Monday 3 April 2017

This Motherfucker Black Animal is now Chief of Toronto Police

Autobiography of the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2019
Down With Queen & Corruption in Canada

Canadian Counter Dictionary and British Human Rights Violations in Canada

\Canadian Counter-Dictionary and British Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Canadian Mayors & Police are Dirty Mobs

Toronto Mayor Mobs June Rolands is Defendant In Major Nourhaghighi's
Lawsuits Before Ontario Courts, and Defendants in His Complaint before the United
Nations Human Rights Commission , Mostly, Due to Criminals of Civilians Hired In "Neighborhood Watch 14 & 52 Police Decisions " 
Toronto Mayor Mobs Barabara Hall is Defendant In Major Nourhaghighi's
Lawsuit , Mostly, Due to Criminals of Civilians Hired In
Hired In "Neighborhood Watch at 14 & 52 Police Decisions " 

Major Nourhaghighi is going to file a potential lawsuit against
Corrupt Mayor John Tory for series of crimes committed by members

Toronto Police "Neighborhood Watch at 14 & 52 Police Decisions " 
Corrupt Toronto Mayor John Tory Finally  Admitted to the Fact
Toronto Chief of Police Defendants in Major Nourhaghighi Lawsuits

This Mother Fucker is still Defendant but Died and his Motherfucker
Son continuing felonies in the Toronto Police
Corrupt Chief of Police Defendant William J. McCormack
File in pending in Ontario Court of Appeal
for crimes from July 1990 to January 1995 

Corrupt Chief of Police Defendant David Bootby (left) is Defendant
in Major Nourhaghighi's pending Lawsuit before the Ontario Superior Court 
and Federal Court of Canada for crimes such as torture, conspiracy, smuggling and other felonies from 1995-2000
Corrupt Chief of Police Defendant Julian Fantino(right) was Defendant
in Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuit before the  Federal Court of Canada from 2000 -2005

Corrupt Chief of Police Defendant William Sterling "Bill" Blair was/is Defendant in
Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuits  and" Notice of Actions" 2005-2015
serious crimes by its members such misleading and obstructing the Justice, attempt to kill Major  Nourhaghighi in his home in March 21, 2014Fucking British Chichenshit Bill Blair Conspiracy to kill Major

Toronto Police = One of the most criminal police force in the World, created by corrupt British Royal Family to protect the  illegal and criminal activities in which Major Nourhaghighi has ability to prove the crminial wrongdoing of members of Toronto Police in any Court.
Corrupt 14 Toronto Police Division : has committed countless crimes and made ample fabricated files against Major Nourhaghighi since 1990 with intention to kill Major in such that its fabricated documents justify the action. 
The following Video shoes:
Fucking British Chichenshit Cowards Corrupt Judge James Russell Conspiracy to kill Major
A- Corrupt members of Toronto Police has trespass Major Nourhaghihi's home to kill him, by making a fake fight with him, then accusing that He Attacked Us and we defended ..however the plan of conspiracy FAILED  and Major did not responded to the cops' assaults against him
B- Canadian Chickenshit Cowards Toronto Police Shot & Killed a Muslim Teenage! جنایات مسیحیان در کانادا  corrupt members of 14 Div is an innocent killing a Muslim
Corrupt 32 Toronto Police Division : The Police Services is abused in this corrupt Division mostly by malicious false information forwarded by corrupt members of the "Community Watch ". Examples: Citizens who have reported Thefts or Crimes, and the Criminals are/were related or parties with members of 32 Div.  They will ask the cops to target these innocent people with malice in such that they will be harassed by cops everywhere, mostly to obstruct their business with local stores or law firms. On April 2, 2017, around 4pm, a cops' vehicle arrived to the parking  in south west of Shappard and Yonge interception and harassed  to Muslim without any cause. The said Muslim told us that they reported smuggling of Hereon  from Iran by Iranian business at Iranian plaza. So,  they gave bribe to Neighborhood Watch to harass these guys.
IN ADDITION: Since 1990, the corrupt members of 32 Div involved in countless crimes and harassment against Major Nourhaghighi and his family and obstructed his business with each and every business in North York Region and Richmond Hill. The Iranian Criminal Organization in this area has been created by the Crown and Police to protect the British Royal Family Smuggling of Drugs  from Iran and Afghanistan; for more details search in Major Nourhaghighi's files at Federal Court of Canada in which all details are given under sworn Affidavits.

Corrupt 52 Toronto Police Division : has committed countless crimes and made ample fabricated files against Major Nourhaghighi since 1990 with intention to kill Major in such that its fabricated documents justify the action. In addition several corrupt members of
The corrupt Canadian Judges & Lawreers get hurt from its negative effects!"

The following List indicate the corrupt members of the Toronto Police Services, who are defendants in Major 's lawsuits and complaints filed with the Police and Human Right Commission. Hundreds other corrupted Cops and their Agents committed wrongdoing that there was not a sufficient amount for cause of action, such as intercepting in the streets and shops, intercepting private communication by Cops and similar wrongs that falls on the shoulders of the Chief of the Police, as a general responsibilities.
1- AIKEN, David = Pig court Security Defendant for Torture against Major on December 11, 1996 the dirty leader if the Terrorists, tried to kill Major Nourhaghighi by grabbing his throat, at Old City Hall, Toronto, Estimated Damages:$10,000,00.

2- AWDE, Robert = Abuse of power in supporting wrongdoings of others at Old City Hall, Nov 16, 1995 against Major Nourhaghighi, ended to wrongly convictions.

1- Toronto Police Constables BADGE NUMBERS and/or names who involved with Major:
Badge Number: = Name
406 = Constable Christian Farrell
529 = Detective Gladish
629 = Stuart PARSONS, involved in MVA with Major; Complaint file 94-11-033
1231 = Constable Brian BEADMAN
1407 = ConstableEVANS V.
1990 = Sergeant Keith HAINES; in involved in FRAUD in MVA, to support Parsons; Complaint file 94-11-033
2141 = Detective Sean O'Brien
2405 = Andrew Fairweather; misconduct Complaint file 94-11-033
4166 = ConstableLawrence SAGER
4370 = Brian Pinchin involved in FRAUD in MVA, to support Parsons; Complaint file 94-11-033
5253 = Constable L Carson, white, on January 21, 2005 attended at Major's home for harassment by Rubin Perez
5710 = Good Constable SOKOLOWSKI!
6261 = Constable John Labelle, on November 5, 1992, attended at Major's Home for investigation of his complaint
6347 = Constable Nigel Stewart
8234 = Constable K. Klingbeil attended on January 21, 2005 at Major's home for harassment by Superintendent Perez
99603 = Robert Zawerbny
99696 = Onofrio FERLISI
2- BADOWSKI, Defendant John = Conspiracy, abuse of investigation process, Estimated Damages:$100,000.00
Badowski is defendant with other corrupt investigators in Major's actions. IF THESE motherfucker were honest in investigation process, we did not had this level of crimes in police force!

3-  Banks, Wayne, = Inspector of the Toronto Police; on February 2001, Banks committed fraud and forgery in his letter of investigation against Constables Goss and Ferlisi. He abused power in accordance to objects of conspiracy with the Condo 935 and  Crown in right of Canada. Banks did not reply to all Major's calls and messages for investigation in file 2000-0788 where Watson ordered him to investigate.

4- BARBETTA, Jennifer =  She is Dead for Dangerous Driving and is in the Hell!

5- BEADMAN, Brian = #1231; abuse of power, false parking ticket; $5,000 Damages

6- BEREZOWSKY, Robert = Harassment in accordance to objects of conspiracy fraud in investigation process, $60,000 Damages

7- BENDER, Jodi = Defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Action T-571-95, at Federal Court of Canada, Jones was member of Toronto Police Pigs Criminal Organization.

8- BILLINGTON, Garg = Defendant for conspiracy, and Abuse of Power, fraud in investigation process, $100,000 Damages

9- BOAG, Defendant William = April 9, 1994, Abuse of power, false tickets in accordance to conspiracy, Perjury; however finally charges were dismissed. BOAG, is charged by Major for $100,000 for abuse of power, and malicious prosecution.
10- BOOTHBY, Defendant David = Chief of Police, 1995-1999, involved in conspiracy, ended to December 11, 1996, Chief of Police. During Boothby tens members of police committed all types of felonies, tortures and assaults against Major Nourhaghighi and his family. BOOTHBY is defendant in Major's actions.

11- Bruce, L.A. = Staff Inspector, committed fraud in investigation

CANNELLA, Angelo = Corrupt Constable who is owner of Unite 211 at Major's Condominium. Angelo abusing is employment with police for harassments against other owners and creating fabricating documents to mislead the Courts and Government. Angelo involved in conspiracies against Major and his children between 2000 to 2005.

CARSON, L. # 5253 = Constable of Toronto Police, 14 Div, who misconduct with Major Nourhaghighi; see complaint

CLARK, Constable = On January 19, 2001, Clark of 52 Division, abused power in accordance to objects of conspiracy with the corrupted lawyersregistry clerk and  Crown in right of Canada

COLES, Burce = May 7, 1993, Central Traffic: Conspiracy, abuse of power, perjury, fabricating evidence, false report, interference with insurance Estimated Damages: $500,000. Coles changed the original document of accident, committed perjury before Ontario Insurance Commission Board in October 197, and got bribe from Coachman Insurance Company in which Coles' crimes constitute Obstructing Justices. Coles is charged by Major for abuse of power, and malicious prosecution too.
CRAFORD = corrupt investigator of Toronto Police who did not disclose names of the constables who attacked to Major on October 2000, in complaint file number 00-CO-0336
Davis, Karl = Corrupt Acting Superintendent of Court Services, who did not disclose the names of offenders.
Dangerous Driving, and Careless Driving Crimes = committed Toronto and Montreal Police
PIGS causing bodily harms to the Major Nourhaghighi, other citizen, and themselves!
This is Major Nourhaghighi's research: Pig Constable Defendant Stuart Parsons;  Pig Dead Whore Constable, Jennifer Barbetta, Pig Dead Whore Constable, Amanda Nelson, Dirty Pig Dead Smuggler Constable of Dirty Pigs 52 Division Stephen LAMBERT, Pig Dead Whore Constable, Virginia Morris, Detective Constable Michael Young, Crash kills 4 Pigs Quebec policemen
December 11, 1996, Terrorist,Court Security at Old City Hall, X, dirty white male, Torture
December 11, 1996, Terrorist,Court Security, Y, dirty white Canadian male,Torture
December 11, 1996, Terrorist,Court Security, Z, dirty white Canadian male,Torture
December 11, 1996, Terrorist,Court Security, XY, dirty white Canadian male,Torture estimated Damages:$10,000,000 as against all parties of conspiracy for torture

DENNIS, John = The corrupt Process Superintendent Metropolitan Toronto Police, abused complaint investigation
DENNIS, is defendant in Major's action for fraud in the investigation process and Abuse of Power and office.

DICKS, David = Abuse of power in complaint investigations. DICKS, is defendant for assault and abuse of power to force Major leave Old City Hall, $65,000 Damages

DICKS, James =  Corrupt Acting Superintendent for Court Services Officers hired by Toronto Police, who involved in torture against Major on December 11, 1996. Dicks covered the crime of torture and did not disclose security names to the Court. File Nos. 2000-0454 and 455. On May 9, 2005, Dicks colsed Major file of complaint against two members of Police.
DOLAMORE, Defendant, Peter = Conspiracy, Abuse of Investigation Process, Estimated Damages:$100,000.00 as against all dishonest
1- EVANS V. #1407; Misconduct of the reception

2- ELLIOT Defendant Shawn = May 31, 1996, conspiracy with Condo false arrest, harassment against Major at Owners Meeting $50,000 damages 
FANTINO, JULIAN= "A Bitter Chief" called by NOW Magazine ...I plea not guilty for having too many parts in the September 11 plans; I don't say a single word against my Lordship Ben Laden! See the Story of "O' Satan Bush Lead Us to the Hell!"
Chief of Pigs sued for $116 Millions by 8 pigs involved in smuggling!
FANTINO, Julian = March 21, 2001, Chief of Police, responsible for all planned misconducts of his members and support of Iranian Criminal Organization and Terrorists in Toronto. FANTINO (Chief 2000-2003 ) is MAFIANO defendant in Major's actions!
Note. 1:  March 21, 2001, Julian Fantin, Chief of Police, responsible for all constructive conspiracy of his members and support of Iranian Criminal Organization and Terrorists in Toronto.
Note 2: On January 13, 2005, Fantino made Order that all Constables of Police must pass Mental Test Examination to make sure the people carrying Guns are not very crazy!
FERNANDEZ, CHRISTOPHER, Defendant, Conspiracy Estimated Damages:$100,000.00

Shakespeare: Persian Penes are much better than the Crown of the Queen!
Raining Shit to Face of Queen and Detective Field

FERLISI, Constable Onofrio, 99696, 14 Division = On September 18, 2000, Ferlisi abused power in accordance to objects of conspiracy with Condo 935 and Crown in right of Canada estimated Damages:$50,000.00

FERNANDEZ, CHRISTOPHER , involved in Parsons Conspiracy, abused of power and investigation process, defendant with other corrupt investigators in Major's actions. IF THESE motherfucker were honest in investigation process, we did not had this level of crimes in police force!

FIELD, Defendant Alister = 14 Police Division: Conspiracy, Bribery, Abuse of Power to create a report to cover-up his own corruption, Abuse of power for investigation of complaint
Estimated Damages: $1,000,000. On or about June 3, 1992, Field, after receiving about $5000 bribe from Maysfield Property Management, did not charged Maysfield for tens counts of frauds over $2000, and created fabricating documents that that Major had a Company!!!? Therefore, he was interested to run the Condo; to make fraudulent motive against Major's complaints.

FLETCHER, Defendant William = May 7, 1993, abuse of power, perjury, fabricating evidence, false report, interference with insurance Estimated Damages: $500,000. Fletcher committed perjury before Ontario Insurance Commission Board, and Ontario Criminal Compassion Board in in 1995 and 1997, and got bribe from Coachman Insurance Company in which Fletcher's crimes constitute Obstructing Justice.

Major Nourhaghighi tortured by 52 Division Police, Toronto

FOLLERT, Detective EDWARD = Defendant for Torture against Major on December 11, 1996 the dirty leader if the Terrorists, tried to kill Major Nourhaghighi by grabbing his throat, at Old City Hall, Toronto, Major could throat seriously injured and could not speak for weeks. Estimated Damages:$10,000,000

Farrell, Constable Christian = Corrupt member of Toronto Police who was involved in a conspiracy on September 2002
FORDE, K. L. =  Staff Inspector of Toronto Police Complaints Review who on July 13, 2000 made Order for a complete investigation against corrupt constable Stewart who was intoxicated on duty and with gun harassed Major to death. The result of Forde's investigation was the most complete investigation that ever Toronto Police made in Major's complaints against police; however, due to lack of witnesses, the complaint was dismissed.

We are the Prostitutes! Yes We are, Yes We are : Marcy Green and Nancy Russell
GOEBELL, N. Rudolf = Egyptian-Canadian Constable of 52 Division. Goebell did not had a professional conduct and had lack of professional knowledge and skill; see detail at Canadian Counter Dictionary  
GOSS, Jason = 5179, a pig hired by Toronto Police, 14 Division  involved in conspiracy with corrupt Property Manger Blair on September 11, 2000, to obstruct justice in the Federal Court of Canada, where the dirty Attorney General of Canada supported Goss abused power in accordance to objects of conspiracy with Condo 935 and Crown in right of Canada; Estimated Damages:$50,000.00

GOTTSCHALK, P = Corrupt Superintendent of 14 Division whose unidentified members attacked to Major on October 2000! A large numbers of Toronto and Montreal Police have attacked to Major and Gottschalk refused to release their names and investigate complaints against them.
The race of police was created from intercourse of many dogs with a Whore; Banner splashed at dirty face of Marcy Green and his hundreds fathers!
GREEN, Defendant Marcy = November 16, 1995 and December 11, 1996: Marcy a dirty hooker hired by police to make a complaint against whoever targeted by the police. Major Nourhaghighi tortured due to Green's malicious complaint that Major at the courtroom door assaulted her by pushing her to the door. Fourteen witnesses was called by Major, no one supported Green's evidence, but the corrupted judge Lampkin accepted the evidence of the Defendant Prosecutor Allan Scott, who was charged in Major's lawsuit for conspiracy; Estimated Damages:$10,000,000; ended Major Nourhaghighi's wrongly convictions.

GRIFFIN; Defendant Paul = December 16, 1994,Abuse of Power, False Arrest, Assault, Estimated Damages: $50,000

1- HAINES, Defendant Keith = April 16, 1994, supervisor of Pinchin and Parsons, who allowed Pinchin commits conspiracy; Haines has committed obstruction of justice, by refusing to testify.
Estimated Damages: $1,500,000.
2- HOMES = On August  21, 1996 did not allow Major to serve the Statement of Claim to the corrupted judges at Old City Hall and with several other members of police, illegally  force Major to leave the Government Building.  Detective Homes of Metro Toronto Police involved in smuggling of Heroines from Iran in Major Nourhaghighi's parcel in 1995, and defendant in Federal Court of Canada, action T-1900-96. The police complaint did not reply to Major complaint in 1996 to cover up the crimes of Home, and tortured Major that he could not testify against Home!

3- HUBB; Defendant Michael = April 1994 Abuse of Power by issuing Five Traffic Tickets to Major after April 5, 1994 trial against corrupted Canadian pilots in accordance to conspiracy with the corrupted pilots at Transport Canada; Estimated Damages: $5,000.

4- HUDGSON, Dog = November 1995, assaulted Major Nourhaghighi and abuse of power at Old City Hall, by Judges' Conspiracy who were trying to avoid the service of Statement of Claim by Major.
IRANDOUST, FARIDEH = Corrupt Acting Case Manager of Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services who on November 1, 2000 send a letter to Major informing that his complaint against unidentified members of police was closed! A large number of Toronto and Montreal Police have attacked to Major and Police refused to release their names and investigate complaints against them. On October 10, 2000, Irandoust wrote a letter to Major and asked that until October 24, 2000 he provide written 'additional' information to her. October 24, 2000, was the last day that Major was obligated to file documents in file T-1535-00 against banks and many other criminals that Government of canada and Ontario. One of main object of conspiracy is to make a lot of legal work in a certain date that a man fail to defend properly.
JONES, Defendant Gareth = Thief, September 1994; Defendant in Major Nourhaghighi's Action T-571-95, at Federal Court of Canada, Jones was member of Toronto Police Pigs Criminal Organization. Jones was member of the Special Investigation Unite that has stolen Major Nourhaghighi's document from his hands [Document was related to Parsons' Fault at the Accident with Major]. Canadian Police is trained to be a thief! Constructive Thefts are very common in Canada 
KARJALAINEN, Defendant Todd = December 7, 1990, 14 Police Division, Refusal to exercise the power against several racist criminal who attacked to Major and his Children at 48 Markham Street in Toronto. On 1992, Karjalainen, also refused to charge Condo for violations of By-law, and frauds in accounts, harassment, and other nuisances, Estimated Damages: $300,000.  

Corrupt Pigs have KILLED CITIZENS, by tortures, shooting, assaults and where Major Nourhaghighi was Witness:
Montreal Police
Toronto Police
14 Police Pigs Killed many innocent citizens
52 Police Pigs Killed many innocent citizens

KINNEAR, Kathryn = on or about December 16, 1994; Abuse of Power, False Arrest; Estimated Damages: $50,000, charged by Major for abuse of power.
KLINGBEIL, K # 8234 = Constable of Toronto Police, 14 Div, who misconduct with Major Nourhaghighi; see complaint

KNIGHT, Defendant Julie = October 1992, Central Traffic: Abuse of Power, conspiracy, perjury, verbal insult, harassment, Estimated Damages: $25,000. Knight, in addition to $90 Traffic Ticket against Major called him: "Ass-hole"; Major was shocked as said: " I am working hard at this time, 1AM, to support my children in a single family, and you are calling me asshole?" Whore generation Knight said:" Yes! I do!"; Major said:" Ass-hole is the Queen Elizabeth II that appointed you (dirty mother fucker whore) as the Constable of Toronto Police!  Charged by Major for abuse of power, and malicious prosecution too.   
LABELLE, John = On November 5, 1992, investigated Major's complaint at his home; no misconduct was noted.
LABELLE, Defendant JOSEPH = February 1994: Abuse of Power, conspiracy, perjury, verbal insult, harassment, Estimated Damages: $50,000. LABELLE, issued one ticket false ticket for Red Light in accordance to objects of Pilot conspiracy, when trial against corrupt Pilots and Old City Hall judges involved in smuggling of heroin from Iran was set for April 5, 1994. Toronto Police issued over 15 tickets against Major Nourhaghighi on two weeks of April 1994, that involved Major with court to year 2003 and more years to comes.......

Lambert, Stephine, Dangerous Driving, Dead is in the Hell!
NOT all members of Toronto Police are PIGS!Thank You MacGREGOR:
MacGregor, Grant; 12 Division reports against robbers that Major arrested them, this is statement of robber reported by MacGregor: "We-I and two criminals went into side streets and at this time the guy in the back started to say, that his man up to now killed many cab driver and robbed may cab drivers…" next page "His friend said, Yeah he robbed just now, about 3200.00. Then he became aggressive and shouted.."
In another case of robbery by five citizens, I arrested one of them, however, he pulled away from me, harshly caused permanent injuries to my fingers.
MANTLE, DONALD (Chief 1991-1995) = Major's  Complaint investigator, Abuse of Investigation Process; where tens members of Toronto Police commenced felonies against Major Nourhaghighi and his family. MANTLE, is defendant for Abuse of Power as Superintendent, Complaint Review Officer

McLEOD, D = Corrupt Acting Inspector Complaints Review that on December 20, 2000 closed Major's complaint against Constable Momeni, who is member of Iranian Criminal Organization in Toronto.
MEGAHY, Defendant, Ian = October 24, 1995 committed the Trespass to Major's home where Major defend his house and pushed him out. The Condo 935 paid bribe to Megahy to abuse his power for trespass against Major property, in accordance to objects of conspiracy.
Four months later, On January 1996, the Condo brought an application against Major and asked from the Court that Major must sell his property and attached Megahy's report. While the Courts dismissed the application; but Major suffered great damages and mental anguish from abuse of power by Megahy, which still, April 2001, Condo claim's $700 for trespass of Meghay Estimated Damages: $55,000 committed the Trespass to Major's home where Major defend his house and pushed him out.

We Are Canadian Pig PoliceKilled by Pigs Montreal Police
Montreal Police Pigs Defendants in Major's complaints Files: 02-0298, 02-0299, 02-0300, 02-0301, 02-0302,   02-0303, 02-0556, 02-0557, 02-0558!

MORRIS, Virginia, Dangerous Driving, Dead is in the Hell Now!

MORRISON, Defendant Darral = Court Security, on December 11, 1996,  tried to kill Major Nourhaghighi by continuous striking his head to the wall, and punching in his head; Morrison, with over 250 pounds than pushed Major to the ground and sat on his back and squeezed his knees to his back until has broken his ribs, at Old City Hall, Toronto. Major's ribs are still injured and in last  six years he is suffering. Estimated Damages:$10,000,000
MOMENI Constable Orank = Member of Iranian-Canadian Criminal Organization, North York, Toronto, hired by Toronto Police. On October 31, 2000, Major Nourhaghighi filed a complaint in this issue with Police against Momeni fraudulent representation.on Friday 26, October 2001 "Paseban" Momeni attended in the corrupt Fair Child Radio Station at 9PM and did not lead the callers that he was not holding rank of Captain, and entered into false complex legal speech, when he was not lawyer. "Constable" Momeni, again made fraudulent representation that he is the "Commissioned Officer" holding rank of "Captain" in the Toronto Police Forces; where none of members of Toronto Police have seen four years Police University and none was Commissioned by the Shity Queen Elizabeth II, even the dirty Chiefs of Police. On December 3, 2004, Major had short conversation with Momeni at Markham Court that indicate Momeni lack of professional knowledge. Complaint File No. 2000-0983; Damages:$100,000.00

NELSON, Amanda, Dead Dangerous Driving
O'BRIEN, Sean = Detective of Toronto Police who conducted investigation on Major complaint against uncivil conduct of police, 14 Division in hanging up the telepone on file 2000-0339. O'Brien provided his result of investigation which was better than many other investigators.

Canada means, Land of PIGS, Banner for CORRUPT CHEATER CONSTABLES Parsons and Pinchin FRAUD in ACCIDENT REPORT is Canadian Cultre!!

PARSONS, Defendant Stuart = April 16, 1994, Perjury, Abuse of Power, Obstructing Justice, being Drunk on Duty, Dangerous Driving, Careless Driving that caused to conspiracy with the corrupted pilots at Transport Canada.ed permanent injuries to Major Nourhaghighi; by intentionally ramming to Major's car in accordance to object of conspiracy.

View Larger Map
Estimated Damages: $1,500,000. Parsons is charged by Major for abuse of power, and malicious prosecution too. Ended to Major Nourhaghighi's wrongly conviction.
1- The true copy of the Police report of Accident; Number 1 driver is Major Nourhaghighi; Number 2 driver is Constable Parsons
2- The Enlarged copy of the drivers' information:

3-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles speeds in which Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour' and Driver # 2 Police speed Zero:
4-The Enlarged copy of the Driver # 1 "Major Nourhaghighi" speed is reported 10 Km/Hour:
5-The Enlarged copy of the drivers' vehicles positions in which it is clear that Number 2 Driver, Police Vehicle, has violated and made sharp right turn to the lane where Major was driving:
PHILLIPS, Detective Daniel = Attended on Friday September 21, 2000 for investigation of Major's complaint against the corrupt constable Stewart. The result of Phillips' invesigation was the most complete investigation that ever Toronto Police made in Major's complaints against police; however, due to lack of witnesses, the complaint was dismissed.

PINCHIN, Defendant Brain = April 16, 1996, at 1:AM, Perjury, Abuse of Power, Obstructing Justice, Change of Scene of Accident, Fraudulent Reports. Constable Pinchin, tried to help constable Parsons; therefore he has got "Shit Banner" which is much more worse than "Spit Banner" that Parsons got; as Parsons had personal reason to not disclose the truth; but Pinchin did not had any reason to committed several serious felony to help to Parsons. No one should ignore his ethical code and professional duty for such help that brought disgrace for whole Canadian and British nation. Estimated Damages: $1,500,000.
POWER, ? = On January 19, 2001, Constable Power of 52 Division, abused power in accordance to objects of conspiracy with the corrupted lawyersregistry clerk and  Crown in right of Canada; Power made some political abusive comments against IRAN and Aytolah Khomini, and harassed to kill Major Nourhaghighi, IF HE CONTINUE TO FIGHT AGAINST TORONTO POLICE SMUGGLING OF HEROIN FROM IRAN! reference ACTION T-1900-96 at Federal Court of Canada

POLICE VEHICLES NUMBERS = Canadian Criminal Organizations either by marked Police Vehicles harassing people or by Unmarked Vehicles. Major Nourhaghighi has been harassed by both types of vehicles, and many problems raised for him, his family and the administration of justice. The following lists is %10 of actual harassments against Major by Police Vehicles:
14S2 of Toronto Police 14 Division, drove to sidewalk-College Street to kill Major Nourhaghighi
1405 of Toronto 14 Division; on September 13, 2001, about 5:30 PM, drove to side walk  =

Queen is dirty, spit and shit at face of Queen Elizabeth II; this thief is responsible of for all dirty judges and police crimes in Britan, Ireland and Canada! Forensic psychiatrist who lectures at Cambridge University in England, studied the process of adjusting to life on the "outside" among 17 wrongly convicted men in Britan, Canada and Ireland found the trauma of being wrongly convicted often produces irreversible personality. He added: "The victims' experiences are similar to those of war crime victims. Grounds added: "Irreversible personality changes in the victims, comparable to those caused by war, according into its long-term psychological effects. Although victims of miscarriage of justice are frequently portrayed as remarkably free of bitterness - a perception fostered by pictures of euphoric celebrations when convictions are overturned- the reality is often profoundly different, the research involved British, Irish, and Canadian victims shows. For more detail see Dr. Grounds's studies!

We are the Prostitutes! Yes We are, Yes We are : Marcy Green and Nancy Russell
ROCK, Tony = False report, obstructing justice, $50,000 Damages

RUSSELL, Defendant Nancy = November 16, 1995 Perjury as witness for dirty whore March Green; Estimated Damages:$10,000,000. Russell, hand writing said that Green assaulted Major, which was true, however she testified that Major assaulted Green ended to torture by nine members pf pigs against Major.

SAGER, Lawrence 4166 = Sergeant of Toronto Police, 14 Division, who attended with shoes into the Major's Home on April 2003, to investigate Major's report of Arm robbery by Canadian Arm Forces. Sager had professional conduct!
SMITH, Gary = supervisor of 14 Div. Toronto, refused to exercise his power against Condo

SOKOLOWSKI, Joseph = Constable 5710, of 52 Division borne/or his root is Poland. Very Experience Police officer who really care about the public safety. He has over 31 years experience with Toronto Police Investigation of Accident Department, as he alleged himself to me on July 30, 2005.  Sokolowski was very upset of my traffic violation by Bicycle and was shouting at me: "You do not care of your own safety, not wearing helmet in bicycle! You are not carrying any ID! You want I take your bike?" I said very clam: "Take it!" He continued yelling at me: "OH! Yes! you don't care! How much your bike worth? " I said: "$300!" Then, Sokolowski continued: "You know! I have 31 years experience of investigating motor vehicle accidents! I have seen many people who died with having any identification!" I said: "OH! You are looking too young! Not a constable with 31 years experience! Because a man with your experience shout not yell!"
Constable Sokolowski immediately asked me apology and said I am yelling as I have pain to see a lot of people killed in the accidents! Any how I told him that at least now I have a friend from Poland. Sokolowski replied: "I have a friend from Iran! We both laughed and people who were watching us have taught that we are friends! HAHAHA
I felt that Sokolowski was honest with me and yelled as it seems to me he really care! Thank You Sokolowski!

STEPHENS, Defendant Scott = Main Party of Conspiracy of November 16, 1995 and party of conspiracy to Torture Major on December 11, 1996. Scott committed Perjury, Abuse of Power, False Charges to support Green's fraudulent allegations that caused serious harms to Major.Estimated Damages:$10,000,000

STEWARD Constable Defendant Nigel = December 11, 1996 to November 2000 involved in several conspiracies and torture, several counts of harassments, abuse of power by instructing two court officers to watch Major, and being drunk on duty with attempt to murder Major by his gun on his hand at the courtroom in Old City Hall, Toronto;  File no. 2000-0454; Estimated Damages:$10,000,000

SUDDES, Kevin = Staff-Sgt, this man is not a pig! Because he did not made a false statement in accordance to an object of conspiracy, or politic!


Travis Defendant David  = October 1991, Ex-police officer member of Metro Toronto Licensing Commission, committed assault against Major and was charged for bribery and assault; that corrupted Judge Mercer, by fraud in scheduling, dismissed all charges in Major's absent on or about February 1992; Estimated Damages: $100,000.   
University of McGrill Polic is sucks!
University of Toronto Police is sucks and is thief!
Vehicle, Toronto Police number  14S2 of 14 Division, drove to sidewalk of College Street at intersection of Major Street to kill Major Nourhaghighi who was walking to his home; in accordance to objects of conspiracy with the corrupted lawyersregistry clerk and  Crown in right of Canada
Vehicle, Toronto Police Number 1405, of 14 Division; on September 13, 2001, about 5:30 PM, drove to side walk of College Street at east of intersection Bathurst to kill Major Nourhaghighi who was walking to University of Toronto. Attack to American World Trade Center, could be the object of new series of attacks against Major, in his home, libraries and public area.

Memorandum No: 1: Vehicle, Toronto Police; February 22, 2001, Police Vehicle 14S2, 14 Division, drove to side walk of College Street at intersection of Major Street to kill Major Nourhaghighi who was walking to his home; in accordance to objects of conspiracy with the corrupted lawyersregistry clerk and  Crown in right of Canada

Memorandum No: 2: Vehicle, Toronto Police, on April 19, 2002, about 11:15 PM, at University Ave drove toward the sidewalk at Harbord to kill Major Nourhaghighi who was walking off the University of Toronto. Attack to American World Trade Center, could be the object of new series of attacks against Major, in his home, libraries and public area.

Memorandum No: 3: Vehicle, Toronto Police, on March 17, 2003, about 04:55PM, at Robert Street drove opposite to one way street and toward west sidewalk to kill Major Nourhaghighi who was walking to the University of Toronto; then shut down the engine on the spot and left the car. Two white constable, one short and other tall, about 28 years.
For X-Number Police Vehicles involved in crimes against Major Nourhaghighi see X

WALSH, Defendant Mark = August 1991, 52 Police Division: Accusations: conspiracy, false arrest, assault: bribery, interference with business; Estimated Damages: $50,000

WATSON, M. = Staff Inspector of Toronto Police Complaints Investigation Bureau who wrote a defective letter to Major Nourhaghighi on November 8, 2000, referring to his complaint against police, without mentioning the Constable name on his letter and file number. Watson, intentionally, made constructive letter to cover up the crime of the police  who acted as the party of conspiracy against Major. Toronto Police, under no condition will provide information of the Constables who commit crimes and murder according to the Government of Canada and ontario plan against politicians and Major for their activity against Queen Elizabeth in Canada.
X-corrupt Montreal Ottawa, and Toronto Police, are constables that in according to objects of conspiracies harassed Major Nourhaghighi, by different ways, such as chasing in the streets, driving to sidewalk and ....
X* No 1: Toronto Police on April 19, 2002, drove toward sidewalk at Harbord to kill Major
X* No 2: Toronto Police on Sept 20/02, at 1:30PM drove toward sidewalk at Queen to kill Major
X* No 3: Toronto Police on Sept 20/02, at 2 PM drove toward sidewalk at Spadina to kill Major
X* No 4: Toronto Police on Sept 20/02, at 9PM drove toward sidewalk at Robert to kill Major
X* No 5: Montreal Police on Sept 29/02, at 11PM drove toward Major at sidewalk to kill Major in St. Catrine West
X* No 6: Toronto Police on Jan 21/03, at 8PM drove toward sidewalk at Robert to kill Major, two pig constables
X* No 7: Toronto Police#14S5 on March 11/04, at 8:15PM drove toward sidewalk at Rippincont Street to kill Major, two pig constables
X* number = means either the Police drove so fast that it was impossible to note its number, or the condition was at the Constructive Attacks that Major could not write Police vehicle number.
Major has filed ample complaints against Montreal and Toronto Police just by refering to the numbers that were visible to him.
Young, Michael, Dangerous Driving

YU, Defendant Clifford = October 1991 52 Police Division: Accusations Abuse of power, bribery, perjury, conspiracy to cancel business, harassment, Estimated Damages: $400,000; however finally charges were dismissed after seven years legal fights and several appeals,

ZABIELSKI, Christine = Case Manager of Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services who on April 2, 2001 send Major's complaint to Cheap of Pigs Fantino and corrupt Inspector Ziraldo. On August 3, 2005, Zabielski sent me a letter indicating my complaint in file 2005-EXT-0058 against Constables Carson and Klingbel was closed having reason: "no sufficient grounds or reasons to change the decision." Perhaps, Zabieliski with evidence beyond a reasonable doubt also would not be satisfy as the 'form of her letter' is standard to sent as reply to all citizens' complaints!
Zawerbny, Robert = Constable 99603 who misconduct himself with Major, defendant in file 2000-0454
Ziraldo, Inspector Paul. = On February 2, 2001, committed frauds and forgery in his letter of investigation against Constables Goss and Ferlisi, abuse of power in accordance to objects of conspiracy with the Crown in right of Canada

Toronto Police MOTIVES against Major Nourhaghighi
1- Major Nourhaghighi grow up in a healthy family, therefore he did not had any familiar with racist before entering to Canada.
2-Toronto Police is Racist; this is a general cause against all immigrants, refugees, blacks and Asian, German and others, it is simple to say only British and Scottish have all kinds of freedoms
3- Toronto Police is Corrupt, a general cause, whoever pays bribes, Toronto Police will accept, this fact supersede all other facts

"If you wash a Cop in seven seas, when he be come wet he would be more unclean"
The original of the said sentence is from Saadi, Great persian writer who died Eight Seven Hundreds Years age; Major has just change the name of a Dog with a Cop
as dogs are more close to Human Beings than the Canadian Cop!

Police! Suck my Ass! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Few Public Comments about Toronto Police:
Canadian Police is a dirty dog that eats it own dirt-shit!
Toronto Police operate only by bribery!
Toronto Police is the biggest Liar!
To make a false statement and testimony under the oath is Toronto Police practice direction!
Toronto Police is suffering from Timidity!
Toronto Police, the worst Drivers in the World!
Ontario Police is the best agent for criminal organizations!
Royal Canadian Mounted Police the most stupid police forces in the World!
There is nothing funnier than looking to these silly bully Toronto Police Officers walking in the streets with anti bullets jackets, gan and long baton! Who said were are in Twenty One Century in Canada! Even before civilization, there was not such animal behaviours!
For more information please see: Spit in the Face of Canadian Police and Queen Elizabeth II

GOOD NEWS: Canada enforcing Law against Corrupt Police Constables:
For the first time in Canadian History, the Government is enforcing law against corrupt constables who have brought the administration of justice into disrepute.
1-  On August 16, 2001, the Toronto Star on its first page with large letters had headline against the corruption in the RCPM for which investigations were commenced for bribery, Perjury , thefts, and other felonies by its dishonest members! It seems that finally someone in listening! Or its is just a dirty show to cover-up the other corruptions!
2-  Peel Regional Police Sgt John Betts-Ontario said: "We want the public to know that we will investigate our Constables vigorously if we believe they are in the wrong. There are no exceptions to the law, and Constable  Christopher Walpole, 34, who was charged with selling ecstasy, will be before the courts, just like anybody else."
September 14, 2001, The Mississauga News, Vol 37, No. 47
3- Constable  Ronald Jordan, 52, was charged for theft over $5000. Jordan was stealing a generator valued at nearly $100,000. Sgt Betts said: "Construction equipment is popular to steal and sell."  Jordan was also charged with three counts of obstruction of justice, breach of trust, and bribery.  Jordan was accepting a bribe after allegedly giving confidential information to a private investigator in exchange for money.
September 14, 2001, The Mississauga News, Vol 37, No. 47

Bad News:
Corrupt Pigs Police Suing the Cheap of Thief!

Chief of Pigs sued for $116 Millions by 8 pigs involved in smuggling! However this Pig Fantino was better than other Pigs! There is no way to WIN against PIGS! [January 21, 2003, Toronto Sun]

Shakespeare: Iranian Keir [Penis]
are much better than the Crown of the Queen!
I Love Persian Penis much more than all golds
Persian Penes are harder and bigger than the British Flag
Persian Penes rubs whole British and Canadian souls and aspirations
Much more better than the Crown of the Queen!
Poet Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi, July 15, 2002, Toronto, Canada
The banners over dirty head of each corrupted Toronto Police Constables indicate that they
have exceed the standards of crimes and wrongdoing; and as the words
of banner get dirtier, it indicate the high level of outrageous and
wanton committed by the corrupted Toronto Officers
September 6, 2002 URGENT
Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services
25 Grosvenor Street, Toronto,
Fax No: (416) 314 2036
This is a complaint against continuous harassing calls of Constable Christian Farrell # 406.
I am Iranian, my religion is Islam, and I am lawful immigrant in Canada. I am single parent, and since March 1991, I am living in same address. Since 1991 the Toronto Police without any cause continuously, is intercepting me, trespassing my property, and by conspiracy and forgery bringing malicious prosecutions against me. Ample complaints, and court actions against Police, due to assaults and tortures by police were my children, and me suffered serious nervous shock.
The courts rendered numerous Judgments against police; your office never charged them.
On November 24, 1997 the Provincial Judge Milton A. Cadsby, after four days trials clearly brought in his judgment that: I find that he-me was being propelled by Detective Follert, by his tie, which was torn as a result of the force as was his shirt. He-me was ten taken into a search room, in the cell area, where his legs were shackle; he pushed flat down onto the floor and sat upon...a court officer who weighed about 250 pounds. When I review all of these facts, I take into consideration that the defendant-me was not violent criminal. It seems as though he was treated as a violent criminal... What happened in this case is very sad and very unfortunate. He-me was engaged in litigation with one or more of these officers...That well most of these people-police were people who were ill disposed towards him-me. These charges are dismissed. This is proof of malicious prosecution for which my actions are yet pending in the court.
On September 02, and 4, 2002, suddenly, in accordance to certain objects of a conspiracy to mislead the Federal Government, Constable Farrell, three times called my daughter's telephone number and left harassing messages for me. I called Farrell, and left messages: Do not call my daughter's telephone, and write all issues to me. On September 5, at 2 PM I attended at Police Headquarter, but no one knows Farrell. However, Farrell called my daughter's telephone number again and left message that she cannot write to me. I left message that I will wait for her call up to 6PM and asked her to cease the harassing calls and nuisance. She did not return my call.
On September 6, at 10 AM, I called Farrell and asked for her identification. Farrell said: "I will give it to you when I see you at your Home!" I said: police tortured me... Farrell said: "I know all about your complaints". I said: "I will not allow you to come to my Home." And again asked her for her identification; she was rude, and for each my question was arguing, and giving me contradictory replies. I said: "Yesterday Police Headquarter said you do not work there?" Farrell said: "I work somewhere else? " Several times I asked for Farrell's Work address, she refused to give it to me, and once said: "40 College" where no one knows her, and previously said that she was working "Somewhere else?" I asked for her first name; Farrell refused to provide me.
I asked: "Is it Christine?" She shouted: "What the hell you are talking?"
On December 11, 1996, nine members of police tortured me. Police did not release all offenders' identification. It took me a costly investigation and court process until I find only four offenders' names. I have litigations against Police. I am not legally allowed to have direct communication with any member of Toronto Police. ALL issues shall proceed before court.
All reply to my complaints and investigation thereto must be, only, in writing. Any kind of harassing calls, and interceptions will end to my complaint to Justice of Peace, under the C. Code.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
CC: Chief of Toronto Police Fantino Fax (416) 808 8202
CC: Supervisor of Constable Farrell, Fax (416) 808 3502
Toronto Police Professional Conduct Office TEL (416) 808 4620
Toronto Police General Information Office TEL (416) 808 2222
Comunity Service Information 211
Crime STOPPERS TEL 1 800 222 8477
Across Canada Ambulance, FIRE, Police-Emergency Only Call 911

January 25, 2005
Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services; File No. 2005-EXT-0058
25 Grosvenor Street, 1st Fl
Toronto, ON M7A 1Y6
VIA FACSIMILE: (416) 314 2036
Dear Sir/Madam:
This is a complaint against Toronto Police Constables, Jane Doe with badge number 5253 [L. Carson and K. Klingbeil] of 14 Division, for professional misconduct, refusing to exercise her power under the Criminal Code, interfering with my interests, arguing matters that did not had skills, and asking private questions.
On January 21, 2005, about 5 PM, Rubin PEREZ, the Superintendent of our condominium*, harassed me with a knife. Perez obstructed my access to the elevators, and was abusive and drunk, twisting a metal chain with keys in front of my face and challenging me for fight.
Since January 7, 2005, Perez is continuously following me everywhere in the building [parking area, saunas, hallway, lobby, and outside of building] and arguing with me for the legal actions that I have against his wife, and him. Perez is continuing his harassments up to this date.
I called police; two females constables attended at my apartment. None of them was wearing their hats, and they had excessive make up; which is not professional. They enter into my home with street boots, where the streets are dirty due to snow that we have in last few weeks in Toronto. They could talk with me at lobby; according to my religion, no one should enter into our home with shoes or boots. I gave all said information against PEREZ and I saw that 5253 wrote on her notebook. Then, 5253 entered into an argument with me that why I do not sell my property, that the maintenance fee was same as her condominium; who lives with me, how old is my son; how long I live there, etc which were not related to my complaint against Perez. Finally, 5253 said that would arrest Perez and got his apartment number 504 from me, and left.
Ten minutes later, Constables again knocked at my door and entered into my home with boots. 5253 said no one was in Perez' home [while I saw from window, their light was on; she clearly lied]. She said that did not see Perez name on the board. Then, I saw 5253 scratched PEREZ' name on her notebook, alleging that I did not provide her with correct name. I brought the lawsuit against Perez and I proved that I have given correct name to her; but, she was not ready to listen and commence asking me that: "Who are these people on the lawsuit?" and asking me to explain each defendants, and I saw that she was taking notes. Then, Constable 5253 told me that on lobby she talked with few owners and they told her that there was not Toxic Mould in their apartment!
I explained that Perez and his wife intentionally grown Toxic Mould in my apartment that they be able to buy my Unit cheap and sell it more. 5253 argued with me that: it is legal, they can do that! She encouraged me to talk with 'Condominium Corporation' but she did not know what she was talking. I told her that the Condominium was a defendant. She said: "No! I mean complaint to a corporation higher than Condominium Corporation, I live in condominium and I know!" I told that I complaint to the Court which is the highest levels! She was arguing that I do not know the Condominium Act and she knew! I showed her the Judgment of Madam Justice Boland that I won legal battle against the Condominium's lawyers, to prove my knowledge. However, yet she was persisting to mislead me to something that she did not did not have knowledge, or jurisdiction to provide a legal advise. 5253 several times encouraged me to sell my property; that is interferences with my interests, and attack to my morality in pending legal matter before the Court. 5253 was rude as she argued matters that were not her skill and may cause liability against her and police.
*608-456 College Street
Toronto, ON, M6G 4A3

On July 29, 2009, two corrupt members of Toronto Police 14 Division trespassed Major Nourhaghighi. From June to October 2009, countless members of Toronto Police and their agents have trespassed Major Nourhaghighi's home to create fabricating records for corrupt Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

September 22, 2010
Office of the Independent Police Review Director
655 Bay Street, 10th Floor, Toronto, ON M7A 2T4
Fax: 416-327-8332
Dear Director
This is a complaint against Toronto Police, 52 Division as against: (a) the professional misconducts of two constables, and (b) the policies of parking vehicles in front of the division.

(a)- the professional misconducts of two constables; Background:
On September 10, 2010, I placed all my properties in the locker number 2134 at the University of Toronto Athletic Centre ("AC"); about 8pm I notices that my properties have been stolen. I reported to the staff. The AC has a seizer to cut the locks. They did NOT call the campus police and have shown no interest to take a report and have demonstrated nervous behaviors and hostile misconduct. In particular, the keys of my condo and bicycle were among stolen property. Staff, did not show any sympathy or empathy, did not agree to cut my bicycle lock, and have threatened me that whoever attempt to cut the lock the police would arrest. Thus, there were reasonable grounds of bias, conspiracy and theft by staff and their agents.
On September 22, 2010, I appeared before Justice of Peace Lynette Stethem at the Ontario Court of Justice at 60 Queen Street west. I asked for charge of conspiracy and theft against AC. Stethem JP found that "very strange and there is animosity against you, go to the Toronto Police ask them to come with you to take you bike, then come with a police report to lay charges". I asked upon what grounds Police must help me. Stethem JP stated: "Under the threat… you have been threaten to take your bike."
About 4pm I entered into 52 Division; a constable asked me to go to a room at north west corner, where I saw three desks and just a constable John Doe-1, sitting behind the first desk, no one was there; yet Doe-1 told me to wait, which took more than 30 minutes. Then called me and with rush took a very brief report, did not ask if I suspect any one, rejected to investigate, rejected to send a cop that I take my bike and clearly stated: "Justice of Peace had no knowledge. In this period, another constable John Doe-2 came in and went and sat in last desk. Doe-2, heard my report and unlawfully interfered with process. Doe-1 did not provide his business card to me and just wrote the Occurrence # 3912809 and gave to me. While I was waiting at the hall, I saw Doe-2 was talking with the parents and daughter for more than 30 minutes, the daughter was crying and Doe-2 was investigating and giving them instruction. I believe the citizens are entitled to be treated with respect and their privacy should be protected.
View Larger Map
Google Map took This image of 52 Division before year 2010 when Major nourhaghighi can recall that since 1990 Toronto Police never allowing any kind of car be parked in front of the Division, even the Toronto Police vehicles

Three photos were taken from Google Image showing riot in Toronto on June 2010 where number of Toronto Police vehicles were put on fire. Major Nourhaghighi, immediately, stated to the media that the Canadian Spying Agency called CSIS and The Government agents did the crimes to justify 2 Billion dollars corruption and theft in the name of "security for G20"

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