Friday 27 May 2016

"N... Neighborhood Watch at College Street conspiracy with Neinstein Law Firm

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Community Watch Celebrating 150 of
Theft and Sexual Assault Our Children
Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

 کانادائیهای بی ارزش ترسوی بی خایه
 Community Watch Conspiracy with Neinstein Law Firm
December 3 and 5 of 2018 

is is part of my autobiography that indicates Hundred thousands of Canadians were involved in the
most serious felonies against my children and I. If you honestly believe that your name should not be
listed here, you may have all your reasons in writing and paying $500 administration fees for
its removal from all my sites

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
“Jew Hatred”
Most of Canadian Judges, Professors, Lawyers, Doctors,
Pilots, Property Managers, Neighbors, Bankers et al who have committed serious crimes against Major Nourhaghighi
were Jewish believing to Jewish Supremacism based in Israel
This Documentary will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that
the World Public Believes Against Jew has fundamental
in the individual and group awful experiences
with the Jew Community
"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawyerrs get hurt from its negative effects!"

Niagara Falls Fascist Police at St Catharines
Harassment & Unlawful Arrest of Our Children

In the Holy Name of Iran
July 21, 1990 toAugust 7 2016
 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

NAIL = The source of income for dirty hungry Canadian tires businesses! On May 29, 2005, at 5:00 AM Major Nourhaghighi left his home for biking; at the interception of College Street and Dundas Street, at westbound near a bridge he saw nine nails, each two inches; he stopped; then asked the traffic to stop, and cleaned the street. However, within 25 meters, again he observed eleven nails scattered maliciously on the street; he again cleaned the street; again within 50 meters he saw eight on the same westbound that Major again stopped and cleaned the street ; all nails were new. He examined the eastbound, found no nails. The evidence indicates that a dirty 'mentally ill' Canadian intentionally planned the nails that poor driver get puncher and be forced to change the tries.

On December 2002, Major's brother sons, Farzad and Farshad had fatal accident in Tehran, due to tire failure at near Hilton Hotel, ended that Farshad-17 died at Hospital and Farzad suffered several fractures at his legs and hips. On January 2003, when thee was a heavy snow in Toronto, Major experience tire failure due to 'nails' that intentionally dirty Canadian scattered in the snow. It was night, Major pulled from Eglinton Westbound [main road] to a street; and changed the tire; while he was changing the tire a car was close to hit Major's friend due to darkness of the street, and his black jacket. The police may not see these kinds of crimes. However, those criminals who are doing these types of crimes against all citizens have no conscious at all. The TIRE FAILURE is the simplest incident for any driver. Please do not panic; slow down, pull the car in the safest part of the road, or exit from high traffic streets. A car may be driven miles with a flat tire; the maximum damage is lost of a tire. Who can give explanation for lost of one genius teenage due to negligence of one driver who stopped at highway to change the tire; if he was driving to Pahlavi street or other dead end streets around Hilton Hotel; Major and his brother and thousands of their relatives, friends and classmates were not losing one of the best Iranian kids 'Farshad Nourhaghighi'!
Nanotechnology = Do you know what is that? I did not know either. Molecular Nanotechnology deals with building devices/robots using biological material, that are approximately 1 billionth of a meter (1 billion times smaller than a meter). These robots/machines replicate themselves and are used to detect diseases, and are also used as the basis for a new basis for computers: in the new computer chips based on molecular nanotechnology, the computer chip will build itself, and it will cost only pennies to make thousands of them! So, in this way, any country, no matter how poor, can afford the fastest computer systems, the best medical systems, etc. It is promising to revolutionize the world of computers and medicine, and also help improve the third world nations which can't afford current technology and medicine!

National Debt -Canada = At the end of FY 2016 the gross US federal government debt is estimated to be $19.3 trillion, according to the FY17 Federal Budgetpercent,
hich is the worst among 20 advanced countries in the OECD! Also over 60 per cent of of Canadian debt had been increased.  Major Nourhaghighi stated to media that in 1993 the national debt was $500 on average Canadian; where the population has been increased also debt has increased $41,240 per Canadian. Since 1996 Major Nourhaghighi is giving warning that the Government of Canada is CORRUPT but no one is listening in Toronto the salaries of judges have been increased from $60,000 to $260,000..the salaries of the Crowns lawyers has been increased from $50,000 to $15000...the existence of this WEBSITE is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that in Canada the corrupt Government does NOT care for rise of national deb. tIn this period Major Nourhaghighi has found proofs that EACH & Every Canadian institution is corrupt...even all civil agencies having contract with the Crown are corrupt...such as COSTI, is second language English school that Major Nourhaghighi was WITNESS that COSTI was making bills of thousands students for the Crown, whereas the total students were not exist 100...

National Sports = Dirty Shit Thief Canadian Sports Shop that is Agent of the Canadian Terrorists Criminal Organization, located at 4783 Yonge Street, Toronto. On November 12, 2001 the Shity Rude Fat Male Manager, had poor behaviour and ignored the posted price and hardly accepted the Vests, in accordance to general object of the Governments, conspiracy, to obstruct Major Nourhaghighi's businesses . For more detail please see Thief national Sport
NASR= Active member of the Arabs-Canadian Criminal Terrorists Organization in Toronto (Arabs-CCTOT), located at 1996 Lawrence Ave East in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. From 1995 to 2004, Nasr, involved in numerous harassment and evil acts against Major Nourhaghighi, in accordance to objects of conspiracies with the Governments of Ontario and Canada. Nasr, was a tent of a small store when it commence its mission and by fraud and legal proceedings against several poor owners in the corrupt Ontario Courts, was able to purchase six neighboring stores.

Queen's of Thieves! The Businessman is a thief, the Merchant is a thief, all Constables of Police are thieves
The Bank is a thief, the Insurance Company is a thief, all Employers are thieves
The Judge is a thief, the Lawyer is a thief, all Clerks of the Courts are thieves
Mayor is a thief, Minister is a thief, the Governments (of Ontario and Canada) are thieves.
Major Nourhaghighi, Senior Pilot, April 16, 2001, Toronto, Canada

NATIONAL SPORTS = Toronto, North York, involved in a conspiracy and the constructive Harassment against Major
NAYLOR, Dr. David = corrupt New President of University of Toronto ("Uof T") who was appointed on April 26, 2005. In 1988 Naylor joined to the UofT and in last six years he was the Dean of Medical School.  On October 5th 2005, Naylor took office; on same day at 5PM I served the following complaint against the Faculty of Physical Education and Heath to Naylor's Secretary:

President of University of Toronto
VIA FACSIMILE 416 971 1360

Dear President:
This is a Complaint against Karen LEWIS-Assistant Dean of the Athletic Center (AC), Will Kopplin-Supervisor of Field House, Peter v. George- Program Monitor, Dan MacLennan-Staff; and U of T Police.
A. Extreme mismanagement in all aspects such as in the administrative process, operational activities and the maintenance of the building;
B. The professional misconduct of few staffs, and THEFTS;
C. Conspiracy of a very few staffs with the Criminal Organizations ("CCO").
On or about 1997 I registered at AC as a parent of my two children in which both were students; since then, every year I renewed my membership. In this period there were several thefts of my properties that I brought to attention of Supervisors and Dean.
A. In general, since 1997, the quality of services has been dramatically reduced and the fees almost doubled. I was eyewitness of millions dollars corruption in AC. I am very concern, as these corruptions have caused my children and my tuitions be increased oppressively. The simple example is the millions dollars wasted for maintenance and renovation of Men & Women Change-Rooms, & Weight-Room ("Area"). AS THE RESULT the professionally designed Area that had best showers, washrooms, Dry Saunas, and ventilation; were changed to an extreme harmful & poor designed Area. The particulars are extensive; these are samples: (1) Floor has been changed to a smooth and fancy that I was witness many members slipped& fell harshly; (2) Entrance Doors were removed, I was witness that many women walked into Men's Shower, everyone were shocked; (3) Showers and Siphons were changed to useless fancy one, the are continuously out of order; Weight Room moved to Ex-Women Change Room that does NOT have any AIR to breath during Heavy Weight Exercise; and worst of all Dry Saunas were changed to harmful Wet Saunas causing the growth of TOXIC MOULDS in whole Building!
B. Staffs Red-T-Shirts and Supervisors are seemed to be over hired and be very useless and harmful for the operation. Since 1997 I have never seen a real work in which millions dollars salaries paid to them. Their jobs seem to be very boring! They sit, read, chat with beautiful girls, laugh to members' workout, sleep, and escape from Exits! On September 27, 2005-8PM I saw Kopplin, George, MacLennan were making fun of my running styles and others. I objected to them! Kopplin in reply said: "You are threatening me!" He is a crook, knows to cover his wrongs; when I was on my way to home, police car intercepted me due to Kopplin's malicious. He is wearing his hat backward and walking like ruffians and harassing me everywhere in the AC up to this date. Since September 27th at least twice the cars driven by the U of T Constables have suddenly pulled to the sidewalk toward me, the last incident happened on October 4th, about 12:50 at College Street, south sidewalk, near University Ave. This is dangerous driving contrary to the Criminal Code. On October 3rd LEWIS wrote a letter to me that: "You ….displayed threatening actions toward staff" This is a tort that Lewis must prove it or would be liable for slander.

C. I have evidence that Kopplin & MacLennan are follower of the CCO that I am prosecuting its members before the Security Intelligent Review Committee ("SIRC) on November-December 2005.Since June 2005 CCO&AC causing me torts, such as planned thefts of my locked new bicycle on July 22. The CCO caused my legal proceedings against U of T under file 30350 of the Supreme Court of Canada.
Please investigate my complaint with impartiality and good faith. The best result would achieve when a panel hear this complaint.

NAZI = German political party, who has committed less crimes than American, British, Canadian, Russian, and many other parties and religious groups. However, as far as the German lost the World War II, all criminal got chance to address all blames on Nazi, to cover up their own crimes, like Americans' Atomic Bombs over Japan, Wars in Vietnam and Korea, Attacks to Afghanistan and Iraq etc.

NEIGHBOURS = Canadians' Neighbors, are, worse than all dirty Evils. They are/have committed all kinds of dirty crimes and Insulting nuisance against Major Nourhaghighi and his children, since April 1991, and never, ever any dirty criminal any any other lands has did such dirty crimes against his/her neighbours. Eleven Years, Canadians Neighbours are seeping a dirty water to Home of Major that Force him to Leave. Eleven years, everyday making all kinds of Telephone Harassments and Black Mails of treats, Eleven Years, stealing from Major Family budget by over charging in for SERVICES that NEVER provided. Eleven Years, stealing moneys from the accounts by all kinds of creation of the fabricate receipts for services never render. When Shit Face Queen Elizabeth II has destroyed all people Values in Canada; worse than these crimes are expected in future.

Neighborhood Watch is Canadian Criminal Organization
Do not Trust to their information
Involved in conspiracy and obstruction of Justice  
Can You Believe that 
Neighborhood Watch is
responsible for Hundred Million Dollars Damages to the
Government and Public in Major Nourhaghighi
Complaints and Files
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH = is a branch of corrupt Queen Elizabeth II Criminal Organization In the World, in particular in all British Colonial States such as Australia, Canada, India etc.  In addition, other  nations who have/had close benefits such as Iran in 1950 for Oil British Company, the British have created NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH to protect their own unlawful interests as since 1990 Major Nourhaghighi has witnessed here in all cities and towns in Canada too, mostly by 14, 32, and 52 Division.
As usual it has a misrepresenting same title under each Toronto Police Division; also it is named as " Community Watch" too. In USA, the  NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH" is defined in its website as the following, read with full attention on highlighted Red materials:  
   neighborhood watch or neighbourhood watch (see spelling differences), also called a crime watch or neighborhood crime watch, is an organized group of civilians devoted to crime and vandalism prevention within a neighborhood.
Neighborhood Watch is one of the oldest and most effective crime prevention programs in the country, bringing citizens together with law enforcement to deter crime and make communities safer.

Sponsored by the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA), Neighborhood Watch can trace its roots back to the days of colonial settlements, when night watchmen patrolled the streets. The modern version of Neighborhood Watch was developed in response to requests from sheriffs and police chiefs who were looking for a crime prevention program that would involve citizens and address an increasing number of burglaries.

Launched in 1972, Neighborhood Watch counts on citizens to organize themselves and work with law enforcement to keep a trained eye and ear on their communities, while demonstrating their presence at all times of day and night. (The program took off quickly: in just ten years, NSA data showed that 12 percent of the population was involved in a Neighborhood Watch.) Neighborhood Watch works because it reduces opportunities for crime to occur; it doesn’t rely on altering or changing the criminal’s behavior or motivation.
  • Work with the police or sheriff’s office. These agencies are critical to a Watch group’s credibility and are the source of necessary information and training.
  • Link up with your victims’ services office to get your members trained in helping victims of crime. (to make sure they dont get paid by Insurance companies!!)
  • Hold regular meetings to help residents get to know each other and to decide upon program strategies and activities.
  • Consider linking with an existing organization, such as a citizens’ association, community development office, tenants’ association, or housing authority. They may be able to provide an existing infrastructure you can use.
  • Canvass door-to-door to recruit members.
  • Ask people who seldom leave their homes to be “window watchers,” looking out for children and reporting any unusual activities in the neighborhood.
  • Translate crime and drug prevention materials into Spanish or other languages needed by non-English speakers in your community. If necessary, have a translator at meetings.
  • Sponsor a crime and drug prevention fair at a church hall, temple, shopping mall, or community center.
  • Gather the facts about crime in your neighborhood. Check police reports, conduct victimization surveys, and learn residents’ perceptions about crimes. Often, residents’ opinions are not supported by facts, and accurate information can reduce the fear of crime.
  • Physical conditions like abandoned cars or overgrown vacant lots contribute to crime. Sponsor cleanups, encourage residents to beautify the area, and ask them to turn on outdoor lights at night.
  • Work with small businesses to repair rundown storefronts, clean up littered streets, and create jobs for young people.
  • Start a block parent program to help children cope with emergencies while walking to and from school or playing in the area.
  • Emphasize that Watch groups are not vigilantes and should not assume the role of the police. Their duty is to ask neighbors to be alert, observant, and caring—and to report suspicious activity or crimes immediately to the police.

NEINSTEIN LAW FIRM = corrupt lawyers of this rat hours at 1200 Bay Street on November 2018 were involved in conspiracy with Toronto Police "Neighborhood Watch and Paragon Security in denying legal services to Major Nourhaghighi, whereas they made two appointments, one with Gary Neinstein, after obtained detail of a negligence claim by telephone in which all information were used by criminal organization who published a fake letter by UHN to affect the up coming lawsuit.    

NEINSTEIN GARY = corrupt son of founder of "Neinstein law firm" who on December 3& 6, 2018entered into conspiracy with criminal organization, Toronto Police Neighborhood Watch and Paragon Security of the Building at 1200 Bay Street Toronto,
into conspiracy with criminal organization, Toronto Police " Neighborhood Watch" and Paragon 
#Christmas Card for #Criminal is LAWSUIT🇨🇦 December 24, 2018

Nelson, Amanda = a dirty constable pig whore a 24-year-old, hired by Toronto Police was killed in on September 9, 1993, when she was going home crashed into a vehicle the dirty Toronto Police charged the poor driver for dangerous driving as dirty constable Parsons had same condition with Barbetta, and Nelson and crashed into Major's vehicle on April 16, 1994, and charged Major for dirty Police convicted Major!
CANADA v. Major NOURHAGHIGHI,, T-1237-08
Mr. Justice Cambell Order against the Attorney General of Canada
NEVILLE,Douglas = Canadian Dishonest Lawyer that conspired with the Law Society and Attorney General of Ontario from March 1998 to June 1999. Neville, maliciously, brought an application under Section 40 of the Federal Court Act against Major Nourhaghighi. Judge Campbell dismissed Neville's application on June 2, 1999, and declared that the Government of Canada and Courts were involved in conspiracy against Major, and yet his complaints not heard. This fact proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Major Nourhaghighi had much more legal knowedge than the best Canadian Lawyers.
Nguyen, Dr. = MD-family doctor from Vietnam who is practicing in 360 College street, Toronto.
Major was witness that Dr. Nguyen, at his presence, was reading on the telephone for ten minutes the Confidential medical evidence of one of his clients for a person that seems to Major as an agent who did not had authority to have access to medical file. None of Canadian Physicians that Major visited had any respect for Physicians Ethical Code, and Confidentiality of Medical Files. On December 13, 2004, Major filed complaint against Nguyen with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.  

Niagara Falls Fascist Police at St Catharines
Harassment & Unlawful Arrest of Our Children

Niagara Region = Located in the south of Lake of Ontario and its entire west boundary is located at New York U.S.A., which is tourists attraction. Niagara Region is well know for its beautiful falls, which is located at Niagara Falls that has been develop rapidly in last decade due to negative competition with American to impress them; the beautiful natural area is located around Niagara -on the-Lake, which use to be the old Capital of Canada. The Niagara Region Police at St. Catherines has committed crimes against Major Nourhaghighi by asking their Civilian Agents to follow him and make fabricating evidence against him. Also, this Video shows that POlice harassing Children 
Niagara Falls = is worst place for tourists as the most dirties Canadian robbers have opened business there, and as Canadian, historically hating the Americans, all Canadian judges, lawyers, arm forces and police are helping and supporting the robbers of terrorists for all types of dirty acts against Americans' tourists, such as making urine in their coffees and drinks or spiting in the Americans' tourists foods [Dairy Queen] or not returning proper change [Dairy Queen], or defrauding Americans' tourists in exchange[ Liquor Store], or abusing women in the streets, discriminating notices for refusal of certain customers [Dairy Queen]. Major Nourhaghighi was material witness of several abuses and frauds in his last visit on June 27 and 28 of 2001 [Shit Canada Day].

Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm= German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, philologist, Latin, and Greek scholar whose work has exerted a profound influence on Western philosophy and modern intellectual history. BRIAN LEITER, the a book titled as " Nietzsche’s Hatred of “Jew Hatred” is trying by rationalization to mislead the Public Knowledge and Believe against Jews that " Jews are not blood suckers " whereas Major Nourhaghighi, in this documentary, has proven that when it comes to Ethics and Question of rationality of Moral Life itself; Judaism is the only religion that allows an "arbitrary decision" in which at all material times weighted as immoral or at the most amoral contrary to all vexatious allegations of Jewish having moral principles.No! There was/is a good reason for all hostilities against Jewish that since 1000BC there is continuous wars against them; people who had no shame whatsoever to accuse the Jesus Christ and acted arbitrary against the Court Order and unlawfully and with cruel and oppressive acts of anarchy, arrested Jesus Christ, told the Law in their own Hands, and killed him in worst possible way that he suffers harshly until he dies. Why?  Because they are/were Jews!  
Corrupt Jew Lawyer Alfred M Kwinter

Example: In a pending lawsuit in Ontario Court, Major Nourhaghighi- Iranian Muslim is plaintiff, against His own Jew Israeli Lawyer Alfred M Kwinter. Kwinter was obligated under the Lawyers' Ethical Code to serve Major professionally and made Oath to Torah  to do so. Thus, Major appointed him as his " Lawyer on the Record" against the Toronto Police who was in fault in Motor Vehicle Accident against Major, casing him serious permanent injuries, whereas, Kwinter had all documents that corrupt Constable Stuart Parsons was drunk when he unlawfully changed the lane and had accident with Major's vehicle.
Kwinter, pleaded all aforesaid facts and filed the Statement of Claim, However, Kwinter soon got huge bribe from Toronto Police and " Did NOT Serve " the Statement of Claim to the Defendant until legal time for service expired; and Major did not recover any damages from Toronto Police. And. in July 1994, Kwinter asked for $10,000.00 in advance payment from Major to take the action before a trial Judge as Police committed torture against Major too.
Herein, the philosophy point, as expressed by Paul W. Taylor in Principle of Ethics, under Ultimate Question, is: Conflict between Moral Duty and Self-Interest, in the specific circumstances when Plaintiff was Iranian, Muslim, Immigrant; and the Defendant was " Police" a very Powerful and Influential Government body, that could help him in all his litigation, and had promise that Major lawsuit against him would not allow to be successful; so the standpoint of his Self-interest would be irrational to fight with Police for benefit of his Iranian Muslim client, Thus Kwinter conspired with Toronto Police, in which he is accuse today. So, this is a proof beyond reasonable doubt that Jew's Ethical Doctrine promotes " Self-interest and immoral acts to the principles of morality and " Canadian Jewish Lawyers Ethical Code".   
Herein you can witness that Major as " Iranian - Muslim" Citizen, is trusted a Jewish Lawyer, because Iranian (Persian 3000 Years ago) has defended Jewish and did not allow they be diminished by their enemies, and given Jewish Hundred Billion Dollars Gold to build their homeland in Israel. However, while today, most of Israeli powerful figures are " Iranian", but their "Self-interest" are driving them to act as the Worst Enemy Iran and Iranian Ever Had. This is the Jewish Principles to reply to all good acts that Iranian did for them, that they are alive today!  


Dr. NGUYEN, Khoi, Ba = Corrupt Family Physician, originally from Vietnam, conspiracy Sept 11/01; Complaint, committed Sexual Assault  
NIZAMI, R.M. = The best allergy physician in the World! Dr. Nizami accomplished degrees that very few physicians have got them like, F.A.C.P.; F.R.C.P. (c); F.C.C.P.; FA.A.A.I. He is professor of the University of Toronto and has office at 340 College Street, Toronto, where Major Nourhaghighi lives and got very good treatment from him for Toxic Moulds in his apartment build by the Government of Canada and Ontario.
NOEL, Marc = Corrupt Federal Court Judge Defendant who on  June 12,1995, arbitrary dismissed , Major Nourhaghighi's actions, without giving any reason; while he has given a proper reasons for many other cases [in the other word, he was a good judge if Government was not interfering to his duty]. Noel's judgments are vexatious and made maliciously with bad faith in accordance to plans and objects of conspiracy to increase the number of Major's proceedings. Therefore, Major claimed the costs of the actions against Judge Noel.

NOEL, SIMON = Corrupt Judge of Federal Court, said he is brother with corrupt Judge Marc Noel who is much senior than Simon. Simon hired by the Crown on about 2002; he made harmful Decision in file T-1535-00 on May 13, 2003, at Ottawa against Major in accordance to object of conspiracy. Simon attacked to Major's personality in front of several bully members of RCMP who were wearing civilian dresses. Tens of lawyers were representing the defendants, who were defendants before the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Major appealed to the corrupt Supreme Court of Canada under file No. 30350. However, the Attorney General of Canada, Roger FLAIM, by conspiracy and forgery got the judgment. Shockingly, the corrupt Supreme Court of Canada have SEEN all evidence of forgery, perjury, frauds and conspiracy by the Crown and many lawyers, and awarded COSTS against Major! It never happened before in whole Judiciary Systems in the World! It is extremely shocking and unbelievable; however the Supreme Court of Canada judges are much more than dirty that a man can explain!

The Owners of Condo 935 are the Thieves,  and the Canadian Pilots are the Thieves
The Businessmen are the Thieves, the Merchants are the Thieves, and the Constables of Police are the Thieves
The Bankers are the Thieves, the Insurance Companies are the Thieves, and the Employers are the Thieves
The Judges are the Thieves, the Lawyers are the Thieves, and the Clerks of the Governments are the Thieves
The Mayors of Toronto, and Montreal are the Thieves
The Ministers of Heath, Transport, and the Attorney General of Ontario are the Thieves
The Governments of Ontario, Quebec, and canada , so far, are the  Thieves
Poet, Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi; Torture by Toronto Police
Political Asylum Seeker, as the Canadians Resident, since 1994
Toronto Thief Business "No Frills" at corrupt Dufferin Mall, 900 Dufferin Street: Proofs beyond a reasonable doubt that No Frills is THIEF!

View Larger Map
NO FRILLS WHOLESALE FOODS at Dufferein Mall- Toronto is THIEF Joe's No Frills, and Shity Store! The corrupt food stores in Toronto, Dufferein Mall and North York [Finch and Yonge], member of the Canadian Criminal Terrorists Organization. NO FRILLS, in several cases, by all types of constructive tricks sold poison food to me that caused sever illness. NO FRILLS, cashiers are specialists in thefts of cash and miscalculations. They never return a correct exchange of money; and they always over charge in numbers of goods and prices; for example if there are two bags of fresh corn, they miscalculate as five bags! As the result, there is always fights, between cashiers and customers. The dirty Pig Toronto Police and/or Bully Securities are standing beside cashiers to support their thefts and frauds. However, people keep fighting with cashiers, who have been selected from the most dirties whores in Toronto.
On April 14, 2001, one of the said white Whore was very rude with me, when he objected to theft of $4 Dollars!
On June 3, 2001 at 13:29, Terminal ID 1007310, a male Thief Cashier-Eudurdo, intentionally tried to defraud my family, by making five over charges in two bills payments: Avocado, price was $0.99 Cents, defrauded $9.99! Fifty Kilogram Potatoes $7.97! There was not such item! Cabbage red price was $0.67, defrauded $1.49; Cabbage green $0.77, defrauded $1.59! Plain Yogurt price was $1.47, defrauded $1.77!  Now what you say: Queen Elizabeth II and Government of Canada and Ontario are dirty Thieves otherwise there should be some kind of rule to get result from these types of frauds that no one is going to have lawsuit for it, No Frills Staff knew this fact that clearly said to me Shit to Face of all Canadian Judges they could just eat our shit, Queen herself is thief how she wants stop us from Theft! This is the only points that I believe No Frills' staff have under charged me! NOFRILLS committed many boring and insulting misconducts against me, such as June 7, 2002, at 9:30 PM, Terminal ID 10073015. On January 10, 2003, at 21:42PM the cashier tried to cheat  me on Crispy Crunch, Caramilk Bar, Wunderbar for 77 cents each, where it was advertised 39 cents. On July 16, 2004, No Frills sold corrupt apricots of March 5, 2003 to me by forgery in the date of product that caused a lot pain in stomach and huge shits pushed to the face of No Frills founder(s)! May 9 and July 29, 2005, few No Fills Securities harassed me in Joe's Store, pursuant to the conspiracy of the Crown to obstruct me in prosecution against CSIS. On July 29/05, I bought Radishes from Joe's No Frills that when I came home all were corrupt! On August 2005 I got a "Fraudulent Advertisements" from No Frills alleging that 'Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast for $3.47lb/ $7.65kg"; while when I attended several time at Joe's No Frills at Duffrin Mall, did not have it and the price was about $12/kg! When I found hardly a man to ask for such 'Fraudulent Advertisement", he said: "We always do that! Having Ads for something special to bring people here! And when they are here, they are going to buy anyway!" I said it is unlawful to do that in Canada! A young man told me: "The managers know how to bribe the Canadian authorities!    NO FRILLS: Welcome to Canada, the Land of Prostitutes! On November 25, 2002, at 18:30PM Major [and also January 17, 2003] was at Joe's No Frills that a young security male, made colorful part of his hear, approached him and asked if he was interested to have beautiful young women. When Major puts questions him discovered that many poor young girls who were sexually assaulted by their Canadian fathers and brothers, now working as prostitutes, while they have very low paid jobs at Joe's No Frills. A man gets confuse of many complex facts of Canadian's social problems like: Poverties, Prostitutions, and Pimps; three Ps triangle that it main roots are ending to Canadian corrupt Judges, Lawyers Police, and Securities who everywhere looking for customers, and now in the supermarkets we must add "Pimps" among other things! Major filed action against the Attorney General of Ontario is a dirty Pimp to defend the public dignity.
On April 17, 2010 at 6:28 pm Major Nourhaghighi has seen a PC  BM LGT Vanlla Ice Cream for $1.97; but the corrupt cashier # 248 charged him $6.29; Major objected and did not buy it [receipt # 248 19 02893]. FALSE Price Tag is very common in Toronto and when Toronto Judges, Lawyers and Police are THIEVES it is extremely difficult to fight with this kind of Canadian Frauds.

Queen's of Thieves!
NON-MARIN UNDERWRITERS, MBRS LLOYDS OF LONDON, ENGLAND = Insurance company defendant in my action who did not pay any benefits to me for Motor Vehicle Accident 1994 until this date. All dirty thieves own a Canadian Insurance Company, and dirty lawyers and judges are fully supporting them! Citizens are suffering from frauds of Insurance companies, and yet the Government accusing people for defrauding Insurance companies! The action yet pending in corrupt courts of Ontario.

NORDHEIMER Ian V.B. =  the only Judge in the World that sell drug in the courtroom is a Toronto corrupt judge  Nordheimer who is active member of criminal organization  who at Ontario Superior Court of Justice STAYED all Crown charges against NINE members of Toronto Police involved n smuggling of heroin from Iran and involved in conspiracy with the Crown in June 18, 2007 at Court House, Toronto. Nordheimer tried to mislead the Federal Court with his judgment, but failed. See O'Keefe Judgment . Nordheimer is the biggest abuser of Human Rights and Major Nourhaghighi has ability to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, by simple contradictory orders that he made between 2005 to 2008, for example with malice replied on the Cheater and Stayed prosecution against NINE Toronto Police that Major Nourhaghighi arrested them on Lawsuit T-1900-96 at Federal Court alleging it took to long the Crown takes nine bfiles against NINE cops drug seller to TRIAL, whereas the case was to complicated; but did not asked from the Crown why 16 months adjourned a simple application and disobeyed several orders. Thus Major Nourhaghighi understood that all Canadian and US allegation of Human rights is just propaganda against Iran to steal our OIL.

NORMANDEAU, PAUL = the corrupt Attorney General of Ontario Prosecutor who is defendant for conspiracy with the corrupt Judge Bigelow,  Police Officer Parsons and Insurance Company to not allow Major Nourhaghighi be able to use his lawful Insurance Benefits in which he paid over $10,000.00/Year. Normandeau, did all kind of frauds during three days hearing against me and my witnesses; as the results NON of the Defence Witnesses have shown before the corrupt judge Bigelow . Normandeau, has violated all Human Rights and prosecutions issues during trials, had is the main reason for a chains of actions against the Crown. Normadeau and Bigelow then conspired to obstructed my appeals, by changing the evidence in the transcripts, that caused my lawsuits against the court reporters. Normandeu denied all Canadian Bills of Rights Thus Major Nourhaghighi understood that all Canadian and US allegation of Human rights is just propaganda against Iran to steal our OIL.
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On April 16, 1994, this sad malicious prosecution was brought against me, right after my lawsuit against corrupt Canadian Pilots ended on April 5, 1994, where Ontario Aviation Manager, Schobesberger, has clearly failed before my cross-examinations and made false statement. From April 5 to April 16, 1994 my vehicles three times were ceased by Toronto Police who have abused its power by Eleven Charges under Highway Traffic Act against me, with Five additional following charges under Criminal Code, and Four Lawsuits and Application (Total Twenty Malicious Prosecutions) ending to Eleven Years Defence and Appeal Process, at all Courts, including Supreme Court of Canada, while still most of files are in backlog, with general damages over $1,000,000.00, with no hope for relive. Corrupt White Judge Bigelow was master of Constructive Waste of Time of Victims in obstructing my right of defence. Bigelow, with all tricks was interfering to my cross-examination and by long lecture misleading me to other subject. The Statement of Claim in file T-668-96 contains complete particulars of the tricks used by corrupt judge Bigelow during three days trials against me.
Major Nourhaghighi's Proofs Beyond a Reasonable Doubt against Toronto Police Parsons and The Toronto Region Judge Bigelow for CONSPIRACY: Thanks to today technology that made possible to disrepute the criminals:
1- The true copy of the Police report of Accident; Number 1 driver is Major Nourhaghighi; Number 2 driver is Constable Parsons
2- The Enlarged copy of the drivers' information:

3-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles speeds in which Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour' and Driver # 2 Police speed Zero:
4-The Enlarged copy of the Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour:
5-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles positions in which it is clear that Number 2 Driver, Police Vehicle, has violated and made sharp right turn to the lane where Major was driving:

NORTH YORK corrupt 32 Toronto Police Division : The Police Services is abused in this corrupt Division mostly by malicious false information forwarded by corrupt members of the "Community Watch ". Examples: Citizens who have reported Thefts or Crimes, and the Criminals are/were related or parties with members of 32 Div.  They will ask the cops to target these innocent people with malice in such that they will be harassed by cops everywhere, mostly to obstruct their business with local stores or law firms. On April 2, 2017, around 4pm, a cops' vehicle arrived to the parking  in south west of Shappard and Yonge interception and harassed  to Muslim without any cause. The said Muslim told us that they reported smuggling of Hereon  from Iran by Iranian business at Iranian plaza. So,  they gave bribe to Neighborhood Watch to harass these guys.
IN ADDITION: Since 1990, the corrupt members of 32 Div involved in countless crimes and harassment against Major Nourhaghighi and his family and obstructed his business with each and every business in North York Region and Richmond Hill. The Iranian Criminal Organization in this area has been created by the Crown and Police to protect the British Royal Family Smuggling of Drugs  from Iran and Afghanistan; for more details search in Major Nourhaghighi's files at Federal Court of Canada in which all details are given under sworn Affidavits.  
Spit at Face of Norton
NORTON, Keith C. = the corrupt  cheap chief Commissioner for the Ontario Human Rights Commission "OHRC"; who in accordance to object of conspiracy on March 13, 2002 dismissed all Major's complaints against Judges and Police
NOTICE OF ARREARS = Canadian big hammer for harassments against immigrants who do not have any access to the court. The Constructive Bad Credit Making for theparties of litigations that the other party is the Government of Canada, Ontario etc. or strong group. Since August1990 I got countless Notice of Arrears organized by Government of Ontario and Canada to destroy my credibility before many courts. There is no law in Canada to stop the Governmental abuses against citizens.
NOTT, HARLEY R.=The Deputy of the Attorney General of Canada who was involved in conspiracy from November 1994 to June 1996; it shall be noted that the Government of Canada, forcing people to do wrongs and crimes against eachother.

NOURHAGHIGHI, Major KEYVANIranian Senior Air Force Officer who was prosecuted by three oppressive governments of Shah, Khominie and Queen Elizabeth-Canada, whereas British in Canada has shown unethical, lawlessly, brutality, human rights violations and breaking the rule of law much more than others therefore has created this dictionary that Canadians live with shame and contempt, as the most uncivilized Nation in the World!
NUISANCE= Canadians Culture and Life Style, Canadians Fun and Entertainment.
NUISANCE= Canadians Culture and Life Style, Canadians Fun and Entertainment. 

NUTS = Canadian, Canadian Judge and Lawyers, Canadian Police and Air Force Officers, Canadian men and women, Canadian businessmen and neighbors


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