Monday 30 May 2016

"U" Corrupt United Church of Canada to...

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter Dictionary and British Human Rights Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Shame on Bank of Nova Scotia for 100 Years Conspiracy
 U.S. Lawsuit in Tort of Conspiracy targets
Six Corrupt Canadian Banks who mostly
Defendants  in Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuit for Conspiracy

Doug Alexander at Toronto Star of January 17, 2018 has reported that:
A Colorado-based pension fund accused Canada's six biggest banks of conspiracy  to manipulate a Canadian interest rate benchmark to boost "illegitimate profits"  on derivatives trades for several years until 2014. The Doug's article provides more details at page B4: The proposed class-action dispute names Toronto-Dominion Bank. Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) and five other parties in tort of Conspiracy. Whereas, Since 1994, the right Hon. Major Nourhaghighi has several lawsuits against the said banks in which, he was successful to get Judgments as against Bank of Nova Scotia in 1994 and CIBC in 1996 in the Ontario Courts; in August 2000 Major filed another lawsuit against the said banks and their parities at corrupt Federal Court of Canada under file T-1535-00, in which all their Canadian Lawyers have committed conspiracy against the Administration of Justice to dismiss the lawsuit. Major, immediately, has charged all five lawyers for Contempt of Court in a criminals proceedings. All details can be found this this blog and at the following links. The Right Hon. major Nouraghighi stated: " I'm ready to provide evidence under the Oath at US Court, as expert witness, if the US Justice system needs my assistance" 

Click this Link for Toronto Star's FULL REPORT vs Six Banks
Click this Link to the Lawsuit of Right Hon. major Keyvan Nourhaghighi in tort of Conspiracy and Human Rights Violation against the Toronto-Dominion Bank. Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) and their fifty British Canadian Crown Partners 
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada
Down with Corrupt British Assholes William & Henry  
William: "You Fucking American Whore! CockSucker!"
British Motherfuckers in Toronto

Thousands U of T Students Protested against Sex Assault
by U of T Jewish Professors, in particular Ira Jacobs at Athletic Center

You Canadian Chickenshit Cowards
who didn't have the Balls
 کانادائیهای بی ارزش ترسوی بی خایه

is is part of my autobiography that indicates Hundred thousands of Canadians were involved in the
most serious felonies against my children and I. If you honestly believe that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $500 administration fees for
its removal from all my sites
Uniqlo, is corrupt Japanese, engage in a complicated type of espionage
"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawyers get hurt from its negative effects!"

 Yankee Association of Lunatic Errotic
Yale is the MOST corrupt  law School to train a group
of serious criminal to take over Our Justice System
See Corrpt canadian Judge Chater Todd Ducharme

Major Nourhaghighi has seen countless women and teenagers in Toronto who
wear not wearing underwear and intentionally showing their pussies to
Major, even they were with their husbands or boyfriends
As they said numerously Major is cute, handsome and sexy!
See Details in Underwear 
U for University of Toronto the MOST corrupt University in the World
This Video shows that corrupt Jewish Dean Ira Jacobs, paid huge money
to corrupt Ian McNish to not get Criminal Charges for Thefts & Conspiracy

UNABLE = Canadian in front of huge corruption of Governments of Canada; that caused a huge frauds against the Governments by the public, as revenge! 
UNBIASED = Does not exits in Canada!
UNFAIR = Canadian: Man, Woman, Child, Senior, Police, Judge, Lawyer, Pilot, Clerk, Banker, Businessman, Neighbour, Owner, Landlord, Tent, Contractor, Service Provider, Service Receiver, Driver, Worker, Employer, Complainant, Inspector, Plaintiff, Defendant, Physician, Nurse; Government, Public, whoever live in Canada-Toronto!

Unhealthy = Canadian Medical Systems and Justice Systems!

United Church of Canada = Less than any dirty Thief, in most dirty Town of the World; who is stealing everything from Major Nourhaghighi's Condominium 935. The most corrupt Church which destroyed the reputation of the Christianity Located at 452 College Street, in Downtown of Toronto. In or about, 1980, the Management of the Church has committed the arson and have destroyed the Old Historical Building that be able to defraud the Insurance company, and replace it with a residential condominium to cheat its owner by all kinds of frauds, thefts, trespass, conspiracy and other crimes. The United Church of Canada was a Counter-Respondent in file 6938/96 for the said crimes that failed to file defence.

Human Rights Violations in Canada were ignored by corrupt UN
United Nations = the most corrupt international organizations that ever Human Beings have created; its total existence have brought the greatest possible shame for our generation in Twenty Century. The United Nations, in accordance to conspiracy with the British and Canadian Government, several times, fraudulently, has declared that Canada is the best place to live which allowed Billions Dollars wealth of immigrants to this corrupt land to run the bankrupt system of the Canadian. Since 1994, the United Nations, has denied all Major Nourhaghighi's complaints against the Government of Canada, when Major was torture several times and kept imprisonment for all complaints that he made against the corrupt Canadian Judiciary System.
United States of America = The country that its nation has suffered more that any other from malicious acts of the Canadian's felonies. The main export of Canada, to longest border in the south with American are: trained terrorists, drugs, rugs, computer bugs, illegal immigrants (Canadian Authorities outside Canada by receiving $10,000 bribes bring illegal immigrants to Canada and then by destroying their document sending them illegally ti USA. Many Canadian they hate Americans from bottoms of hearts, while Americans helped Canadian to build all types industries and businesses. Canadian never says thank you; they just learned how to do crimes.  

Black September for Me; Black September for You!
In February 2002; George W. Bush again commence his harassments against Iran. Major Nourhaghighi in reply, has decision to post all crimes of the American in Iran, and all other nation in a very big work under title of the "American Counter Dictionary and Violations of the Human Rights against the World! Major was able now to post part of America crimes in Iran!

Outrageous American's Torts, Damages, and
Harms Against Iranian and Our Lawful Governments

Major Nourhaghighi's Autobiography, has clearly indicated
that the Western Governments with the leadership of the American,
and British
, with bad faith and dishonestly, have never rested in creating
all types malicious, the Constructive Corruptions and Conspiracies against
all lawful Iranian Governments, even those that supported them, like
Shah Regime; the Site contains material facts that will prove no
Nation shall ever trust to the American who do not have
any root to the Ethical Codes, and trust to the
Holy Bills of Human Rights and Freedoms

This is a Winner Outfit in all
Canadian Courts

UNDER WEAR = Sex, the best weapon against the Administration of Justice; many females clerks, prosecutors, witnesses, lawyers, court watchers and others who have businesses with the Canadian and Ontario Justice Systems in the corrupt City of Toronto, knew this common trick, to NOT wear under wear and show their genitals and get a judgment. And if they be asked that Why you not wear under wear? They would simply having excuse that their physicians have asked them to do, due to certain women's fungus. The fact indicate that more that 25% of the Canadians are suffering mental illness, the corrupt Canadian Colonial Justice Systems, have made very difficult for the people to have natural sexual relationships, therefore, most of Canadians are suffering some kind of related mental illnesses. see also Canadian do  not know basic ethic in SAUNA. Tips & Tricks: Wear a Red Mini Skirt and high heels shoes,  Do NOT wear underwear in all Canadian Courts, when Canadian Judge is looking to your legs, One Your Legs fr Just 5 seconds and close it; repeat this during whole trial or any proceeding;
True Story Major Nourhaghighi was Witness
in the Courtrooms in Toronto
Accuse of Murder: Oh honey I am not guilty %100 not guilty like OJ!
(1) Toronto Corrupt Judge Nicholson D. McRae at 361 University Ave; Court House :
I want to see your proof (pussy) ! Turn right, oh ya; open it!
(a female Clerk at Registry Court House opened her legs too)

 Prosecutor Debbrer Silver; My Lord see my proof( showing her pussy)!
Accuse is alleging that Victim opened her legs, and start fingering to her vagina!
(2) Toronto Corrupt DEAD Judge Thomas MERCER, while masturbating in the courtroom
at College Park in Toronto: Oh ya open it for me! Good!
Silver knew that Judge is masturbating, so, she was talking softly with a very sexy voice:
Silver: He continued with gentle move, then insert his dick to my vagina and pushed in!

DEAD Judge MERCER: Go slower, open it for me. (now he saw both whores pussies
and close his eyes, his head was falling down, his right hand and  shoulder were moving
Silver: Yes my lord, he was rough and I start enjoying.......

(3) Toronto Corrupt Judge John Wilkins on February 6, 1997 at Osgoode Hall
masturbating on the Courtroom at about 3 pm when the Condominium 935 Corrupt
Lawyer  Defendant ROSANNE M GIULETTI, member of Canadian Italian Advocate Organization
wearing red mini skirt, sitting in the back row, directly to Judge, showing him her boobs
 by bending over and opening her legs showing him her pussy, Corrupt Judge Wilkins
who was drunk on the bench, after masturbation had a nap while Major
Nourhaghighi had submissions. However, as soon as Major said that 

corrupt Lawyers Gosnell & Eric Hoakin conspired against Justice D. Coo
Wilkins J woke up and gave a Best Judgment for Major Nourhaghighi
Value of may amount over Five Hundred Million Dollars
(4) Toronto Corrupt Judge Huge W. Silverman at Old City Hall, Courtroom L

masturbating on the bench when the Condominium 935 corrupt Lawyer Defendant  ROSANNE M GIULETTI, member of Canadian Italian Advocate Organization
wearing red mini skirt, sitting in the back row, directly to Judge, showing him her boobs
 by bending over and opening her legs showing him her pussy, Corrupt Judge Wilkins
who was drunk on the bench, after masturbation had a nap while Major
Nourhaghighi had submissions. However, as soon as Major said that 
corrupt Lawyers Gosnell & Eric Hoakin conspired against Justice D. Coo>
Wilkins J woke up and gave a Best Judgment for Major Nourhaghighi
Value of may amount over Five Hundred Million Dollars
As the Witnesses before Corrupt Judge Vilbert Lampkin
Marcy Green and Nancy Russell  Court Security,
Court Reporter, Amy Fitton,
Prosecutors ( willbe posted later)
Toronto Police Constable
Wife of Prosecutor Allan Scott ( will be posted later)
During 24 Months Trials were sitting like above picture
in the Courtrooms in Old City Hall    

Back Race Corrupt Judge Vilbert Lampkin and many other
corrupt from Toronto Black community have committed worst possible
crimes as against Administration of Justice and Major Nourhaghighi

Canadian Black Race have proven dignity whatsoever, they
my be Chief Judge of Chief of Toronto Police, but

they are so afraid of British Canadian even
if he be a Constable or Security!

(5) Newmarket Corrupt Black  Judge Vilbert Lampkin was appointed to a trial
from January 1996 to December 1997 at Old City Hall in which he had
professional misconduct by having private meeting and sexual nature
wrongdoing with several Court clerks, Prosecutors, Court Reporters,
and Witnesses 

 YOU WILL STEP OUT AS WINNER, if plaintiff, with highest awards; if defendant even as a Murder! Case is Dismissed, if Witness, maximum accommodation.    

A criminal bastard Judge Hryciuk during ten years, sexually assaulted
countless women and underage teenagers at Corrupt Old City Hall in Toronto  

Major Nourhaghighi was present at Osgoode Hall, University of Toronto, when a
group of American Judges and Lawyers visited Ontario Court of Appela Judge

Canadian Corrupt Judge Horace KREVER,misled him by telling
" We don't have corrupt Judge, Lawyer and Police in Canada"
Major stood and said "This man is lair, we have countless"
Soon after the Canadian Corrupt Judges, Lawyers & Police
revenged against Major, arrested him, tortured and

broken his ribs and dismissed all his files
  and Major created the Largest Website
to prove his submission had merits 

Picture of a corrupt Toronto Judge Walter P. HRYCIUK, who penetrate his fingers to Ass and Vagina of several Canadian female Lawyers, Prosecutors, Judges ( Toronto Judge June BERNHARD complained/testified Walter grabbed her right right buttock pushed her and had Anal Intercourse with her at Judge's Chamber at Old City Hall, 60 Queen Street, Toronto) clerks, Court Reporters ( Ann JAMES Court reporter at Old City Hall testified that Judge, HRYCIUK penetrated to her vagina and had anal sex with her, repeatedly from age 17 to 25) Police Constable, Securities ( Nancy Russell and Marcy Green complained that Judge asking them to suck his ass and dick while they were on duty from Nov 1995 to Dec 1997 at Old City Hall) , female defendants, witnesses, and Wives of Judges, Lawyers, Students of University of Toronto and High Schools teenagers. 

Toronto Judge June BERNHARD complained/testified Walter
grabbed her right right buttock pushed her and had Anal Intercourse
with her at Judge's Chamber at Old City Hall, 60 Queen Street, Toronto

Picture shows testimony of Judge Bovard's Wifetestifying that he push hard his fingers to her Vagina. Kelly Smith, is lawyer too, said " then he kissed my lips for long time,

Canadian Whore Lawyer Kelly, committed several felonies under
Criminal Code of Canada; such as being Married had Sexual Relation with
another man (Hryciuk), Had Anal Intercourse (Serious Crime) etc 

pushed me to the wall and insert his finger to my ass until he came"

Judge asked from Kelly "He did while you wearing underwear"

Kelly replied " I wasn't wearing underwear"

Judge: "Why?"

Kelly: " I had yest so I didn't wear!"

Judge: " How Walter knew you are not wearing underwear?"

Kelly: "He asked me"

Judge: "What exactly he asked, what was your answer?"

Kelly: "Walter asked Kelly no penty today? I said yes. He said

so come to me babe!"

Judge: " So you are doing it on regular basis!"

Kelly: "Yes your honor, he was doing with all women even

school girls who works during summer and some of them were 13"

 Judge: Did you tell to your husband, Judge Bovard?

Canadian Corrupt Judge Bovard knew his Wife
has Sexual Anal and Vaginal  
Intercourse With
corrupt criminal Canada Judge  Walter P. HRYCIUK,
It is Crime a Husband consent his Wife have
Sexual Relation with Other, and have
Anal Intercourse  

Kelly: Yes, he knew it.

Judge: What Bovard said?

Kelly: He said that Walter is member of Toronto Judges' Gang  

and if I complain they would not invite us to the Parties!

Judge "What?!"

Kelly: My Husband said they would isolate us and no one would talk with us.
Judge: In your complaint you said during three years you has all kinds of oral sex, anal sex and vaginal intercourse; where it happend

Kelly: mostly in Walter's Office at third floor of Old City Hall, few times in   my car or his, few times in his house and our home, and few times in the hotels rooms in downtown Toronto.
Judge: And you never complain to Police, Judges or any one.
Kelly: Yes Your Honor
Judge: You connected to this relationship, you were always happy, and your husband knew, so where is a complain.

Kelly: Because other women asked me to file complain!     

While Judge dismissed Kelly complaint, but Walter was convicted for other charges.

However, the Ontario Court of Appeal set aside the conviction, on the grounds of the First Day that Kelly's relationship started and she alleged that Walter insert his fingers to hier Vagina. . Walter brought a Doctor to the Court that he explained THE FINGER MUST PAST A particular BONE between women legs until be considered as penetration. And while they were standing, it is impossible the finger pass that bone. So, the panel of the corrupt judges granted the appeal. set aside the conviction and Awarded One Dollars Costs to Corrupt Judge Hryciuk
NOTE: For several years Major Nourhaghighi was following the above trial and appeal, and the aforesaid is a brief of hundred thousand pages of documents.  

UNIVERSITY= A Holy place to improve yourself that be able to serve the Public; these kinds of terms do not apply to the Canadian corrupt Educational System, which have been created, maliciously by the British, to train the criminals against all Nations Interests.  Canadians students are the most stupid educated people in the World, that do not care what is going on in their country. In a TV show a man asked from a University of Toronto Student that who is the Prime Minister of Canada; She said : " Sorry ! I am not in politic, I do not know who is the Prime Minister!" When people learn that the servants of the Crown are not representing them, than why they should care who is the man who run the country when they know that he or she is just a corrupt British Agent, that when appointed to steal for British and himself and herself.
But, Does the Future will remain the same? The answer is the Negative, by large number of the Immigrants coming from revolutionary countries to Canada

Canadian corrupt University
University of McGill = The corrupt and cheap in value university in the World; located at the corrupt City of Montreal. McGill's criminal Security Officers were involved in countless sexual assaults against girls and women, particularly, jewish poor women! They hate jewish and everywhere harassing jewish people in the area of the university. Major Nourhaghighi was witness of several contempt and insults against jewish and muslim people in February, May, September and October 2002. The McGill's Security Officers are using their cars for sex purpose. On September 29, 2002 at 2AM Major saw a red patrol car marked Security of McGill, was parked behind a building and two white men were performing blowjobs, without any shame, they laughed and continued!
McGill, is involved in the following types of Crimes against Computer, when Major was using it at its Library:
1- University of McGill is Creating False and Fabricating Errors
2- University of McGill is Stealing E-Mails, LOOK to the documents
3- University of McGill is Violating the Privacy of Information.
4- University of McGill is Abusing Freedom of Access to the Information.
5- University of McGill is Defrauding Names and Pages of the famous companies
6-University of McGill is involved in Theft and Breaking of the Passwords
7-University of McGill forcing the students to Create Fabricating Complaints against Targeted Victims!-November 2002
University of Toronto = The main party in creating Criminal Organization against Humanity, the worst university for education, the best for learning all possible governmental organized felonies such as a large numbers of lawyers, physicians and Judges defendants in Major Nourhaghighi's lawsuits were graduated from U of T.

University of Queen = in the City of Kingston, Ontario, is a house of dirty white racist British Canadian 

University of Waterloo = A corrupt institution that has trained many criminals like "Benjamin Luke"
Ulit, Rufino Galacgac = Active member of the Philippines-Canadian Criminal Organization in Toronto has given a Certified Electrician that be able to target the victims and organizations. This criminal hold a valid Ontario Electrician License number of 309A-400117355, ID number 2165574 will expire on January 16, 2011 which issued under the Apprenticeship and Certification Act 1998

June 19, 2009
Rufino Galacgac Ulit!
Today you left with rush and you have forgotten to check if the switches& outlets that you installed had Electric. After you left, I checked all switches and outlets, and I found that ALL switches & outlets in the wall you worked today were NOT working, EVEN the outlets in the livingroom. Thus, I expect you take an Urgent action in coming and fixing the problems; just let me know what time you are coming. My address, as reminder is: 456 College Street, unit 608.

University of Toronto = The MOST corrupt University in the World, responsible to train Professional Criminals for the Crown and Jewish Society such as Computer Hackers, Tricks in Law Business and presentation, tricks in Physician documentary and testimony etc

University of Toronto = is the main party in creating Criminal Organization against humanity to support the unlawful and corrupt interests of British Colony in Canada, the worst university for education, the best for learning all possible governmental organized felonies such as a large numbers of lawyers, physicians and Judges defendants in Major Nourhaghighi's lawsuits ("Major") were graduated from U of T. It is important to note that all scientific researches  of U of T have been/ and will be handed to the White British Canadian Criminal Organization to commit crimes against the people of the World, in particular against people in Australia and Canada that they stat as the colonies of the British, such as researches in Social Psychology and what type of actions can make people more mentally ill.
ATHLETIC CENTRE or Physical Education Athletic Centre of University of Toronto ("AC") = located at 55 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 2W6, telephone 416 978 3436, is a main part of the White Canadian Criminal Organization in Toronto who is defendant for torts and damages to Major. AC has obstructed justice and misled Ontario & Canada civil and criminal Justice System and the Human Rights Commissions in Ontario and Canada. The AC will be sued in new lawsuit that Major is going to file on 2010. AC has duty to train agents who be able to furnish false information and commit crimes against targeted victims, in particular as against all athletics in the world to make sure that Canada win a court case, lawsuit or a national or international game. The AC main criminals members are white Canadian who have hired many nationalities, religions and races like Jason lc "Carpenter" who is member of Chinese Criminal Organization, or corrupt Architect Leonard SEDUN member of Russian Canadian Criminal Organization; corrupt Darma member of Indian Criminal Organization that since 1992 Indians and Jewish have caused huge damages and torts against Major- see Major Nourhaghighi vs.Toronto Hospital et al
A large numbers of staff and instructors  were forced to co-operated with criminal organization against me. The AC standard of health is extremely low, please see SAUNA for particular. After September 11, 2001 attacks to WTC in New York, AC members and staff, in accordance to a conspiracy with corrupt police, CSIS and Attorney General of Ontario and Canada, have created ample evidence against me showing that a group of Muslims were my friends, were as this group were intentionally joined to soccer team that i was playing with. I was successful to discover the crime of Government in a Mandamus and Contempt proceeding in 2003 I got charges against them. 
Since September 13, 1990, Major is using U of T libraries, facilities and is member of AC and as such has full personal knowledge of wrongdoing and criminal activities of AC and U of T in which made them defendants in numerous lawsuits such as Major Nourhaghighi vs. Canadian Human Rights Commission et al and will be sued in near future for million dollars damages.
In last 20 years the AC has been expended from few employees to a large different types of employees and contractors such as the following:
1- The Dean & Management Staffs; 2- Administration Staffs; 3- Supervisors Staffs;  4-Maintenance Staffs; 5- Contractors; 6- Cleaning Staffs 7- Couches; 8- Instructors; 9- Personal Trainers; 10- Pool Staffs: 11- Orange Uniforms Staff;  12- Red Uniforms Staffs; 13- Blue Uniform Staffs  
1- Dean & Management Staffs, as usual, are selected from the most corrupt white Canadian whose main duty is to justify ten millions dollars manipulations of accounts and direct the AC, which is part of University- Physical Health Education, to a "Market" make as much as possible money by legal or illegal ways. The only good news is that the corrupt Dean Kidd on June 2010, finally kicked out of U of T. Kidd during 15 years has destroyed all U of T resources at AC just for his own private interests. Burce Kidd, Karen LEWIS, and Howevis are responsible as the managers for all crimes committed against the Administration of Justice and Major such as large numbers of false and fabricating reports to get warrant for interception of Major's private communications during trials of his lawsuit to steal information to assist the defendants, countless constructive thefts of Major's properties, and constructive communications to mislead justice. AND also this is the office that continuously raising the membership and unlawfully making rules to charge the students and members; for example all the following charges: $50 for locker; $25 for Towel; $25 for cleaning lockers; $11 for lost of membership card; and shifting many services which were included in membership to registered courses such as swimming lesson, dancing lesson, Yoga, Cycling etc. In addition in last 20 years, the operation hours of AC continuously have been decreased, the AC is no closed several days during year; while Heart House, another sport center, is open during whole 365 days! [Double standard, of a University that is trying to make Standard for CANADA and the World by training the professionals!!!!" On October 3, 2005, corrupt Karen LEWIS, in accordance with conspiracy with the criminal organization and police wrote a malicious letter to Major Nourhaghighi to allow police and agents of police to commit crimes against Major. Corrupt Lewis and David Naylor, president, will be sued in near future[see lawsuit file number here!] as in the said period corrupt police agents Michael Guerrero and Chia-Rhun Kwa the U of T students have committed several threat and sabotages such as sabotages in washroom during trial of Major against CSIS that caused the biggest scandal against the Government. 

2 - There are two types of the administrative staffs, one are just secretaries and programmers who have no contacts with members, the other are at the registrar office whose main duty is as simple as to register members but they always steal personal information of the members such as bank information, credit card etc and sell it to the criminal organization; these staff mostly are very rude; while members randomly may contact them, but they always raise cause of action in torts and damages against U of T.

3- The Supervisors Staffs mostly having direct communication with police, insurance companies and criminal organization, then they direct staffs to target victims according to the plans and objects. In 1990 there were only two supervisor, but today there are many, in which most of them have no real job to do and their position were made just to increase the University's costs in which the Government and Students are obligated to pay; for example they created new positions as "Manager of the Field House" and "Manager of Weight Room" each of them have assistants...and as long as they have no real work to do, and all program in last 20 years are mostly not changed. And in fact they scoured up all programs as they have no real job to do. They continuously canceling programs which were successful in 20 years and making stupid new programs that makes everyone to complaint.    
4-  Maintenance Staffs are the most cheaters among all others as they have no real job to do, for example there is a white Canadian male who is responsible to repair the sport equipments; in last several years he is always attending in Saturday & Sundays [ to get extra for working in holidays] to repair a step machine that always breaking! The whole value of the machine in Zero, as it is too old, if the put in garbage, no one is going to take it and the City may give a fine to U of T for such dirt. However, he has got over $200,000 salary in last few years... this is what Canadian they all do...cheating!

- There are countless contractors in U of T and AC, in which most of jobs could be done by staffs, if U of T had honest managers, for example, on September 15, 2010, Major Nourhaghighi has seen two contractors attended and cleaned doors, which is the main part of cleaning staffs. Why they made a contract? To steal... they usually asked from contractors to write bills much higher then what they pay to the contractors, this is another reason that U of T had lack of  budget in 2010! Corruption and fraud with contractors are very common in Canada, and Major has found several evidence in his condo 935.

- Cleaning Staffs mostly they do very well. They are very few, but they have very heavy jobs to do. In particular there is a male Chines that he is the best, and Major several times asked from his supervisor George to give him award.

7- Couches are the most corrupt among all other staffs by the mean of un professionalism in accordance to the Canadian Standards; since 1999, Couches have shown no respect to the rules of the AC and violating each and every rules, for example they always WALK in the tracks, even opposite to the runners and showing no respect for the runners' rights; they yell just for show off, or they touch female students and teens which is CRIME under the Canadian Criminal Law.

8- In general AC has good Instructors, few were excellent who mostly left, as the AC was NOT paying them sufficiently; and few are really not good at all. A blackman, Martin, is  a cardio Instructor for over 20 years and still he is doing well; Major has attended to all his classes in last 20 years.

9-Since 2007 Personal Trainers are working in AC; and the Management is not paying them well, but, it is charging the customer too expensive; thus the majority can not use the professional services; ended to a lot of injuries to the students and Major.

10- Pool Staffs are professional in general, and doing well; except few cases that they yell to the members.

11- Since 2005 the Orange Uniform Staffs were appointed for no good reasons, where as to 2005 Red Uniform Staffs were doing all their duties, such as control of the track. Now their main duty is to fill out forms to show how many people using machines, which is very stressful , distractive and enuoying... for example they come and point their fingers to the users of Step or Rowing Machine ad start counting "1, 2, 3, 4, ..." when they start their jobs, Major

12-The Red Uniform staff have duty to find and hire bullies for the government and police and hire agents for insurance companies to furnish information against all those plaintiffs who have insurance claims.
Red Uniform staff are extremely dishonest and they are expert in making false evidence by using Photoshop, for example on April 16, 1994, Major suffered neck and lower back injury in the accident with police vehicle. in 1999, during the trial against Insurance company a lawyer showed a photo to the judge indicating Major is lifting 600 pounds weights; the suspect was/is Maria & her boyfriend Russ. However the Judge has rejected the photo as Major has proven the photo of fake made by Red Uniform. The Red Uniform also have duty to create stereotype and gossip against targeted race, religion, nationality or even individual professor, student and member, like corrupt Tom, Martha, Carlos and Robyn who are walking around and say bullshits against other. They are training many students of different nationalities, and religions  to commit a crime. Red Uniform are main defendants for emotional abuse, assault and harassing Major , at the same time, since 1993 the Red Uniform have provided false information to police and justice system to get an order for interception of Major's private communication [ In Canada, interception of private communication is against the Law. As the result, the White Canadian Criminal Organization have created agencies, like "AC Red Uniform" across Canada whose their duty is to create false and fabricated complaint and/or information that under the Criminal Code a Justice of Peace with allow police and their agents to "intercept the private communication" of a suspect for a very short period of time...Thus,
13- There are Blue Uniform staffs whose duty is to wash the dirty towels in huge machines; but in fact their main duty is steal the targeted members' properties and encourage yong girls and boys to join to the "AC prostitute" Club and make money on 50% contract. AC Blue Uniform or "Pimp" staffs mostly have accounts in Facebook and finding customers and prostitutes from Internet; most of Blue Uniform staffs' males are fat, lazy and mentally ill love to be fucked and watching porn from 7 AM to 11PM without any shame from hundreds members that may see the screens of their monitors [which is provided to them to perform job, not go to the Internet and porn sites such as Teens First Anal Sex that they watch always and recommend to others] having serious sexual transmitted deceases, they are mostly mentally ill, suffering mostly from depression and anxiety because they are working in worst environmental condition, at a basement with no sun light, with noises from huge wash machines and thousands students crowds who are continuously making line up to receive a towel or return to them in which the Blue Uniform have obligation to seep their cards in both cases of receiving & delivery.

The other duty of Blue Uniform Staffs are (a) to check the entrance door; (b) hold lost items; (c) reporting the time that the "targeted victims" enter or leaving the AC; and (d) lend sport equipments like basketball balls; the following explanations are vital:
(a) They are opening the gate for all members of the criminal organizations, but demanding proof of membership of all others. As the results, most thieves simply get in and steal the U of T sport equipments, which are very expensive, mostly heavy and some huge; so there is no doubt that the Blue Uniforms letting them to get in & get out of the building. Major is eyewitness of many thefts, in particular by the Personal Trainers & Couches as most of them they have their own businesses; in particular those who have been fired by U of T for thefts or other misconduct and they are NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED TO ENTER TO AC but the Blue Uniform Staffs are letting them to enter, which is trespass in nature.
(b) Major is eyewitness that the Blue Uniform Staffs are stealing the valuable items that members are losing in the Building and the honest members returning them to keep it in trust box to return to the owners, most of these type of thefts committed by the white female staffs for are mostly depressed and need money for drugs. In this period Major has found several wallets full of cash and credit cards. Major did NOT return to the staffs, instead found the owners, who were all white Canadian, and returned to them; shockingly none of them even said a simple "Thank You!" In one case a white Canadian female attended at the entrance of the building where Major lives at 456 College street, and got her wallet and with anger asked "Where is my GOLD PEN!?" Major replied that: "this is what I found, and you never talked about Gold Pen when we talked on the phone!" The fact is that she found that Major is living in Condominium in downtown, she has tried to make some kind of money in this between, instead of appreciating the Major's honestly. On September 14, 2010, Major again found a wallet full of cash at weight room and returned it to its owner, who was a young white male student; on the same week, Major's close friend with initial NN found a wallet on the chair close to the registration office at AC, and returned it immediately to the White Female Canadian Blue Uniform Staff Doris Olivia. It is important to note that

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Canadian Judges. Lawyers and Police are expert in the constructive thefts to cause nuisance for parties acting against them to lose the cases. Since 1990 my countless sport properties and bikes were stolen by U of T staffs such as Sunday November 3, 2002, at 5PM was the last theft committed against me by agents of Uof T.; on September 17, 2004, at 4PM, my shoes were stolen by the agents of Government; on Friday July 22, 2005 according to CSIS order to the AC my bike was stolen by U of T Police, in this conspiracy the AC staff and AC Assistant Dean Karen LEWIS were directly involved ending to obstruction of justice and fraud before CSIS committee.

Also countless swim wears were stolen by the AC staff; U of T students, and sport store at AC who would put sale on stolen properties as they are to expensive and Canadian can not effort to buy to pay $40 to $60.
on Thursday January 27, 2010 at 7:25PM at men's shower Major's blue Speedo was stolen by the agents of the AC at men's shower; accused is agent Reza, Iranian member. Since September 2002 the Governments of Canada and Ontario are asking from the criminal organizations to cause permanent injuries/ or death to me or while I am attending at different sports, several attempts were made against me that caused me serious injuries. They intentionally by gossips against my nationality and religion are destroying my reputation and constantly harassing me. On October 5th 2005, Naylor took office as the President of University of Toronto and increased corruption. On same day at 5PM I served the following complaint against the Faculty of Physical Education and Heath to Naylor's Secretary: Now, since July 2006 new conspiracy is taking place against me by Jewish members and employees of University of Toronto and corrupt employees of AC against me as soon as Jewish have oppressively attacked to Lebanon. Canadians are extremely coward and just kissing dirty ass of American and Jewish! On March 23 & 24, 2009, several employees of AC and students in accordance to certain objects of conspiracy with corrupt "Human Rights Tribunal for Ontario" have created ample fabricating information against me to close my complaint against corrupt teacher Bedard.
May 19 & 26, 2010 between 6 to 8 pm, a female agent of police ("Jane Doe") approached Major to be able to make fabricated information that police be able to intercept Major's private communications. Today, Major's agents are after her to find her full information for a potential lawsuit. [agent is white, 5.7, 110lbs,1st year,...s..o..f..i..a.....r...u...s...s..i..a.......

August 19, 2010, between 6:10PM to 7pm, the corrupt agent of police Rosi, as usual attended in the AC, at field house number 2 and sat just in front of Major who was in a physical exercise class and for 50 minutes talked and laugh with few other corrupt U of T employees. Rosi is an ugly woman like monkey, big ass and fat and since September 2009 U of T is hired her as Supervisor of Weight Room & few weekly program exercises like yoga, high& low, zumba and nia. Since 1990 Major is member of U of T and in this period the Standard of Conduct has been continuously decreased in U of T in such that today there is no privacy whatsoever; corrupt Rosi's misconduct is Major 's proof; it has been never happened that Supervisor come and sit in the classroom and have CHAT & FUN with others whereas students were trying to focus to the instructors' instructions...several years ago... instructors were NOT allowing any students to come and sit in he classes to "watch" or even "walk" through the classes...but now there U of T is a very dangerous place to walk in, as all U of T focus is on "police" and "security" but other theft, dangerous driving, dangerous sports causing harms to players and others have been increased rapidly; for example in last summer there was "field hockey" games at AC that never happened before...and as the result several members, children and Major got injuries to the face, and body due to balls all over the field house.

What is Constructive Theft? See the definition by Major Nourhaghighi
University of Toronto AC is a dirty Thief on September 10, 2010, at 4:30 pm, Major attended at AC, he went to the change room, put his property in daylucker number 2134 and left for exercise. At 8:30PM when he returned, he was shocked as his luck was broken and the following properties were stolen by the Blue Uniform of AC or their agents
1- Adidas red backpack value $65+tax that contains;
a- Serengeti Sunglasses of value $300+tax;
b- Reading Glasses of value $100+tax
c- Two bicycle lights
2- Short Army pant of value $60+tax that contains
a- $85 cash
b- a chain with three keys of value $50
Since 1990 numerously staff of University of Toronto and their agents have stolen many properties of Major , in accordance to plan of conspiracy with the Crown & Police. However Major, never file a claim against AC, as the total damages were not worthy of time and expensive legal proceedings. This case is exceptional and major has intention to file "Criminal & Civil" legal; proceedings against U of T in such the staff of AC will be charged for theft and conspiracy.
Major commenced the cross examination as against all members of the White Canadian Criminal Organization in AC and discovered that the white male, tall about 185, 250lb with a glasses, named as Simon approached Major to conduct few exercises together, between 6 to 8pm. In the same period of time, the Thief, John Joe, white male about 175, 160lb, went to the towel section and the white female staff, Jane Doe [according to the plan] unlawfully has given him the luck breaker scissor to John Doe, who went and cut the lock and has stolen Major's properties . As soon as Major reported the theft, Doe clearly was scared and just said: "Ah" and did NOT attempt to call Campus Police or the Toronto Police, in which she had duty to do so, and asked a white female staff to show no interest to get the report. Major of his way at AC Hall to leave the building, has saw the Thief John Doe bending in front of Pool Window [ which is about 4 feet above the main floor] and staring at Major with a "satisfaction attitude" in which Major interpreted he was happy in doing his "theft" job for the Crown, as the main object of conspiracy.  
September 13, 2010 at 9:15PM, Major was successful to arrest Jane a white staff of towel department, one of the corrupt staff of AC who since September 2004 involved in numerous crimes as against Major and Ontario & Canadian Justice System and other commission and cooperations like Ontario Human Right and Wal-Mart Canada. Major has all information of the SUSPECT and as far as yet the charges are under investigation would not release the information. The cause of action in this case raised so after September 1, 2010, when Major has posted in red writing in the internet that "Corrupt Athletic Centre of University of Toronto involved in countless crime and wrong against Major and numerously misled and obstructed justice system in Ontario & Canada's Courts" Soon after the White Canadian Staff of AC have commenced giving warning to all other staffs to stay away from Major , as they have give his name to the criminal organization to target him with malice and THEFT. On September
On September 16, 2010, at 4:30Pm Major was walking in the Robert Street, Toronto, that saw Kidd coming opposite to him. Kiss said hi, but Major did not reply as he is responsible for all corruption in AC.
On September 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18 and 23  

Sparkes, Nick = corrupt Special Constable of Campus Community Police of the University of Toronto involved in a conspiracy of September 15, 2010, between 11am to 2pm.

September 16, 2010 URGENT
Attention Property Manger Gabriel Bengino; HARRIS Management Corporation Champagne Drive Toronto, Ontario M3J 2T9 Fax (416) 915 9114; Email M6G 4A3
Dear Property Manager:
Reference: Security Staff Harassments at Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation No. 935 (Hereinafter the "Condo 935")
This is a serious complaint against the harassments of the white male Security bully Gal [not sure of spelling "Gal"] and the Superintendent Ruben Perez ("Perez") hired by Condo 935 and/or by the Harris Management Corporation ("Harris") against my family and I. I remind you that in your letter of May 2010 that you send to all owners and I, you have promised that Harris and you are going to provide all owners and residents with the Canadian high standard of the professional services. The following misconduct by your contractors has clear indication that your objects of the professional services were breached.
Since 1991 I am the owner of unit 608. Last night, September 15, 2010, at 11:01pm, my family and I were resting that I heard several knocking at my unit's door. I was very shocked and worry that there may be an emergency. I looked it was Security Gal. I changed my dress and opened door's lock. Then I discovered Security Gal maliciously and unlawfully interfered with our rest, and peace and enjoyment of our property.
In addition, on September 12, 2010, about 11:30pm, I was escorting my family to leave the building as Perez several times harassed them. At the hall, I saw Perez was talking with Gal at the office. Perez is an alcoholic and hardly residents could find him during regular hours.
Perez stared at us with hatred and anger. Soon I returned to the building. I saw both stared at me with hatred and anger. I took elevator to 6th floor. I felt extremely harassed and worried, so I returned to the hall. I told to Security Gal that he should be professional and must avoid any misconduct that may end to liability against Harris. Gal confirmed that fully he understood the legal liability of the professional misconduct.
It is important to take notice that a pattern of the harassments commenced against me on September 10, 2010 about 8pm by a constructive theft of my personal properties at the Athletic Centre. I duly reported all my stolen properties to the University of Toronto Special Constable ("U of T") the Justice of Peace, and the Toronto Police inter alia (i.a.) my bicycle key, condo's key and access key. Due to Perez' harassment, I asked my son to inform Perez for lost of  access key that you be able to cancel it and provide me with another one. I learned that Perez refused and argued, but finally agreed; but still I did not get it.
I honestly believe that Perez trying to mislead and obstruct justice by justifying the said constructive theft of my properties. Perez has motive, as he and his wife are defendants in my pending lawsuit. Perez furnishes "security video" of the attendance of the Security ay my door as an attack to my credibility.
It is extremely important that you bring this complaintto the attention of the President and owner of Harris to avoid liability and nuisances against your cooperation; as since 1993 Perez and his wife have caused ample legal actions against property managements Maysfield & Caber in such that the property manager Leza Blair and Caber are accused of breaches of the Orders in pending motion for CONTEMPT of COURT
I do expect you conduct an impartial investigation, with good faith and honestly, and provide me an answer no later that October 13, 2010. Furthermore harassment in the residential property against my family and I is violating Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19. Thus I need you provide me an access key urgently.
Major Keyvan
608-456 College Street
M6G 4A3

September 22, 2010
Office of the Independent Police Review Director
655 Bay Street, 10th Floor, Toronto, ON M7A 2T4
Fax: 416-327-8332
Dear Director
This is a complaint against Toronto Police, 52 Division as against: (a) the professional misconducts of two constables, and (b) the policies of parking vehicles in front of the division.

(a)- the professional misconducts of two constables; Background:
On September 10, 2010, I placed all my properties in the locker number 2134 at the University of Toronto Athletic Centre ("AC"); about 8pm I notices that my properties have been stolen. I reported to the staff. The AC has a scissor to cut the locks. They did NOT call the campus police and have shown no interest to take a report and have demonstrated nervous behaviors and hostile misconduct. In particular, the keys of my condo and bicycle were among stolen property. Staff, did not show any sympathy or empathy, did not agree to cut my bicycle lock, and have threatened me that whoever attempt to cut the lock the police would arrest. Thus, there were reasonable grounds of bias, conspiracy and theft by staff and their agents.
On September 22, 2010, I appeared before Justice of Peace Lynette Stethem at the Ontario Court of Justice at 60 Queen Street west. I asked for charge of conspiracy and theft against AC. Stethem JP found that "very strange and there is animosity against you, go to the Toronto Police ask them to come with you to take you bike, then come with a police report to lay charges". I asked upon what grounds Police must help me. Stethem JP stated: "Under the threat… you have been threaten to take your bike."
About 4pm I entered into 52 Division; a constable asked me to go to a room at north west corner, where I saw three desks and just a constable John Doe-1, sitting behind the first desk, no one was there; yet Doe-1 told me to wait, which took more than 30 minutes. Then called me and with rush took a very brief report, did not ask if I suspect any one, rejected to investigate, rejected to send a cop that I take my bike and clearly stated: "Justice of Peace had no knowledge. In this period, another constable John Doe-2 came in and went and sat in last desk. Doe-2, heard my report and unlawfully interfered with process. Doe-1 did not provide his business card to me and just wrote the Occurrence # 3912809 and gave to me. While I was waiting at the hall, I saw Doe-2 was talking with the parents and daughter for more than 30 minutes, the daughter was crying and Doe-2 was investigating and giving them instruction. I believe the citizens are entitled to be treated with respect and their privacy should be protected.
View Larger Map
Google Map took This image of 52 Division before year 2010 when Major can recall that since 1990 Toronto Police never allowing any kind of car be parked in front of the Division, even the Toronto Police vehicles
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Three photos were taken from Google Image showing riot in Toronto on June 2010 where number of Toronto Police vehicles were put on fire. Major , immediately, stated to the media that the Canadian Spying Agency called CSIS and The Government agents did the crimes to justify 2 Billion dollars corruption and theft in the name of "security for G20"

On September 15, 2010 Major took this picture showing many Toronto Vehicles are parked in front of 52 Division to prove in the Court that the Crown & CSIS have caused fire on police vehicles. The evidence are the Google Image before year 2010 showing NO vehicle parked in front of 52 Division. Then, three photos showing the riots and finally it will be concluded that IF the people were the cause of fire on the Toronto Vehicles, then police did NOT park them in the street, as they never parked before.
(b) the policies of parking vehicles in front of the division:Since 1990 I live in this neighborhood, I have never seen 52 Division parks many vehicles in the side walk "In front of the division". I believe the policies ended to the said decision were wrong and dangerous for many reasons such as:
(1) On June 2010 we have seen riots in Toronto ending to explosions of several police vehicles
(2) 52 Division is located in downtown the "tourist zone" and all these vehicles and other obstructions making the city ugly and hard, which is not intend to the citizens and officials to show Toronto as such. I hope this complaint be investigated with honestly and impartiality without any kind of harassments.
608-456 College Street
M6G 4A3
CC Chief Toronto Police William Blair; 416 808 8002

September 28, 2010
The Defendants the Attorneys General of Canada & Ontario ("Crown")
Crown Law Office- Civil VIA FACSIMILE (416) 326 4181 served to the Crown on 09-28- 2010 at 12:39
Ontario Department of Justice-VIA FACSIMILE (416) 973 0810/0809served to the Crown on 09-28- 2010 at 12:39
TAKE NOTICE THAT potential lawsuits will be commenced for recovery of my damages and torts against the Crown and its parties pursuant to the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, the Crown Liability and other acts for torts and damages that I pleaded in all Notices of Claims served to your office to June 3, 2010 and torts and damages raised since then based on developing torts upon the following grounds:
1. Since 1991 the employees of the Attorney General of Ontario and their agents are involved in numerous thefts of my properties from my home*, vehicles and lockers, and also defrauded me by hackers who are trespassing my accounts with banks, insurance companies, my condo*, the city of Toronto, other telephone& Internet corporations. The said thefts by the Crown were constructive with several objects, such as attacks to my self-esteem and security that violates the Charter of Rights, attacks to my mood and concentration, to force me to engage with police, and justice system to deprive me from all other chances and opportunities to promote my education and lifestyle, to create unlawful income from the public budget for their agents who are intercepting me and my communications, and to up load slanderous materials to the internet against the judiciary and individuals from my computer IP in which numerously I have clearly stated that the Crown, lawyers, police and owners of my Condo* have committed such wrongdoing to mislead the Court and the tribunals; in particular:
2. On August 2010, again the hackers hired by the Crown have trespassed my account with Rogers and stolen $256.87 from my account whereas the CRTC did not investigate my complaint in this issue. An agent "Scott" spoken for Rogers and told me that there were no credits. The said hackers trespassed my credit cards with CIBC and HBC and as the result I lost over $20,000 credits.
3. On September 10, 2010, my properties of $1000 value were stolen due to the Crown's conspiracy with the members of the White Canadian Criminal Organization hired as the staff of University of Toronto, at Athletic Centre ("U of T") who were involved in numerous thefts and felonies against me in accordance with RCMP and CSIS' instructions [a Special Constable told me and he/she stated ready to testify in the Court]. There were two keys of my condo* among my properties. Since December 16, 1994, the Crown and the Toronto Police continuously stealing my Condo's Keys to trespass, plants objects, up load virus in my personal computers, install microphone to spy, install speakers to create noise, install material to create toxic smell and toxic mold, sabotage ceiling, toilet and washer to cause water damage, stealing my court documents et. The property managers are refusing to cancel the stolen keys. Thus I will not be liable for any kind of mischief and sabotages in Condo* and only the Crown & Police would be liable.
On September 16, 2010 Justice of Peace Defendant ("JP") Ian McNish conspired with a JP's Secretary and misled JP Lynette Stethem who found the U of T had animosity against me. McNish misled Toronto Police 52 Division to cover up theft of my properties at U of T. McNish JP Is defendant in my pending lawsuit for THEFT of my exhibit on trial of October 28, 1994 against Condo*. On September 18 Stethem had unlawful excuses for not charging the suspects under the Criminal Code. Such as "I still did not have lunch" The JP Secretary The Administration of Old City Hall abused power by police and Court Officer Kidney harassments who several times shouted: "Go! to your Court!". JP's Secretary in this date was an Asian female thin and short who has hostility against me. She had a role in the torture and aggravated assaults of nine members of Toronto Police and Court Security against me on December 11, 1996, in which the Crown and Judiciary are liable for the conspiracy and felony against me as Justice Cadsby found on Nov 27, 1997 that the Black Ex-Judge of Newmarket, Vibert A Lampkin was involved in the said conspiracy & torture.
Major Keyvan
*608-456 College Street
M6G 4A3

President of University of Toronto
VIA FACSIMILE 416 971 1360
Dear President:
This is a Complaint against Karen LEWIS-Assistant Dean of the Athletic Center (AC), Will Kopplin-Supervisor of Field House, Peter v. George- Program Monitor, Dan MacLennan-Staff; and U of T Police.
A. Extreme mismanagement in all aspects such as in the administrative process, operational activities and the maintenance of the building;
B. The professional misconduct of few staffs, and THEFTS;
C. Conspiracy of a very few staffs with the Criminal Organizations ("CCO").
I registered at AC as a parent of my two children in which both were students; since then, every year I renewed my membership. In this period there were several thefts of my properties that I brought to attention of Supervisors and Dean.
A. In general, the quality of services has been dramatically reduced and the fees almost doubled. I was eyewitness of millions dollars corruption in AC. I am very concern, as these corruptions have caused my children and my tuitions be increased oppressively. The simple example is the millions dollars wasted for maintenance and renovation of Men & Women Change-Rooms,& Weight-Room ("Area"). AS THE RESULT the professionally designed Area that had best showers, washrooms, Dry Saunas, and ventilation; were changed to an extreme harmful & poor designed Area. The particulars are extensive; these are samples: (1) Floor has been changed to a smooth and fancy that I was witness many members slipped& fell harshly; (2) Entrance Doors were removed, I was witness that many women walked into Men's Shower, everyone were shocked; (3) Showers and Siphons were changed to useless fancy one, the are continuously out of order; Weight Room moved to Ex-Women Change Room that does NOT have any AIR to breath during Heavy Weight Exercise; and worst of all Dry Saunas were changed to harmful Wet Saunas causing the growth of TOXIC MOULDS in whole Building!
B. Staffs Red-T-Shirts and Supervisors are seemed to be over hired and be very useless and harmful for the operation. Since 1997 I have never seen a real work in which millions dollars salaries paid to them. Their jobs seem to be very boring! They sit, read, chat with beautiful girls, laugh to members' workout, sleep, and escape from Exits! On September 27, 2005-8PM I saw Kopplin, George, MacLennan were making fun of my running styles and others. I objected to them! Kopplin in reply said: "You are threatening me!" He is a crook, knows to cover his wrongs; when I was on my way to home, police car intercepted me due to Kopplin's malicious. He is wearing his hat backward and walking like ruffians and harassing me everywhere in the AC up to this date. Since September 27th at least twice the cars driven by the U of T Constables have suddenly pulled to the sidewalk toward me, the last incident happened on October 4th, about 12:50 at College Street, south sidewalk, near University Ave. This is dangerous driving contrary to the Criminal Code. On October 3rd LEWIS wrote a letter to me that: "You ….displayed threatening actions toward staff" This is a tort that Lewis must prove it or would be liable for slander. [On November & December 2005 Major Nourhaghighi held
C. I have evidence that Kopplin & MacLennan are follower of the CCO that I am prosecuting its members before the Security Intelligent Review Committee ("SIRC) on November-December 2005. Since June 2005 CCO&AC causing me torts, such as planned thefts of my locked new bicycle on July 22.
The CCO caused my legal proceedings against U of T under file 30350 of the Supreme Court of Canada.
Please investigate my complaint with impartiality and good faith. The best result would achieve when a panel hear this complaint.
*608-456 College Street
M6G 4A3
Tel: 416 513 0672 

Uniqlo sign on September 13 before opening on October 2016  

Uniqlo Co. =  is Japanese  company. It sells American Design Casual Wear made by very cheap Chinese material in China. The corrupt company operates in Japan and fourteen countries globally. Their actual mission is a complex espionage in nature. It is complex, because, from one side pretending co-operating with Government and Police of a country having store it is; from other side furnishing information to Japanese Spying Agency Naicho
and following its missions;; and from another side, stealing customers banking information for the World MAFIA.
A Brief of the case: In 1986, the lord of Law, Rt. Hon Major Nourhaghighi, has translated a Book from English to Persian related to the World War II in Japan. Soon after the book was publish by Amir Kabir ( the largest Publisher in Iran).
Spying Agency Naicho has targeted his with malice is such several young Japanese girls approached him to steal his personal information and credit card; for example in the City of Colonge (Germany) a girl met Major at Club and came to his hotel, in the middle of night were both were sleeping; suddenly Major discovered that she was out of bed and searching for documents and credit card (Major SAW his cards in her hand). Major asked: What are you doing? She replied " I have headache look for tables?"      
In Canada, several female Japanese students of University of Toronto during 20 years have approached to Major and made friendship soloy to satisfy 
Spying Agency Naicho.
On October 1 from 8pm to 9:20pm, and on October 2, 
2016, from 4 to 5pm; three Japanese teenagers approached to Major and took videos and pictures without his consent (a very short Japanese girl with short blonde hair)   at the Uniqlo store at Eaton Centre, 220 Yonge Street, Unite C300. The teenagers were offering a kind of relationship which is unlawful under the law; therefore Major has rejected their offers.      
At the same time while talking with girls, Major has opportunity to look at the clothing.
All clothing ere all made in China, Pakistan and India with a cheapest ugly bad materials.

The store opened in October 1st; however, in October 2nd, there was a BIG Line UP for return. The bastard Managers of Uniqlo, contrary to American and Canadian Stores that they have located "Customer Service" at the most Entrance Stores; have located the Uniqlo Customer Service, at the END of Second Floor. So, for return, you must Enter from "Exit!" then, go all the way to end of first floor, then go to 2nd floor and stand in a big line up! Why? Because, there is Only One Person, asking you many questions and filling and signing papers and " They Want Tags" NOT REMOVED otherwise they don't return! { Original Package with TAGS Attached}    


YALE  =  Yankee Association of Lunatic Erotic
University of Yale; Yale Law School is the most corrupt American Criminal Organization that has been instituted by the worst criminal in USA with a goal to have control of people in accordance to abuse and violations of ALL Ethical Codes
YALE = Yankee Association of Lunatic Errotic University of Yale; Yale Law School is the most corrupt American Criminal Organization that has been instituted by the worst criminal in USA with a goal to have control of people in accordance to abuse and violations of ALL Ethical Codes Shame to Yale University for training the most lawless Lawyers for the World in which they are member of Gangs like this Bastard Aboriginal Yale Graduated Judge Todd DUCHARME that was candidate for Supreme Court of Canada from Ontario. Whereas Major Nourhaghighi had a complaint against him in 2004 before Canadian Judicial Counsel (CJC) for conspiracy with Brain Fedson, lawyer of Condo 935 that the legal proceedings of that was related to Water Damages. The CJC after investigation stated had found no evidence of Conspiracy in the Transcript> Recently, Major Nourhaghighi has found a document indicating that the Court Reporters were giving the transcripts to Todd Duchaarme to Change the evidence and after that they were submitting it to the parties and the courts. To see the actual letter of the Court Monitor Ellizabeth Palka visits Major Nourhaghighi Weblog at

Urinate, Urine  = Canadian Drink! Canadian Freedoms of Expression!
On or about 1992, Major Nourhaghighi, saw a man who was standing with his friends in the North side of busy Interception of Queen Street West and Bathurst Street, suddenly took his pent down and urinates to a car which was standing behind the red lights; all Canadian women were enjoying from seeing the genital, and others had fun!
On December 24, 1996, Major have got information that the cooks were urinate, regularly, at coffees, teas and soups of prisoners.   

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