Sunday 29 May 2016

"R" Royal Bastard Family

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter Dictionary and British Human Rights Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada
"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawyers get hurt from its negative effects!"

A criminal bastard Judge Hryciuk during ten years, sexually assaulted
countless women and underage teenagers at Corrupt Old City Hall in Toronto  

Major Nourhaghighi was present at Osgoode Hall, University of Toronto, when a
group of American Judges and Lawyers visited Ontario Court of Appela Judge

Canadian Corrupt Judge Horace KREVER,misled him by telling
" We don't have corrupt Judge, Lawyer and Police in Canada"
Major stood and said "This man is lair, we have countless"
Soon after the Canadian Corrupt Judges, Lawyers & Police
revenged against Major, arrested him, tortured and

broken his ribs and dismissed all his files
  and Major created the Largest Website
to prove his submission had merits 

Picture of a corrupt Toronto Judge Walter P. HRYCIUK, who penetrate his fingers to Ass and Vagina of several Canadian female Lawyers, Prosecutors, Judges ( Toronto Judge June BERNHARD complained/testified Walter grabbed her right right buttock pushed her and had Anal Intercourse with her at Judge's Chamber at Old City Hall, 60 Queen Street, Toronto) clerks, Court Reporters ( Ann JAMES Court reporter at Old City Hall testified that Judge, HRYCIUK penetrated to her vagina and had anal sex with her, repeatedly from age 17 to 25) Police Constable, Securities ( Nancy Russell and Marcy Green complained that Judge asking them to suck his ass and dick while they were on duty from Nov 1995 to Dec 1997 at Old City Hall) , female defendants, witnesses, and Wives of Judges, Lawyers, Students of University of Toronto and High Schools teenagers. 

Toronto Judge June BERNHARD complained/testified Walter
grabbed her right right buttock pushed her and had Anal Intercourse
with her at Judge's Chamber at Old City Hall, 60 Queen Street, Toronto

Picture shows testimony of Judge Bovard's Wifetestifying that he push hard his fingers to her Vagina. Kelly Smith, is lawyer too, said " then he kissed my lips for long time,

Canadian Whore Lawyer Kelly, committed several felonies under
Criminal Code of Canada; such as being Married had Sexual Relation with
another man (Hryciuk), Had Anal Intercourse (Serious Crime) etc 

pushed me to the wall and insert his finger to my ass until he came"

Judge asked from Kelly "He did while you wearing underwear"

Kelly replied " I wasn't wearing underwear"

Judge: "Why?"

Kelly: " I had yest so I didn't wear!"

Judge: " How Walter knew you are not wearing underwear?"

Kelly: "He asked me"

Judge: "What exactly he asked, what was your answer?"

Kelly: "Walter asked Kelly no penty today? I said yes. He said

so come to me babe!"

Judge: " So you are doing it on regular basis!"

Kelly: "Yes your honor, he was doing with all women even

school girls who works during summer and some of them were 13"

 Judge: Did you tell to your husband, Judge Bovard?

Canadian Corrupt Judge Bovard knew his Wife
has Sexual Anal and Vaginal  
Intercourse With
corrupt criminal Canada Judge  Walter P. HRYCIUK,
It is Crime a Husband consent his Wife have
Sexual Relation with Other, and have
Anal Intercourse  

Kelly: Yes, he knew it.

Judge: What Bovard said?

Kelly: He said that Walter is member of Toronto Judges' Gang  

and if I complain they would not invite us to the Parties!

Judge "What?!"

Kelly: My Husband said they would isolate us and no one would talk with us.
Judge: In your complaint you said during three years you has all kinds of oral sex, anal sex and vaginal intercourse; where it happened

Kelly: mostly in Walter's Office at third floor of Old City Hall, few times in   my car or his, few times in his house and our home, and few times in the hotels rooms in downtown Toronto.
Judge: And you never complain to Police, Judges or any one.
Kelly: Yes Your Honor
Judge: You connected to this relationship, you were always happy, and your husband knew, so where is a complain.

Kelly: Because other women asked me to file complain!     

While Judge dismissed Kelly complaint, but Walter was convicted for other charges.

However, the Ontario Court of Appeal set aside the conviction, on the grounds of the First Day that Kelly's relationship started and she alleged that Walter insert his fingers to her Vagina. . Walter brought a Doctor to the Court that he explained THE FINGER MUST PAST A particular BONE between women legs until be considered as penetration. And while they were standing, it is impossible the finger pass that bone. So, the panel of the corrupt judges granted the appeal. set aside the conviction and Awarded One Dollars Costs to Corrupt Judge Hryciuk
NOTE: For several years Major Nourhaghighi was following the above trial and appeal, and the aforesaid is a brief of hundred thousand pages of documents.  

THIS IS JUSTICE SYSTEM IN CANADA However, the same Judges would five YEARS
JAIL to Black people if they TOUCH a white woman!

Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto = The member of Iranian Canadian Criminal Organization involved in serious insults and propaganda against Iranian Muslims in Toronto in which Major Nourhaghighi filed an official complaint against it; and continued harassments by its agents and staff against Major Nourhaghighi in all Iranian community & businesses since December 2005. Shahriyar Ahmadi in reply to Major's complaint clearly made false statement to avoid the serious charges and fine; this matter will be before the Federal Court of Canada in 2010.

RADISHES = I like radishes and since I was a child I well recall it was always in our dishes and my mother was emphasizing to us to be eaten with starches. The studies have proven that radishes have: "calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, folic acid and vitamin C. Radishes are expectorant, dissolve excess mucus or phlegm. Radishes clear sinuses and sore throats. Radishes aid production of digestive juices, particularly when eaten with starches!" Now, lets thrust and have more respect for our moms and dads and seniors' words.

= Iranian-Canadian corrupt chiropractor defendant for conspiracy against me. Raffi, was a police agent, who did not inform me that there was a fracture in my neck that I could not lunch lawsuit against police at the proper time. In Canada, people not entitle to any kinds of public medical care without unlawful Governmental interference; while the corrupt Canadian Government, is claiming that has a medical system that all members of the public could have access to it freely !  In fact in Canada, there is NOT any kind of medical system, except, a Corrupt Medical System that allows only certain people use it, conditionally!

RAMBERT, P.A.= the Human Right Officer-Ontario Region!( Institutional conflict of interest?! ). On March 14, 2000, Rambert, illegally, denied to file Major's complaint against the Attorney General of Canada by fraudulently alleging that Major's complaints was not falling within jurisdiction of Canadian Human Rights Commission Act.  Rambort is suspect of conspiracy with the Attorney General due to several grounds which will be forwarded to the court.

RAMSAY, JAMES A.= the Ontario Lawyer hired by the Crown defendant for conspiracy against my appeal. Ramsay, while was defendant in my action, violated the conflict of Interest law and represented the Crown; while Judge Graham in another case did not allowed Allan Scott represent the Crown for same reason of 'Conflict of Interest'! The Ontario Court judges are so corrupt that for each case make its own rule that fit the object of conspiracy!
REASONING = is a logic science because it aims to offer a systematic account of reasoning-Chiefly what is known as deductive reasoning. It is formal because, unlike an empirical science such as psychology, logic does not study the beings who do the reasoning or their thought processes but structure of reasoning itself. The main attention is drawn to the structure of statements comprising the argument and to the question of whether its premises entail the conclusion.  It is impossible that a man be able to find an honest and professional Reasoning in hundreds Canadian, Ontarioian, and Quebecan Judges' Orders and Judgments made in my cases. This is the main reason that a large numbers of judges were named defendants in my actions in all courts.

REDDEN, Rosemarie = Corrupt employee of the Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship who on November 29, 2001 conspired with corrupt Stebelsky against my Website and application for Citizenship and subjected him for investigation by the RCMP and CSIS for 'threats to the Security of Canada'. I was successful in a legal proceeding to condemn the CSIS, RCMP and as result the Minister of Citizenship who was forced to resign, due to the scandal. I asked from the Federal Court that Minister of citizenship shows cause for contempt of court, as by abuse of process have tried to interfere with orderly administration of justice under Section 14, 19, and 20 of the Citizenship Act.

REGIS, Gregory = Good Judge of Ontario court who convicted Corrupt Court Officer BYRNE for assault and choking against inmate. The corrupt Judge Day dismissed my prosecution against the pig officers Follert, Aiken, Stephenson, Morrison  et al. However, in a similar case Judge Gregory REGIS found BYRNE guilty assault  where an inmate spat at dirty face of Byrne, as I spat at dirty face of Follert too. Byrne chocked the inmate and Follert chocked me too! However, the corrupt United Nations Human Rights Torture Committee and all corrupt Human Rights organizations did not object to Tortures in Canada, as Canada knows how to give a big bribes to them! This fact also is proving that there is a double standardin the Canadian Justice System!  
REINHARDT, WARREN T. = The Court Reporter of the Attorney General of Ontario, at Old City Hall, in Toronto; defendant in my action for frauds in the evidence of transcript-September 20, 1994. Fraud in evidence of transcripts have 14 years JAIL that the corrupt Attorney General of Ontario simply doing all these crimes and the corrupt judges of Supreme Court of Canada, have ignored all my affidavits and evidence in this most important Public Interest and Judiciary Interest issues!

RENAHAN, Defendant William = corrupt Ontario Insurance Arbiter who conspired with a court-reporter, and changes the evidence of transcript. Renahan ignored my legal proceeding against himself, and maliciously, puts fabricate evidence to the record, when he knew that the Crown-Ontario, again, used a poison against me before the hearing. Renahan, finally after seven years, dismissed my insurance claim, that raised my lawsuits against the Ontario Insurance Commission.

RELATIONSHIP = Honest Relationship does NOT exist; Canadians are ready for all kinds of dirty acts that may provide them a simple benefits. They approach to  the people, mostly, for spying, furnishing information, planting drug or other criminal nature objects, creating fabricate transcripts of the communications, theft, conspiracy, sex and other dishonest propose. Hundreds of Canadian, mostly students of University of Toronto acted as agents of the Government against me and provided false information.

RENOVATION January 2009 = Another grounds for fraud and cheating in the Canadian System for robbery against poor. In Canadian Renovation, in condominiums, the property manager will call all those contractors who would give a high commission to them, as a result if an actual cost of renovation be $15,000; it would end to $150,000!
Such as fraud and theft of Caber Management in 2009 Renovation of Major Nourhaghighi's Condo [Common Elements] at 456 College Street, Toronto, ON, M6G 4A3. The common area renovation started on November 2008 and dragged to January 2009 to be able to commit frauds inr both years; the hall that had very good carpet with liner was changed to an ugly carpet with liner which is hard to walk over it; same a disgusting colors on the walls.

RENOVATION June 2009 = on Major Nourhaghighi has commenced the renovation of his property, unit 608 at 456 College Street, Toronto, As usual the Criminal Organization supported by Toronto corrupt Judges, Lawyers and cops, involved in smuggling of heroin, had got mission to obstruct Major in each and every steps [ as the did in all other businesses since July 1990 which is the main cause of this huge documentary against Canadian to prove that Canada is the only country making HUGE income just by exporting fraud and terrorists to other countries]. The following are a 'sample' of countless members of Criminal Organization who have committed sabotages and mischief against unit 608 [ for better particular click on each criminal's name]: 1, 2, 3: The corrupt Superintendent of building and his wife Mirtha Ruben Perez,Portuguese Criminal Organization; and his Assistant Frank Doe; Italian Criminal Organization. 4, 5: The corrupt Caber Management and property manager Leza Blair; white Canadian Criminal Organization. 6: The corrupt Ontario Certified Electrician Rufino Galacgac Ulit,  Philippines-Canadian Criminal Organization;7 s Jason lc 'Carpenter" Chinese criminal Organization; 8 Architect Leonard SEDUN member of Russian Canadian Criminal Organization; 9: RONA; 10: Home Depot; 11: IKEA at North York Ontario; 12: ...

NOTE: Several business did NOT allow the malicious Crown Influence like C.G.A. Glass
RENT = Rent is a contract, either verbal or in writing. In Canada it does not matter that you are landlord or tenant, renter or company, you can not enforce the contract against 'white Canadian' or agent of the government and police, lawyers and strong corporation. For examples of frauds in the rents you have to look under different subjects in this site, like 'Fraudulent Advertisements', 'Tricks in Contracts', Car Rental', House or Apartment Rental', 'Tools Rental' etc.
RETIREMENT = It is a normal practice of the Ontario Courts that when clerks, managers and judges are approaching to the retirement , the Crown is forwarding all kinds of wrongdoings before them, as when the retried the access to them become difficult for lawsuit. For more particular see corrupt Judge GRAHAM.

REPLY = Canadian have failed too have any legal reply to Major Nourhaghighi's complaints, whereas Major's reply to all courts were considered by the courts to be satisfactory; see Major's reply to the Court of Appeal in file C24450, .

Rexall  store 9780 at College & Spadina, Toronto is center of  University of Toronto students Prostitutes and Drug. It is 24 hour open for customers; contact manger to get %10 discount

REVENGE = To serve the Justice by your OWN hands in Canada and USA, as the justice system is so corrupt that is impossible to send behind the bar a real criminal! Revenge is the great JOY and SATISFACTION for victims like me.
This Website is very small part of my revenge against corrupt Canadian Judges, Lawyers, Police, Owners, Bankers, Pilots Architects, etc. Revenge is a real nightmare for many criminal who know one day a hand would grab them in the darkness of the nights, when there is STORM outside HA HA! Revenge is a PHANTOM for servants of the Canadians Governments that one day a Mysterious Bullets would hit them too! HAHAHA, HOOO,HOOO! VIVA REVENGE!

RICHARD, John D. = Federal Court Chief Judge [Later Cheap Justice of Federal Court of Appeal] named defendant in my action in first instance for making vexatious judgment. Later, I withdraw my Claim.against Judge Richard who found I had cause of action against Custom Canada for trafficing of heroin in my shipment from Tehran. However, Judge Richard instead of making Order for amendment, made Order that a new action should be filed and Toronto Police and Judges at Old City Hall should not be named defendant for smuggling in Federal Court [which is correct]. Judge Richard failed to give a proper reasoning that contain direction to lead the justice be served. As the result, my new action was dismissed by the corrupt judge defendant TREMBLAY-LAMER in my absent, after Toronto Police and Judges torture me for obstructing their smuggling. Fortunately, few years ago, the EX-Chief of Toronto Police was successful to arrest many of the officers of 52 Division that I had complaint against them for smuggling.

RICHARDS, SYLVIA= the Court Black Manager Defendant [retried] in my action, who was responsible for involvement of several clerks of the registry in the conspiracies, at 361 University Ave, Toronto. Richards was dishonest with me on May 21, 1996, in file 96-CU-103292, and unlawfully removed the Default Note against Defendants in said file. It is normal practice of the Ontario Courts that when clerks, managers and judges are approaching to the retirement , the Crown is forwarding all kinds of wrongdoings before them , as when the retired the access to them become difficult for lawsuit. For more particular see corrupt Judge GRAHAM.

RIOUX, Nathalie = corrupt Supervisor of Intake services of Ontario Human Rights Commission who abused her office to cover up the crimes against humanity and violation of human rights committed against me and my children. Rioux maliciously dragged my complaints and made several arbitrary decisions on May 10, 2001.

On September 17, 2002, corrupt Rioux, with bad faith and dishonestly, and in accordance to object of a conspiracy closed mys complaint against the Constable Christian Farrell.
ROBART, John P = A dirty Canadian whose name was selected for the corrupt Library of the University of Toronto, where all my passwords many times were stolen by its corrupt staffs! What a logic! HAHAHHA 

ROBERTSON = Judge of Federal Court Defendant in my action for making arbitrary decision in accordance to object of the Crown Conspiracy against me in few files.

ROCK, ACCUSED ALLAN = corrupt Lawyer of the City of Toronto, Ex-Minister of Justice of Canada, defendant in my Actions in Federal and Ontario courts, for covering up the crimes against the Administration of Justice; Rock was removed then selected as the Minister of Health, who was sued again by me for frauds in my Medical Records, kept by Government of Ontario. From January 1998 to September 2004 I protested to use any type of medication in Canada; due to all types of frauds by the Government in medical record and reports. Since May 2005 no misconduct is noted by Hospitals and Doctors against me, which indicate there is always HOPE that things be changed and get good for me! HAHHAAH!

ROCK, TONY = Toronto police office officer defendant in my action for arrest without warrant, in accordance to plan of Crown Scott Conspiracy on November 23, 1995, at Old City Hall Toronto.

Rogers Communication Inc (Rogers)  = the most dishonest Canadian corporation has committed fraud in the billing, defective service delivery, breach of contract, nuisance, harassment and abuse of authority; see the detials in Major Nourhaghighi' s Complaint before the CRTC against Rogers' Cable & Telephone
1- On or about November 2005 I made a contract with Rogers for “Express” Internet Service $45.86/M. However, since 2005 Rogers never honored the rate and continuously has committed fraud in the billing in such I am extremely frustrated form countless calling and objecting to the false bills of $50.86/M.
ROGUE = Ragamuffin, Street Arab. In Iran, rogues are in minority, while in Canada  and USA, rogue are in the majority. It seems that Western nations, intentionally, growing their children to be rogue! You may be shocked that most of Canadian Lawyers and JUDGES are less than any dirty street Arab; Canadian Judges mouths are dirtier than toilet. Just look to my complaint against Dirty Indian Judge Ducharme and Dirty Black Judge Pitt.

ROLAND, Anne = Corrupt Registrar of Supreme Court of Canada Defendant in my action and application  for conspiracy in my Application for Leave to Appeal. Roland, abused her office and did not inform the Chief Judge of Canada Antonio Lamer, that I filed lawsuit against him. I do not accept that Lamer CJC was a man to violate the Conflict of Interest Law, when himself has given many guide lines for impartiality of the judiciary. Therefore, the only possibility is that either Roland did not inform Lamer CJC  that he was sued by me, or simply forged his signature in all my applications as 'Dismissed'. Roland, maliciously, refused to file my Notice of Appeal. Abuse of authority is the Canadian Culture. On October 21, 2004, Corrupt Roland and the Crown conspired with  Dirty Rat Lawyer Fedson, and Indian Judge Ducharme and they mislead SCC's judges in file 30350. Roland unlawfully hold the Order until January 2005 to mislead Black Judge Pitt. Canadian Judges are like sheep, they copy act of each other and do not have dignity of Independent Judgment. Roland showed Ducharme Order to SCC's judges and said "Look here, just today Judge Ducharme dismissed it Major Nourhaghighi application, you dismiss it too!'" and the Judges of SCC said: "Oh! Then we will dismiss his application too!"  Then the Crown showed SCC Order to Judge Pitt and said: "Look here Niger! This is the SCC Order Dismissed Nourhaghighi's file 30350! You dismiss his application too!" Did you get the point?! Just kidding! HAHAHHA

ROMAGNUOLO, Tony = Sample of Ample Victims of Canadian Police brutality, shot to death and wounding of his son, Lorenzo by the Canadian Police Brutality in Toronto Region.  

ROMAIN, RICK = Corrupt Canadian Justice of Peace defendant, who was involved in several conspiracy to obstruct the justice; in 1992, Romain  defendant for refusing  to charge the Condominium 935 for frauds and misdirect Major Nourhaghighi to file a complain with Tax Office; and in 1996, refused to issue the subpoena against several material witnesses.

View Larger Map
RONA  Home & Garden= corrupt Canadian Store in 110 Toronto Street, involved in conspiracy and wrongdoing against Major Nourhaghighi from June to October 2009 by selling defective materials such as tiles, laminate ets and refusing to return and refound, causing over $50,000 damages to Major Home during his renovation 2009.

ROOM = From 1990 to 2005, I and my two children have left in one bedroom apartment, under exercise room at Condo 935 in Toronto. This is evidence against corrupt United Nations that declared Canada is the best country to live. The point is that Government of Canada and Ontario did not allow me to have any kind of work to support my living. At the same time, the Canadian Courts, according to a plan of conspiracy have taken all my money that sent to me from Iran by my brother Mustafa. This is double poverty! No Income, and on top of that Courts' Costs and Expresses.

ROSENBERG, Defendant MARC = Judge of Court of Appeal for Ontario. Rosenberg in last position, as the Deputy Attorney General of Ontario ignored my complaints. Therefore Rosenberg was named defendant in my action. On December 17, 2001, Defendant Rosenberg, abused his power and refused to disqualified himself and vindictively dismissed my appeals in files C27652 and C30823, where appeals were against decisions of corrupt Judges Lampkin PJ, McRae and O'Driscoll JJ who all three were named defendants in my actions too, before making any decision! Corrupt Judges McMurtry and Rosenberg's decisions in December 17 completed the circle of corrupt judges' conspiracy, who all are breaking the Law of their own country and their own court! Now who is smarter? 'I' that forced them to put a shit at the 'Canadian Law', or corrupt judges who fall on my trap! HAHAHHAHAHHA,  HOOO, see corrupt Judge SOMERS!

ROSENBERG, Morris A. = The Deputy Attorney General of Canada Defendant in my lawsuit, he is accused for allowing the public office be abused by corrupt lawyers Nott, Neville, Schwarz, O'Donnell, Jaworski and other corrupt clerks. Since 1995, Department of Justice is trying to create fabricating evidence against me to prevent facts from being disclosed to the justice systems in my ample proceedings.

ROSS, WILLIAM, A. = the Justice of Peace defendant in my lawsuit  for Conspiracy in the trial at the Old City Hall, Toronto, in 1994. The object was to mislead the high court that my evidence against corruption in the Airline Transport Pilot Licenses is not credible. The Brave Judge MacDonnell, was able to discover Ross' Conspiracy and find the error of the law as his IMPARTIALITY and allowed my appeal. It is very interesting to see story about Judge MacDonnell.

ROSSI, Maria = corrupt Verbatim Court Reporter of May 4, 1999 who conspired with corrupt Arbiter Renahan and changed all my evidence in an insurance claim. Rossi was a dirty whore when a security and Renahan both had intercourse with her during lunch time, when I suddenly entered into the room and saw them during the crime. What a big shame!

Picture of a corrupt Judge HRYCIUK who penetrate his fingers
to several Canadian female lawyers, Judges, clerks, and wives of Judges
Picture shows testimony of Judge Bovard's Wife
testifying that he push hard his fingers to her Vagina.
 Ms. Smith, said than he kissed her lips for long time until he came
The Court convicted corrupt Judge Hryciuk; but the
corrupt Ontario Court of Appeal set aside the conviction on
the grounds that fingers are not big enough to penetrate,
and Awarded One Dollars Costs to Corrupt Judge Hryciuk

However, the same Judges would five FIVE YEARS
JAIL to Black people if they TOUCH a white woman!
"Judge's Fingers Penetrated My Vaginal!" Sex inside the Canadian Courts and Commissions raised a lot of complaints against judges and clerks! I saw several times at Old City Hall and Osgoode Hall in Toronto the similar crime and reported to authority. They use drugs too! These are the same drugs that they found during arrest from smugglers!

ROTHSTEIN, Marshall = Stupid judge of Federal Court of Appeal  who on July 5th 2000 has sent show cause order to me for delay in file A-635-98 when main application T-1237-98 was dismissed by Judge Campbell on June 2, 1999.
Corrupt judges of Federal Court of Canada are expert in abuse of process, the appeal was an urgent appeal that was scheduled to be hear on 1998; but by fraud the Federal Court made delay in preparation of the appeal books unit the main application brought by the  Attorney General of Canada against me was dismissed. Later, the corrupt judges of the Federal Court of Appeal made order that I must pay costs to the Attorney General for my appeal! HAHHA it is funny!

ROWLANDS, JUNE = the Mayor of Toronto -1991-1995, defendant in my lawsuit in her personal and office capacity for corruption in the City of Toronto, related to the By-law Charge against Condominium when the City by receiving MORE than $60,000.00 Bribe from the Condo refused to prosecute the Charge and asked me to be the representative of the Queen in the Court for prosecution. The City of Toronto, then from 1992 to 2005 conspired with the Crown in tens of proceedings against me;  See: Weight Machine is NOT noisy in an apartment! and the TOXIC MOULDS!

Royal Canadian Mounted Police("RCMP") = One of several types of the Canadian Policy Systems which is a federal police. The corrupt RCMP Constables are defendants in my lawsuits for several thefts of my documents from the offices of the Ministers, assaults, unlawful interception and other crimes and wrongs. In the corrupt Canadian System, almost, everyone is obligate to furnish information to the police through a community services, board, work, banks and other businesses. Canada has the most complicated police systems. The RCMP interfere with all my businesses with banks and others too. I filed an application for Writ of Mandamus that RCMP does not interfere with my Banks' Accounts. The corrupt RCMP killed many citizens, particularly they are Historically against Indians, and they LOVE to kill them. There are ample complaints by Indians against RCMP too. The RCMP were involved in many harassments against me during hearing at Federal Court of Canada with intent to interfere with my legal actions: See Constable Kim, Constable Macadam. My Complaint are now under Investigation by the corrupt Commission since 2001!
On August 16, 2001, the Toronto Star on its first page with large letters had headline against the corruption in the RCPM for which investigations were commenced for bribery, Perjury , thefts, and other felonies by its dishonest members! It seems that finally someone in listening! Or it is just a dirty show to cover-up the other corruptions! THANK YOU RCMP: The RCMP, only, once charged a judge in Montreal, and a pilot in the Province of Quebec for being involved in smuggling. The RCMP, also has charged the Ex-Prime Minister of Canada, Marooni, for bribery from an aircraft factory. In general, the rate of corruption in the RCMP in much lower than other police in Canada; while Toronto Police has much more power to charge the corrupt judges, lawyers, pilots, doctors, bankers, and strong companies for corruption; however, Toronto Police Constables' goals are to "become rich"!

Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario = Member of Toronto Police Criminal Organization. A large numbers of Toronto Police, and Dentists are involved in porn, prostitution smuggling of Heroin, such a white Canadian Gay had office at 340 College Street, in front of Center of drug Kensington Market; where Major Nourhaghighi file a complaint no C080387, and Michael Watson, investigator of college got bribe from police to drag the file. Telephone 416 961 6555 ext 5351, fax 416 961 5814; address 6 Crescent Road, 3rd Floor, Toronto, On, Ca. M4W 1T1

ROYAL LINE = The corrupt long distance telephone company whose dishonest Iranian Manager, MIRZAEE defrauded me for$10 by stealing a cheque payable to me for the defective services.
ROSZKO, CORRUPT KILLER James = Canadian farmer of Province of Alberta who brutally murdered four young RCMP Constables on March 3, 2005. Four RCMP Constables were died in the line of duty with honor, they are: Leo JOHNSTON, Brock MYROL, Peter SCHIEMANN, and Anthony GORDEN, in which two of them trusted to our good Canadian farmers, and did not take any gun and not wearing any body armour when they were killed. The team of RCMP and Edmonton city police constables had come and gone from a marijuana bust a farm near Rochfort Bridge, 120 km northwest of Edmonton, before four RCMP Constables were gunned down there the next day. They found 300 marijuana plants; the amount of pot could be worth as much as $400,000, and evidence of a vehicle chop shop. Corrupt Killer Roszko snuck up on the four RCMP Constables as part some kind of set-up, waiting for them to go to the marijuana, and then shot them. Slain RCMP Constables were dedicated their lives to the community in fighting with corruption in Canada. It is extremely sad that group of corrupt Ontario and Quebec Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, and Toronto and Montreal Police are supporting marijuana plants and made it legal. However, the absolute majority of Canadian and Major Nourhaghighi, severely, is condemning the growth and import of marijuana in Canada. It is great shame that Canada is calling itself as a 'democratic society' the majority of Canadian do not have any voice in Parliament and Justice System. We shall never forget that corrupt Judges of Ontario Court of Appeal made same sex marriage legal in Canada, raising the anger of Canadians. Shit to face of all these judges and lawyers who support corruption in our society in Canada. However many honorable Citizens like Major Nourhaghighi, Judges, Lawyers, and Constables are keeping their own fight with criminals like Corrupt Killer Roszko, who living was based on selling marijuana to our children in Canada. All good citizens of Canada and World are showing sympathy with all members of Police Forces around the World who died in fight with Smugglers; we all share very deep sympathies to all members of families, relatives, friends, colleagues, and good citizens who suffered nervous shock, depression, anguish, and anger for murders of four RCMP Constables. They are our Heroes because they fight with Marijuana.

July 1990 to May 7, 2017
I Hate Russia & Russian
The Worst Criminal Have Better Look Than
This Seventy Generation Bastard! 

RUSSIA = or  Rossiya is a country North of Iran (Major Nourhaghighi's Country) in which engaged in four hundred years continuous felonies against Iranian during countless wars. Finally, Russia engaged in a conspiracy with British and  attacked Iran from North by Russia and from Persian Gulf by British and defeated the Iranian Arm Force. As the result, over 75% of Iranian Landed were trespassed and permanently separated from Iran and became provinces of Rossiya that after the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic crashed in1991 all Iranian Provinces became a new country in which most of them has three letters of "TAN" in the end of their name which means Provinces of IrAN!! Such as " AfghanistTAN, AzerbaijAN, TajikisTAN, TurkmenisTAN, ArmenisTAN (Armenia), Gorstan (Georgia), Iraq, Turkey, Emirate, Kuwait, Bahrain, Baluchistan, Kurdistan and Turkmenistan. As the result, British and Russian were hated as the worst enemy by all countries of Iran in last 400 years! However, the British and Russian conspiracy after WW II and their continuous malicious and poisonous propaganda against American, in sudden, in less than 50 Years, American and USA became number One Enemy and Hated Government. Whereas, American, can prove in any court, that they never took any land as 'colony" and in fact the help billions dollars for development in these Iranian Countries, in which Major Nourhaghighi is the best Material Witness to testify, how British and Russian did crimes and conspiracy and killed Over 20 Million Iranian; whereas, before 9/11 no one from Iranian countries were killed by American forces; and yet all deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq wars are about 5% of all British and Russian genocide of Iranian in last 200 years.
Are Drug Dealers & MAFIA Agents
At Toronto Neighbourhood Watch
See Russian for Details
"The City of Toronto, in particular, the corruption of Toronto Police 14 and 52 Divisions  Russian Cops and Members of Neighbourhood"

RUSSIAN = the most ethical less nations in the World that for money, drug and alcohol do all kinds of dirty things such as allowing their wives, daughters and sons act as prostitute, which is know as the dirties felonies by the Ethical Nations. The Iranian History has documented that no nation during 5000 years conflicts with Iranian, has ever insulted to Iranian Belief and Religion more than Russian in which when the Russian Arm Force about 150 years ago assaulted and occupied he Holy City of Mashhad they tries to destroy it that was faced with strong Iranian Defense.
As the result, Russian at all material times were hated by Iranian and the Government of Iran had no business with Russian until 1972 that American negated or refused to sell "Steel Factory" and ignored the Shah's warning that if USA does not sell it to Iran, Iran would but from other country.
Here, was the Russian bastard saw opportunity to change Iranian historical hostility by building the First Steel Factory in Province of Isfahan in 1971. And since 1979, Russians have defrauded Iranian by Hundred Billion dollars and ignited hostility between American and Iranian to be able to not allow these tow nations discover that "they have no reason whatsoever for fight, whereas they were proven to be good allied for over 100 years".
In Toronto; Major Nourhaghighi have met many Russians in the University of Toronto, among Lawyers, Judges, Cops and ordinary people. It is unbelievable that, a dirties crimes and conspiracy that No Thief or Prostitute  or criminal is ready to accept; these bastard Russian are always number one applicant to perform it.
Among ten thousands felonies and crimes that British, Canadian, Chinese's and other nations in Toronto committed against Major Nourhaghighi,; Russians' accusative and fabricated evidence and allegations by Russian Cops of Toronto 14 Division and Russian MAFIA in Downtown, have caused the Worst Federal Court Decision against Major Nourhaghighi in 2014; that never ever Federal Court has breached all ethical codes, in over 25 years legal fights with Major; unless, the bustard Russians have created the said fabricated confidential documents for Bastard British Judges James Russell.       

RUSSEL James = The most corrupt Federal Court Judges who destroyed the reputation of British Law in Canada by entry into conspiracy with Toronto Police "Russian Gang Cops & MAFIA in making the worst decision against Mjor Nourhaghighi in March 21, 2014, in which Bastard British Russell conspired with said Russian Gang Cops to kill Major Nourhaghighi in his home; watch this documentary video on Youtube   

RUSSELL, NANCY = The most dishonest Canadian Witness. Russell, is defendant for false testimony, according to plan of conspiracy, against Major Nourhaghighi on April 1997. Russell, during several hours cross-examinations by Major, has failed to testify where in the courtroom Major has assaulted Green, when Russell was standing side by side of Green. Two applications in the Supreme Court of Canada contains Affidavits of Major Nourhaghighi that indicate that the Attorney General of Ontario- Allan Scott, on or about May 1996 have committed FORGERY by changing the hand written report of Russell to a typed forged document of Disclosure by removing the facts that Court Officer Green, assaulted Major. Scott by forgery prosecuted Major for assault against Green. The Prosecution took 24 months by Dirty Back Judge LAMPKIN and ended to several lawsuits against the Governments of Canada and Ontario.  

RUDZIK, Orest H. T. = PH.D. L.L.B. who breached his contract with Major on February 6, 2002. Rudzik, agreed for certain amount for commission of Major Nourhaghighi's Affidavits to the Supreme Court of Canada, and commissioned. However two days later when Major went to his Office at 2323 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M6S 4W1; Rudzik, like all other dishonest Canadian lawyers, suddenly have increased 150 percents on his fees, and defrauded Major, like many other dirty rats in Toronto. Many Canadian lawyers do not return the change of the money. For example if a person give them a hundred dollar bill and the cost be eight five, they will say: "Sorry I do not have change!" and will keep fifteen dollars, illegally. Who can have action for fifteen dollars, or from the Law Society points of few this is not a misconduct to investigate!

RUPESH = corrupt Ontario laboratory that on October 29, 2004, has got $107 Cheque from Major in registered mail number 78 844 225 344 to examine the toxic mould in Major's property and reply to him within two weeks. However, joined to the Toronto Police conspiracy and defraud Major.

The Queen of Thieves The Businessman is a , the Merchant is a , all Constables of Police are Thieves
The Bank is a , the Insurance Company is a , all Employers are Thieves
The Judge is a , the Lawyer is a , all Clerks of the Governments are Thieves
The Mayor is a , the Minister is a , the Governments (Toronto, Ontario and Canada) are Thieves
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi; Torture by Toronto Police
Political Asylum Seeker as a Canadians Resident, since 1994

RUST, Dun = Corrupt 'Thief' clerk of the Ontario Court, Registry at 361 University Ave, in Toronto. On September 12, 1996, the Defendant, RUST without demanding the Consent of the Attorney General has registered an application against Major when the said Consent was mandatory for the commencement of proceeding. Rust is accused of conspiracy with Law Society and THEFT.of the original file that caused Major's appeal C26841 be dismissed. Theft is Canadian culture and Rust is a thief.

RYDER, Lias  = The most dirty party of conspiracy at Canada Trust, 438 University Ave, Toronto who on October and November 1997 acted against Major Nourhaghighi when the dirty thief Attorney General of Ontario has brought three criminal prosecutions against Major by pigs constables of Toronto Police. Ryder's role was to create frauds against Major's accounts, and cover up the frauds committed by trespass of police to Major's MasterCard, Insurance account for which Canada Trust was responsible to pay through his accounts with Canada Trust.
Owing to dirty Ryder's frauds, Major's home insurance was cancelled for none payment and he was overcharged on his MasterCard account, causing Major get involved in argument and misconduct by Canada Trust rude staff, on the period, that Major was on cross-examinations of over ten pig Constables of Police, by representing himself at the trials. The main object of conspiracy was that Major could not concentrate on examination to defend himself. Ryder, was one of large numbers of parties of conspiracy of 1997. Corrupt Ryder did not remove $8.95 groundless service charge, and caused that Major return all his credit cards to her on Nov 7, 1997 on the pick of malicious prosecution against Major. For more details please see Major's Letters to Ryder and Complaint against Canada Trust

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