Sunday 29 May 2016

T...Canada Tortured Major Nourhaghighi and many others for political opposition

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter Dictionary and British Human Rights Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N   P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Toronto Police by Order of Queen Judges Torture Major Nourhaghighi

The Guardian":Trump claims torture works but experts warn of its 'potentially existential' costspresidential TV interview as draft executive order points to return to practices such as waterboarding
ترآمپ باعث شرم ملت آمریکاست که اخلاق وحقوق بشر را زیرپا میگذارد وعلناً شکنجه وقانون جنگل را بر آمریکا مصلت گردانیده است در این گفتگوبا بیشرمی تاکید میکند که شکنجه با عمل خفگی مصنوعی در زیرآب بر ضد تروریستها (داعش) مجاز است. در این شکنجه صورت قربانی را میبندند و آب بگویش میریزند

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!

و نگهبان او را شکنجه کردن و دندههایش را شکستند

و ۲۵ جراحت به او وارد کردند

"I will raise a loud voice in this Site that the corrupt
Canadian Mayors, Judges & Lawyers get hurt from its negative effects!"

Children Torture & Sexual Abuse by Toronto Police 14 Division and Guards
Must be Stopped 

 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

Several times Major Nourhaghighi was successful to get awards of Costs against the Crown
(Federal & Provincial) However, the Crown did not comply with Costs Orders.

T = Stands for all files at the  "Trial Division" of the Federal Court of Canada [Since 2004 the term of Trial Division in changed to the 'Federal Court'];  "A" stands as the first letter to indicate a file of Appeal in the corrupt Federal Court of Appeal who work solely with bribery, improper influence, thefts of master documents from files transferred from the lower courts, abuse of process, conspiracy in all steps- from filing stage to hearings of motions and appeals and to final stage that is forgery in formal Orders, if Orders should be changed by a party who pays a big bribe to the Registrar, the Order of the Panel of Judges will be changed by forgery. In brief, Major six years continuous business with the corrupt Federal Court of Canada indicates that if a Party pays a good bribe to the Registrar, if would have more than %80 change of success; therefore, do not go after expensive Law Firms and do not pay ten thousands dollars fro Transcripts, Appeal Book, Factum, and Book of Authorities. IF the party has very good lawyer, then the rest of %20 chance of success is a very Large Bribe to very few Judges of the Court of Appeal.
To find judges who are receiving bribes, is not difficult, just look to their back grounds; if they had political back ground, like Roy McMurtry, he would receive bribe by %99 possibility. Major was witness that Cheap Judge McMurtry has given $150,000.00 costs to a party. Therefore, if you pay $100,000.00 bribe to a corrupt judge of court of appeal, he/she would return, even more than you paid by charging the party acting against you.
The other way to find the corrupt judges, clerks, prosecutors and police, is to find out if they are "addicted to gambling or drugs" like Corrupt Judge Doherty, or corrupt Clerk Sepe. These classes of the corrupt servants are very cheap in bribery price, however, important files would not delivered, usually to them. Why Major, as an immigrant, must have eleven files of appeals that means tens of motions, where the parties acting in its opposite, were all rich corporations! One the Appellant in file C24450, Condo 935, paid over $100,000.00 for legal costs to fight with one immigrant. Is it correct to conclude that corrupt judges and lawyers are abusing Immigrants to steal, as much as possible, from rich corporations by causing conflicts between rich corporations and poor immigrants! Look to list of files at corrupt Ontario Court of Appeal,
T = Stands for all files at Federal Court and "A" for files of Appeal in theFederal Court of Appeal:
SAMPLE OF AMPLE PROCEEDINGS OF Major Nourhaghighi at Corrupt Federal Court of Canada  T- 478-12 = Major Nourhaghighi and Farzad Nourhaghighi AGAINST Corrupt Minister of Citizenship and Immigration that ended to contempt proceedings against corrupt Judges and Lawyers
T-1020-07 = the Crown's Application in Canada v. Nourhaghighi was dismissed with Costs against the Crown; the application was dismissed with award of costs to Major Nourhaghighi
T-337-06 = Major's action against Reneue Canada for fraud was dismissed with Costs against Major. It was One Page of Statement of Claim, the dishonest judges of the Federal Court have rendered over twenty page of judgment in a Motion to Strike and appeal to a judge!
[Major in whole 2005 was involved in prosecution and trials against two members of CSIS.
T-762-04 = Nourhaghighi v. Canadian Security Inteligent Service et al; Major was successful to get Order against SIRC
T-768-03 = A-559-03 = A-151-04 = Major's application for Writ of Mandamus v. Minister of Citizenship
T-1535-00 = A-50-01= SCC 30350 Major's Application for Writ of Mandamus; conspiracy from lower court to SCC!
T-942-99 = Major's lawsuits against judges who violated the Conflict of Interest law.
T-1237-98 = A-635-98 Appeal; Canada Application against Major: Dismissed.
T-568-97 = Amended claim according to  Richard Order related to police and judges trafficking with Iran
T-1685-97 = Claim against Government of Canada for trafficking in Custom; dismissed in absentia, without Notice
T-1900-96 = Major's Action against Custom Canada for trafficking from Iran, allowed.
T-2611-95 = A-563-96 = Major's Action against conspiracy in the Ontario Court of Appeal, dismissed.
T-2464-95 = Major's Action against judiciary for abuse of court process and conspiracy.
T-955-95 = Major's Action against Dishonest Judges and Judge Goldenberg
T-766-95 = Major's Action against Dishonest Judges and Lawyers of the Federal Court involved bribery from Condo
T-695-95 = Major's Action against Dishonest Judges and Lawyers, mostly employed in the Province of Ontario
T-688-95 = A-410-95 = Major's Action and Appeal against Canada; dismissed.
T-571-95 = Major's Action against Ministers of Justice and Transport Canada, dismissed.
T = Stands For all file at Toronto Small Claim Court; Claims under $6000: ALL Lawsuits are Major Nourhaghighi's Action ("Major"):
Major's Lawsuit at the Ontario
9698/93[Richmond Hill] = Lawsuit v. Toronto Airways Ltd and Joan Williams
T26844/93 = Lawsuit against ATR, the flying Club involved in the ATPL corruption.
T,,,,,/93 = Lawsuit Against Maple Leaf Taxi; Judgment for Major Nourhaghighi
T,,,,,/94 = Lawsuit . Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; Judgment for Major
T-,,,,,/94 = Lawsuit Against Metro Taxi; Judgment for Major Nourhaghighi
T-,,,,,/94 = Lawsuit Against Zaks Taxi; Judgment for Major Nourhaghighi
T-1181/94 = Lawsuit Against Co-Op Taxi; Judgment for Major Nourhaghighi
T-,,,,,/94 = Lawsuit Against Major by his corrupt lawyer, Gertner and agent; Dismissed!
T-,,,,,/94 = Lawsuit Against Toronto Airway Ltd; Dismissed by conspiracy of judge!
T-,,,,,/94 = Lawsuit Against ANS Taxi; After three Judgments for Major; still Pending!
T-,,,,,/94 = Lawsuit v. Major's Lawyer: Gary Steinberg; by conspiracy of judge Dismissed
T-,,,,,/95 = Lawsuit Against Major's Lawyer Alfred Kwinter; still is Pending!
T-21833/96 = Lawsuit v. Major's Paralegal Harvey Dennis Judgment for Major Nourhaghighi
T-,,,,,/96 = Lawsuit Against Four Dishonest Court Reporters; still pending!
T-,,,,,/96 = Lawsuit Against Three Dishonest Court Reporters; still pending!
On December 11, 1996 Major was tortured by nine members of Police in support of the
aforesaid criminal; therefore, all his actions were stayed where Major has the right to commence his action, or continue above action at any time he wishes in accordance to Wilkins Order!
TABIB, Mirielle A. = The Ugly corrupt Prothonotary of Federal Court, appointed April 1, 2003, conspired with the Crown and other parties in making few harmful Directions against major Nourhaghighi in files T-768-03 and T-762-04. (there were proceedings in 2007, 2011, 2013 & 2014)
The Last Proceedings was held in JAN 2014, in which Several times Major was successful to get award of Costs against the Crown. However, the Crown did not comply with Costs Orders.

TAX= the only law that is enforced in Canada for which everyone must pay all types of taxes about %25, to three Governments of Canada: Municipally Government, Provincial Government and Federal Government! Then these three Governments, shall deposit to all corporations that they have created to just indicate fabricating documents that people taxes were spend!
People are well aware of facts and the frauds in Income Tax Reports, are very common in, where everyone knows how make fool the oppressive Governments to not pay any taxes directly to Government; as the result, most of employers have Orders to Deduct taxes directly from salaries of employees and send to the Governments; here, the corporations deduct taxes from employees salaries, but not paying to government! These is the reason for Frauds and Frauds and Frauds that never end. Canada has highest rate of Frauds in the World!  

TAXI industry in  Toronto = All kinds of drugs, prostitutes and other felonies services during 24 hours in every 365 Days that  fully governed and controlled by the corrupt defendant the Government of Toronto and Metro Toronto Police Officers. 

TAXI NEWS = defendant in action 96-CU-113026 for slander and support of sabotages against public in the public transportation.

TAYLOR, COLIN = corrupt Solicitor for the Toronto-Dominion Bank that entered into conspiracy with the Government of Canada in application and made some ridiculous comments; Taylor is accused of misrepresentation

TELEPHONE & INTERNET BANKING FRAUD IN TORONTO = Canada, in particular the City of Toronto, has the most unreliable telephone & Internet banking system in the world. "Telephone" & "Internet " are the biggest fraud in Canada. "Banking" is huge fraud in Canada too. Now imagine if all these frauds to be mixed with each other what kind chaos would happen, like three whore sisters marriage with Canadian Criminal and Terrorist Organization, that no one is able to imagine what a hell is activated against the people of the World who have continuous business with Canadian Bank. Since 1996 Major has contious problem with Telephone& Internet banking with all banks and Taheri Exchange such as on January 13, 2003, from 2PM to 4PM called many times the TeleScotia on 1-800-267-1234 and always get different answer. In one case, the system did not go to the "Bill Payment", then after redial and going through all bothers of sixteen digits numbers of Bank Card, the system did not go to Major's Visa, and then in tenth try, the system did not provide "Confirmation" for payment, and in last two try, the system said: "Your card number is incorrect!". In this between, Major talked with all these dirty criminal hired by TeleScotia, Dwight STP 33!?, Scott STQ 27?!, Kim 44075?!, Shawn STQ31!? Where each one has created more nuisances, and Carla STQ90, like all others, asked for full name, and address, mother made name, last digit of Social Insurance Number, Telephone, Number and all other fucking questions. So far Major's research proved, with ample document the fact that " the Canadian are the most dishonest people in the World" which is the main object in this Web Site! Also see Major Nourhaghighi's complaint against Rogers Telephone, and banks.

View Larger Map

TEICHMAN, Jay S. = this corrupt lawyer is the active member of Toronto Terrorist and the Criminal Organization governed by the Attorney General of Ontario and Police located at 5255 YONGE street., SUITE 800, TORONTO, ONTARIO. M2N 6P4. OFFICE: 416-642-5426. FAX: 416-229-5461. Email:; with perivious address 8 Finch Ave West, North York Ontario.
The background:
On April 5, 1994, the Right Honourable Major Nourhaghighi, the Iranian Senior Fighter Pilot, lawsuit proceed at Ontario Court and Major has commenced the examination and cross examinations against few corrupt Toronto Pilots of Transport Canada and ATR Toronto Island who were involved in smuggling of drug, heroin and theft of confidential written examination of Airline Transport Pilot License from safe gard of the Transport Canada, Ontario Branch at 4800 Yonge Street Toronto. In the trial all pilots have committed perjury, and Major clearly in front of judge told them that would charge them under the criminal code. Soon after trial, several constables of Toronto Police harassed Major in all streets and up to April 25, 1994 have laid 11 charges against him and Toronto Police, Parsons intentionally hit Major's Motor vehicle and caused him several injuries such as fracture of neck and lower back. At the same period, On April 25, 11994, the corrupt lawyer Teichman commenced series of harassing letters and calls to defraud Major in which in his letter, that the same copy kept sending for 14 months, Teichman asked for $2,916.40 for five appliances and $250 legal fees, and harassed if Major not pay the amount he will file a lawsuit in which he would claim at least additional $900. It is important to note that between April  1994 to June 1995, Major has filed lawsuits against the Transport Canada, the said corupt pilots and police, inter alia, Major Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital et al in this lawsuit Major pleaded that his real estate agent "Cityscape & Budovich" and his corrupt lawyer  Herny Gertner, whose address  was same with Teichman in 1994 " 8 Finch Ave West..." conspired to defraud him and provided the evidence of forged document made by Geertner and Teichman in which "original document of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale of unit 608 at Condo 935 " was changed with a fabricated evidence by removing the appeances from the document then filing a lawsuit T-10021/95 against Major Nourhaghighi in the Ontario Court for five appliances. Major filed affidavit and testified that: "on or about March 21, 1991 I went to the said condominium and I have seen three unites with the Cityscape Real Estate agent Michael Budovich in which all three unites have had five appliances....Budovich clearly said that all five appliances were included in the prince and wrote them on  the first page of Agreement of Purchase and Sale n the paragraph number 5.  On June 16, 1995, twenty nine lawyers have brought motions before Justice COO to dismiss Major Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital et al  However  Justice COO refused to struck out the Statment of Claim and stated that: "The Right Honourable Major Nourhaghighi, is Iranian and his main language in Persian, but he is realy the Lord of the Law as pleading against fifty defendants with many different limitation and numerous Acts is not easy at all, thus I would allow him to admend the Statment of Claim as fresh until August 31, 1995" . Corrupt lawyer Teichamn on August 2, 1995, held a trial against Major at the Ontario Court [Please take note that ALL these DATES are material facts], and called several witness including Major's corrupt lawyer "HENRY G. GERTNER" who all testified against Major. However Judge WINNER accepted the Major's Testimony and dismissed the claim; this was the first case that Major won in the Ontario Civil Court "as a defendant", soon after, within six months Condo 935 brought an application against Major to force him, by the order of the Court to sell his property in revenge to Major's legal proceedings against the Toronto Police, corrupt Judges McNish and Bigelow and corrupt Attorney General of Ontario & Canada. AGAIN Major was successful to  dismiss the application and got $300 costs against Condo 935 who never paid. Condo's corrupt lawyer Arnold ppealed the Judgment of Justice Boland to the Ontario Court o Appeal, where again Major won the case in 1998. All these acts clearly indicating that the lawsuit of Cityscape and perjury of Gertner in the court were all made in accordance with Condo 935 conspiracy. February 15, 2010, Major Nourhaghighi after 20 years continuous investigation  in the highest Court in Ontario and proved beyond a reasonable doubt that no lawyer in Canada can win a case against him. On August 6, 2010 it has been said that Teichman had objection to the material in this site against him. However he did not provided a sworn affidavit to Major Nourhaghighi why the aforesaid material are not correct and public should not have access to it whereas people have all rights to kwon the background of the lawyer. As usual the Canadian Layers are harassing people. Thus this material ill be published in countless servers that bustard Teichamn learned to be civil and ceases harass again.

TERROR = Canadian Culture, Canadian habit, and the terror is the Canadian life style. In addition, the terrors is the Canadian family relationship, Canadian Parental Practice, Canadian Educational System Mandate, Canadian Employer Law, Canadian Administration of Justice Procedure, Canadian Police Oath of Office, Canadian Mayor By-law, Canadian
TERRORIST = Canadian Police, Canadian lawyers, Canadian Judges, and their agents. In addition Canadians Fathers, Mothers' relationship with their innocent children. Canadian Employers, Teachers, and Public Servants. Canadian Black Customers [without being prejudice toward black people, however most of Major's black customers had misconduct with him. Major suffered highest possible harms, and serious damages from Black Community of Ontario for more particular see: Terrorists Canadian Multi-Culture Criminal Organizations
Organizations were involved in direct sabotages and terror against Major Nourhaghighi, his family and clients.

On September 11, 2001, the World was shocked by the brutal terrorists attacks against American. Major Nourhaghighi, like millions people, was following the news, where Canada, directly, was accused by many media for harboring the terrorists. Since 1997, Major has posted numerous documents in this website that indicates the Governments of Toronto, Ontario and Canada ("Governments") were directly involved in sever crimes against his family and him by the following Sabotages and terrorists acts:
A- Sabotages and Terrorists Acts by Government of Canada in Major's AIRPLANES;
B- Sabotages and Terrorists Acts by Government of Ontario in Major's  MOTOR VEHICLES;
C- Sabotages and Terrorists Acts by Government of Toronto in MAJOR's HOME;
D- Sabotages and Terrorists Acts by Governments in the PUBLIC PLACES against Major;
E-  Sabotages and Terrorists Acts by Government of Canada in Major's Personal Computer Hardware and Software;

The statistics indicate that over ninety percent of Major's Website are American's  visitors, who did nothing against the said corrupt Governments. In addition, Major made a complaint to the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights and wrote few letters to the Presidents of the U.S. with no response!
Does Canadian have motive against American? Sure the Does! The answer is the affirmative. The history of the conflicts and war is so broad that if a group of fifty researchers work in few years will not be able to present all particulars. The complaints, continuously, filed by the American in the International Courts and attacking to Canadian, even in the Oscar scene, we have seen how Americans have attacked to this bastard Canadian Governments. These are very few indications of the chronically hostility between two neighbors.
"Since 1990, I declared numerously that if I was killed, only the said corrupt Governments are responsible, disregard who is the murderer. I want to apply the same principle against the terrorists who committed crimes on September 11; the said attack is going to bring more rich immigrants and businesses to Canada or Afghanistan? Why American Justice is missing the main object of the Conspiracy on September 11? Just in next few years we will see how much wealth and businesses will be moved to Canada. I am asking hard punishments against Canada. The Criminals and Terrorists Organization are the main product of Canada for Evil acts against humanity and oppositions; it is the main export of Canada against all Nations in the World, by direct order and support of Government in the Constructive Evil Acts. Canada is a Center for all types Smuggling, Sabotages and Terrorists training and Acts against American and all other Nations. I have discovered that the terrorists are very well trained and their discipline was much more better than the Canadian Arm Force!
All these facts have been pleaded properly in numerous lawsuits against the Government of Canada and Ontario. Action T-1900-96, titled: Nourhaghighi v. Canada is directly related to corruption in Custom Canada, where Toronto Police and Judges are accused of smuggling, in which it has made Canadians borders extremely sleepily and simple for Terrorists and Criminals to enter into the USA. The Governments of Ontario and Canada are abusing multicultural atmosphere in creation of all kinds of Terrorists Criminals Organization that their first mandate is to furnish all types of information against their own mother land, and perform evil acts against other nations to destroy sense of safety and security. Canadian Governments are expert in planting the objects to mislead and obstruct the justice" Major hope is that the World be Major hope is that the World be to recognize his hardship in research of this great study to establish peace in North America. Major thanks from all those people, and agencies who nominated him, several times, for Nobel Price for Peace, as an individual who has created the largest Documentary Web Site in the World to assist and promote the Holy Bills of Human Rights. The following Canadian Terrorists, and Criminal Organizations were involved in numerous sabotages and felonies against Right Honourable Major Nourhaghighi, his children, his clients, and public since July 1990  for more particular see: Canadian Multi-Culture Criminal Organizations
TERRY, James = Deputy Registrar of Ontario Heath Profession Board who professionally acted on Major's complaint against corrupt Dr. Nguyen. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario conspired with the Attorney General of Ontario to cover up the crimes of Dr. Nguyen against Major. The Crown had knowledge that Major was involved in several court proceedings and would not remember his complaint against corrupt Dr. Nguyen; therefore, asked the College to not investigated. Major filed a complaint pursuant to Section 28 of the Health Professions Procedural Code. On April 14, 2005, Terry demand 5 answers from College such as: What is the history of the investigation?  Specifically, what investigatory steps, if any, remain to be either commenced or completed? What in the Complaints Committee's explanation for the delay in the disposition of this matter? Major called and expresed Thanks to Terry.

TD Canada Trust = In year 2000 the Toronto Dominion Bank is merged by the corrupt Canada Trust Mortgage Company and made another criminal organization for robbery of poor people by same principles of dishonestly, frauds, breach of contracts and promises. Major Nourhaghighi filed several complaints against TD and the corrupt David M. Fisher, Ombudsman; TD Bank Financial Group; Office of the Ombudsman did not investigate his complaints and the wrong continued to today.
The Globe and Mail = corrupt Newspaper in Toronto, defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's pending lawsuit for libel& slander, for more detail see corrupt Globe & Mail

THEFT= Canadian Culture, Canadian Art, Canadians are the ONLY nation in the World who STEAL everything and they are DISHONEST in all kinds of conduct and relationship. According to the statistics, THEFT and ROBBERY is the highest criminal offense in Canada. MOST of Canadian Judges, clerks, police officers, lawyers, are professionally THIEF. Several Judges and Police Officers are defendants in Major Nourhaghighi's actions for THEFTS.

The Queen of Thieves

Beverley McLachlin

Canadian Justice is clearly out of Equilibrium!
"Judge left hand fingers slightly penetrated my vagina!"

The Owners of Condo 935 are the Thieves,  and the Canadian Pilots are the Thieves
The Businessmen are the Thieves, the Merchants are the Thieves, and the Constables of Police are the Thieves
The Bankers are the Thieves, the Insurance Companies are the Thieves, and the Employers are the Thieves
The Judges are the Thieves, the Lawyers are the Thieves, and the Clerks of the Governments are the Thieves
The Mayers of Toronto, and Montreal are the Thieves
The Ministers of Heath, Transport, and the Attorney General of Ontario are the Thieves
The Governments of Ontario, Quebec, and Canada , so far, are the  Thieves
Poet, Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi; Tortured by Toronto Police
Political Asylum Seeker, as the Canadians Resident, since 1994

Spit in the Face of Queen and Canadian who torture people
Shit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Judges Corruption in Toronto


Constructive Thefts = It is a type of theft that an order to steal a particular document(s) or an object(s) is made by British Canadian Government (under name of Queen Elizabeth II to the professional thieves of the Criminal Organization off Dirty Whore Elizabeth in Canada (“British”).
Since 1990, the Right Honourable Major Nourhaghighi (“Major”) is a victim of countless thefts by British, in which most of Major’s properties stolen has no real values. For example, a large number of Major’s Condominium Keys were stolen, that British Agents, according to plan of conspiracy, in absent of Major, entering his home and “planting objects, stealing particular documents, or even very small things like “ reading glasses, note books, kitchen tools, keys for other locks or even foods materials. As the result, ample time of Major is wasted to “find things in his own home!” and this is a type of conversation that Major has with his family : “I just bought 10 bottle of Olive Oil” or “two dozen Honey”,or “fridge was full of foods” WHAT”S HAPPEN? It takes a while that Major realize that AGAIN and AGAIN the British Agents enter to his home and stolen things to cause him mental anguish, worry, damages to his self esteem and confidence. Because, what the serious crime of theft does, immediately, causing “ Self blaming” which is the worst harmful damages to self esteem.  As soon as September 11 happened. The British Agents, trespass Major’s Condo at 456 College Street, Toronto. And they planted a series of Islamic Fundamental Documents with pictures of Extremists. Then, they cancelled Major’s lawful Immigration and listed him in the USA Blacklists. That Major discovered the said felony and charged “Minister of Immigration of Canada” for contempt of Court, because in facts British have ignored that “Federal Court’s Authority”  to hear evidence as against Major, give him right of defence; then if convicted , cancel his immigration and asked US to deny his entry to USA.    

In another case of “Contempt of Court” that Major field as against lawyers representing Defendant Ontario Law Society “Eric Hoaken and Sean Gosnell”.
Again, the British Agents of December 11, 1996, corrupt Judge Lampkin, first ordered Major ne arrested and be tortured by nine members of Toronto Police, and which Major was suffering serious injuries in the Toronto Jail, the British Agents in his absent entered to his home and have stolen all evidence that could prove Eric Hoaken and Sean Gosnell.

The lasted theft committed today, December 22, 2016; whereas, again, the British Agents have stolen all Major’s Condo’s key, from his LOCKED Locker at Gym; and while Major was at the Fitness Class; they entered into his home and planned ample Islamic Fundamentalists Document; due to recent public anger as against crimes that Muslims are accused of committing them.  Major, immediately, inform Toronto Police by calling 911.

THEIS, MARGARET = is creepy 90 years old woman and Dirty Thief who steal from poor people in Condo 935 in Toronto. Since 1991 she is a corrupt member of the Board,that by frauds in elections since March 21, 1991, hold Condo Treasure ! Theis is defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's actions for hundreds thousands frauds in accounts of Condominium. Theis, involved in several conspiracies and malicious acts since 1992 against Major and his family. She was selected by criminal organization to run again for 3 year on May 31, 2017.
HIEF = Caber Property Managers, Bell Canada,  Canada Post, Superintendent, Board of Director, Toronto Police, City of Toronto, Attorney General of Ontario and Canada, Administration of Justice Ontario and Canada, Custom Canada, Canadian Telephone Company, All Canadians Banks and Insurance Companies, A Canadian Businessman, a Canadian Child and Senior, IN GENERAL: Whatever start or end with the words of : "Canada, Canadian, British " must be considered as a THIEF, for more INFO click in this link!\

Thirteen 13

Thirteen 13 = this is a just number like all others and when it comes to real value in market, it has more value than 12 and less than 14.  However the religious group the belief is “ Some believe this is unlucky because one of those thirteen, Judas Iscariot, was the betrayer of Jesus Christ. Knights Templar: On Friday 13 October 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the arrest of the Knights Templar, and most of the knights were tortured and killed. But, the Politician told to British, Canadian and all British Colony that No. 13 is very bad and unlucky, because 13 Stated of USA were allied and kick and killed Brits out of USA. Therefore now people in these countries have a believe that this number is “ very bad and brings bad luck and disaster “ therefore it must be avoided.  
All British and Canadian without exception are very superstitious people, in particular educated people, as Major Nourhaghighi made 20 years Experiments on all Canadian groups (different in age, nationality, religion, level of education etc) .  
Superstition is the belief in supernatural causality—that one event causes another without any natural process linking the two events—such as astrology and religions, like omens, witchcraft, and prophecies, that contradict natural science.

THOMAS, Jeannie = Corrupt The Executive Director of the Canadian Judicial Council ("CJC") who since 1990 working in same position, that indicate there is not any changes in the CJC policies against corruption and felony of the Federally Appointed Judges across Canada, particularly in rich and corrupt City of Toronto. Ms. Thomas, reply to Major Nourhaghighi's complaints against judges where always groundless. While Thomas main duty was to forward the public and Major complaint to the investigator; she acted as the MAIN BARRIER that complaints be investigated professionally. Owing to corruption of Thomas, as you can see in this Website, TODAY the Canadian Justice Systems and British's Law and Queen Elizabeth II are less than Spit and Shit.

THOMAS, Contemnor Sally = Hired by Toronto Department of Justice, Disobeyed Lafreniere Orde Sept 9/03 in Major Nourhaghighi Contempt proceedings against the Corrupt Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada in file T-768-03
Major Nourhaghighi charged Thomas for conspiracy and contempt, the trail against Contemnor Thomas commenced on October 20, 2003, in the Courtroom No. 1, at Federal Court of Canada, in Canada Life Building 330 University Ave Toronto. Major Nourhaghighi asked the following Orders against Thomas that be declared as the Vexatious Counsel:

a. Sally Thomas, Roger Payette, Eve Buday, Angela Patrianakos show cause for contempt.
b. Sally Thomas be declared as the Vexatious Counsel and be required to seek a leave before the commencement of any proceeding and all previous proceedings commenced by the Contemnor Thomas be stayed, including Motion scheduled to be heard on November 10th, 2003 in which the Contemnor Thomas obtained Gauthier Order by fraud.
c. The Court determines jurisdiction over the Attorneys General of Ontario, and Quebec the Caber Management Services Inc., Ruben Perez, and Leas Blair for show cause order.
d. His Costs.

1. From December 6, 2000, to May 13, 2003, the Respondent's employees, Payette, Buday, and Patrianakos, pursuant to the objects of a conspiracy, unlawfully, involved the CSIS (1) that his citizenship application be rejected by the CSIS to impair the authority of the Court in the citizenship appeal process that the Court not be able to hear the Applicant's appeals against the CSIS' decision, and such appeal deemed to be dismissed (2).

2. On May 13, 2003, the Applicant's filed a Notice of Application against the Respondent and seeks mandamus and asked that the Respondent shows cause for contempt. The Applicant's Record; and on August 12th he filed the Requisition for Hearing. During the said period, Thomas obstructed the Applicant by many way to not let the Applicant's Record and Requisition be filed.

3. On May 23, 2003, the Respondent's Solicitor, Thomas, filed a Notice of Appearance, and stated would oppose the application. On June 11, Thomas filed Payette's Affidavit that supported the application, by assigning a priority to expedite his citizenship process. However, soon Thomas changed her tactics in such that caused delays in the citizenship process and hearing of the perfected judicial review application. On June 11, Applicant wrote to Thomas for cross examination of Payette Affidavit. On July 4th, after expiration of 20 days, Thomas wrote to the Applicant, and denied the cross-examination of Payette Affidavit.

4. On July 15, 2003, the Applicant asked an urgent direction from the Court for computing the time for filing the Applicant's Record, and noted the direction would be good if be rendered before July 18, and cross examination of Payette Affidavit. On July 17, Thomas filed document  with the Court, without knowledge of the Applicant, asked his proceedings be stayed. On July 21,  Thomas, asked from her clerk to reject the service of the Applicant's Record and with improper influences over the Toronto Registry, asked that the Registry refuses the filing of the Applicant's Record, alleging that her letter filed July 17th has power to stay the proceeding.

5. As the result of Thomas' interference the Tabib Direction was rendered on July 22, which  computed the time for Applicant's Record July 21, and addressed that he could have a motion for cross-examination of Payette Affidavit. Tabib Direction, suggested the Respondent could have a motion to stay the proceeding, where the Applicant was prejudice as he did not have any knowledge of material before the Prothonotary Tabib that caused such conclusion. It took EIGHT DAYS for Tabib Direction be rendered, after the time was expired for filing of the Applicant's Record. Thomas' motive and improper influence and abuse of office was the solo reason.

6. On July 29, 2003, the Applicant wrote to Thomas to cooperate in for requirement of the Requisition for Hearing. Thomas did not reply to the Applicant's letter, but on August 5th filed a motion in writing and supported by destructive facts that the proceedings be stayed for outcome of the citizenship ceremony on August 20, then the perfected application be dismissed, by misleading the Court, that the sole issue before the Court was the granting the citizenship, and did not deny the conspiracy, frauds, abuse of process, and contempt evidenced in Applicant's Record. On September 5th, Thomas, without leave of the Court filed Layne Affidavit. On September 9 the Prothonotary Lafreniere made an Order that allowing Applicant cross-examine Layne Affidavit. He served and filed his Written Examination. On September 30th Thomas DISOBEYED ORDER.

7. On September 3rd, 2003, the Applicant filed Motion Record, returnable on September 8th in Montreal. On September 5th, Thomas filed a letter with the Montreal Registry, and in less than 1hour get Justice Pinard Direction that refused the hearing of motion in Montreal and addressed that Motion should be heard in Toronto, as requested by Thomas. Thomas' mislead Justice Pinard in getting his direction, as her letter did not contain the evidence of the Applicant as existing conflict of interests between Applicant and the administrators in Toronto, where she was aware of the issue, which was brought in most of Applicant's documents, and letters filed with the Court

8. On September 23, 2003, Justice Gauthier was satisfied with the Applicant's argument that there was no time for interlocutory motion, and his perfected application should be heard on its merit and Thomas agreed. The proceedings was adjourned to next day as Justice Gauthier decided to get a date from the judicial administrator. However, on September 24, the Applicant was shocked that Justice Gauthier breached all parties last day agreements, and arbitrary sets October 21, and then November 10, for hearing of the Respondent's motion to dismiss the Applicant's perfected judicial review application; and hearing of the Applicant's motion for expeditious hearing. The Applicant was opposed. His opposition was overruled. He was very frustrated and physically tired because of few days traveling to Ottawa, and stated would bring a lawsuit. Justice Gauthier agreed. Since 1995 the Respondent, in all proceedings and its office at the Toronto Department of Justice, is trying to frustrate Applicant and his proceedings, by harassments of securities and police, by surprising and insulting him in the courtrooms and the Toronto Registry, to force the Applicant for a sudden action that be able to mislead the judiciary that the Applicant is not mentally stable, and by his lawsuits harassing the Respondent.

9. The Contemnor Thomas, as the officer of the Court (3), failing to perform her duty, disobeying the Court's Order (4) and its process (5, 6); acting in such way as to interfere with the orderly administration of justice, impairing the authority of the Court for which the rule of law (7) requires that be declared as the Vexatious Counsel (8) and stands for the Show Cause for Contempt

10. The Attorneys General of Ontario, and Quebec, the Caber Management Services Inc., Ruben Perez, and Leas Blair ("Provincial Contemnors") acted as the party in a conspiracy with the Respondent to impair the authority of the Court in the citizenship appeal process that the Court not be able to hear his appeal against the CSIS' decision and such appeal deemed to be dismissed (2). The said Contemnors, have committed thefts of federal properties, communications, and the Federal Court Trial-Division documents, and created ample forged evidence to support the object of the Respondent's conspiracy, in which has mislead the judiciary, the administrators, the CSIS, the RCMP, and Toronto Police. The Ontario Contemnors have proven have motives in numerous malicious prosecutions against the Applicant. The better particulars against the Provincial Contemnors are available in a proper Notice of Motion after determination of jurisdiction.\

1. The Prothonotary Lafreniere Order dated September 9th 2003, and the Court's Directions.
2. All affidavits, documents, records, and letters that Applicant filed since May 13, 2003;
3. Sections 18, 40-Federal Court Act, Rules 16, 49, 51, 148, 308, 314, 317, 399(2)(a)(b), 466.
DATED IN TORONTO, October 6th, 2003
608-456 College Street
Toronto, ON, M6G 4A3

THOMPSON N.D. = Vice-President of Bank of Montreal who commence investigations against Major Nourhaghighi accounts, by writing a letter to him on March 9,2000.
Thompson wrote: "I appreciate your giving us the opportunity to address your concerns!"
This is what Major calls the Real Canadian Standard of Conduct! Most of defendants in this page are a criminal who came from no where and have destroyed this beautiful land; like Judge Lampkin, who came from Africa, where all his fathers were slaves.

THOMSON, PAMELA = a corrupt Deputy Judge, defendant for several conspiracies against Major Nourhaghighi's Actions, and abuse her judicial power for furnishing his information to the parties of conspiracy; On June 1994, Thomson made very unreasonable and weak judgment in Major Claim against The Bank of Nova Scotia, therefore, the Bank since than is continuing its conspiracy with the Criminal Organization. Thomson, for all her wrongdoing against Major was awarded as becoming the manager of the small claim court for Toronto.
In Canada, only dishonest people are able to live and get a head!
Thompson, Richard = the Deputy Minister of Justice Canada defendant, who illegally signed a Consent that the Attorney General of Canada was obligated to sign. It was Major's argument that Consent has personal weight and no one could give consent for others.

TIBBLE Amy = corrupt lawyer involved a conspiracy at file 2008-00934-I before corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. In this felony  Amy maliciously filed document under Court of Justice Act and fraudulently established that a "tribunal" is same as a "court" and a decision maker is JUDGE, and used same terms of legal proceedings in the courts such as "order". Major Nourhaghighi filed a Notice of Claim for a lawsuit against all parties of conspiracy. In addition Tibble is accuse of bribery to the Registrar to allow to file response, when she failed o file document on time, and fraud in factum.
TINSLEY, Richard F. = the Secretary Defendant of the Law Society of Upper Canada for Province of Ontario; the servant of the leader of the Criminals Organization in North America; A man that has corrupt the administration of Justice in Ontario and Canada. The Law Society is protecting the wrongdoing of its 27000 members in front of lawsuits by receiving $1,971,000,000.00- per year from them.

TORONTO = International ZOO! You will see all types of Animals from the most dirtiest cities in the World! Toronto is the American Public Toilets and Washrooms where all criminals from south are landing to present their shits to the Face of Mayors of Toronto! Toronto is dirty and evil in character, it is a counter-city and counter-civilization! Toronto is a counter-environmental and culture. Toronto is the Capital for the World Criminal Organizations;.it is, the best city for crimes and frauds! Toronto is the worst City for family as it is the most corrupt City in the World!
Toronto is the City of Importunate Beggars, the City of Prostitutes, the City whose Homeless People die in the Streets, the City of Murders, the City of Ass-Holes, the City of Robbery, the City of the most Shameful misconducts; the City that even Animals!
TORONTO's corrupt Mayors = Three Mayors of the City of Toronto are defendants in Major's actions for their staff's felonies, bribery and conspiracy, mostly in Condo. The City Environmental Department is one of the main defendant who raised most of causes of actions; Mayor Lastman destroyed the City by all kinds of corruption and abuse of power where parking tickets of 1991 was enforced in 2000 against Major Nourhaghighi!
TORONTO AIRWAYS LIMITED = The Flying Club located at Markham in Ontario, responsible for conspiracy and sabotages in the Airplanes to attempt murder against Major Nourhaghighi. All crimes committed by Order of the Governments of Canada and Ontario.
Toronto Centre for the Arts = the dirty center for cheating in the sell of tickets to the public organized by its corrupt managers and staffs. On November 8, and 10 of 2002, in the concert of Persian Maters of Music Shajariyan, the said corrupt staffs by creating, false atmosphere that all tickets were sold out, have sold a simple $45 ticket to $300! The Canadian-Iranian Terrorist Criminal Organization ("CITCO") has full control of North York businesses and most of court proceedings in Toronto. All evidence of Ali-Reza Nouri-Zadeh and Faraj Sar Kohee indicate that CITCO involved in serious MAFIA nature activates in North America. However, the most important fact is when "Iranian's wisdom and talent" be used in evil acts will create a real hell that never the Human Society had experienced before. In addition, on November 10, 2002, at 7 PM, a dirty young short white woman told to Major, that all tickets sold out. As far as, Major knew that she was lying to him, therefore stand there to get an evidence against him to put in this website. About 7:15, Major saw the said corrupt female approach to Iranian Lay, about 30 years old, and told her if she want to pay $100 for a ticket. She accepted the price. Then the said corrupt staff went inside of kiosk. Major saw that an illegal ticket sold, and the lady went inside at 7:15 PM, when program was started at 7PM.
Major saw that the kiosk seems to be closed, however the member of CITCO by knocking in the door beside the kiosk, the said corrupt staff was opening the door and giving them, as many as tickets they demand.

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TORONTO CN TOWER= "Toronto Criminal Nuts Tower" is a real Shame for Human Civilization, when the visitors look at its picture  will remember how they where insulted and robbed in Toronto by Government and its dirty citizens; where a large numbers of visitors have made complaint to Major Nourhaghighi from hard times that they had in Toronto. Once a lady from New Brunswick was so offended in Toronto that several time said to Major, while shouting: "I hate Toronto"; another lady from United States made complaint to Major that Canadian are so rude and said when she was trying to have diner, two Canadian women loudly speaking and continuously using "fucking" in their sentence; the lady said I could not finish my dinner! On May 9, 2001 Major Nourhaghighi and his family attended at CN Tower that their guests get a chance to see how dirty is Toronto from Tower. Shit is shit, either from high or from low! AT THIS TIME, the Mayor of Toronto, Lastman, who is accuse of robbery in Major's Motion before the Ontario Court of Appeal, has got a chance to disturb Major by harassing him everywhere in CN, even when the family sat in the restaurant, the security guards they harass them continuously. Soon Major and his family and guests attended at Sky Dom Hotel, where again they have faced with very poor service and intentional rude behaviour of the staff. Canadian are the most rude nation in the World; now imagine if they try to be intentionally rude how they will look! Much more less than pigs that eating its own shits!
Toronto Dominion Bank = Respondent for allowing the Government of Canada interfere with Major's accounts, its lawyer, Colin Taylor was involved in conspiracy with the Crown against Major's application under Human Rights.
Toronto Hydro = corrupt Toronto Hydro corporation that since 1990 has defrauded Major Nourhaghighi in billing and never replied to complaints. The amount of fraud is about $10 to $50 for each month for hydro and water heater. The corrupt President of Toronto Hydro, David Dobbin has knowledge that no citizen can file a law suite for such a small amount, whereas these small amounts when comes to millions customers became 100 millions dollars fraud per month. It is important to note that the corrupt Toronto Mayor David Miller and corrupt Courts in Toronto fully supporting frauds by big corporation and never these courts give award of costs to individuals, and hiring lawyers is no possible for small amounts; so crime is carrying out, and only we can put shit at face of all White Canadian or are worst thief in the World.
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TORONTO HOSPITAL = this is the most criminal Hospital in the World that Holocaust has honor to it! Toronto Western and General Hospitals involved in several conspiracies against me from April 1992 to  January 19, 2001, related to my Motor Vehicle claims and lawsuits against Toronto Police. In one of the case; on December 15, 1994, the Attorney General -corrupt Provincial Prosecutor Defendant Allan Scott asked from the corrupt Defendant Toronto Western Hospital to not let  me leave the Hospital;during whole night up to 6AM, the corrupt Nurses, several time woke me up and took X-rays, blood tests, and made a lot of intentional noises, such as bringing beds in and out. From 6AM to 10:30AM, suddenly there was a big Silence! Therefore, I went into a deep sleep, while I told to the Nurses  a night before that I must be at the Courtroom at 9AM so wake me upat 7AM ! Owing to the crimes of Toronto Hospital Defendants, the corrupt Justice of Peace Defendant LEWIN got a chance of second conspiracy against me and convicted me under Highway Traffic Act in my absent and sentenced me to 60 days Jail and $1000 fine! At 11:15AM, I left hospital to my home which was five minutes walk away. Police, immediately, intercepted me and called me at my home and said about Lewin Order that sentence! I took my appeal's documents and I rushed to the Old City Hall, at 60 Queen Street West! At 1 PM I asked from the corrupt appeal clerk  Defendant Jake DEBLES to file my appeal. Dirty Pig Debles refused to file my appeal 'Without Any Reason" and disappeared from the counter; same as few other ugly dirty whore clerks. In sudden the corrupt asshole Prosecutor Scott and two pigs of Police-Griffin arrested me without any Warrant for Arrest, violating my rights under the Charter! December 14, 1994, was Friday, therefore, I did not had access to any lawyer in the Defendant Toronto Jail up to Monday. Then, I made contract for &1500 with corrupt lawyer Defendant Czernick to proceed on my appeal on the ground of conspiracy of Scott and Lewin! Scott obstructed that I be released and alleged that I was NOT in the hospital! So, I sent my son to the Hospital and a Doctor who released me was very up set of corrupt Crown Scott and provided evidence to my son that I was admitted at hospital! My son with rush, by bike has given the document to Czernick who used to release me seven days after I was wrongly kept in the Defendant Toronto Jail! While I was talking with Czernick by phone in the Jail; an experience prisoner told me: "How you can trust to a lawyer that make a contact with you in the Jail! He is the Crown's spy! He is not a lawyer!" It was my first time in the Jail and I did not know how is the deep of dirt and corruption in Canada. Soon, a dirty Black slave in accordance to conspiracy with the Crown assaulted me in the Jail; and the corrupt staffs of the Jail made fabricated record that my injuries was as the result of assault, not as the result of accident with the Police Car! And Police later claimed that my injuries were happened in the Jail not in the accident with the police Vehicle. I discharged Czernick for conspiracy with Scott and presented appeal myself and Judge Knazan declared the miscarriage of justice against Defendants Lewin and Scott. I launched a heavy lawsuit against all parties of conspiracy and against the Defendant Toronto Hospital as the main Party of Conspiracy. Since 1995, several chains of actions have been commenced by me against Toronto Hospital; and by the Parties of the Toronto Hospital against me. These lawsuits will be in the courts, at least. for next 20 years! The Toronto Hospital is A HOLOCAUST in Downtown of Toronto, a dirty party of five conspiracies with the corrupt Thief Attorney General of Ontario and Police.

TORY John = the corrupt Toronto Major who has increased corruption in the Toronto Police, City Health & Park Department and stealing money from taxpayers pockets as the city in the dirties ever while this Bastard has increased the Property Tax too.
For example; today, July 23, 2016, at 8 pm Four pool staffs (two girls) at Alex Duff Memorial Pool at 777 Crawford Street; at Men's Change Room were sucking four black men big dick who had long hairs and smoking drugs wearing Ethiopian flags. One British boy and Canadian girls were sucking dicks, and others having Anal Sex. At outside, in the Parks washroom three Toronto Police cops were geting fuck by the Ethiopians. Since Tory became Major, nudity is becoming normal, particularly men with Big Dick can be seen in the street, or in front of their house and families of Queen Elizabeth II and Bastard William, cheerfully asking them for anal sex, and Canadian teenagers they love to take photos.     

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Toronto International Film Festival and/or Toronto Indecent Fucker Festival TIFF THIEF TIFF THIEF=  THIEF or TIFF Is a white Canadian Criminal Organization center of the most dirtiest thieves around the World with the leadership of  great THIEF the defendant Bell Canada which named defendant in Major Nourhaghighi numerous lawsuits. On Sunday September 26, 2010 at 5:39pm Major Nourhaghighi saw that a black man had anal sex with a white Canadian Security wearing white uniform at ground floor, at a room of 100 films, a white Canadian female security wearing black uniform was licking the ass of black man who fart at the mouth of female Canadian Security and she laugh and all Canadian cheers, because Canadian love to eat shit during sex. This called "Live Anal Sex Show" which is carried in most of Canadian Jewish Judges, Lawyers and Police in Toronto as Jewish in Toronto is not sucking blood but the suck butt! HAHA  To watch how Canadian eating shit at TIFF or THIEF go to 350 King Street west Toronto, you may be require to buy tickets. Canadians are thieves that is the main part of British culture that Canadian love to steal everything that's is the main reason that they name the name of One Huge Building as THIEF and they have no shame to repeated continuously in Media. Since 1990, Canadians have stolen countless properties of Major Nourhaghighi in his home condo 935, in the University of Toronto, in the stores and shops, even during the trials by Toronto Judges the Thief Justice of Peace defendant Ian McNish on October 28, 1994, by Chief Thief Judge Robert G. Bigelow on September 15, 1994, by Black Ex-Judge Thief Vilbert Lampkin on December 11, 1996, by the Indian Thief Judge Todd Duchrame on October 19, 2004, and by the Attorney General Special Unit Jones on September 1994.

TORONTO MUNICIPAL LICENSING STANDARD = Major filed the following complaint against Condo with the City of Toronto:
January 27, 2005

Municipal Licensing and Standards; PROPERTY STANDARDS DIVISION; Toronto, ON
VIA FACSIMILE: (416) 392 0384

This is a complaint against Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation No. 935 ("Condo")* for "toxic air". I shall mention that the Public Health, Manager Gauthier advised me that your office is responsible for maintenance and repair issues in common area of condominiums.
The Condo is located at busy interception of College and Bathurst Streets. Air is pumped to the corridor at 6th floor by a heat exchanger located in the roof which had defect on its combustion. In addition, there are fireplace chimney at roof that fan pulls smokes from them too, and pushing "toxic air" into the hallway and my Unit 608. There is currently the black dirt on the ceiling in the hallway outside of my unit and the air supply vent that is darker on the sixth floor than on the fifth or seventh floors. Dirt from diffuser (grille) is from number of sources. I noticed on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays that the Church has programs, the level of "toxic air" rapidly increase in such that I cannot breath at my home. I must leave immediately. The "toxic air" on said days is very dry and causing my lung burning, sinus, and nose close in such that breathing become too hard. The same problem is happening at 4 to 5 AM on Mondays and Thursdays. I can feel "toxic air" snaking into my Unit. If I fail to open all doors and windows, immediately, the "toxic air" will cause prolong sleep, and headache and total lost of energy on that day; such as today "toxic air" at 5 AM. The other type of "toxic air" causing nose burning at about 2 to 4AM that is forcing me to wake up, and I cannot sleep for few hours. The Public Heath, I. M. VENGER at South Region is holding all particulars and charts; as they requested from me to keep the records.
Since 1991, there are continuous water seeping from washrooms and showers at 7th floor causing several times the drywalls ceiling on corridor-North side and my Unit collapsed. On September 2004, Toxic Moulds "Stachybotrys 3+" discovered at my Unit. There is a great possibility that the drywalls in corridor contains Toxic Moulds too, as it is always wet. The fans in the corridors control the air pressure in the units. The "toxic air" generated in dead space above corridor ceiling by blowing wind into kitchen's vents, spread "toxic air" into all units. Kitchen's vents also are unbalancing the air pressure and casing rapid air rotation that is very dangerous as "Stachybotrys 3+" can move all around the building. The measured Respirable Suspended Particulate levels were 95 ug/m2 outside my Unit and 76 at ceiling of my kitchen where Health Canada require 40 ug/m2. Co2 measured above 1000 ppm inside and outside of Unit; and at night increases rapidly. Further, the air temperature at hallway is under 16C, when today ram air was -20C and -30C with windshield. The standard is requiring a minimum of 21C. The heat pump inside my unit is not working for which the Condo is responsible to fix it, causing all my electrical heaters not be able to rise the temperature to 21C. Condo is high-handed and not taking any action to repair it.
The Condo, Property Manager Leas BLAIR, and Caber Management Services at (905) 672 3355, did not taken any professional and honest step to remove the hazard and improve the air quality. As the result, I am suffering various allergies and I am under medication, my son and my neighbors are coughing continuously, and even we had death of an owner in Unit 612, in which we understand after he did not left his Unit for few days. Caber and Condo's policy is to cover up their negligence by fabricating and misleading documents. Please investigate these facts ASAP.
Toronto Chief of Police Defendants in Major Nourhaghighi Lawsuits

Corrupt Chief of Police Defendant William J. McCormack
File in pending in Ontario Court of Appeal
for crimes from July 1990 to January 1995 

Corrupt Chief of Police Defendant David Bootby (left) is Defendant
in Major Nourhaghighi's pending Lawsuit before the Ontario Superior Court 
and Federal Court of Canada for crimes such as torture, conspiracy, smuggling and other felonies from 1995-2000
Corrupt Chief of Police Defendant Julian Fantino(right) was Defendant
in Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuit before the  Federal Court of Canada from 2000 -2005

Corrupt Chief of Police Defendant William Sterling "Bill" Blair was/is Defendant in
Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuits  and" Notice of Actions" 2005-2015
serious crimes by its members such misleading and obstructing the Justice, attempt to kill Major  Nourhaghighi in his home in March 21, 2014Fucking British Chichenshit Bill Blair Conspiracy to kill Major

Corrupt Chief Police  Mark Saunders was appointed in 2015 in which
ample conspiracy, theft, harassment has been committed by members
of Toronto Police 14, 32 and 52 Divisions Neighborhood Watch in which
Mark Saunders is liable in tort and damages in upcoming Lawsuit
which will be filed as against him and Toronto corrupt Mayor

Toronto Police = One of the most criminal police force in the World, created by corrupt British Royal Family to protect the  illegal and criminal activities in which Major Nourhaghighi has ability to prove the crminial wrongdoing of members of Toronto Police in any Court.
Corrupt 14 Toronto Police Division : has committed countless crimes and made ample fabricated files against Major Nourhaghighi since 1990 with intention to kill Major in such that its fabricated documents justify the action. 
The following Video shoes:
Fucking British Chichenshit Cowards Corrupt Judge James Russell Conspiracy to kill Major
A- Corrupt members of Toronto Police has trespass Major Nourhaghihi's home to kill him, by making a fake fight with him, then accusing that He Attacked Us and we defended ..however the plan of conspiracy FAILED  and Major did not responded to the cops' assaults against him
B- Canadian Chickenshit Cowards Toronto Police Shot & Killed a Muslim Teenage! جنایات مسیحیان در کانادا  corrupt members of 14 Div is an innocent killing a Muslim

Corrupt 32 Toronto Police Division : The Police Services is abused in this corrupt Division mostly by malicious false information forwarded by corrupt members of the "Community Watch ". Examples: Citizens who have reported Thefts or Crimes, and the Criminals are/were related or parties with members of 32 Div.  They will ask the cops to target these innocent people with malice in such that they will be harassed by cops everywhere, mostly to obstruct their business with local stores or law firms. On April 2, 2017, around 4pm, a cops' vehicle arrived to the parking  in south west of Shappard and Yonge interception and harassed  to Muslim without any cause. The said Muslim told us that they reported smuggling of Hereon  from Iran by Iranian business at Iranian plaza. So,  they gave bribe to Neighborhood Watch to harass these guys.
IN ADDITION: Since 1990, the corrupt members of 32 Div involved in countless crimes and harassment against Major Nourhaghighi and his family and obstructed his business with each and every business in North York Region and Richmond Hill. The Iranian Criminal Organization in this area has been created by the Crown and Police to protect the British Royal Family Smuggling of Drugs  from Iran and Afghanistan; for more details search in Major Nourhaghighi's files at Federal Court of Canada in which all details are given under sworn Affidavits.
Corrupt 52 Toronto Police Division : has committed countless crimes and made ample fabricated files against Major Nourhaghighi since 1990 with intention to kill Major in such that its fabricated documents justify the action. In addition several corrupt members of 

TORONTO STAR = Daily Newspaper with more than 2.2 million readers, defendant in Major Nourhaghighi action for injustice and poisonous propaganda against immigrant to promote racism. The Toronto Star, at all times, has supported police and the government's brutalities towards the immigrants, and has the most stupid stone-minded writers who just trying to satisfy the sick racism layer of the society. I made several interviews with different Toronto Star writers and objected to material that they are always writing against the immigrants. All answers were business oriented and ethical less: "We are writing for the people. People they hate immigrants. If we start to defend the immigrants, then no one is going to buy our papers! " On August 10, 2005, at 7:37 PM the corrupt Defendant Toronto Star's harassment was commenced according to the plan of a conspiracy of the Attorneys General of Canada and Ontario for interference against my up coming prosecutions against two members of the CSIS scheduled to be heard on September & October 2005!

TOILET = Canadian Courts...because there is only SHIT going on there from the mouth of lawyers, cops witnesses and mostly from the mouth of Canadian "Toronto" JUDGES!

TOILET = in December 2005 the Toronto Police and Canada Secret Police "CSIS" committed sabotages in Major Nourhaghighi's home, including sabotage in his toilet...ending to over flow..
Because on that day Major was Prosecuting two members of CSIS and they tried to make him anger not be able to ask KEY questions from defendants.

Toilet = Toilet is the Canadian Judges and lawyers' MOUTHS! The Toronto's Mayors and Police Mouths! The best Toilet is the 'Crown' of Queen in Canada, Ontario and Quebec! The Toilet are the Canadians Human Rights' Offices and Commissions! Toilet is the Canadians men and women's mouths that only shits come out such as "Fuck this or Fuck that! However the real Toilet is the bench of Judges that in future when the Crown is removed, I would award to anyone to come to osgoode Hall, Old City Hall, and Canada Life and make shit on the bench of Judges! HAHA

TOENAIL PAIN = Most toenail pain is caused by ingrown nails. Ingrown nails may be inherited genetically, and may also be seen later in life due to gradual damage to the cells under the skin that grow the nail (nail matrix).Repetitive injuries to the toe, such as heavy objects falling on it, pressure from poorly fitting shoes, nail fungus, or toe bruising (common in athletes) may cause irreversible changes to the nail matrix. In time, the nail may abnormally grow inward due to these changes. Less commonly, poor nail trimming technique may leave a spike of nail that may protrude into the skin as the nail grows outward. The skin against the nail is perfectly suited to tolerate the presence of the nail growing into it. However, once the skin becomes inflamed and swollen due to infection of bacteria trapped between the skin and nail, or due to the inflammation caused by the minor injury of nicking the skin when the nail is cut, pain will develop.
Regardless of its cause, an ingrown nail will involve pain and inflammation, and will cause chronic symptoms that come and go frequently. If untreated, the infection may potentially spread at any point and may eventually involve the toe bone underneath. Temporary treatment of acute flare-ups may consist of regular soaking in warm, soapy water, application of antibiotic ointment, and the use of antibiotic medication to control the infection. The offending nail border must be removed to fully resolve the condition. This is accomplished through a short office procedure where the nail border is removed under local anesthesia and a mild acid is used to prevent the nail matrix from ever growing the nail back into the skin. Recovery is generally quick, only requiring home soaking once per day and keeping the toe covered with antibiotic ointment and a band-aid. Activities are not restricted as pain after the procedure is rare. Home based "bathroom surgery" is not recommended as this may significantly worsen the condition.
Other causes of nail pain can include nail fungus infection, which may cause the nails to become thickened, loosened, discolored, and crumbly. The nail thickness causes pain when it strikes the shoe during activity. Fungus is a small organism that also causes athlete's foot. When present on the skin, it can potentially spread under the toenail to infect the skin under the nail. Treatment requires prescription medication to eliminate the infection, and usually needs oral medication to get the medication to the hard to reach area under the nail. Over-the-counter topical medications are virtually ineffective against nail fungus, despite their advertising claims, and will generally do nothing for the fungus infection itself. Other potential treatment for nail fungus pain can simply include smoothing out the nails to reduce the prominence in one's shoes, or even removing very painful nails via a simple and relatively painless office procedure.
Not all thickened toenails have fungus in them. Sometimes, nails simply become thickened and painful due to long term pressure and damage to the nail root from shoe pressure or injury, much like how ingrown nails can develop. The nails can be sore in shoes and with activity. Treatment can include smoothing the nails out or using medication to soften the nails. Nail removal can be performed in severe cases.
Another common nail problem seen in runners, walkers, and treadmill users is bruising and loosening of the toenails. When shoes are a little too long, the foot will piston in and out of the shoe, resulting in low level injury to the toe tips. This can also occur in shoes that are too tight. The nails will subsequently bruise and loosen. This can be prevented by wearing properly sized shoes. Many times, bruised nails can also be the result of injury, such as stubbing the toe or dropping an object on it. If the bruise is small, then one can simply wait and allow the nail to grow out as long as any pain goes away after a few days. If the bruise covers more than a third to one-half of the nail itself, then one will need to have that nail evaluated as there may be a cut in the skin under the nail and the pressure may need to be released in order for the toe to heal properly. In some cases, a fracture may have formed in the bone under the nail, and a piece of the bone may have cut the skin from below. This situation requires immediate attention to avoid infection to the bone.
Nail pain can be seen in other less common conditions, such as various skin diseases like psoriasis, as well as other more serious conditions like melanoma around the nail. Often the color of Toe and fingernails can provide further information on health conditions. For example - If one has developed a dark pigmented area on the nail and surrounding skin, this needs to be evaluated immediately. Melanoma to the nail region is rare, but does occur. Other conditions like benign or malignant skin and soft tissue tumors, cysts, and nerve disturbances can cause nail pain. Each of these, while uncommon, has their own treatment available in the hands of a good foot specialist.As one can see, nail pain has numerous causes, all of which are treatable. Having one's foot evaluated in a timely manner can prevent having to endure pain unnecessarily, and allow a quick return to full activity.

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Torture = Torture is common in all Canadian Police Decisions, Courts, Jails and other Government Offices. The Video shows that several Toronto Jail guards and Prisoners were beating and sexually assaulting several Canadian White Boys between 9 to 15 at Black Cell were drug dealer and murder accused prioresses were hold, where the highest Canadian White Children and Black Men detainees are kept.

The Amnesty International Chair, Roy R. McMurtry, Ex- Chief Judge of Ontario said:
" We are shocked how the Government and Justice System in Canada allowing the youth in (both sex) be kept  in the same detention with adults across Canada. These criminals are mostly dangerous offenders and convicted for rape and sexual assault. I made order, that at least their beds should not be shared with adults. Later, the Attorney General told me that we have large numbers of detainees the most of them are sleeping on the floor. Therefore, I amended my order and I ordered that the bodies of Canadian White Children have 2 (two) Inches distance with the adults' body and while Children 1 (one) Inch.  However, My Order is not complied with and even this very short distance were not kept. The Children continuously complaining of anal sex and rape by girls, and detainees replying that : we are not responsible for our natural erections that when we are sleeping. And most of times, these are the children like to play with us and our body, even when we are pushing them away, they keep coming. They love oral sex and anal sex. This is what Canadian Culture is; then where is our crime or even wrong. All these children were abused in their homes by their parents, relatives, firends, teachers, cops, shopkeepers. This is bias and abuse of power. The Chair, then, said :" In other hand The Canadian Aboriginal Justice Agency in Montreal and the Royal Canadian Commission are expecting us to take action against Government of Canada, with the United Nations Human Rights. Hey guys, we are Canadian Amnesty! If, I make such complain, then they are going to kick my ass and I will not be CHAIR any more. I went to University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall to be boss for whole my life. No! I'm Canadian Hero. 

July 1990 to January 27, 2017
TRUMP, John Donald = President of USA since January 20, 2017, who has given serious warning to all goverments who hack Americans' Communication in particular internet.

ترآمپ باعث شرم ملت آمریکاست که اخلاق وحقوق بشر را زیرپا میگذارد وعلناً شکنجه وقانون جنگل را بر آمریکا مصلت گردانیده است در این گفتگوبا بیشرمی تاکید میکند که شکنجه با عمل خفگی مصنوعی در زیرآب بر ضد تروریستها (داعش) مجاز است. در این شکنجه صورت قربانی را میبندند و آب بگویش میریزند

Trump is American's Shame who is not bounded by the ethical code and the rule of Law as today clearly promoted torture and brought Human Rights into contempt 

Good News = Today, 25th, January, 2015, we made a telephone call from Toronto to USA and for the first time in last 25 Years it seem the British Crown in Right of Canada did not intercepted the calls to USA. If, our investigation shows that this is a true fact, it indicates the Warning of President Trump has been taken seriously by the British Colonial Government in Canada. (In aforesaid paragraph the Crown means countless agencies in Canada that have duty to intercept, hack, obstruct, forge, redirect etc the communications including the Canadian Security Agency,  Police (In each city, such as Toronto Police), Hackers hired by the Crown or by Private Agencies. The Private Agencies are a group of  criminals working under Law Society of Upper Canada Umbrella)    
TTC new arrived buses!!! TODAY- May 13, 2010 from Afghanistan, the corrupt Mayor said: "We are proud to use Afghans used Buses!"
 Toronto Transit Commission- TTC = The World oldest, the most dangerous and dirties public system is the corrupt Toronto Transit Commission ("TTC"), which is the most unreliable, inconvenient and UNsafe way to get around Toronto. The subway stations are extremely dirty, dangerous and noisy.
...." In My Toronto there is a problem...
The problem is TTC...
Because Mayor is Corrupt...Ontario Goverment is corrupt so...Queen shit head is corrupt...
SO ...TTC, MAYOR, Ontario Crown & Corrupt Queen Down the Well

The subway's breaks are all defective and makes squeezing disturbing noise IF it stop...if NOT it is going to ram to another subway ahead of it causing serious harms and injuries and even deaths to passengers. There is always delays in subways' schedules and most of passengers, AFTER paying very expensive fears "$3.00" will be force to leave the stations and WALK to their work or take cabs. It is same for buses and streetcars, it is IMPOSSIBLE they arrive on time.
...TTC is dangerous for everyone...Drivers...Passengers...and pedestrians
Since 1990, Major Nourhaghighi is witness that everyday, the TTC is getting worst. It is the most stupid system maliciously created by the British Colonial Government of Ontario to CONTROL people that they never think of becoming FREE from the dirty name of Queen.

 A large numbers of passengers were injured due to Stupid Street Cars shows a car passed back door and stop in front of front door!
It has happened on May 6th, 2010, at 04:25PM at Bathurst Station, where NO streetcar showed for 83 minutes. Again, Major Nourhaghighi was returning from North York, Taheri Exchange, and had a lot of shoppings, made impossible to walk to his home which is located just within ten minutes WALK! The Transit City Bus Plan calls for an investment from the city of $77 million by 2014, as well as increase in operational expenses of $52 million by 2015.
...." In My Toronto there is a problem...
The problem is TTC...
Because Mayor is Corrupt...Ontario Goverment is corrupt so...Queen shit head is corrupt...
SO ...TTC, MAYOR, Ontario Crown & Corrupt Queen Down the Well

On May 12, 2010, from 09:25PM to 10:20PM many passengers and Major Nourhaghighi were waiting on Keele Street & St. Claire for a bus , either bus number 89 or take them to subway  the Keele Station which is located within five to seven minutes driving.

On May 30, 2010 at 11:05 PM Major Nourhaghighi was in subway Yonge in southbound that at Summer Hill Station the Power Failed and all passengers were forced to leave and walk as usual in the Yonge street. Major had very heavy bag and was force to walk to Bloor & Yonge street, where Major Metro Pass magnate did not work, so he was force to go to main entrance, where Major saw two TTC male corrupt security constable were harassing passengers and receiving bribe from them. This is a great shame for TTC who can maintain a simple TTC system. Power failure at subway is NORMAL and very painful. Shit to face of Queen, Judges, lawyers and spit at face of each and all TTC managers and technicians that receiving highest salaries and fares from public but never give a professional service

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The said bus stop is close to a shopping mall [which was centre of conspiracy of Toronto Police Smugglers against Major Nourhaghighi, see the Google map] and most of passengers and Major Nourhaghighi had big shopping staff in their hands... but finally all started walking south to subway station at Keele & Bloor.
TTC = Means Public Toilet!!! as it is extremely dirty and has smell of SHIT...

TTC Constables = a group of criminals hired by TTC to harass immigrants and sell drugs to white Canadian, they mostly involved in prostitution and drug services

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