Corrupt
Bastard Todd Ducharme, in fact was a huge Bribe to allow Conspiracy as against Aboriginal or First Nation in Canada

Because for decades there was/is a serious Land 

Disputed between the Aboriginal in Canada and the

Corrupt Queen Elizabeth II (" the British Crown in Canada")

We admit that this issue may not be well clear to understand.

There are FOUR Good Reasons for that

(1) Your Lack of knowledge about British Land 

Dispute with Aboriginal in Canada

(2) Your Lack of knowledge about Malicious

American Politic by Conspiracy with the British Crown

as against people of the World, in this particular

Aboriginal in Canada

(3) Your Lack of knowledge about "the serious felonies of Canadian Judges, Lawyers and Police as against

Administration of Justice in Canada

However, if you are interested

to get education in this part

Canadian Counter Dictionary

in the Most reliable source

(4) The Complexity of the Chains of FACTS
You have to be a very good Lawyer of Judge

with a lot of experience in Complex FACTS

then Chains of FACTS and then we have Complex Chain of Facts Example:1- A Driver was charge by police for Drinking This is simple fact

2- The Driver in his testimony under Oath has submitted he was Muslim and never had alcohol in his life. He provided several impartial and independent Witnesses from the Jew and Christian Communities who have testified they have never seen the Muslim drunk and in fact he was with them all day, and they were in his car when police stopped them

Now we have complex Facts  

3- The defense Lawyers, presenting tapes and videos indicating that the Muslim has a young sexy Girl as is tenant that continuously all kinds of Damages, and yet the Court is refusing to make any Order against her. 
Furthermore, the defense Lawyers, presenting evidence that the said girl has "Engaged" with his  boyfriend who is Court Clerk and they are going to Marry in NEXT Weak!. Also the Clerk, as usual, has improper influence in Judges' Scheduling Office, and always taking the Muslim's Complaint files, before Judges that he know they hate Muslims.

Now we have "A" Chain of Complex facts.

4- The defense Lawyers, were same guys that OJ hired, now presenting a video of a Hall in the Court House, showing in a corner, the Court Clerk and the Male Cop are KISSING on lips in such away trying to hid from others( A Gay Cop that Charged Muslim for Drinking and Driving). 

Now, video is ended in the Courtroom; the Girl in sudden smashing her Metal Water Bottle to the HEAD of his fiance (Clerk) and Muslim assaulting the Guy Cop!      

Now, from one trial, we have at least two series of charges and several defendants, and countless witnesses in the Courtroom, including the Judge and Lawyers! But, Judge is refusing to testify before other Judges.
Now we have Chains of Complex FACTS
This is what it is all Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuits!

YALE UNIVERSITY = the most corrupt school of cheating in the World that TRAINS WORST Criminals to lead the World or their Country, like training this bastard Judge Todd Duchareme that Major Nourhaghighi found this motherfucker Ducharme did not had a basic legal knowledge, except he was/is expert in all kind of crimes against the administration of justice and public. Now, Canadian gangs planning to get him into Supreme Court of Canada  

Major Nourhaghighi has paid Over $100,000,00 for transcripts of his proceedings; whereas in all appellate Court of Canada, it is mandatory for the appellant to to file transcripts.

Each page of ORIGINAL transcript in 1990 to 2000, was costs between $5 to $7 dollars; then a cost of copy from Original according to the number of judges and parties before the court, was $3.5 to $6.

Major Nourhaghighi, was shocked in 1994, when he saw an " expert Lawyer or Judge" have changed the material facts that he heard during trials; for example, a Toronto Police Constable Parsons who was young and experience and mot of his testimony were : I don't know, I didn't saw" have changed to sophisticated answers.

In other hand, all testimony of Witness that could help to Major, where changed according to discriminatory practices against immigrants in Canada. for example: if the name of Witness was MOHAMMAD and he was Professor at University of Toronto, had no problem whatsoever in talking in very good English pronunciation; all his testimony were changed to broken English VERY HARD TO READ AND UNDERSTAND is such making no sense at all what he said!     

When, Major Nourhaghighi reading the transcripts, he had strange feeling; from one said all his money has gone by frauds and tricks to pockets of lawyers and court reporters, his appeal could be dismissed, so se was anger and sad; and in other hand when reading the testimony of Mohamad, it was so funny in Broken English that he could not stop laughing! 


THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT PROVE THAT MAJOR NOURHAGHIGHI has correctly prosecuted several Court Reporters for FRAUD in the TRANSCRIPTS>

This proceedings has costs for the Parties over $500,000.00; now if you are lawyer or Judge would be shocked that the corrupt court reporter  Elizabeth PALKA has wrote to Motherfucker Indian (Aboriginal-Not Civilized) corrupt Judge Todd DUCHARME .....

Please MAKE ANY NECESSARY AMENDMENTS and have it return to my attention for preparation of Final Copy.   
361 University Ave, Corrupt Court House, Toronto   

The other logical candidate for Supreme Court of Canada is, Mr. Justice Todd Ducharme of Ontario Superior Court, is a sharp, savvy former defence lawyer with a masters in law from Yale University.
Among the other contenders:
  • Bay Street litigator Sheila Block.
  • Madam Justice Eleanore Cronk of the Ontario Court of Appeal, an outstanding but unilingual jurist.
  • Madame Justice Gloria Epstein of the Ontario Court of Appeal, who may otherwise become Chief Justice of Ontario when the position becomes vacant.
  • Guy Pratte, an Ottawa corporate and commercial lawyer who acted as lead counsel for Brian Mulroney at the Oliphant Commission.
  • Mr. Justice David Brown of Ontario Superior Court, a fundamentalist Christian who won respect as a judge after coming from a successful Bay Street practice.
  • Mr. Justice Marc Rosenberg of the Ontario Court of Appeal, arguably the leading criminal law mind in the country, but also a critic of Conservative crime policies.
  • Ontario Court of Appeal judges Robert Blair, David Doherty and Michael Moldaver are viewed as viable candidates. However, age may not be on their side.

YALE  =  Yankee Association of Lunatic Errotic
University of Yale; Yale Law School is the most corrupt American Criminal Organization that has been instituted by the worst criminal in USA with a goal to have control of people in accordance to abuse and violations of ALL Ethical Codes
YALE = Yankee Association of Lunatic Errotic University of Yale; Yale Law School is the most corrupt American Criminal Organization that has been instituted by the worst criminal in USA with a goal to have control of people in accordance to abuse and violations of ALL Ethical Codes Shame to Yale University for training the most lawless Lawyers for the World in which they are member of Gangs like this Bastard Aboriginal Yale Graduated Judge Todd DUCHARME that was candidate for Supreme Court of Canada from Ontario. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/time-to-lead/two-ontario-judges-frontrunners-for-supreme-court-vacancies/article4260927/ Whereas Major Nourhaghighi had a complaint against him in 2004 before Canadian Judicial Counsel (CJC) for conspiracy with Brain Fedson, lawyer of Condo 935 that the legal proceedings of that was related to Water Damages. The CJC after investigation stated had found no evidence of Conspiracy in the Transcript> Recently, Major Nourhaghighi has found a document indicating that the Court Reporters were giving the transcripts to Todd Duchaarme to Change the evidence and after that they were submitting it to the parties and the courts. To see the actual letter of the Court Monitor Ellizabeth Palka visits Major Nourhaghighi Weblog at https://ccdahrvic.blogspot.ca/2016/05/x-y-z-canadian-x-dic-h-rights.html

Urinate, Urine  = Canadian Drink! Canadian Freedoms of Expr

Shame to Yale University for training the most lawless Lawyers for the World in which they are member of Gangs like this Bastard Aboriginal Yale Graduated Judge Todd DUCHARME that was candidate for Supreme Court of Canada from Ontario. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/time-to-lead/two-ontario-judges-frontrunners-for-supreme-court-vacancies/article4260927/ Whereas Major Nourhaghighi had a complaint against him in 2004 before Canadian Judicial Counsel (CJC) for conspiracy with Brain Fedson, lawyer of Condo 935 that the legal proceedings of that was related to Water Damages. The CJC after investigation stated had found no evidence of Conspiracy in the Transcript> Recently, Major Nourhaghighi has found a document indicating that the Court Reporters were giving the transcripts to Todd Duchaarme to Change the evidence and after that they were submitting it to the parties and the courts. To see the actual letter of the Court Monitor Ellizabeth Palka visits Major Nourhaghighi Weblog at https://ccdahrvic.blogspot.ca/2016/05/x-y-z-canadian-x-dic-h-rights.html
YOUNG, BRUCE J. = Corrupt Judge that entered into the conspiracy with Judge, KELLY 

YOUNG, DOUGLAS = Corrupt Minister of Transport-Canada-1994-98, defendant in his personal and office 
capacity in Major's action for misleading justice in Pilots' Scandal.

Canadian Judges are the MOST corrupt Judges in the World.
Owing to extreme dishonestly of all Judges and lawyers, in fact there is no Actual Appeal Court in whole Canada.

To be Continue 

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