Thursday 26 May 2016

"J ...Jackass... the corrupt Chief Judges in Canada"

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

William: "You Fucking American Whore! CockSucker!"

British Motherfuckers in Toronto
Canadian Jackass Judges, Lawyers, Queen and Crown

Celebrating 150 of Breaching of Rule of Law and
Even Simple Human Rights on
 this Evil Canada day **July 1, 2017** Ah I Hate These Bastard Canadian SO Much!!!

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Autobiography of Major Nourhaghighi

کانادائیهای بی ارزش ترسوی بی خایهCorrupt Govern General of Canada's Fists to face of
All Canadian Seeking Freedom from Corrupt Queen Elizabeth II
And Corrupt British Colony in Canada
نماینده دولت انگلیس مشت به ملت کانادا نشان میدهد که هرگونه جنبش آزادی طلبی را با گلوله پاسخ میدهد. کانادا رئیس جمهور ندارد این حرامزاده مقامی مشابه دارد
See corrupt David Johnston 

Toronto Mayor, corrupt Tory has admitted

"the Queen's corruption and Toronto Police Brutalities
at 14 and 52 Divisions are this Big...!"

This is the Picture of corrupt Old City Hall in Toronto whereas Nine Members
of Toronto Police and Three corrupt lawyers hired by the City of Toronto,
met, planned and conspired to torture Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi, in the Basement
located in the North Side(where a car I sparked behind a Minibus) 

Corrupt Mayor Tory
" I plea not guilty! I wasn't involved in corruption Toronto Police,
the City Lawyers and Old City Hall's conspiracy in trials ..."   

 Author the Right Honorable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

this is part of my autobiography that indicates Hundred thousands of Canadians were involved in the
most serious felonies against my children and I. If you honestly believe that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $500 administration fees for
its removal from all my sites
"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!"

Canadian Jackass corrupt Sean Gosnell during 20 Years
Has misrepresented Police and Law Society
in Reply to Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuits
And made Millions Dollars from
those bastards as "Legal Fees!"

JACKASS= is the Corrupt Chief Judges in Ontario and Canada. Many Judges and Police Officers in  Montreal& Toronto who had misconduct with citizens and me since 1990. There is no doubt that the Governments of Ontario, Quebec and Canada are the real Jackass as the spend Over One Hundred Millions Dollars to reply to my complaints, in which it found to be 'Vexatious Complaints'! ALL Property Managers of Condo 935 who never listen to any kind of suggestions, comments or complaints causing Hundreds Thousands Dollars damages to all Condo 935's owners and me!  

JACKANAPES = Canadian Judges, when they see a whore in the court; then they will be funnier than a Monkey! On October 31, 2001, the corrupt Federal Court Judge F. Gibson instead of correcting a spelling error of a name [Wennifer] he allowed it stay that everyone could laugh to administration of justice. On March 16, 1999, Chief Justice of Ontario, McMurtry, and panel allowed a big laugh be made by all lawyers and court watcher as he was named defendant in Major action. On September 15, 1994, corrupt Judge Robert Bigelow, after his dishonestly was find by Major stated that we judges always doing everything backward! big laugh in the courtroom.

JACK FM = a radio station in Toronto, having good rock music that I like! On August 11, 2005 there was a funny ads in Jack FM that says: "You Have a Question? We have answer! " Then there is a song of Chicken that says: "Ghod Ghod Ghoda! Ghod Ghod Ghoda!Ghod Ghod Ghoda!" Basically the manager want to say what a stupid Questions Canadian addressing to the station that a woman asking "Excuse me who is JACK?"  So do you have any Question about my website? Your answer is: Ghod Ghod Ghoda! Ghod Ghod Ghoda!Ghod Ghod Ghoda!" HAHA! Be Funny Man!
Jacinto's Car Wash Limited = Defendant as the Party of of conspiracy with Governments of Canada and Ontario in assault and battery with attempt to murder against Major Nourhaghighi on May 7, 1993 where Jacinto refused to provide any information, as eye witness, that the governments' offenders be send to the jail.

JACKMAN, Accused HENRY N.R = defendant for appointment of the most dishonest lawyers as the provincial judges who were defendants in Major Nourhaghighi' Action. Jackman was removed after my action in 1996; and he immediately transferred $100,000,000 of his wealth at Royal Bank to his children that court could not cease them!

Escort company has put two Jaguars as Businesses expenses 
The corrupt Ex-Chief Judge Roy McMurtry, who was the President of Panel start asking few Questions from the Appellant Businessman.
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry, “ You bought two sport Jaguars?”
Appellant Businessman: “ Yes, One for my wife and one for myself”     
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry:: “Also You bought two Yachts?
Appellant Businessman: “ Yes, One for my wife and one for myself”     
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “ and you put all in your Business Expenses”  
Appellant Businessman: “ yes I did”
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “ Then Trial Judge was correct in convicting you, why you bought Jaguar not a cheaper car, why two Sport Jaguars?   Why two Yachts?”
Appellant Businessman: “My wife and I needed them for our Escort Business. There are few pictures that I didn't file them, but I put on the files. If you look at them, you will find Yourself and many other Judges of the Ontario Courts and Lawyers  in our Yachts as our ‘ Escort Service” (Prostitution Service  that provides Male Prostitute of most of Canadian Gay Judges and Lawyer)
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “Let me see! Oh I remember that back guy ..his dick was huge HAHA… that was your business?”  
Appellant Businessman:  “ Yes it is. And we didn’t charge you, if you recall for all our services”
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “ Oh yah I remember thank you, actually December 11 is coming and we need few guys in our party.
Appellant Businessman: “ for sure, the Attorney General of Canada informed us, for sure, these guys are  Iranian… very hug  ...ha ha even the Royal family all thankful “
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: “ who was that stupid trial judge who convicted you; he wasn't your customer?”  
Appellant Businessman:” Actually the Trial Judge Vibert Lampkin was our customer but in private told me that the Iranian guys that I sent for his wife, son and daughters, they were too harsh and aggressive with that they all suffered anal injuries, including himself and told me “ This is now 24 months I can't sit   due to serious injuries to my ass; you are convicted and must pay $600 fine?”
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: Ha ha, aggressive! I love it and my children too. But, for Just $600 you appeal?    
Appellant Businessman: “No! For conviction; because, if I win this appeal, then RCMP ever would come after my business”
Corrupt Judge Roy McMurtry: Ok, you are Friend of Court. I would grant your appeal and award you $60,000.00 Costs for all your great Escort Services”

JACKSON, CAROL E.F. = Corrupt lawyer, who was practicing in Toronto, and maliciously approach to me to get info and furnish information of my case to the police and Crown. I discovered her dishonestly and immediately I sued her in Ontario Court; she violated my confidential materials in 1996, in accordance to objects of a conspiracy.

JAIL = CANADA. Canada is the best Academy to learn Robbery and Serious Crimes.  Jail in Canada is the best place to find a drug and homosexuality. Jail is the place to hold good people with FALSE accusations 'Made Up' by the Ontario Government such as all 'Police' accusations against me, that 'I assaulted Police!' while Police tortured and assaulted me! And corrupt Black Judge Lampkin found that 'Yeh! Police was correct!' God had knowledge that create Black as Black!

JAKUBOWICZ, MARILYN = the Attorney General of Ontario corrupt Court Reporter defendant, at Old City Hall, Toronto who conspired with the Police Officer Parson and Insurance Company against me. JAKUBOWICZ illigally allowed the corruptjudge Lewin, Soctt and Normandeau, to change the evidences of the transcripts, and fraudulenty certified that the evidence of Transcripts were truth [reference December 22, 1994, Old City Hall]! While the evidence were changed, added or removed!
JAMAL, JOHN = Ontario corrupt doctor, employed by Toronto Hospital in 1993 and 1994. Jamal was police agent therefore he is defendant for two counts of conspiracies against me. Dr. Jamal, in answer to my complain to the College of Physicians said: " I did not know that Mr. Nourhaghighi was fighter pilot! ". This painful fact indicate how much a 'title' has value in Canada, in the other word, the poor people, in Canada, are not entitled to any kinds of public medical care; while the corrupt Canadian Governments are claiming that have medical systems that all members of public and have access to it 'freely;. In fact in Canada, there is NOT any kind of medical system, except, a Medical System of Criminial Organization that allows only certain people use it, conditionally! Corrupt Jamal diagnoisis was the Potential Carbon Monoxide Poisiong; in which the Crown is accused of such Sabotages in my motor vehicle, and home

JAMES, JUAN = The Attorney General corrupt clerk defendant for several counts of conspiracies at Old City Hall against Major Nourhaghighi. On September 15, 1994, James, by telephone call from inside the courtroom, asked from the police cars outside the courtroom, make noise disturbances, when Major reach to stage to testify the conspiracy of the police.
On October 4, 1993 James testified against that the Ontario Provincial Judge inserted his finger in her vagina and pressed hin penis against her during dance! The Toronto Star

JAMES, Kelly Ann = the provincial court reporter at the East Mall Court, Toronto. James, testified that the Provincial Judge, HRYCIUK: "pulled her toward him. She fell into his chest and as she did so his left hand came around and grasped her buttock. He let go of her right hand which he had been shaking and brought her forward with such force that one of the fingers of his left hand slightly penetrated her vagina."[...] She said the story to her co-worker, Angie CAPOBIANCO, that: " Did you see how he grabbed my ass? I have a wet spot on my dress".[...] Angie: "What do you expect, he's a man.".[...]; Judge Hryciuk called to her: " Not wearing any underwear tonight, are you Kelly?" James "did not ask him to stop because he was a JUDGE and she didn't want to upset him." The defendant Toronto Star, in 1993, reported the said criminal offence and stated that James in answer to the question that why you did not wear under wear, replied that she had medical reason.
Judge Bovard's wife Kelly was sexually assaulted by corrupt Judge Hryciuk
" The corrupt Court of Appeal for Ontario dismissed all charges against the Judge Offender {Reference: Report of the Ontario Judicial Inquiry, Queen's Printer for Ontario-1993, ISBN 0-7778-2119-2}. "Canadians' Judges, Police Officers and Lawyers are real dirty Pigs!".

JANJUA, SADIQ = Dishonest Pakistani Canadian Physician Respondent at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Respondent at the Heath Professions Appeal and Review Board. Dr. Janjua, abused his profession in creation of the fabricating record against Major Nourhaghighi in accordance to plans of conspiracy with the Crown. Janjua destroyed the reputation of people of Pakistan by committing conspiracy with Toronto Police. Shit at face of Janjua and his family.

JAPAN = Canadian new Master after dirty Queen Elizabeth II!

JAR = Canadian Judges Big Dirty Mouths! Certainly, the holes of washrooms that people make shits on them are much cleaner than Canadian Judges and Police dirty mouths, that only shits coming out of them. On November 17, 1997, Dirty Back Judge Lampkin, told to Major "Shut Up!" Major told him: "You Shut up!" dirty back monkey slave that now your position as dirty Queen Elizabeth II Judge is much lower than all thousands men and dogs that made intercourse with your mother and have created you son of the hooker!

JERK = Judges' words and reasoning! Canadian Police and Lawyers

JAWORSKI, Robert = corrupt Canadian Lawyers hired by the Attorney General of Canada involved in the conspiracy against Major Nourhaghighi's application against Canadian Human Rights Commission. Major, immediately, brought charge of Contempt in the Face of Court against Dirty Pig Jaworski and four others parties of conspiracy. Soon, Jaworski, by rich banks respondents offered a huge bribe to the Federal Court of Canada, clerks and judges in Toronto Office and was able to perform all types of abuses and harassments against Major who was assaulted by member of RCMP, Kim on January 19, 2001; as the result Major was not able to attend on hearing for contempt against Pig Jaworski; who soon has left Toronto!
As far as decision was made in absent of Major; he will have a notion for trial against Jaworski.

JEWS = JEWISH= JUDAH = YAHOODY in Persian = JUDAISM = the follower of Moses, who were living always in minority till 50 years ago. Iran, was the first country in the World that about 2550 years ago accept the political asylums of the thousands Jewish immigrants and allowed they stay in Iran permanently. Iran also, 2550 years ago,  respected the Human Rights, and allowed Jewish have their own Synagogues beside Iranian Fire-temple. Canadians Jewish defendants in Major Nourhaghighi's actions, have shown the most possible dishonestly and oppressive manner that a Human Being may ever demonstrate. All these crimes against Major and his Children will put a question mark before the same crimes against the jewish.

JEWISH Canadian Judges, Lawyers, Physicians and Companies = the most dishonest and dirty criminal terrorists organizations in the World! Most of defendants in Major Nourhaghighi;s actions who have committed the most shameful acts against the administration of justices were members of Jewish Community in Toronto. Alfred M. Kwinter, Ron Weinberger, Lorne Levin are just few dirty lawyers that have committed all types of wrongs. Levin has stolen $2000 from Major Nourhaghighi, and by manipulation of the account made Major debtor!
Many people believe that Hitler had reasons against Jewish; however those reason will not justify the crimes that he did. The life of human being has much more value than money; and Jewish should not be killed for all money that they have stolen from the people!

JENNINGS, John R.R. = corrupt Judge of the Ontario Court General Divison that in 1997 has misconduct with process by oppressive and misconduct with Major Nurhaghghi during hearing a simple motion in appeal process against corupt Judge Lampkin Order

JOHNSTON, DONNA = Manager defendant responsible for conspiracy of her staff in the Registry of the Ontario Court(Gen.Div.) in University Ave, Toronto.

JOHNSTON, Leo = RCMP Hero Constable killed by ROSZKO, Canadian farmer of Province of Alberta who brutally murdered four young RCMP Constables on March 3, 2005. Four RCMP Constables were died in the line of duty with honor, they are: Hero Brock MYROL, Hero Anthony GORDEN, and Hero Peter SCHIEMANN, in which two of them trusted to our good Canadian farmers, and did not take any gun and not wearing any body armour when they were killed. The team of RCMP and Edmonton city police constables had come and gone from a marijuana bust a farm near Rochfort Bridge, 120 km northwest of Edmonton, before four RCMP Constables were gunned down there the next day. They found 300 marijuana plants; the amount of pot could be worth as much as $400,000, and evidence of a vehicle chop shop. Corrupt Killer Roszko snuck up on the four RCMP Constables as part some kind of set-up, waiting for them to go to the marijuana, and then shot them. Slain RCMP Constables were dedicated their lives to the community in fighting with corruption in Canada. It is extremely sad that group of corrupt Ontario and Quebec Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, and Toronto and Montreal Police are supporting marijuana plants and made it legal. However, the absolute majority of Canadian and Major Nourhaghighi, severely, is condemning the growth and import of marijuana in Canada. It is great shame that Canada is calling itself as a 'democratic society' the majority of Canadian do not have any voice in Parliament and Justice System. We shall never forget that corrupt Judges of Ontario Court of Appeal made same sex marriage legal in Canada, raising the anger of Canadians. Shit to face of all these judges and lawyers who support corruption in our society in Canada. However many honorable Citizens like Major Nourhaghighi, Judges, Lawyers, and Constables are keeping their own fight with criminals like Corrupt Killer Roszko, who living was based on selling marijuana to our children in Canada. All good citizens of Canada and World are showing sympathy with all members of Police Forces around the World who died in fight with Smugglers; we all share very deep sympathies to all members of families, relatives, friends, colleagues, and good citizens who suffered nervous shock, depression, anguish, and anger for murders of four RCMP Constables. They are our Heroes because they fight with Marijuana.

نماینده دولت انگلیس مشت به ملت کانادا نشان میدهد که هرگونه جنبش آزادی طلبی را با گلوله پاسخ میدهد. کانادا رئیس جمهور ندارد این حرامزاده مقامی مشابه دارد
British Bastard Agent Showing Fists to
Major Nourhaghighi who asked for Freedom of Canada
in lawsuit " Nourhaghighi vs. Bell et al" filed in 1996
and yet is not set for trial! after 20 Years whereas a large numbers of
corrupt Judges, Lawyers, Pilots, Cops et al are defendants for corruption

Johnston David Lloyd = is corrupt current Governor General of Canada, and the 28th since Canadian Confederation, responsible for the Queen and British Agents crimes in Canada against all politician seeking Freedom for Canada, in particulate, 25 years torture and exile in Toronto against our Lord of Law, the Right Honorable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi. Since 2010 this motherfucker is corrupt Governor General of Canada who has destroyed the rule of law in all courts, particularly at Federal Court and Ontario Court

JONES, Graeth =  this corrupt member if ISU is Professional Thief! Thief Jones Defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Action T-571-95, at Federal Court of Canada, Jones was officer of the dirty thief Attorney General of Ontario who has stolen a document from Major Nourhaghighi's hands at Special Investigation Unit, on September 1994.

JOSEPH, J = the Secretary defendant of the Attorney General of Ontario- Charles Harnich, who refused to allow service of Statement of Claim to Harnich, and herself with very rude manner finally admit service for Harnick. The Governments' of Canada and Ontario Clerks are working like criminals, they do not provide their names, that be abe to do all types of crimes!
He let go of her right hand which he had been shaking and brought her forward with such force that one of the fingers of his left hand slightly penetrated her vagina."[...] She said the story to her co-worker, Angie CAPOBIANCO, that: " Did you see how he grabbed my ass? I have a wet spot on my dress".[...] Angie: "What do you expect, he's a man.".[...]; Judge Hryciuk called to her: " Not wearing any underwear tonight, are you Kelly?" James "did not ask him to stop because he was a JUDGE and she didn't want to upset him." The defendant Toronto Star, in 1993, reported the said criminal offence and stated that James in answer to the question that why you did not wear under wear, replied that she had medical reason. Judge Bovard's wife Kelly was sexually assaulted by corrupt Judge Hryciuk
" The corrupt Court of Appeal for Ontario dismissed all charges against the Judge Offender {Reference: Report of the Ontario Judicial Inquiry, Queen's Printer for Ontario-1993, ISBN 0-7778-2119-2}. "Canadians' Judges, Police Officers and Lawyers are real dirty Pigs!".
JAR = Canadian Judges Big Dirty Mouths! Certainly, the holes of washrooms that people make shits on them are much cleaner than Canadian Judges and Police dirty mouths, that only shits coming out of them. On November 17, 1997, Dirty Back Judge Lampkin, told to Major "Shut Up!" Major told him: "You Shut up!" dirty back monkey slave that now your position as dirty Queen Elizabeth II Judge is much lower than all thousands men and dogs that made intercourse with your mother and have created you son of the hooker!

JUDGE -[ Addressed to the Canadian defendants in Major's actions] =A corrupt Ex-lawyer, who at least, during Ten Years has proven as a lawyer is ready to furnish all his client's  confidential information to others, Police and Court.; A man without any ethic; A party of All kinds of Conspiracy; A Man that destroyed the Holy reputation of Justice System. The Cheapest man in the World that you must call him my "Lord" Ohhhhhh my Lord! A man who such any animal dirty Ass, if it drop some bribe before him/her! Each Canadian Judge, has thousands fathers, including many dogs; if you do not believe just ask from that dirty Whore in the corner of Street who is mother of Black Judge Lampkin!
J.A.= Judge of Court of Appeal= the most stupid or/and criminal judges therefore called "Lordship!" whose total judgments are based on the evidences of Transcripts of Trials, which were pure frauds. They are stupid because they never put the question mark before the impartiality of the Government, or/and they are criminal because they close their eyes for frauds in Transcripts that its punishment is 14 years imprisonment.
J.; J.P.; P.J. and D.J.= J: Justice [a judge that federally appointed]; J.P: Justice of Peace; P.J. = Provincial Judge; D.J. = Deputy Judge [Small Claim Court]

JUSTICE OF PEACE REVIEW COUNCIL=The corrupt Council defendant for abuse of complaints process against judges who were involved in serious criminal offenses in the bench of justice, and even did NOT open a simple file to commence the investigation, which means THEFT, BRIBERY and other serious crimes are NORMAL for Canadian Judges; such as Judge Ian McNish who was involve in THEFT of Major Nourhaghighi’s documents to help to the Condominium. Major, as the Prosecutor was representing Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario. McNish found that Weight Machine does not have noise to disturb a man live under that and made order that  $500 costs must be paid by Major for complaining against the said noises.

JUNGLE =CANADA, Canadian Courtrooms, more civilized than Law Society of Upper Canada, more rule of Jungle that rule of Law The City of Toronto, Less crimes than Canada, more fairness than the Ontario Government, Canadian Judges directly responsible for creation of a Jungle in Toronto, where the rule of law is funnier than the dirty ass of a Monkey in the Zoo!

JURECKA Associates = Owner corrupt architecture Paul Jurecka who according to object of a conspiracy with Governments of Canada and Ontario refused to examine the plans of Condo 935 to discover the grounds of water and sound penetration from seventh floor common element to Major's Unit. There is no sound and waterproofs materials and study must be done how they be installed. However, the said Governments with bad faith and dishonestly allowing nuisances against Major's family, as he discovered millions dollars frauds have stolen by Ontario judges and lawyers.

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